Exemple #1
        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var    m       = Matrix <double> .Build;
            int    max_itr = 200;
            double grid    = 0.1;
            double err     = 0;

            int             Np = 500;
            double          threshold = 0.0001;
            Matrix <double> R = m.Dense(3, 3);
            Matrix <double> t = m.Dense(3, 1);
            double          offset_x = 0, offset_y = 120; ///translation respect to origin
            double          alfa = 0;                     ///rotation respect to origin

            offset_x = Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text);
            offset_y = Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text);
            alfa     = Convert.ToDouble(textBox3.Text);

            ///Create C shaped Data cloud
            Matrix <double> M_points = CreateCircle(grid, Np, 10, 350);
            ///transform this data cloud for specified parameters as Model cloud and copy them to another cloud as sample
            Matrix <double> P_points = addMotion(M_points, offset_x, offset_y, alfa);
            ///Add random noise to Sample Data cloud
            ///Create and draw data images
            Bitmap   flag = new Bitmap(1000, 1000);
            Graphics g    = Graphics.FromImage(flag);

            pictureBox1.Image = flag;
            DrawPoint2(P_points, Brushes.Red, pictureBox1, g);
            DrawPoint2(M_points, Brushes.Green, pictureBox1, g);
            ///delay 1500 ms for user to see data clouds
            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

            ///Apply ICP  to Point clouds
            P_points = ICP.ICP_run(M_points, P_points, threshold, max_itr, false);
            Debug.WriteLine("ICP time = " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");
            ///Draw Results
            pictureBox1.Image = flag;
            DrawPoint2(P_points, Brushes.Red, pictureBox1, g);
            DrawPoint2(M_points, Brushes.Green, pictureBox1, g);
Exemple #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var    m       = Matrix <double> .Build;
            int    max_itr = 5000;
            double grid    = 0.1;
            double err     = 0;

            int             Np = 500;
            double          threshold = 0.00001;
            Matrix <double> R = m.Dense(3, 3);
            Matrix <double> t = m.Dense(3, 1);
            double          offset_x = 0, offset_y = 120;
            double          alfa = 0;

            offset_x = Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text);
            offset_y = Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text);
            alfa     = Convert.ToDouble(textBox3.Text);
            Matrix <double> M_points = CreateCircle(grid, Np, 10, 350);
            Matrix <double> P_points = addMotion(M_points, offset_x, offset_y, alfa);

            Random r = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < Np; i++)
                P_points[0, i] += (r.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 5;
                P_points[1, i] += (r.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 5;
            Bitmap   flag = new Bitmap(1000, 1000);
            Graphics g    = Graphics.FromImage(flag);

            pictureBox1.Image = flag;
            DrawPoint2(P_points, Brushes.Red, pictureBox1, g);
            DrawPoint2(M_points, Brushes.Green, pictureBox1, g);
            Tuple <Matrix <double>, Matrix <double>, double> ret;
            Stopwatch watch  = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch watch2 = new Stopwatch();
            double    time   = 0;

            for (int itr = 1; itr <= max_itr; itr++)

                ret = ICP.ICP_run(M_points, P_points, false);
                R   = ret.Item1;
                t   = ret.Item2;
                err = ret.Item3;

                Matrix <double> Third_raw = m.Dense(1, Np, 0);
                Matrix <double> Px        = m.Dense(1, Np);
                Matrix <double> Py        = m.Dense(1, Np);
                Matrix <double> P_points2;
                P_points2 = R.Multiply(P_points.Stack(Third_raw));
                Px.SetRow(0, P_points2.Row(0));
                Py.SetRow(0, P_points2.Row(1));
                Px = Px + t[0, 0];
                Py = Py + t[1, 0];
                P_points.SetRow(0, Px.Row(0));
                P_points.SetRow(1, Py.Row(0));
                time += watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                pictureBox1.Image = flag;
                DrawPoint2(P_points, Brushes.Red, pictureBox1, g);
                DrawPoint2(M_points, Brushes.Green, pictureBox1, g);
                if (err < threshold || Math.Abs(previous_error - err) < delta_error_thresh)
                    Debug.WriteLine("error: " + err);
                    Debug.WriteLine("iteration= " + itr);
                previous_error = err;
            Debug.WriteLine("Time=" + time + "ms");