Lexicographical parser.
A number directly following the escape character '\' in a string is assumed to be in decimal format instead of octal. Binary numbers of the form 0b.. or 0B.. can also be used.
		public Texture2D ParseImageProgram(string source, ref DateTime timeStamp, ref TextureDepth depth)
			_lexer = new idLexer(LexerOptions.NoFatalErrors | LexerOptions.NoStringConcatination | LexerOptions.NoStringEscapeCharacters | LexerOptions.AllowPathNames);
			_lexer.LoadMemory(source, source);

			return ParseImageProgram(ref timeStamp, ref depth, false);
		private void ParseJoint(idLexer lexer, idMD5Joint joint, ref idJointQuaternion defaultPose)
			// parse name
			joint.Name = lexer.ReadToken().ToString();

			// parse parent
			int parentIndex = lexer.ParseInt();

			if(parentIndex >= 0)
				if(parentIndex >= (_joints.Length - 1))
					lexer.Error("Invalid parent for joint '{0}'", joint.Name);

				joint.Parent = _joints[parentIndex];
			// parse default pose
			float[] tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);
			defaultPose.Translation = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);

			tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);
			defaultPose.Quaternion = new Quaternion(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], 0);
			defaultPose.Quaternion.W = idHelper.CalculateW(defaultPose.Quaternion);
		public Texture2D ParseImageProgram(idLexer lexer)
			_lexer = lexer;

			DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.Now;;
			TextureDepth depth = TextureDepth.Default;

			return ParseImageProgram(ref timeStamp, ref depth, true);
		private void MatchAndAppendToken(idLexer lexer, string match)
			if(_lexer.ExpectTokenString(match) == false)

			// a matched token won't need a leading space
Exemple #5
		public virtual bool HandleSingleGuiCommand(idEntity entityGui, idLexer lexer)
			return false;
Exemple #6
		public static idMapBrush ParseQ3(idLexer lexer, Vector3 origin)
			int rotate;
			int[] shift = new int[2];
			float[] scale = new float[2];

			Vector3[] planePoints = new Vector3[3];
			List<idMapBrushSide> sides = new List<idMapBrushSide>();
			idMapBrushSide side;
			idToken token;

				if(lexer.CheckTokenString("}") == true)

				side = new idMapBrushSide();

				// read the three point plane definition
				float[] tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);
				float[] tmp2 = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);
				float[] tmp3 = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);

				if((tmp == null) || (tmp2 == null) || (tmp3 == null))
					lexer.Error("idMapBrush::ParseQ3: unable to read brush side plane definition");
					return null;

				planePoints[0] = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]) - origin;
				planePoints[1] = new Vector3(tmp2[0], tmp2[1], tmp2[2]) - origin;
				planePoints[2] = new Vector3(tmp3[0], tmp3[1], tmp3[2]) - origin;

				side.Plane.FromPoints(planePoints[0], planePoints[1], planePoints[2]);

				// read the material
				token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine();

				if(token == null)
					lexer.Error("idMapBrush::ParseQ3: unable to read brush side material");
					return null;

				// we have an implicit 'textures/' in the old format
				side.Material = "textures/" + token.ToString();

				// read the texture shift, rotate and scale
				shift[0] = lexer.ParseInt();
				shift[1] = lexer.ParseInt();

				rotate = lexer.ParseInt();

				scale[0] = lexer.ParseFloat();
				scale[1] = lexer.ParseFloat();

				side.TextureMatrix[0] = new Vector3(0.03125f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				side.TextureMatrix[1] = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.03125f, 0.0f);

				side.Origin = origin;

				// Q2 allowed override of default flags and values, but we don't any more
				if(lexer.ReadTokenOnLine() != null)
					if(lexer.ReadTokenOnLine() != null)
						if(lexer.ReadTokenOnLine() != null)


			idMapBrush brush = new idMapBrush();

			for(int i = 0; i < sides.Count; i++)

			brush.Dict = new idDict();

			return brush;
Exemple #7
		public static idMapEntity Parse(idLexer lexer, bool isWordSpawn = false, float version = idMapFile.CurrentMapVersion)
			idToken token;

			if((token = lexer.ReadToken()) == null)
				return null;

			if(token.ToString() != "{")
				lexer.Error("idMapEntity.Parse: {{ not found, found {0}", token.ToString());
				return null;

			idMapEntity mapEnt = new idMapEntity();
			idMapBrush mapBrush = null;
			idMapPatch mapPatch = null;
			Vector3 origin = Vector3.Zero;
			bool worldEnt = false;
			string tokenValue;

				if((token = lexer.ReadToken()) == null)
					lexer.Error("idMapEntity.Parse: EOF without closing brace");
					return null;

				if(token.ToString() == "}")

				if(token.ToString() == "{")
					// parse a brush or patch
					if((token = lexer.ReadToken()) == null)
						lexer.Error("idMapEntity.Parse: unexpected EOF");
						return null;

					if(worldEnt == true)
						origin = Vector3.Zero;

					tokenValue = token.ToString();

					// if is it a brush: brush, brushDef, brushDef2, brushDef3
					if(tokenValue.StartsWith("brush", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true)
						mapBrush = idMapBrush.Parse(lexer, origin, (tokenValue.Equals("brushDef2", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || tokenValue.Equals("brushDef3", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)), version);

						if(mapBrush == null)
							return null;

					// if is it a patch: patchDef2, patchDef3
					else if(tokenValue.StartsWith("patch", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true)
						mapPatch = idMapPatch.Parse(lexer, origin, tokenValue.Equals("patchDef3", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), version);

						if(mapPatch == null)
							return null;

					// assume it's a brush in Q3 or older style
						lexer.UnreadToken = token;

						mapBrush = idMapBrush.ParseQ3(lexer, origin);

						if(mapBrush == null)
							return null;

					// parse a key / value pair
					string key = token.ToString();
					token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine();
					string value = token.ToString();

					// strip trailing spaces that sometimes get accidentally added in the editor
					value = value.Trim();
					key = key.Trim();

					mapEnt.Dict.Set(key, value);

					if(key.Equals("origin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true)
						// scanf into doubles, then assign, so it is idVec size independent
						string[] parts = value.Split(' ');

						float.TryParse(parts[0], out origin.X);
						float.TryParse(parts[1], out origin.Y);
						float.TryParse(parts[2], out origin.Z);
					else if((key.Equals("classname", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true) && (value.Equals("worldspawn", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true))
						worldEnt = true;

			return mapEnt;
Exemple #8
		public static idMapPatch Parse(idLexer lexer, Vector3 origin, bool patchDef3 = true, float version = idMapFile.CurrentMapVersion)
			if(lexer.ExpectTokenString("{") == false)
				return null;

