Exemple #1
         *  @brief Gets a new data sample from the smoothing algorithm
         *  @param[in] timestamp
         *  @return smoothed value in PXCPoint3DF32 format
        public PXCMPoint3DF32 GetSample(Int64 timestamp)
            PXCMPoint3DF32 point = new PXCMPoint3DF32();

            PXCMDataSmoothing_Smoother3D_GetSample(instance, timestamp, out point);
         *  @brief Return the 3D center of mass of the hand in world space (in meters).
        public PXCMPoint3DF32 QueryMassCenterWorld()
            PXCMPoint3DF32 point = new PXCMPoint3DF32();

            PXCMHandData_IHand_QueryMassCenterWorld(instance, ref point);
        internal static Int32 QueryFeaturePointsINT(IntPtr util, Int32 size, PXCMPoint3DF32[] points, Boolean returnActive, Boolean returnInactive)
            if (size == 0 || points==null) return 0;

            IntPtr ppoints = IntPtr.Zero;
            Int32 numPoints = PXCMTrackerUtils_QueryFeaturePoints(util, size, out ppoints, returnActive, returnInactive);
            for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(size, numPoints); i++)
                Marshal.PtrToStructure(ppoints, points[i]);
                ppoints = new IntPtr(ppoints.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PXCMPoint3DF32)));
            return Math.Min(size, numPoints);
     @brief Add a new data sample to the smoothing algorithm
     @param[in] value the latest data sample 
     @return smoothed value in PXCMPoint3DF32 format		
 public PXCMPoint3DF32 SmoothValue(PXCMPoint3DF32 value)
     return PXCMSmoother_Smoother3D_SmoothValue(instance, value);
 internal static extern pxcmStatus PXCMProjection_ProjectCameraToColor(IntPtr p, Int32 npoints, PXCMPoint3DF32[] pos3d, [Out] PXCMPointF32[] pos_ij);
 public AngleAxis()
     axis = new PXCMPoint3DF32();
     angle = 0;
     @brief Return the 3D center of mass of the hand in world space (in meters).
 public PXCMPoint3DF32 QueryMassCenterWorld()
     PXCMPoint3DF32 point = new PXCMPoint3DF32();
     PXCMHandData_IHand_QueryMassCenterWorld(instance, ref point);
     return point;
     @brief Map depth coordinates to world coordinates for a few pixels.
     @param[in]	pos_uvz		The array of depth coordinates + depth value in the PXCMPoint3DF32 structure.
     @param[out]	pos3d		The array of world coordinates, in mm, to be returned.
     @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR Successful execution.
 public pxcmStatus ProjectDepthToCamera(PXCMPoint3DF32[] pos_uvz, PXCMPoint3DF32[] pos3d)
     return PXCMProjection_ProjectDepthToCamera(instance, pos_uvz.Length, pos_uvz, pos3d);
 internal extern static void PXCMRotation_SetFromEulerAngles(IntPtr instance, PXCMPoint3DF32 eulerAngles, PXCMRotation.EulerOrder order);
Exemple #10
  *  @brief Add a new data sample to the smoothing algorithm
  *  @param[in] value the latest data sample
  *  @return smoothed value in PXCMPoint3DF32 format
 public PXCMPoint3DF32 SmoothValue(PXCMPoint3DF32 value)
     return(PXCMSmoother_Smoother3D_SmoothValue(instance, value));
            @brief: Allows Users to access the surface's vertices
            that are within view from camera's current pose.
            @param[out] vertices: Array of pre-allocated PXCMPoint3DF32 to store
            vertices. Each element is a vector of x, y and z components. The 
            image size in pixels must be QVGA and hence the array
            size in bytes should be: (PXCMPoint3DF32's byte size) x (320 x 240)
            @returns: On success PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR,			
            Otherwise error code will be returned on failure
        public pxcmStatus GetVertices(PXCMPoint3DF32[] vertices)
            return PXCMScenePerception_GetVertices(instance, vertices);
            @brief: Allows users to access normals of surface that are within
            view from the camera's current pose.

