public StandardDialog(Frame owner, string title, bool modal)
   int num = modal ? 1 : 0;
   base.\u002Ector(owner, title, num != 0);
   StandardDialog standardDialog = this;
   this.cancelled = false;
 public FontChooserDialog(Frame owner, string title, bool modal, Font font)
   int num = modal ? 1 : 0;
   // ISSUE: explicit constructor call
   base.\u002Ector(owner, title, num != 0);
   FontChooserDialog fontChooserDialog = this;
   this.setContentPane((Container) this.createContent(font));
 public AboutDialog(Frame owner, string title, ProjectInfo project)
   AboutDialog aboutDialog = this;
   this.init(title, project.getName(), new StringBuffer().append("Version ").append(project.getVersion()).toString(), project.getInfo(), project.getLogo(), project.getCopyright(), project.getLicenceText(), project.getContributors(), project);
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructs a new invisible window with the specified
		/// <code>Frame</code> as its owner.
		/// </summary>
		public Window(Frame @owner)
 public TabbedDialog(Frame owner, string title, bool modal)
   int num = modal ? 1 : 0;
   base.\u002Ector(owner, title, num != 0);
 public TabbedDialog(Frame owner, string title)
   base.\u002Ector(owner, title);
 public TabbedDialog(Frame owner)
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the frame to use for class methods in which a frame is
		/// not provided.
		/// </summary>
		static public void setRootFrame(Frame @newRootFrame)
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with the
		/// specified owner frame, title, modality, and
		/// <code>GraphicsConfiguration</code>.
		/// </summary>
		public Dialog(Frame @owner, string @title, bool @modal, GraphicsConfiguration @gc)
			: base(owner)
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructs an initially invisible <code>Dialog</code> with the
		/// specified owner frame, title, and modality.
		/// </summary>
		public Dialog(Frame @owner, string @title, bool @modal)
			: base(owner)
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructs an initially invisible, non-modal <code>Dialog</code> with
		/// the specified owner frame and title.
		/// </summary>
		public Dialog(Frame @owner, string @title)
			: base(owner)
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructs an initially invisible <code>Dialog</code> with an empty title,
		/// the specified owner frame and modality.
		/// </summary>
		public Dialog(Frame @owner, bool @modal)
			: base(owner)
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructs an initially invisible, non-modal <code>Dialog</code> with
		/// an empty title and the specified owner frame.
		/// </summary>
		public Dialog(Frame @owner)
			: base(owner)
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a non-modal dialog without a title with the
		/// specified <code>Frame</code> as its owner.
		/// </summary>
		public JDialog(Frame @owner)
			: base(@owner)