			// read the material (we had an implicit 'textures/' in the old format...)
			idToken token = lexer.ReadToken();

			if(token == null)
				lexer.Error("idMapPatch::Parse: unexpected EOF");
				return null;

			// Parse it
			float[] info;

			if(patchDef3 == true)
				info = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(7);

				if(info == null)
					lexer.Error("idMapPatch::Parse: unable to Parse patchDef3 info");
					return null;
				info = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(5);

				if(info == null)
					lexer.Error("idMapPatch::Parse: unable to parse patchDef2 info");
					return null;

			idMapPatch patch = new idMapPatch((int) info[0], (int) info[1]);

			if(version < 2.0f)
				patch.Material = "textures/" + token.ToString();
				patch.Material = token.ToString();

			if(patchDef3 == true)
				patch.HorizontalSubdivisions = (int) info[2];
				patch.VerticalSubdivisions = (int) info[3];
				patch.ExplicitlySubdivided = true;

			if((patch.Width < 0) || (patch.Height < 0))
				lexer.Error("idMapPatch::Parse: bad size");
				return null;

			// these were written out in the wrong order, IMHO
			if(lexer.ExpectTokenString("(") == false)
				lexer.Error("idMapPatch::Parse: bad patch vertex data");
				return null;

			for(int j = 0; j < patch.Width; j++)
				if(lexer.ExpectTokenString("(") == false)
					lexer.Error("idMapPatch::Parse: bad vertex row data");
					return null;

				for(int i = 0; i < patch.Height; i++)
					float[] v = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(5);

					if(v == null)
						lexer.Error("idMapPatch::Parse: bad vertex column data");
						return null;

					Vertex vert = new Vertex();
					vert.Position.X = v[0] - origin.X;
					vert.Position.Y = v[1] - origin.Y;
					vert.Position.Z = v[2] - origin.Z;
					vert.TextureCoordinates = new Vector2(v[3], v[4]);

					patch.SetVertex(i * patch.Width + j, vert);

				if(lexer.ExpectTokenString(")") == false)
					lexer.Error("idMapPatch::Parse: unable to parse patch control points");
					return null;

			if(lexer.ExpectTokenString(")") == false)
				lexer.Error("idMapPatch::Parse: unable to parse patch control points, no closure" );
				return null;

			// read any key/value pairs
			while((token = lexer.ReadToken()) != null)
				if(token.ToString() == "}")

				if(token.Type == TokenType.String)
					string key = token.ToString();
					token = lexer.ExpectTokenType(TokenType.String, 0);

					patch.Dict.Set(key, token.ToString());
			return patch;
		/// <summary>
		/// Load the given source.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public bool LoadMemory(string content, string name)
			if(_loaded == true)
				idConsole.FatalError("idScriptParser::LoadMemory: another source already loaded");
				return false;

			idLexer script = new idLexer(_options);
			script.Punctuation = _punctuation;
			script.LoadMemory(content, name);

			if(script.IsLoaded == false)
				return false;

			_fileName = name;


			_skip = 0;
			_loaded = true;


			if(_defineDict == null)
				_defineDict = new Dictionary<string, ScriptDefinition>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);


			return true;
		private void ParseVertices(idLexer lexer, CollisionModel model)

			int vertexCount = lexer.ParseInt();
			model.Vertices = new CollisionModelVertex[vertexCount];

			for(int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
				float[] tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);

				model.Vertices[i].Point = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
				model.Vertices[i].Side = 0;
				model.Vertices[i].SideSet = 0;
				model.Vertices[i].CheckCount = 0;

Exemple #11
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds implicit stages to the material.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// If a material has diffuse or specular stages without any
		/// bump stage, add an implicit _flat bumpmap stage.
		/// <p/>
		/// It is valid to have either a diffuse or specular without the other.
		/// <p/>
		/// It is valid to have a reflection map and a bump map for bumpy reflection.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="textureRepeatDefault"></param>
		private void AddImplicitStages(TextureRepeat textureRepeatDefault = TextureRepeat.Repeat)
			bool hasDiffuse = false;
			bool hasSpecular = false;
			bool hasBump = false;
			bool hasReflection = false;
			int count = _parsingData.Stages.Count;

			for(int i = 0; i < 
				count; i++)
					case StageLighting.Bump:
						hasBump = true;

					case StageLighting.Diffuse:
						hasDiffuse = true;

					case StageLighting.Specular:
						hasSpecular = true;

				if(_parsingData.Stages[i].Texture.TextureCoordinates == TextureCoordinateGeneration.ReflectCube)
					hasReflection = true;

			// if it doesn't have an interaction at all, don't add anything
			if((hasBump == false) && (hasDiffuse == false) && (hasSpecular == false))

			idLexer lexer = new idLexer(LexerOptions.NoFatalErrors | LexerOptions.NoStringConcatination | LexerOptions.NoStringEscapeCharacters | LexerOptions.AllowPathNames);

			if(hasBump == false)
				string bump = "blend bumpmap\nmap _flat\n}\n";

				lexer.LoadMemory(bump, "bumpmap");
				ParseStage(lexer, textureRepeatDefault);

			if((hasDiffuse == false) && (hasSpecular == false) && (hasReflection == false))
				string bump = "blend bumpmap\nmap _white\n}\n";

				lexer.LoadMemory(bump, "diffusemap");
				ParseStage(lexer, textureRepeatDefault);
Exemple #12
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses the material, if there are any errors during parsing the defaultShader will be set.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="lexer"></param>
		private void ParseMaterial(idLexer lexer)
			_registerCount = PredefinedRegisterCount; // leave space for the parms to be copied in.

			for(int i = 0; i < _registerCount; i++)
				_parsingData.RegisterIsTemporary[i] = true; // they aren't constants that can be folded.

