private void DoSingleWalletRegister(Customer c, int handle) { BCCHelper.ResetPackHandle(handle); BCCHelper.SetIntFieldByName(handle, 0, "lvol0", c.CustomerId); //客户号 //BCCHelper.SetIntFieldByName(handle, 0, "lvol1", 888); //终端号 if (BCCHelper.SetRequestType(handle, 846331)) { int errCode = 0; int retCode = -1; StringBuilder errMsg = new StringBuilder(255); bool requestStatus = BCCHelper.CallRequest(handle, Global.Drtp_NO, Global.Drtp_Branch, Global.BCC_BaseFunction, 5000, ref errCode, errMsg); if (!requestStatus) { Global.Logger.Warn(string.Format("BCCHelper.CallRequest[846331] failed! errorCode ={0} and errMsg= {1}", errCode, errMsg)); return; } BCCHelper.GetRetCode(handle, ref retCode); //int ser=0; //BCCHelper.GetIntFieldByName(handle, 0, "scust_no", ref ser); string ser = BCCHelper.GetStringFieldByName(handle, 0, "scust_no"); string pass = BCCHelper.GetStringFieldByName(handle, 0, "scust_limit"); string msg = BCCHelper.GetStringFieldByName(handle, 0, "vsmess"); if (retCode != 0) { //fail to wallet registration frmLoading.NotifyIndicator(string.Format("failed ,customer#{0}:{1}", c.CustomerId, errMsg)); Global.Logger.Warn(string.Format(" failed ,Customerid ={0} and errMsg= {1}", c.CustomerId, msg)); } else { //succuess to wallet registration Customer target = customers.Find(delegate(Customer o) { return o.CustomerId == c.CustomerId; }); //target.NetAccFlag = "1"; //target.NetAccFlagDes = "已开通"; Global.Logger.Info(string.Format("succ ,Customerid# = {0} and Wallet#= {1} ", c.CustomerId, ser)); frmLoading.NotifyIndicator(string.Format("Customer#{0},ser#:{1} ", c.CustomerId, ser)); } } else { Global.Logger.Info("BCCHelper.SetRequestType[846331] failed!"); } //frmLoading.NotifyIndicator(customers.Count.ToString()); }
private void AddCustomerToGrid(Customer c) { DataGridViewRow r = new DataGridViewRow(); gvCust.Rows.Add(r); DataGridViewCell c1 = new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell(); c1.Value = false; r.Cells[this.colCheck.Name] = c1; DataGridViewCell c2 = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); c2.Value = c.CustomerId; r.Cells[this.CustomerId.Name] = c2; DataGridViewCell c3 = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); c3.Value = c.CustomerName; r.Cells[this.CustomerName.Name] = c3; }