            @param[out] normals: Array of pre-allocated PXCMPoint3DF32 to store 
            normal vectors. Each normal vector has three components namely x, y 
            and z. The size in pixels must be QVGA and hence the array size in 
            bytes should be: (PXCMPoint3DF32's byte size) x (320 x 240) 

            @returns: On success PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR,			
            Otherwise error code will be returned on failure
        public pxcmStatus GetNormals(PXCMPoint3DF32[] normals)
            return PXCMScenePerception_GetNormals(instance, normals);
 internal extern static void PXCMDataSmoothing_Smoother3D_GetSample(IntPtr instance, Int64 timestamp, out PXCMPoint3DF32 sample);
 internal extern static pxcmStatus PXCMDataSmoothing_Smoother3D_AddSample(IntPtr instance, PXCMPoint3DF32 newSample, Int64 timestamp);
      @brief Add a new data sample to the smoothing algorithm
      @param[in] newSample the latest data sample 
      @param[in] timestamp
      @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR		
 public pxcmStatus AddSample(PXCMPoint3DF32 newSample)
     return AddSample(newSample, 0);
Exemple #16
 internal extern static PXCMPoint3DF32 PXCMSmoother_Smoother3D_SmoothValue(IntPtr instance, PXCMPoint3DF32 value);
 internal extern static pxcmStatus PXCMDataSmoothing_Smoother3D_AddSample(IntPtr instance, PXCMPoint3DF32 newSample, Int64 timestamp);
     @brief Retrieve the vertices for the specific depth image. The vertices is a PXCMPoint3DF32 array of depth 
     size width*height. The world coordiantes units are in mm.
     @param[in]  depth		The depth image instance.
     @param[out] inv_uvmap	The inverse UV map, to be returned.
     @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR Successful execution.
 public pxcmStatus QueryVertices(PXCMImage depth, PXCMPoint3DF32[] vertices)
     return PXCMProjection_QueryVertices(instance, depth.instance, vertices);
 internal extern static void PXCMDataSmoothing_Smoother3D_GetSample(IntPtr instance, Int64 timestamp, out PXCMPoint3DF32 sample);
     @brief Map camera coordinates to depth coordinates for a few pixels.
     @param[in]	pos3d		The array of world coordinates, in mm.
     @param[out]	pos_uv		The array of depth coordinates, to be returned.
     @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR Successful execution.
 public pxcmStatus ProjectCameraToDepth(PXCMPoint3DF32[] pos3d, PXCMPointF32[] pos_uv)
     return PXCMProjection_ProjectCameraToDepth(instance, pos3d.Length, pos3d, pos_uv);
Exemple #21
 internal extern static pxcmStatus PXCMPointConverter_Set3DPoint(IntPtr instance, PXCMPoint3DF32 point3D);
Exemple #22
        @brief Set rotation based on Euler angles representation.
        Euler angles are a 3D point that represents rotation in 3D. Each variable is the angle 
        of rotation around a certain axis (x/y/z). 
        @param[in] eulerAngles the rotation in Euler angles representation.
        @param[in] order the order in which we set the rotation (ROLL_PITCH_YAW as default).