			TextureRepeat textureRepeatDefault = TextureRepeat.Repeat; // allow a global setting for repeat.
			idToken token = null;

			string tokenValue;
			string tokenLower;
			int count;

				if(TestMaterialFlag(Renderer.MaterialFlags.Defaulted) == true)
					// we have a parse error.

				if((token = lexer.ExpectAnyToken()) == null)
					this.MaterialFlag = MaterialFlags.Defaulted;

				tokenValue = token.ToString();
				tokenLower = tokenValue.ToLower();

				// end of material definition
				if(tokenLower == "}")
				else if(tokenLower == "qer_editorimage")
					token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine();
					_editorImageName = (token != null) ? token.ToString() : string.Empty;

				else if(tokenLower == "description")
					token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine();
					_description = (token != null) ? token.ToString() : string.Empty;
				// check for the surface / content bit flags.
				else if(CheckSurfaceParameter(token) == true)

				else if(tokenLower == "polygonoffset")
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.PolygonOffset;

					if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
						_polygonOffset = 1;
						_polygonOffset = token.ToFloat();
				// noshadow.
				else if(tokenLower == "noshadows")
					this.MaterialFlag = MaterialFlags.NoShadows;
				else if(tokenLower == "suppressinsubview")
					_suppressInSubview = true;
				else if(tokenLower == "portalsky")
					_portalSky = true;
				else if(tokenLower == "noselfshadow")
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.NoSelfShadow;
				else if(tokenLower == "noportalfog")
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.NoPortalFog;
				// forceShadows allows nodraw surfaces to cast shadows.
				else if(tokenLower == "forceshadows")
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.ForceShadows;
				// overlay / decal suppression.
				else if(tokenLower == "nooverlays")
					_allowOverlays = false;
				// moster blood overlay forcing for alpha tested or translucent surfaces.
				else if(tokenLower == "forceoverlays")
					_parsingData.ForceOverlays = true;
				else if(tokenLower == "translucent")
					_coverage = MaterialCoverage.Translucent;
				// global zero clamp.
				else if(tokenLower == "zeroclamp")
					textureRepeatDefault = TextureRepeat.ClampToZero;
				// global clamp.
				else if(tokenLower == "clamp")
					textureRepeatDefault = TextureRepeat.Clamp;
				// global clamp.
				else if(tokenLower == "alphazeroclamp")
					textureRepeatDefault = TextureRepeat.ClampToZero;
				// forceOpaque is used for skies-behind-windows.
				else if(tokenLower == "forceopaque")
					_coverage = MaterialCoverage.Opaque;
				else if(tokenLower == "twosided")
					_cullType = CullType.TwoSided;

					// twoSided implies no-shadows, because the shadow
					// volume would be coplanar with the surface, giving depth fighting
					// we could make this no-self-shadows, but it may be more important
					// to receive shadows from no-self-shadow monsters.
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.NoShadows;
				else if(tokenLower == "backsided")
					_cullType = CullType.Back;

					// the shadow code doesn't handle this, so just disable shadows.
					// We could fix this in the future if there was a need.
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.NoShadows;
				else if(tokenLower == "foglight")
					_fogLight = true;
				else if(tokenLower == "blendlight")
					_blendLight = true;
				else if(tokenLower == "ambientlight")
					_ambientLight = true;
				else if(tokenLower == "mirror")
					_sort = (float) MaterialSort.Subview;
					_coverage = MaterialCoverage.Opaque;
				else if(tokenLower == "nofog")
					_noFog = true;
				else if(tokenLower == "unsmoothedtangents")
					_unsmoothedTangents = true;
				// lightFallofImage <imageprogram>
				// specifies the image to use for the third axis of projected
				// light volumes.
				else if(tokenLower == "lightfalloffimage")
					_lightFalloffImage = idE.ImageManager.ImageFromFile(ParsePastImageProgram(lexer), TextureFilter.Default, false, TextureRepeat.Clamp, TextureDepth.Default);
				// guisurf <guifile> | guisurf entity
				// an entity guisurf must have an idUserInterface
				// specified in the renderEntity.
				else if(tokenLower == "guisurf")
					token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine();
					tokenLower = token.ToString().ToLower();

					if(tokenLower == "entity")
						_entityGui = 1;
					else if(tokenLower == "entity2")
						_entityGui = 2;
					else if(tokenLower == "entity3")
						_entityGui = 3;
						_userInterface = idE.UIManager.FindInterface(token.ToString(), true);
				// sort.
				else if(tokenLower == "sort")
				// spectrum <integer>.
				else if(tokenLower == "spectrum")
					int.TryParse(lexer.ReadTokenOnLine().ToString(), out _spectrum);
				// deform < sprite | tube | flare >.
				else if(tokenLower == "deform")
				// decalInfo <staySeconds> <fadeSeconds> (<start rgb>) (<end rgb>).
				else if(tokenLower == "decalinfo")
				// renderbump <args...>.
				else if(tokenLower == "renderbump")
					_renderBump = lexer.ParseRestOfLine();
				// diffusemap for stage shortcut.
				else if(tokenLower == "diffusemap")
					idLexer newLexer = new idLexer(LexerOptions.NoFatalErrors | LexerOptions.NoStringConcatination | LexerOptions.NoStringEscapeCharacters | LexerOptions.AllowPathNames);
					newLexer.LoadMemory(string.Format("blend diffusemap\nmap {0}\n}}\n", ParsePastImageProgram(lexer)), "diffusemap");

					ParseStage(newLexer, textureRepeatDefault);
				// specularmap for stage shortcut.
				else if(tokenLower == "specularmap")
					idLexer newLexer = new idLexer(LexerOptions.NoFatalErrors | LexerOptions.NoStringConcatination | LexerOptions.NoStringEscapeCharacters | LexerOptions.AllowPathNames);
					newLexer.LoadMemory(string.Format("blend specularmap\nmap {0}\n}}\n", ParsePastImageProgram(lexer)), "specularmap");

					ParseStage(newLexer, textureRepeatDefault);
				// normalmap for stage shortcut.
				else if(tokenLower == "bumpmap")
					idLexer newLexer = new idLexer(LexerOptions.NoFatalErrors | LexerOptions.NoStringConcatination | LexerOptions.NoStringEscapeCharacters | LexerOptions.AllowPathNames);
					newLexer.LoadMemory(string.Format("blend bumpmap\nmap {0}\n}}\n", ParsePastImageProgram(lexer)), "bumpmap");

					ParseStage(newLexer, textureRepeatDefault);
				// DECAL_MACRO for backwards compatibility with the preprocessor macros.
				else if(tokenLower == "decal_macro")
					// polygonOffset
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.PolygonOffset;
					_polygonOffset = -1;

					// discrete
					_surfaceFlags |= SurfaceFlags.Discrete;
					_contentFlags &= ~ContentFlags.Solid;

					// sort decal.
					_sort = (float) MaterialSort.Decal;

					// noShadows
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.NoShadows;
				else if(tokenValue == "{")
					// create the new stage.
					ParseStage(lexer, textureRepeatDefault);
					idConsole.WriteLine("unknown general material parameter '{0}' in '{1}'", tokenValue, this.Name);

			// add _flat or _white stages if needed.

			// order the diffuse / bump / specular stages properly.

			// if we need to do anything with normals (lighting or environment mapping)
			// and two sided lighting was asked for, flag
			// shouldCreateBackSides() and change culling back to single sided,
			// so we get proper tangent vectors on both sides.

