protected void Handle_LearnMore( )
            // don't process the link if there's no ReferenceURL
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NewsItem.ReferenceURL) == false)
                // if this is an app-url, then let the task (which forwards it to the springboard) handle it.
                if (SpringboardViewController.IsAppURL(NewsItem.ReferenceURL) == true)
                    // copy the news item's relevant members. That way, if we're running in debug,
                    // and they want to override the news item, we can do that below.
                    string newsUrl             = NewsItem.ReferenceURL;
                    bool   newsImpersonation   = NewsItem.IncludeImpersonationToken;
                    bool   newsExternalBrowser = NewsItem.ReferenceUrlLaunchesBrowser;

                    // If we're running a debug build, see if we should override the news
    #if DEBUG
                    if (DebugConfig.News_Override_Item == true)
                        newsUrl             = DebugConfig.News_Override_ReferenceURL;
                        newsImpersonation   = DebugConfig.News_Override_IncludeImpersonationToken;
                        newsExternalBrowser = DebugConfig.News_Override_ReferenceUrlLaunchesBrowser;

                    TaskWebViewController.HandleUrl(newsExternalBrowser, newsImpersonation, newsUrl, Task, this, false, false, false);
Exemple #2
        public void RowClicked(int rowIndex)
            if (rowIndex > -1)
                ConnectLink linkEntry = null;

                // is this a getEngaged row?
                if (rowIndex < GetEngagedEntries.Count)
                    linkEntry = GetEngagedEntries[rowIndex];

                // did they pick something valid?
                if (linkEntry != null)
                    // GroupFinder is unique in that it doesn't use a webView.
                    if (linkEntry.Title == ConnectStrings.Main_Connect_GroupFinder)
                        TaskUIViewController viewController = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("GroupFinderViewController") as TaskUIViewController;
                        Task.PerformSegue(this, viewController);
                        TaskWebViewController.HandleUrl(false, true, linkEntry.Url, Task, this, false, false, false);
Exemple #3
        public override bool OnBackPressed( )
            // if we're displaying a taskViewController, let it handle back.
            TaskWebViewController webViewController = ActiveViewController as TaskWebViewController;

            if (webViewController != null)
                return(webViewController.OnBackPressed( ));

Exemple #4
        public override bool OnBackPressed( )
            // if we're displaying a taskViewController, let it handle back.
            TaskWebViewController webViewController = ActiveViewController as TaskWebViewController;

            if (webViewController != null)
                webViewController.OnBackPressed( );

            // let the container know we're handling it, so that it doesn't need to.
 public void RowClicked( int rowIndex )
     if ( rowIndex > -1 )
         if ( rowIndex == 0 )
             TaskUIViewController viewController = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController( "GroupFinderViewController" ) as TaskUIViewController;
             Task.PerformSegue( this, viewController );
             TaskWebViewController viewController = new TaskWebViewController( LinkEntries[ rowIndex ].Url, Task );
             Task.PerformSegue( this, viewController );
Exemple #6
        public override void MakeActive(TaskUINavigationController parentViewController, NavToolbar navToolbar, CGRect containerBounds)
            base.MakeActive(parentViewController, navToolbar, containerBounds);

            MainPageVC             = new TaskUIViewController();
            MainPageVC.Task        = this;
            MainPageVC.View.Bounds = containerBounds;

            // set our current page as root
            parentViewController.PushViewController(MainPageVC, false);

            // and immediately handle the URL
            string fullUrl = Rock.Mobile.Util.Strings.Parsers.AddParamToURL(AboutConfig.Url, string.Format(PrivateGeneralConfig.RockCampusContext, MobileApp.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.GetRelevantCampus( )));