    public void SetFromEulerAngles(PXCMPoint3DF32 eulerAngles, PXCMRotation.EulerOrder order)
        PXCMRotation_SetFromEulerAngles(instance, eulerAngles, order); 
Exemple #23
 internal extern static PXCMPoint3DF32 PXCMRotation_RotateVector(IntPtr instance, PXCMPoint3DF32 vec);
Exemple #24
  *   @brief Add a new data sample to the smoothing algorithm
  *   @param[in] newSample the latest data sample
  *   @param[in] timestamp
  *   @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR
 public pxcmStatus AddSample(PXCMPoint3DF32 newSample)
     return(AddSample(newSample, 0));
Exemple #25
 internal extern static void PXCMRotation_SetFromEulerAngles(IntPtr instance, PXCMPoint3DF32 eulerAngles, PXCMRotation.EulerOrder order);
Exemple #26
 internal extern static PXCMPoint3DF32 PXCMSmoother_Smoother3D_SmoothValue(IntPtr instance, PXCMPoint3DF32 value);
Exemple #27
 internal extern static void PXCMRotation_SetFromAngleAxis(IntPtr instance, Single angle, PXCMPoint3DF32 axis);
Exemple #28
 public PXCMBox3DF32(PXCMPoint3DF32 centerOffset, PXCMPoint3DF32 dimension)
     this.centerOffset = centerOffset;
     this.dimension    = dimension;
Exemple #29
  *      @brief Set 2D point to be converted
  *      @note only relevant when using CreateCustomPointConverter
  *      @return PXCM_STATUS_ITEM_UNAVAILABLE if not using CustomPointConverter
 public pxcmStatus Set3DPoint(PXCMPoint3DF32 point3D)
     return(PXCMPointConverter_Set3DPoint(instance, point3D));
     @brief Add a new data sample to the smoothing algorithm
     @param[in] newSample the latest data sample 
     @param[in] timestamp
     @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR		
 public pxcmStatus AddSample(PXCMPoint3DF32 newSample, Int64 timestamp)
     return PXCMDataSmoothing_Smoother3D_AddSample(instance, newSample, timestamp);
	    *	Retrieve the detected feature points for map creation.  Active points are ones which have been detected
	    *	in the current frame, inactive points were detected previously but are not detected in the current frame.
	    *	\param points:		Array where the feature points will be stored
	    *	\param returnActive: Return the active (currently tracked) features in the array
	    *	\param returnInactive: Return the inactive (not currently tracked) features in the array
	    *	\return The number of feature points copied into \c points
	    *	\sa QueryNumberFeaturePoints
	    *	\sa Start3DMapCreation
	    *	\sa Start3DMapExtension
	    public Int32 QueryFeaturePoints(PXCMPoint3DF32[] points, Boolean returnActive, Boolean returnInactive) {
            return QueryFeaturePointsINT(instance, (points==null)?0:points.Length, points, returnActive, returnInactive);
     @brief Gets a new data sample from the smoothing algorithm
     @param[in] timestamp
     @return smoothed value in PXCPoint3DF32 format		
 public PXCMPoint3DF32 GetSample(Int64 timestamp)
     PXCMPoint3DF32 point = new PXCMPoint3DF32();
     PXCMDataSmoothing_Smoother3D_GetSample(instance, timestamp, out point);
     return point;
Exemple #33
  *  @brief Get rotated vector according to current rotation.
  *  @param[in] vec - the vector we want to rotate
  *  @return rotated vector according to current rotation.
 public PXCMPoint3DF32 RotateVector(PXCMPoint3DF32 vec)
     return(PXCMRotation_RotateVector(instance, vec));
Exemple #34
 internal extern static PXCMPoint3DF32 PXCMRotation_RotateVector(IntPtr instance, PXCMPoint3DF32 vec);
Exemple #35
  *  @brief Set rotation based on Euler angles representation.
  *  Euler angles are a 3D point that represents rotation in 3D. Each variable is the angle
  *  of rotation around a certain axis (x/y/z).
  *  @param[in] eulerAngles the rotation in Euler angles representation.
  *  @param[in] order the order in which we set the rotation (ROLL_PITCH_YAW as default).
 public void SetFromEulerAngles(PXCMPoint3DF32 eulerAngles, PXCMRotation.EulerOrder order)
     PXCMRotation_SetFromEulerAngles(instance, eulerAngles, order);
Exemple #36
 internal extern static void PXCMRotation_SetFromAngleAxis(IntPtr instance, Single angle, PXCMPoint3DF32 axis);
Exemple #37
  *  @brief Set rotation based on a rotation angle(RADIANS) around an axis.
  *  angle-axis represents rotation (angle in RADIANS) around an axis
  *  @param[in] angle rotation angle (RADIANS).