			// we can't just call ReceivesLighting(), because the stages are still
			// in temporary form.
			if(_cullType == CullType.TwoSided)
				count = _parsingData.Stages.Count;

				for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
					if((_parsingData.Stages[i].Lighting != StageLighting.Ambient) || (_parsingData.Stages[i].Texture.TextureCoordinates != TextureCoordinateGeneration.Explicit))
						if(_cullType == CullType.TwoSided)
							_cullType = CullType.Front;
							_shouldCreateBackSides = true;


			// currently a surface can only have one unique texgen for all the stages on old hardware.
			TextureCoordinateGeneration firstGen = TextureCoordinateGeneration.Explicit;

			count = _parsingData.Stages.Count;

			for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				if(_parsingData.Stages[i].Texture.TextureCoordinates != TextureCoordinateGeneration.Explicit)
					if(firstGen == TextureCoordinateGeneration.Explicit)
						firstGen = _parsingData.Stages[i].Texture.TextureCoordinates;
					else if(firstGen != _parsingData.Stages[i].Texture.TextureCoordinates)
						idConsole.Warning("material '{0}' has multiple stages with a texgen", this.Name);
Exemple #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses the current material definition and finds all necessary images.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="text"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool Parse(string text)
			idLexer lexer = new idLexer(idDeclFile.LexerOptions);
			lexer.LoadMemory(text, this.FileName, this.LineNumber);

			// reset to the unparsed state.

			_parsingData = new MaterialParsingData(); // this is only valid during parsing.

			// parse it

			// TODO: fs_copyFiles
			// if we are doing an fs_copyfiles, also reference the editorImage
			/*if ( cvarSystem->GetCVarInteger( "fs_copyFiles" ) ) {

			// count non-lit stages.
			_ambientStageCount = 0;
			_stageCount = _parsingData.Stages.Count;

			for(int i = 0; i < _stageCount; i++)
				if(_parsingData.Stages[i].Lighting == StageLighting.Ambient)

			// see if there is a subview stage
			if(_sort == (float) MaterialSort.Subview)
				_hasSubview = true;
				_hasSubview = false;
				int count = _parsingData.Stages.Count;

				for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
					if(_parsingData.Stages[i].Texture.Dynamic != null)
						_hasSubview = true;

			// automatically determine coverage if not explicitly set.
			if(_coverage == MaterialCoverage.Bad)
				// automatically set MC_TRANSLUCENT if we don't have any interaction stages and 
				// the first stage is blended and not an alpha test mask or a subview.
				if(_stageCount == 0)
					// non-visible.
					_coverage = MaterialCoverage.Translucent;
				else if(_stageCount != _ambientStageCount)
					// we have an interaction draw.
					_coverage = MaterialCoverage.Opaque;
					MaterialStates drawStateBits = _parsingData.Stages[0].DrawStateBits & MaterialStates.SourceBlendBits;

					if(((drawStateBits & MaterialStates.DestinationBlendBits) != MaterialStates.DestinationBlendZero)
						|| (drawStateBits == MaterialStates.SourceBlendDestinationColor)
						|| (drawStateBits == MaterialStates.SourceBlendOneMinusDestinationColor)
						|| (drawStateBits == MaterialStates.SourceBlendDestinationAlpha)
						|| (drawStateBits == MaterialStates.SourceBlendOneMinusDestinationAlpha))
						// blended with the destination
						_coverage = MaterialCoverage.Translucent;
						_coverage = MaterialCoverage.Opaque;

			// translucent automatically implies noshadows.
			if(_coverage == MaterialCoverage.Translucent)
				this.MaterialFlag = MaterialFlags.NoShadows;
				// mark the contents as opaque.
				_contentFlags |= ContentFlags.Opaque;

			// the sorts can make reasonable defaults.
			if(_sort == (float) MaterialSort.Bad)
				if(TestMaterialFlag(MaterialFlags.PolygonOffset) == true)
					_sort = (float) MaterialSort.Decal;
				else if(_coverage == MaterialCoverage.Translucent)
					_sort = (float) MaterialSort.Medium;
					_sort = (float) MaterialSort.Opaque;

			// anything that references _currentRender will automatically get sort = SS_POST_PROCESS
			// and coverage = MC_TRANSLUCENT.
			for(int i = 0; i < _stageCount; i++)
				MaterialStage stage = _parsingData.Stages[i];

				if(stage.Texture.Image == idE.ImageManager.CurrentRenderImage)
					if(_sort != (float) MaterialSort.PortalSky)
						_sort = (float) MaterialSort.PostProcess;
						_coverage = MaterialCoverage.Translucent;


				if(stage.NewStage.IsEmpty == false)
					NewMaterialStage newShaderStage = stage.NewStage;
					int imageCount = newShaderStage.FragmentProgramImages.Length;

					for(int j = 0; j < imageCount; j++)
						if(newShaderStage.FragmentProgramImages[j] == idE.ImageManager.CurrentRenderImage)
							if(_sort != (float) MaterialSort.PortalSky)
								_sort = (float) MaterialSort.PostProcess;
								_coverage = MaterialCoverage.Translucent;

							i = _stageCount;

			// set the drawStateBits depth flags.
			for(int i = 0; i < _stageCount; i++)
				MaterialStage stage = _parsingData.Stages[i];

				if(_sort == (float) MaterialSort.PostProcess)
					// post-process effects fill the depth buffer as they draw, so only the
					// topmost post-process effect is rendered.
					stage.DrawStateBits |= MaterialStates.DepthFunctionLess;
				else if((_coverage == MaterialCoverage.Translucent) || (stage.IgnoreAlphaTest == true))
					// translucent surfaces can extend past the exactly marked depth buffer.
					stage.DrawStateBits |= MaterialStates.DepthFunctionLess | MaterialStates.DepthMask;
					// opaque and perforated surfaces must exactly match the depth buffer,
					// which gets alpha test correct.
					stage.DrawStateBits |= MaterialStates.DepthFunctionEqual | MaterialStates.DepthMask;

				_parsingData.Stages[i] = stage;

			// determine if this surface will accept overlays / decals.
			if(_parsingData.ForceOverlays == true)
				// explicitly flaged in material definition
				_allowOverlays = true;
				if(this.IsDrawn == false)
					_allowOverlays = false;

				if(this.Coverage != MaterialCoverage.Opaque)
					_allowOverlays = false;

				if((this.SurfaceFlags & Renderer.SurfaceFlags.NoImpact) == Renderer.SurfaceFlags.NoImpact)
					_allowOverlays = false;

			// add a tiny offset to the sort orders, so that different materials
			// that have the same sort value will at least sort consistantly, instead
			// of flickering back and forth.

