AppendLangItem() static private méthode

Appends a language item to an alt text array.
Thrown if a duplicate property is added
static private AppendLangItem ( XmpNode arrayNode, string itemLang, string itemValue ) : void
arrayNode XmpNode the language array
itemLang string the language of the item
itemValue string the content of the item
Résultat void
Exemple #1
        /// <seealso cref= XMPMeta#setLocalizedText(String, String, String, String, String,
        ///      PropertyOptions) </seealso>
        public virtual void SetLocalizedText(string schemaNs, string altTextName, string genericLang,
                                             string specificLang, string itemValue, PropertyOptions options)

            genericLang = genericLang != null?Utils.NormalizeLangValue(genericLang) : null;

            specificLang = Utils.NormalizeLangValue(specificLang);

            XmpPath arrayPath = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, altTextName);

            // Find the array node and set the options if it was just created.
            XmpNode arrayNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(_tree, arrayPath, true,
                                                      new PropertyOptions(PropertyOptions.ARRAY |
                                                                          PropertyOptions.ARRAY_ORDERED |
                                                                          PropertyOptions.ARRAY_ALTERNATE |

            if (arrayNode == null)
                throw new XmpException("Failed to find or create array node", XmpError.BADXPATH);
            if (!arrayNode.Options.ArrayAltText)
                if (!arrayNode.HasChildren() && arrayNode.Options.ArrayAlternate)
                    arrayNode.Options.ArrayAltText = true;
                    throw new XmpException("Specified property is no alt-text array", XmpError.BADXPATH);

            // Make sure the x-default item, if any, is first.
            bool    haveXDefault = false;
            XmpNode xdItem       = null;

            foreach (XmpNode currItem in arrayNode.Children)
                if (!currItem.HasQualifier() || !XML_LANG.Equals(currItem.GetQualifier(1).Name))
                    throw new XmpException("Language qualifier must be first", XmpError.BADXPATH);
                if (X_DEFAULT.Equals(currItem.GetQualifier(1).Value))
                    xdItem       = currItem;
                    haveXDefault = true;

            // Moves x-default to the beginning of the array
            if (xdItem != null && arrayNode.ChildrenLength > 1)
                arrayNode.AddChild(1, xdItem);

            // Find the appropriate item.
            // chooseLocalizedText will make sure the array is a language
            // alternative.
            object[] result   = XmpNodeUtils.ChooseLocalizedText(arrayNode, genericLang, specificLang);
            int      match    = (int)((int?)result[0]);
            XmpNode  itemNode = (XmpNode)result[1];

            bool specificXDefault = X_DEFAULT.Equals(specificLang);

            switch (match)
            case XmpNodeUtils.CLT_NO_VALUES:

                // Create the array items for the specificLang and x-default, with
                // x-default first.
                XmpNodeUtils.AppendLangItem(arrayNode, X_DEFAULT, itemValue);
                haveXDefault = true;
                if (!specificXDefault)
                    XmpNodeUtils.AppendLangItem(arrayNode, specificLang, itemValue);

            case XmpNodeUtils.CLT_SPECIFIC_MATCH:

                if (!specificXDefault)
                    // Update the specific item, update x-default if it matches the
                    // old value.
                    if (haveXDefault && xdItem != itemNode && xdItem != null && xdItem.Value.Equals(itemNode.Value))
                        xdItem.Value = itemValue;
                    // ! Do this after the x-default check!
                    itemNode.Value = itemValue;
                    // Update all items whose values match the old x-default value.
                    Debug.Assert(haveXDefault && xdItem == itemNode);
                    foreach (XmpNode currItem in arrayNode.Children)
                        if (currItem == xdItem || !currItem.Value.Equals(xdItem != null ? xdItem.Value : null))
                        currItem.Value = itemValue;
                    // And finally do the x-default item.
                    if (xdItem != null)
                        xdItem.Value = itemValue;

            case XmpNodeUtils.CLT_SINGLE_GENERIC:

                // Update the generic item, update x-default if it matches the old
                // value.
                if (haveXDefault && xdItem != itemNode && xdItem != null && xdItem.Value.Equals(itemNode.Value))
                    xdItem.Value = itemValue;
                itemNode.Value = itemValue;     // ! Do this after
                // the x-default
                // check!

            case XmpNodeUtils.CLT_MULTIPLE_GENERIC:

                // Create the specific language, ignore x-default.
                XmpNodeUtils.AppendLangItem(arrayNode, specificLang, itemValue);
                if (specificXDefault)
                    haveXDefault = true;

            case XmpNodeUtils.CLT_XDEFAULT:

                // Create the specific language, update x-default if it was the only
                // item.
                if (xdItem != null && arrayNode.ChildrenLength == 1)
                    xdItem.Value = itemValue;
                XmpNodeUtils.AppendLangItem(arrayNode, specificLang, itemValue);

            case XmpNodeUtils.CLT_FIRST_ITEM:

                // Create the specific language, don't add an x-default item.
                XmpNodeUtils.AppendLangItem(arrayNode, specificLang, itemValue);
                if (specificXDefault)
                    haveXDefault = true;

                // does not happen under normal circumstances
                throw new XmpException("Unexpected result from ChooseLocalizedText",

            // Add an x-default at the front if needed.
            if (!haveXDefault && arrayNode.ChildrenLength == 1)
                XmpNodeUtils.AppendLangItem(arrayNode, X_DEFAULT, itemValue);