private void Initialize()
            string Language = User.UserInfo.LanguageID;
            busImport = new SYS_tblImportFileConfigBUS();
            busReport = new SYS_tblReportCaptionBUS();

            dtSelectedFile = CreateSeletedFileTable();
            gridSeletedFiles.DataSource = dtSelectedFile;
            wwpStepOne.AllowNext = false;
            bteBrowseFile.Properties.Buttons[1].Enabled = false;
            mainData = new DataSet();

            DevExpress.XtraGrid.StyleFormatCondition styleInsertFormat = new DevExpress.XtraGrid.StyleFormatCondition();
            DevExpress.XtraGrid.StyleFormatCondition styleUpdateFormat = new DevExpress.XtraGrid.StyleFormatCondition();
            DevExpress.XtraGrid.StyleFormatCondition styleNormalFormat = new DevExpress.XtraGrid.StyleFormatCondition();
            #region [Inserted Style Format]
            styleInsertFormat.Appearance.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
            styleInsertFormat.Appearance.BorderColor = Color.Black;
            styleInsertFormat.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.White;
            styleInsertFormat.Appearance.Options.UseBackColor = true;
            styleInsertFormat.Appearance.Options.UseBorderColor = true;
            styleInsertFormat.Appearance.Options.UseForeColor = true;
            styleInsertFormat.Column = grvMainData.Columns["Return Message"];
            styleInsertFormat.Condition = DevExpress.XtraGrid.FormatConditionEnum.Equal;
            styleInsertFormat.Value1 = "Inserted";
            styleInsertFormat.ApplyToRow = true;
            #region [Updated Style Format]
            styleUpdateFormat.Appearance.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
            styleUpdateFormat.Appearance.BorderColor = Color.Black;
            styleUpdateFormat.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Black;
            styleUpdateFormat.Appearance.Options.UseBackColor = true;
            styleUpdateFormat.Appearance.Options.UseBorderColor = true;
            styleUpdateFormat.Appearance.Options.UseForeColor = true;
            styleUpdateFormat.Column = grvMainData.Columns["Return Message"];
            styleUpdateFormat.Condition = DevExpress.XtraGrid.FormatConditionEnum.Equal;
            styleUpdateFormat.Value1 = "Updated";
            styleUpdateFormat.ApplyToRow = true;
            this.grvMainData.FormatConditions.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraGrid.StyleFormatCondition[] {
            styleInsertFormat, styleUpdateFormat });

            lciBrowseFile.Text = (Language.Equals("VN")) ? "Chọn tệp tin dữ liệu:" : "Choose data file:";
            btnDownloadTemplate.Text = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Tải Template" : "Download template";
            btnCheckTemplate.Text = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Kiểm Tra" : "Check Files";
            grvSeletedFiles.GroupPanelText = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Kéo một tiêu đề cột vào đây để nhóm theo cột đó" : "Drag a column header here to group by that column";
            gcolSelectedFileName.Caption = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Tên tệp tin" : "File name";
            gcolSelectedDateModified.Caption = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Ngày cập nhật" : "Date modified";
            gcolSelectedFileSize.Caption = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Kích thước" : "File size";
            gcolSelectedNote.Caption = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Ghi chú" : "Note";
            gcolSeletedFilePath.Caption = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Đường dẫn" : "File path";
            lciGridMainData.Text = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Dữ liệu nhập tổng quát" : "Input data overview";
            lciSelectedFiles.Text = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Chọn tệp dữ liệu:" : "Choose data file:";
            btnImportAllFiles.Text = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Nhập Tất Cả Tập Tin" : "Import all files";
            btnImportSelectedFile.Text = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Nhập Tệp Đã Chọn" : "Import selected file";
            wzcMain.CancelText = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Hủy Bỏ" : "Cancel";
            wzcMain.NextText = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Tiếp Tục >" : "Next >";
            wzcMain.FinishText = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Hoàn Tất" : "Finish";
            wzcMain.Text = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Trình hướng dẫn nhập dữ liệu từ file Excel" : "Wizard import data from Excel file";
            wwpStepOne.Text = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Chọn tệp dữ liệu Excel cần nhập" : "Choose Excel file want to import";
            wwpStepTwo.Text = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Quá trình thực hiện" : "Implementation process";
            wwpStepThree.Text = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Tóm tắt thông tin nhập liệu" : "Summary import information";
            logSelectedFiles.Text = Language.Equals("VN") ? "Tệp tin đã chọn từ máy tính" : "Selected files from your computer";
Exemple #2
        public static void LoadReportCaption(string username, string language_id, string template, string function_id)
            SYS_tblReportCaptionBUS busReport = new SYS_tblReportCaptionBUS();
            DataTable dt = busReport.LoadImportCaption(username, language_id, function_id, true);
            Workbook wb = new Workbook(Temp + string.Format(@"\{0}", template));
            Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];
            int index = 0;
            int count = wb.Worksheets.Count;
            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    FindOptions opts = new FindOptions();
                    opts.LookInType = LookInType.Values;
                    opts.LookAtType = LookAtType.EntireContent;

                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        Cell cell = ws.Cells.Find("$" + dt.Rows[i]["ControlID"].ToString() + "$", null, opts);
                        if (cell != null)
                            int column = cell.Column;
                            ws.Replace("$" + dt.Rows[i]["ControlID"].ToString() + "$", dt.Rows[i]["Caption"].ToString());
                            if (Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[i]["IsList"]) && cell != null)
                                string tmp = "";
                                tmp = ws.Cells[cell.Row + 1, cell.Column].Value + "";
                                DataTable dt2 = busReport.LoadComboDynamicList(username, language_id, "", dt.Rows[i]["TableName"] + "", "Code");
                                if (dt2 != null && dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    wb.Worksheets[index].Name = dt.Rows[i]["TableName"] + "";
                                    Worksheet ws1 = wb.Worksheets[index];
                                    ws1.Cells.ImportDataTable(dt2, true, 0, 0, true, false);
                                    Range range = ws1.Cells.CreateRange(1, 0, dt2.Rows.Count, 1);
                                    range.Name = tmp;
                                    for (int j = 0; j < dt2.Rows.Count; j++)
                                        AsposeCellsStyle.Cells.BackgroundColor(ws1.Cells[0, j], Color.Yellow);
                                        AsposeCellsStyle.Cells.Font.Color(ws1.Cells[0, j], Color.Red);
                                CellArea cellArea;
                                cellArea.StartRow = 2;
                                cellArea.EndRow = ws.Cells.MaxRow;
                                cellArea.StartColumn = cell.Column;
                                cellArea.EndColumn = cell.Column;
                                ValidationCollection validations = ws.Validations;
                                Validation validation = validations[validations.Add(cellArea)];
                                validation.Type = ValidationType.List;
                                validation.Operator = OperatorType.None;
                                validation.InCellDropDown = true;
                                validation.Formula1 = "=" + tmp;
                                validation.ShowError = false;
                        if (Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[i]["IsRequire"]))
                            AsposeCellsStyle.Cells.Font.Color(cell, Color.Red);
                    SaveExportCustom(wb, "HellDemons");
                catch (Exception ex)