			/* this messed up in-game guis
			if ( sort != SS_SUBVIEW ) {
				int	hash, l;

				l = name.Length();
				hash = 0;
				for ( int i = 0 ; i < l ; i++ ) {
					hash ^= name[i];
				sort += hash * 0.01;

			if(_stageCount > 0)
				_stages = _parsingData.Stages.ToArray();

			if(_parsingData.Operations.Count > 0)
				_ops = _parsingData.Operations.ToArray();

			if(_registerCount > 0)
				_expressionRegisters = new float[_registerCount];

				Array.Copy(_parsingData.ShaderRegisters, _expressionRegisters, _registerCount);

			// see if the registers are completely constant, and don't need to be evaluated per-surface.

			_parsingData = null;

			// finish things up
			if(TestMaterialFlag(MaterialFlags.Defaulted) == true)
				return false;

			return true;
Exemple #14
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets defaultShader and returns false if the next token doesn't match.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="lexer"></param>
		/// <param name="match"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private bool MatchToken(idLexer lexer, string match)
			if(lexer.ExpectTokenString(match) == false)
				this.MaterialFlag = MaterialFlags.Defaulted;

				return false;

			return true;
Exemple #15
		private string ParsePastImageProgram(idLexer lexer)
			idImageProgramParser parser = new idImageProgramParser();

			return parser.Source;
		private CollisionModelNode ParseNodes(idLexer lexer, CollisionModel model, CollisionModelNode parent)


			CollisionModelNode node = new CollisionModelNode();
			node.Parent = parent;
			node.PlaneType = lexer.ParseInt();
			node.PlaneDistance = lexer.ParseFloat();


			if(node.PlaneType != -1)
				node.Children[0] = ParseNodes(lexer, model, node);
				node.Children[1] = ParseNodes(lexer, model, node);

			return node;
		private void ParsePolygons(idLexer lexer, CollisionModel model)
			idToken token = lexer.CheckTokenType(TokenType.Number, 0);
			float[] tmp;
			Vector3 normal;


			while(lexer.CheckTokenString("}") == false)
				// parse polygon
				int edgeCount = lexer.ParseInt();

				CollisionModelPolygon p = new CollisionModelPolygon();
				p.Material = _traceModelMaterial;
				p.Contents = ContentFlags.All;
				p.Edges = new int[edgeCount];


				for(int i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++)
					p.Edges[i] = lexer.ParseInt();


				tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);
				normal = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);

				p.Plane.Normal = normal;
				p.Plane.D = lexer.ParseFloat();

				tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);
				p.Bounds.Min = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);

				tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);
				p.Bounds.Max = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);

				token = lexer.ExpectTokenType(TokenType.String, 0);

				// get material
				p.Material = idE.DeclManager.FindMaterial(token.ToString());
				p.Contents = p.Material.ContentFlags;
				p.CheckCount = 0;

				// filter polygon into tree
				FilterPolygonIntoTree(model, model.Node, p);
		private void UpdateChoicesAndValues()
			idToken token;
			string str2 = string.Empty;

			if(_latchedChoices.Equals(_choicesStr.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true)

				idLexer lexer = new idLexer(LexerOptions.NoFatalErrors | LexerOptions.AllowPathNames | LexerOptions.AllowMultiCharacterLiterals | LexerOptions.AllowBackslashStringConcatination);
				if(lexer.LoadMemory(_choicesStr.ToString(), "<ChoiceList>") == true)
					while((token = lexer.ReadToken()) != null)
						if(token.ToString() == ";")
							if(str2.Length > 0)
								str2 = idE.Language.Get(str2.TrimEnd());
								str2 = string.Empty;


						str2 += token.ToString();
						str2 += " ";

					if(str2.Length > 0)

				_latchedChoices = _choicesStr.ToString();

			if((_choiceValues.ToString() != string.Empty) && (_latchedChoices.Equals(_choiceValues.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == false))

				str2 = string.Empty;
				bool negNum = false;
				idLexer lexer = new idLexer(LexerOptions.AllowPathNames | LexerOptions.AllowMultiCharacterLiterals | LexerOptions.AllowBackslashStringConcatination);

				if(lexer.LoadMemory(_choiceValues.ToString(), "<ChoiceVals>") == true)
					while((token = lexer.ReadToken()) != null)
						if(token.ToString() == "-")
							negNum = true;
						else if(token.ToString() == ";")
							if(str2.Length > 0)
								str2 = string.Empty;
						else if(negNum == true)
							str2 += "-";
							negNum = false;
							str2 += token.ToString();
							str2 += " ";

					if(str2.Length > 0)

				if(_choices.Count != _values.Count)
					idConsole.Warning("idChoiceWindow:: gui '{0}' window '{1}' has value count unequal to choices count", this.UserInterface.SourceFile, this.Name);

				_latchedChoices = _choiceValues.ToString();
		private void PushScript(idLexer script)
			foreach(idLexer s in _scriptStack)
				if(s.FileName.Equals(script.FileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true)
					Warning("'{0}' recursively included", script.FileName);

			// push the script on the script stack
Exemple #20
		public bool Load(string fileName, bool clear)
			if(clear == true)

			byte[] data = idE.FileSystem.ReadFile(fileName);

			if(data == null)
				// let whoever called us deal with the failure (so sys_lang can be reset)
				return false;

			idLexer lexer = new idLexer(LexerOptions.NoFatalErrors | LexerOptions.NoStringConcatination | LexerOptions.AllowMultiCharacterLiterals | LexerOptions.AllowBackslashStringConcatination);
			lexer.LoadMemory(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data), fileName);

			if(lexer.IsLoaded == false)
				return false;

			idToken token, token2;


			while((token = lexer.ReadToken()) != null)
				if(token.ToString() == "}")
				else if((token2 = lexer.ReadToken()) != null)
					if(token2.ToString() == "}")

					_regexReplaceIndex = 0;

					// stock d3 language files contain sprintf formatters, we need to replace them
					string val = token2.ToString();
					val = Regex.Replace(val, "%s|%d|%x",  new MatchEvaluator(ReplaceHandler));

					_elements.Add(token.ToString(), val);

			idConsole.WriteLine("{0} strings read from {1}", _elements.Count, fileName);

			return true;
		private bool Directive_Include()
			idLexer script;
			idToken token;
			string path;

			if((token = ReadSourceToken()) == null)
				Error("#include without file name");
				return false;
			else if(token.LinesCrossed > 0)
				Error("#include without file name");
				return false;
			else if(token.Type == TokenType.String)
				script = new idLexer();