            TaskWebViewController.HandleUrl(false, true, fullUrl, this, MainPageVC, false, true, false, false);
        public void RowClicked(int row)
            if (row < News.Count)
                // mark that they tapped this item.
                NewsAnalytic.Instance.Trigger(NewsAnalytic.Read, News[row].News.Title);

                if (News[row].News.SkipDetailsPage == true && string.IsNullOrEmpty(News[row].News.ReferenceURL) == false)
                    // if this is an app-url, then let the task (which forwards it to the springboard) handle it.
                    if (SpringboardViewController.IsAppURL(News[row].News.ReferenceURL) == true)
                        // copy the news item's relevant members. That way, if we're running in debug,
                        // and they want to override the news item, we can do that below.
                        string newsUrl             = News[row].News.ReferenceURL;
                        bool   newsImpersonation   = News[row].News.IncludeImpersonationToken;
                        bool   newsExternalBrowser = News[row].News.ReferenceUrlLaunchesBrowser;

                        // If we're running a debug build, see if we should override the news
                        #if DEBUG
                        if (DebugConfig.News_Override_Item == true)
                            newsUrl             = DebugConfig.News_Override_ReferenceURL;
                            newsImpersonation   = DebugConfig.News_Override_IncludeImpersonationToken;
                            newsExternalBrowser = DebugConfig.News_Override_ReferenceUrlLaunchesBrowser;

                        TaskWebViewController.HandleUrl(newsExternalBrowser, newsImpersonation, newsUrl, Task, this, false, false, false);
                    NewsDetailsUIViewController viewController = new NewsDetailsUIViewController();
                    viewController.NewsItem = News[row].News;

                    Task.PerformSegue(this, viewController);
Exemple #8
        public override void PerformAction(string command, string[] arguments)
            base.PerformAction(command, arguments);

            switch (command)
            // is this a goto command?
            case PrivateGeneralConfig.App_URL_Commands_Goto:
                // make sure the argument is for us
                if (arguments[0] == Command_Keyword( ) && arguments.Length > 1)
                    // check for groupfinder, because we support that one.
                    if (PrivateGeneralConfig.App_URL_Page_GroupFinder == arguments[1])
                        // since we're switching to the read notes VC, pop to the main page root and
                        // remove it, because we dont' want back history (where would they go back to?)
                        ParentViewController.ClearViewControllerStack( );

                        // create and launch the group finder. It's fine to create it here because we always dynamically create this controller.
                        TaskUIViewController viewController = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("GroupFinderViewController") as TaskUIViewController;
                        ParentViewController.PushViewController(viewController, false);
                        List <ConnectLink> engagedEntries = ConnectLink.BuildGetEngagedList( );
                        ConnectLink        connectLink    = engagedEntries.Where(e => e.Command_Keyword == arguments[1]).SingleOrDefault( );

                        if (connectLink != null)
                            // clear out the stack and push the main connect page onto the stack
                            ParentViewController.ClearViewControllerStack( );
                            ParentViewController.PushViewController(MainPageVC, false);

                            // now go to the requested URL (and do not animate it--that could allow a race condition if this action is called rapidly
                            TaskWebViewController.HandleUrl(false, true, connectLink.Url, this, MainPageVC, false, false, false, false);
Exemple #9
        public override void TouchesEnded(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt)
            Rock.Mobile.Util.Debug.WriteLine("Touches Ended");

            // for base.TouchesEnded, we do not want to call that FIRST if we're destroying the notes and switching to another page within the App.

            // if the tutorial is showing, all we want to do is hide it.
            // If we process input, it's possible they'll tap thru it to a URL, which will
            // switch pages and cause a lot of user confustion
            if (TutorialShowing( ))
                UITouch touch = touches.AnyObject as UITouch;
                if (touch != null)
                    if (Note != null)
                        // should we visit a website?
                        bool urlLaunchesExternalBrowser = false;
                        bool urlUsesRockImpersonation   = false;