  *  @param[in] axis rotation around this axis.
 public void SetFromAngleAxis(Single angle, PXCMPoint3DF32 axis)
     PXCMRotation_SetFromAngleAxis(instance, angle, axis);
        /* Member Functions */

            @brief Map depth coordinates to color coordinates for a few pixels.
            @param[in]	pos_uvz		The array of depth coordinates + depth value in the PXCMPoint3DF32 structure.
            @param[out]	pos_ij		The array of color coordinates, to be returned.
            @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR Successful execution.
        public pxcmStatus MapDepthToColor(PXCMPoint3DF32[] pos_uvz, PXCMPointF32[] pos_ij)
            return PXCMProjection_MapDepthToColor(instance, pos_uvz.Length, pos_uvz, pos_ij);
Exemple #39
 public AngleAxis()
     axis  = new PXCMPoint3DF32();
     angle = 0;
     @brief Map color pixel coordinates to camera coordinates for a few pixels.
     @param[in]	pos_ijz		The array of color coordinates + depth value in the PXCMPoint3DF32 structure.
     @param[out]	pos3d		The array of camera coordinates, in mm, to be returned.
     @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR Successful execution.
 public pxcmStatus ProjectColorToCamera(PXCMPoint3DF32[] pos_ijz, PXCMPoint3DF32[] pos3d)
     return PXCMProjection_ProjectColorToCamera(instance, pos_ijz.Length, pos_ijz, pos3d);
Exemple #41
 public PXCMBox3DF32(PXCMPoint3DF32 centerOffset, PXCMPoint3DF32 dimension)
     this.centerOffset = centerOffset;
     this.dimension = dimension; 
     @brief Map camera coordinates to color coordinates for a few pixels.
     @param[in]	pos3d		The array of world coordinates, in mm.
     @param[out]	pos_ij		The array of color coordinates, to be returned.
     @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR Successful execution.
 public pxcmStatus ProjectCameraToColor(PXCMPoint3DF32[] pos3d, PXCMPointF32[] pos_ij)
     return PXCMProjection_ProjectCameraToColor(instance, pos3d.Length, pos3d, pos_ij);
Exemple #43
 internal static extern void PXCMHandData_IHand_QueryMassCenterWorld(IntPtr instance, ref PXCMPoint3DF32 point);
Exemple #44
        @brief Get rotated vector according to current rotation.
        @param[in] vec - the vector we want to rotate
        @return rotated vector according to current rotation.
	public PXCMPoint3DF32 RotateVector(PXCMPoint3DF32 vec) {
        return PXCMRotation_RotateVector(instance, vec);
 internal static extern pxcmStatus PXCMProjection_MapDepthToColor(IntPtr p, Int32 npoints, PXCMPoint3DF32[] pos_uvz, [Out] PXCMPointF32[] pos_ij);
Exemple #46
        @brief Set rotation based on a rotation angle(RADIANS) around an axis.
        angle-axis represents rotation (angle in RADIANS) around an axis
        @param[in] angle rotation angle (RADIANS).
        @param[in] axis rotation around this axis. 
	public void SetFromAngleAxis(Single angle, PXCMPoint3DF32 axis) {
	    PXCMRotation_SetFromAngleAxis(instance, angle, axis);
 internal static extern pxcmStatus PXCMProjection_ProjectDepthToCamera(IntPtr p, Int32 npoints, PXCMPoint3DF32[] pos_uvz, [Out] PXCMPoint3DF32[] pos3d);
Exemple #48
 internal static extern void PXCMHandData_IHand_QueryMassCenterWorld(IntPtr instance, ref PXCMPoint3DF32 point);
Exemple #49
  *  @brief Add a new data sample to the smoothing algorithm
  *  @param[in] newSample the latest data sample
  *  @param[in] timestamp
 public pxcmStatus AddSample(PXCMPoint3DF32 newSample, Int64 timestamp)
     return(PXCMDataSmoothing_Smoother3D_AddSample(instance, newSample, timestamp));