				// try relative to the current file

				path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(_scriptStack.Peek().FileName), token.ToString());
				if(script.LoadFile(path, _osPath) == false)
					// try absolute path
					path = token.ToString();

					if(script.LoadFile(path, _osPath) == false)
						// try from the include path
						path = _includePath + token.ToString();

						if(script.LoadFile(path, _osPath) == false)
							script = null;
			else if((token.Type == TokenType.Punctuation) && (token.ToString() == "<"))
				path = _includePath;

				while((token = ReadSourceToken()) != null)
					if(token.LinesCrossed > 0)
					else if((token.Type == TokenType.Punctuation) && (token.ToString() == ">"))

					path += token.ToString();

				if(token.ToString() != ">")
					Warning("#include missing trailing >");
				else if(path == string.Empty)
					Error("#include without file name between < >");
					return false;
				else if((_options & LexerOptions.NoBaseIncludes) == LexerOptions.NoBaseIncludes)
					return true;

				script = new idLexer();

				throw new Exception("ZZ");
				/*if(script.LoadFile(_includePath + path, _osPath) == false)
					script = null;
				Error("#include without file name");
				return false;

			if(script == null)
				Error("file '{0}' not found", path);
				return false;

			script.Options = _options;
			script.Punctuation = _punctuation;


			return true;
		private ContentFlags ContentsFromString(string str)
			idLexer lexer = new idLexer();
			lexer.LoadMemory(str, "ContentsFromString");

			idToken token;
			ContentFlags contents = ContentFlags.None;
			string tmp;

			while((token = lexer.ReadToken()) != null)
				if(token.ToString() == ",")

				tmp = token.ToString();

					case "aas_solid":
						tmp = "AasSolid";

					case "aas_obstacle":
						tmp = "AasObstacle";

					case "flashlight_trigger":
						tmp = "FlashlightTrigger";

				contents |= (ContentFlags) Enum.Parse(typeof(ContentFlags), tmp, true);

			return contents;
Exemple #23
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Normally this will use a .reg file instead of a .map file if it exists,
		/// which is what the game and dmap want, but the editor will want to always
		/// load a .map file.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="fileName">Does not require an extension.</param>
		/// <param name="ignoreRegion"></param>
		/// <param name="osPath"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public bool Parse(string fileName, bool ignoreRegion = false, bool osPath = false)
			if(this.Disposed == true)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name);

			_hasPrimitiveData = false;
			_name = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName));

			string fullName = _name;

			// no string concatenation for epairs and allow path names for materials
			idLexer lexer = new idLexer(LexerOptions.NoStringConcatination | LexerOptions.NoStringEscapeCharacters | LexerOptions.AllowPathNames);
			idMapEntity mapEnt;

			if(ignoreRegion == false)
				// try loading a .reg file first
				lexer.LoadFile(fullName + ".reg", osPath);

			if(lexer.IsLoaded == false)
				// now try a .map file
				lexer.LoadFile(fullName + ".map", osPath);

				if(lexer.IsLoaded == false)
					// didn't get anything at all
					return false;

			_version = idMapFile.OldMapVersion;
			_fileTime = lexer.FileTime;

			if(lexer.CheckTokenString("Version") == true)
				_version = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine().ToFloat();

				if((mapEnt = idMapEntity.Parse(lexer, (_entities.Count == 0), _version)) == null)


			idConsole.Warning("TODO: SetGeometryCRC();");

			// if the map has a worldspawn
			if(_entities.Count > 0)
				// "removeEntities" "classname" can be set in the worldspawn to remove all entities with the given classname
				foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> removeEntities in _entities[0].Dict.MatchPrefix("removeEntities"))

				// "overrideMaterial" "material" can be set in the worldspawn to reset all materials
				string material;
				int entityCount = _entities.Count;
				int primitiveCount = 0;
				int sideCount = 0;

				if((material = (_entities[0].Dict.GetString("overrideMaterial", ""))) != string.Empty)
					for(int i = 0; i < entityCount; i++)
						mapEnt = _entities[i];
						primitiveCount = mapEnt.Primitives.Count;

						for(int j = 0; j < primitiveCount; j++)
							idMapPrimitive mapPrimitive = mapEnt.GetPrimitive(j);

								case MapPrimitiveType.Brush:
									idMapBrush mapBrush = (idMapBrush) mapPrimitive;
									sideCount = mapBrush.SideCount;

									for(int k = 0; k < sideCount; k++)
										mapBrush.GetSide(k).Material = material;

								case MapPrimitiveType.Patch:
									idConsole.Warning("TODO: PATCH");
									// TODO: ((idMapPatch) mapPrimitive).Material = material;

				// force all entities to have a name key/value pair
				if(_entities[0].Dict.GetBool("forceEntityNames") == true)
					for(int i = 1; i < entityCount; i++)
						mapEnt = _entities[i];

						if(mapEnt.Dict.ContainsKey("name") == false)
							mapEnt.Dict.Set("name", string.Format("{0}{1}", mapEnt.Dict.GetString("classname", "forcedName"), i));

				// move the primitives of any func_group entities to the worldspawn
				if(_entities[0].Dict.GetBool("moveFuncGroups") == true)
					for(int i = 1; i < entityCount; i++)
						mapEnt = _entities[i];

						if(mapEnt.Dict.GetString("classname").ToLower() == "func_group")

			_hasPrimitiveData = true;

			return true;
		private bool LoadCollisionModelFile(string name, ulong mapFileCRC)
			// load it
			string fileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(name), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(name) + Extension);

			idLexer lexer = new idLexer(LexerOptions.NoStringConcatination | LexerOptions.NoDollarPrecompilation);
			if(lexer.LoadFile(fileName) == false)
				return false;

			idToken token;

			if(lexer.ExpectTokenString(TokenFileID) == false)
				idConsole.Warning("{0} is not a CM file.", fileName);
			else if(((token = lexer.ReadToken()) == null) || (token.ToString() != FileVersion))
				idConsole.Warning("{0} has version {1} instead of {2}", fileName, token, FileVersion);
			else if((token = lexer.ExpectTokenType(TokenType.Number, TokenSubType.Integer)) == null)
				idConsole.Warning("{0} has no map file CRC", fileName);
				ulong crc = token.ToUInt64();

				if((mapFileCRC != 0) && (crc != mapFileCRC))
					idConsole.WriteLine("{0} is out of date", fileName);
					// parse the file
						if((token = lexer.ReadToken()) == null)

						if(token.ToString().ToLower() == "collisionmodel")
							if(ParseCollisionModel(lexer) == false)
								return false;
							lexer.Error("idCollisionModelManagerLocal::LoadCollisionModelFile: bad token \"{0}\"", token);

					return true;
			return false;
Exemple #25
		public static idMapBrush Parse(idLexer lexer, Vector3 origin, bool newFormat = true, float version = idMapFile.CurrentMapVersion)
			idToken token;
			idMapBrushSide side;
			List<idMapBrushSide> sides = new List<idMapBrushSide>();
			idDict dict = new idDict();
			Vector3[] planePoints = new Vector3[3];

			if(lexer.ExpectTokenString("{") == false)
				return null;

				if((token = lexer.ReadToken()) == null)
					lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unexpected EOF");
					return null;

				if(token.ToString() == "}")