                        string activeUrl = Note.TouchesEnded(touch.LocationInView(UIScrollView).ToPointF( ), out urlLaunchesExternalBrowser, out urlUsesRockImpersonation);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(activeUrl) == false)
                            // see if the task should handle it (as in its a redirect within the app)
                            if (SpringboardViewController.IsAppURL(activeUrl) == true)
                                // HACK JHM 9-1-2017: We don't currently have the ability to transition from a landscape Note to a portrait Task.
                                // Because of that, they either need to be on an iPad, or have their phone in portrait mode. This isn't ideal,
                                // but without adding support for landscape->portrait, we don't have any other choice.
                                if (SpringboardViewController.SupportsLandscapeWide( ) == true || SpringboardViewController.IsDevicePortrait( ) == true)
                                    SaveNoteState(UIScrollView.ContentOffset.Y / ( nfloat )Math.Max(1, UIScrollView.ContentSize.Height));
                                    DestroyNotes( );

                                    // if the url uses the rock impersonation token, it's safe to assume they tapped the takeaway.
                                    if (urlUsesRockImpersonation)
                                        MessageAnalytic.Instance.Trigger(MessageAnalytic.Takeaway, activeUrl);

                                // cleanup the notes before leaving
                                SaveNoteState(UIScrollView.ContentOffset.Y / ( nfloat )Math.Max(1, UIScrollView.ContentSize.Height));
                                DestroyNotes( );

                                // if not, it's either a websie or bible verse

                                if (App.Shared.BibleRenderer.IsBiblePrefix(activeUrl))
                                    BiblePassageViewController viewController = new BiblePassageViewController(activeUrl, Task);
                                    Task.PerformSegue(this, viewController);
                                    TaskWebViewController.HandleUrl(urlLaunchesExternalBrowser, urlUsesRockImpersonation, activeUrl, Task, this, true, false, false);

                // when a touch is released, re-enabled scrolling
                UIScrollView.ScrollEnabled = true;

            // Process TouchesEnded AFTER handling locally- we need to do this
            // in case the Note above wants to switch to another activity within the app.
            base.TouchesEnded(touches, evt);
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            BlockerView = new UIBlockerView(View, View.Frame.ToRectF( ));

            View.BackgroundColor = Rock.Mobile.UI.Util.GetUIColor(ControlStylingConfig.BackgroundColor);

            ScrollView                   = new UIScrollViewWrapper();
            ScrollView.Parent            = this;
            ScrollView.Layer.AnchorPoint = CGPoint.Empty;
            ScrollView.Bounds            = View.Bounds;
            //ScrollView.BackgroundColor = Rock.Mobile.UI.Util.GetUIColor( 0x0000FFFF );

            UserNameField = new StyledTextField();

            UserNameField.Field.AutocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationType.None;
            UserNameField.Field.AutocorrectionType     = UITextAutocorrectionType.No;
            ControlStyling.StyleTextField(UserNameField.Field, LoginStrings.UsernamePlaceholder, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Medium_FontSize);
            UserNameField.Field.ShouldReturn += (textField) =>


            PasswordField = new StyledTextField();
            PasswordField.Field.AutocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionType.No;
            PasswordField.Field.SecureTextEntry    = true;

            ControlStyling.StyleTextField(PasswordField.Field, LoginStrings.PasswordPlaceholder, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Medium_FontSize);
            PasswordField.Field.ShouldReturn += (textField) =>


            // obviously attempt a login if login is pressed
            LoginButton = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.System);
            ControlStyling.StyleButton(LoginButton, LoginStrings.LoginButton, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Medium_FontSize);
            LoginButton.SizeToFit( );
            LoginButton.TouchUpInside += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                if (RockMobileUser.Instance.LoggedIn == true)
                    RockMobileUser.Instance.LogoutAndUnbind( );


            // if they forgot their password, kick them out to the forgot password page
            ForgotPasswordButton = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.System);
            ControlStyling.StyleButton(ForgotPasswordButton, LoginStrings.ForgotPasswordButton, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Medium_FontSize);
            ForgotPasswordButton.SizeToFit( );
            ForgotPasswordButton.TouchUpInside += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                TaskWebViewController.HandleUrl(true, true, LoginConfig.ForgotPassword_Url, null, null, false, false, false);