				// here we may have to jump over brush epairs ( only used in editor )
					// if token is a brace
					if(token.ToString() == "(")

					// the token should be a key string for a key/value pair
					if(token.Type != TokenType.String)
						lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unexpected {0}, expected ( or epair key string", token.ToString());
						return null;

					string key = token.ToString();

					if(((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null) || (token.Type != TokenType.String))
						lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: expected epair value string not found");
						return null;

					dict.Set(key, token.ToString());

					// try to read the next key
					if((token = lexer.ReadToken()) == null)
						lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unexpected EOF");
						return null;

				lexer.UnreadToken = token;

				side = new idMapBrushSide();

				if(newFormat == true)
					float[] tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(4);

					if(tmp == null)
						lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side plane definition");
						return null;
						side.Plane = new Plane(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3]);
					// read the three point plane definition
					float[] tmp, tmp2, tmp3;

					if(((tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3)) == null)
						|| ((tmp2 = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3)) == null)
						|| ((tmp3 = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3)) == null))
						lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side plane definition");
						return null;

					planePoints[0] = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]) - origin;
					planePoints[1] = new Vector3(tmp2[0], tmp2[1], tmp2[2]) - origin;
					planePoints[2] = new Vector3(tmp3[0], tmp3[1], tmp3[2]) - origin;

					side.Plane.FromPoints(planePoints[0], planePoints[1], planePoints[2]);

				// read the texture matrix
				// this is odd, because the texmat is 2D relative to default planar texture axis
				float[,] tmp5 = lexer.Parse2DMatrix(2, 3);

				if(tmp5 == null)
					lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side texture matrix");
					return null;

				side.TextureMatrix[0] = new Vector3(tmp5[0, 0], tmp5[0, 1], tmp5[0, 2]);
				side.TextureMatrix[1] = new Vector3(tmp5[1, 0], tmp5[1, 1], tmp5[1, 2]);
				side.Origin = origin;

				// read the material
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side material");
					return null;

				// we had an implicit 'textures/' in the old format...
				if(version < 2.0f)
					side.Material = "textures/" + token.ToString();
					side.Material = token.ToString();

				// Q2 allowed override of default flags and values, but we don't any more
				if(lexer.ReadTokenOnLine() != null)
					if(lexer.ReadTokenOnLine() != null)
						if(lexer.ReadTokenOnLine() != null)


			if(lexer.ExpectTokenString("}") == false)
				return null;

			idMapBrush brush = new idMapBrush();

			foreach(idMapBrushSide s in sides)

			brush.Dict = dict;

			return brush;
		private void ParseBrushes(idLexer lexer, CollisionModel model)
			idToken token = lexer.CheckTokenType(TokenType.Number, 0);
			int planeCount;
			CollisionModelBrush b;
			float[] tmp;


			while(lexer.CheckTokenString("}") == false)
				// parse brush
				planeCount = lexer.ParseInt();

				b = new CollisionModelBrush();
				b.Contents = ContentFlags.All;
				b.Material = _traceModelMaterial;
				b.Planes = new Plane[planeCount];


				for(int i = 0; i < planeCount; i++)
					tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);

					b.Planes[i].Normal = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
					b.Planes[i].D = lexer.ParseFloat();


				tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);
				b.Bounds.Min = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);

				tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);
				b.Bounds.Max = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);

				token = lexer.ReadToken();

				if(token.Type == TokenType.Number)
					b.Contents = (ContentFlags) token.ToInt32(); // old .cm files use a single integer
					b.Contents = ContentsFromString(token.ToString());

				b.CheckCount = 0;
				b.PrimitiveCount = 0;

				// filter brush into tree
				FilterBrushIntoTree(model, model.Node, b);
Exemple #27
		public override bool Parse(string text)
			if(this.Disposed == true)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name);

			idLexer lexer = new idLexer(idDeclFile.LexerOptions);
			lexer.LoadMemory(text, this.FileName, this.LineNumber);

			idToken token;
			idToken token2;
			string value;

				if((token = lexer.ReadToken()) == null)

				value = token.ToString();

				if(value == "}")

				if(token.Type != TokenType.String)
					lexer.Warning("Expected quoted string, but found '{0}'", value);

					return false;

				if((token2 = lexer.ReadToken()) == null)
					lexer.Warning("Unexpected end of file");

					return false;

				if(_dict.ContainsKey(value) == true)
					lexer.Warning("'{0}' already defined", value);

				_dict.Set(value, token2.ToString());

			// we always automatically set a "classname" key to our name
			_dict.Set("classname", this.Name);

			// "inherit" keys will cause all values from another entityDef to be copied into this one
			// if they don't conflict.  We can't have circular recursions, because each entityDef will
			// never be parsed more than once

			// find all of the dicts first, because copying inherited values will modify the dict
			List<idDeclEntity> defList = new List<idDeclEntity>();
			List<string> keysToRemove = new List<string>();

			foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in _dict.MatchPrefix("inherit"))
				idDeclEntity copy = idE.DeclManager.FindType<idDeclEntity>(DeclType.EntityDef, kvp.Value, false);

				if(copy == null)
					lexer.Warning("Unknown entityDef '{0}' inherited by '{1}'", kvp.Value, this.Name);

				// delete this key/value pair


			// now copy over the inherited key / value pairs
			foreach(idDeclEntity def in defList)

			// precache all referenced media
			// do this as long as we arent in modview
			return true;
		private bool ParseCollisionModel(idLexer lexer) 
			CollisionModel model = new CollisionModel();

			_models[_modelCount++] = model;

			// parse the file
			idToken token = lexer.ExpectTokenType(TokenType.String, 0);
			string tokenLower;

			model.Name = token.ToString();

			while(lexer.CheckTokenString("}") == false)
				token = lexer.ReadToken();
				tokenLower = token.ToString().ToLower();

				if(tokenLower == "vertices")
					ParseVertices(lexer, model);
				else if(tokenLower == "edges")
					ParseEdges(lexer, model);
				else if(tokenLower == "nodes")
					model.Node = ParseNodes(lexer, model, null);
				else if(tokenLower == "polygons")
					ParsePolygons(lexer, model);
				else if(tokenLower == "brushes")
					ParseBrushes(lexer, model);
					lexer.Error("ParseCollisionModel: bad token \"{0}\"", token);

			// calculate edge normals

			idConsole.Warning("TODO: CalculateEdgeNormals(model, model.Node);");