            AdditionalOptions = new UILabel( );
            ControlStyling.StyleUILabel(AdditionalOptions, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Small_FontSize);
            AdditionalOptions.Text      = LoginStrings.AdditionalOptions;
            AdditionalOptions.TextColor = Rock.Mobile.UI.Util.GetUIColor(ControlStylingConfig.TextField_PlaceholderTextColor);
            AdditionalOptions.SizeToFit( );

            OrSpacerLabel = new UILabel( );
            ControlStyling.StyleUILabel(OrSpacerLabel, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Small_FontSize);
            OrSpacerLabel.TextColor = Rock.Mobile.UI.Util.GetUIColor(ControlStylingConfig.TextField_PlaceholderTextColor);
            OrSpacerLabel.Text      = LoginStrings.OrString;
            OrSpacerLabel.SizeToFit( );

            RegisterButton = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.System);
            ControlStyling.StyleButton(RegisterButton, LoginStrings.RegisterButton, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Medium_FontSize);
            //RegisterButton.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
            RegisterButton.SizeToFit( );
            RegisterButton.TouchUpInside += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                Springboard.RegisterNewUser( );

            // setup the result
            LoginResult = new StyledTextField( );

            ControlStyling.StyleTextField(LoginResult.Field, "", ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Small_FontSize);
            LoginResult.Field.UserInteractionEnabled = false;
            LoginResult.Field.TextAlignment          = UITextAlignment.Center;

            // setup the facebook button
            FacebookLogin = new UIButton( );
            string imagePath = NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath + "/" + "facebook_login.png";

            FBImageView = new UIImageView(new UIImage(imagePath));

            FacebookLogin.SetTitle("", UIControlState.Normal);
            FacebookLogin.Layer.CornerRadius = 4;
            FBImageView.Layer.CornerRadius   = 4;

            FacebookLogin.TouchUpInside += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>

            // If cancel is pressed, notify the springboard we're done.
            CancelButton = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.System);
            CancelButton.SetTitleColor(Rock.Mobile.UI.Util.GetUIColor(ControlStylingConfig.Label_TextColor), UIControlState.Normal);
            CancelButton.SetTitle(GeneralStrings.Cancel, UIControlState.Normal);
            CancelButton.SizeToFit( );
            CancelButton.TouchUpInside += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                // don't allow canceling while we wait for a web request.
                if (LoginState.Trying != State)
                    Springboard.ResignModelViewController(this, null);

            // set the title image for the bar if there's no safe area defined. (A safe area is like, say, the notch for iPhone X)
            nfloat safeAreaTopInset = 0;

            // Make sure they're on iOS 11 before checking for insets. This is only needed for iPhone X anyways, which shipped with iOS 11.
            if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(11, 0))
                safeAreaTopInset = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.SafeAreaInsets.Top;

            // setup the fake header if they're not on a device with save zones (iphone x)
            if (safeAreaTopInset == 0)
                HeaderView = new UIView( );
                HeaderView.BackgroundColor = Rock.Mobile.UI.Util.GetUIColor(ControlStylingConfig.BackgroundColor);

                imagePath = NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath + "/" + PrivatePrimaryNavBarConfig.LogoFile_iOS;
                LogoView  = new UIImageView(new UIImage(imagePath));
                LogoView.SizeToFit( );
                LogoView.Layer.AnchorPoint = CGPoint.Empty;

                HeaderView.SizeToFit( );
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles taking a URL and either launching it externally or within a webView, with or without impersonation token info. (Showing an embedded web page OR launching Safari)
        /// </summary>
        public static void HandleUrl(bool launchExternalBrowser,
                                     bool includeImpersonationToken,
                                     string url,
                                     Task parentTask,
                                     UIViewController currController,
                                     bool disableIdleTimer,
                                     bool webViewControlsNavbar,
                                     bool webviewHidesNavbarOnScroll,
                                     bool animateSeguePresentation = true)
            // run the url through our processor to see if it needs to be manipulated
            string processedUrl = Rock.Mobile.Util.URL.Override.ProcessURLOverrides(url);

            // see if it's external
            if (processedUrl.StartsWith(PrivateGeneralConfig.ExternalUrlToken, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                // strip off the PrivateGeneralConfig.ExternalUrlToken and forward it
                processedUrl = processedUrl.Substring(PrivateGeneralConfig.ExternalUrlToken.Length);

                // and flag that we should launch externally, so that the rest of the function runs as normal
                launchExternalBrowser = true;

            // do we launch them out of the app?
            if (launchExternalBrowser == true)
                // should we get the impersonation token?
                if (includeImpersonationToken == true)
                        delegate(string impersonationToken)
                        // put the platform we're running
                        string fullUrl = Rock.Mobile.Util.Strings.Parsers.AddParamToURL(processedUrl, PrivateGeneralConfig.MobilePlatform);

                        // URL encode the value
                        NSString encodedUrlString = fullUrl.UrlEncode( );

                        // if we got a token, append it
                        NSUrl encodedUrl = null;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(impersonationToken) == false)
                            encodedUrl = new NSUrl(encodedUrlString + "&" + impersonationToken);
                            encodedUrl = new NSUrl(encodedUrlString);

                    // first encode the url
                    NSString encodedUrlString = processedUrl.UrlEncode( );

                    UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl(encodedUrlString));
            // they are using an embedded browser, so this is pretty simple
                TaskWebViewController viewController = new TaskWebViewController(processedUrl, parentTask, includeImpersonationToken, disableIdleTimer, webViewControlsNavbar, webviewHidesNavbarOnScroll);
                parentTask.PerformSegue(currController, viewController, animateSeguePresentation);
 public CustomWebViewDelegate(TaskWebViewController parent) : base( )
     Parent = parent;
 void OnViewClicked( )
     // launch the view
     TaskWebViewController.HandleUrl(false, false, DiscGuideURL, Task, this, true, false, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles taking a URL and either launching it externally or within a webView, with or without impersonation token info. (Showing an embedded web page OR launching Safari)
        /// </summary>
        public static void HandleUrl( bool launchExternalBrowser, bool includeImpersonationToken, string url, Task parentTask, UIViewController currController, bool disableIdleTimer, bool webViewControlsNavbar )
            // do we launch them out of the app?
            if ( launchExternalBrowser == true )
                // should we get the impersonation token?
                if ( includeImpersonationToken == true )
                        delegate(string impersonationToken )
                            // put the platform we're running
                            string fullUrl = Rock.Mobile.Util.Strings.Parsers.AddParamToURL( url, PrivateGeneralConfig.MobilePlatform );

                            // build the full url with their preferred campus (since thats personal data)
                            fullUrl = Rock.Mobile.Util.Strings.Parsers.AddParamToURL( fullUrl, string.Format( PrivateGeneralConfig.RockCampusContext, App.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.GetRelevantCampus( ) ) );

                            // URL encode the value
                            NSString encodedUrlString = fullUrl.UrlEncode( );

                            // if we got a token, append it
                            NSUrl encodedUrl = null;
                            if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( impersonationToken ) == false )
                                encodedUrl = new NSUrl( encodedUrlString + "&" + impersonationToken );
                                encodedUrl = new NSUrl( encodedUrlString );

                            UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl( encodedUrl );
                        } );
                    // first encode the url
                    NSString encodedUrlString = url.UrlEncode( );

                    UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl( new NSUrl( encodedUrlString ) );
            // they are using an embedded browser, so this is pretty simple
                TaskWebViewController viewController = new TaskWebViewController( url, parentTask, includeImpersonationToken, disableIdleTimer, webViewControlsNavbar );
                parentTask.PerformSegue( currController, viewController );
 public CustomWebViewDelegate( TaskWebViewController parent ) : base( )
     Parent = parent;