			// get model bounds from brush and polygon bounds
			model.Bounds = GetNodeBounds(model.Node);

			// get model contents
			model.Contents = GetNodeContents(model.Node);

			idConsole.Warning("TODO: used memory");

			// total memory used by this model
			/*model->usedMemory = model->numVertices * sizeof(cm_vertex_t) +
								model->numEdges * sizeof(cm_edge_t) +
								model->polygonMemory +
								model->brushMemory +
									model->numNodes * sizeof(cm_node_t) +
								model->numPolygonRefs * sizeof(cm_polygonRef_t) +
								model->numBrushRefs * sizeof(cm_brushRef_t);*/

			return true;
Exemple #29
		public bool LoadAnimation(string fileName)
			idToken token;
			idLexer lexer = new idLexer(LexerOptions.AllowPathNames | LexerOptions.NoStringEscapeCharacters | LexerOptions.NoStringConcatination);

			if(lexer.LoadFile(fileName) == false)
				return false;


			_name = fileName;

			int version = lexer.ParseInt();

			if(version != idRenderModel_MD5.Version)
				lexer.Error("Invalid version {0}.  Should be version {1}", version, idRenderModel_MD5.Version);

			// skip the commandline

			// parse num frames
			int frameCount = lexer.ParseInt();

			if(frameCount <= 0)
				lexer.Error("Invalid number of frames: {0}", frameCount);

			// parse num joints
			int jointCount = lexer.ParseInt();

			if(jointCount <= 0)
				lexer.Error("Invalid number of joints: {0}", jointCount);

			// parse frame rate
			_frameRate = lexer.ParseInt();

			if(_frameRate < 0)
				lexer.Error("Invalid frame rate: {0}", _frameRate);

			// parse number of animated components
			_animatedComponentCount = lexer.ParseInt();

			if((_animatedComponentCount < 0) || (_animatedComponentCount > (jointCount * 6)))
				lexer.Error("Invalid number of animated components: {0}", _animatedComponentCount);

			// parse the hierarchy
			_jointInfo = new JointAnimationInfo[jointCount];


			for(int i = 0; i < jointCount; i++)
				token = lexer.ReadToken();

				_jointInfo[i] = new JointAnimationInfo();
				_jointInfo[i].NameIndex = idR.AnimManager.GetJointIndex(token.ToString());

				// parse parent num				
				_jointInfo[i].ParentIndex = lexer.ParseInt();

				if(_jointInfo[i].ParentIndex >= i)
					lexer.Error("Invalid parent num: {0}", _jointInfo[i].ParentIndex);

				if((i != 0) && (_jointInfo[i].ParentIndex < 0))
					lexer.Error("Animations may have only one root joint");

				// parse anim bits
				_jointInfo[i].AnimationBits = (AnimationBits) lexer.ParseInt();

				if(((int) _jointInfo[i].AnimationBits & ~63) != 0)
					lexer.Error("Invalid anim bits: {0}", _jointInfo[i].AnimationBits);

				// parse first component
				_jointInfo[i].FirstComponent = lexer.ParseInt();

				if((_animatedComponentCount > 0) && ((_jointInfo[i].FirstComponent < 0) || (_jointInfo[i].FirstComponent >= _animatedComponentCount)))
					lexer.Error("Invalid first component: {0}", _jointInfo[i].FirstComponent);


			// parse bounds

			_bounds = new idBounds[frameCount];

			for(int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
				float[] tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);
				float[] tmp2 = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);

				_bounds[i] = new idBounds(
					new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]),
					new Vector3(tmp2[0], tmp2[1], tmp2[2])


			// parse base frame
			_baseFrame = new idJointQuaternion[jointCount];


			for(int i = 0; i < jointCount; i++)
				float[] tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);
				float[] tmp2 = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);

				idCompressedQuaternion q = new idCompressedQuaternion(tmp2[0], tmp2[1], tmp2[2]);

				_baseFrame[i] = new idJointQuaternion();
				_baseFrame[i].Translation = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
				_baseFrame[i].Quaternion = q.ToQuaternion();


			// parse frames
			_componentFrames = new float[_animatedComponentCount * frameCount];
			int frameOffset = 0;

			for(int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
				int count = lexer.ParseInt();

				if(count != i)
					lexer.Error("Expected frame number {0}", i);


				for(int j = 0; j < _animatedComponentCount; j++, frameOffset++)
					_componentFrames[frameOffset] = lexer.ParseFloat();


			// get total move delta
			if(_animatedComponentCount == 0)
				_totalDelta = Vector3.Zero;
				int componentOffset = _jointInfo[0].FirstComponent;

				if((_jointInfo[0].AnimationBits & AnimationBits.TranslationX) == AnimationBits.TranslationX)
					for(int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
						_componentFrames[componentOffset + (_animatedComponentCount * i)] -= _baseFrame[0].Translation.X;

					_totalDelta.X = _componentFrames[componentOffset + (_animatedComponentCount * (frameCount - 1))];
					_totalDelta.X = 0;

				if((_jointInfo[0].AnimationBits & AnimationBits.TranslationY) == AnimationBits.TranslationY)
					for(int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
						_componentFrames[componentOffset + (_animatedComponentCount * i)] -= _baseFrame[0].Translation.Y;

					_totalDelta.Y = _componentFrames[componentOffset + (_animatedComponentCount * (frameCount - 1))];
					_totalDelta.Y = 0;

				if((_jointInfo[0].AnimationBits & AnimationBits.TranslationZ) == AnimationBits.TranslationZ)
					for(int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
						_componentFrames[componentOffset + (_animatedComponentCount * i)] -= _baseFrame[0].Translation.Z;

					_totalDelta.Z = _componentFrames[componentOffset + (_animatedComponentCount * (frameCount - 1))];
					_totalDelta.Z = 0;

			_baseFrame[0].Translation = Vector3.Zero;

			// we don't count last frame because it would cause a 1 frame pause at the end
			_animLength = ((frameCount - 1) * 1000 + _frameRate - 1) / _frameRate;

			// done
			return true;
		private void ParseEdges(idLexer lexer, CollisionModel model)

			int edgeCount = lexer.ParseInt();

			model.Edges = new CollisionModelEdge[edgeCount];

			for(int i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++)
				model.Edges[i].VertexCount = new int[] { lexer.ParseInt(), lexer.ParseInt() };

				model.Edges[i].Side = 0;
				model.Edges[i].SideSet = 0;
				model.Edges[i].Internal = (ushort) lexer.ParseInt();
				model.Edges[i].UserCount = (ushort) lexer.ParseInt();
				model.Edges[i].Normal = Vector3.Zero;
				model.Edges[i].CheckCount = 0;
				model.InternalEdgeCount += model.Edges[i].Internal;
