Exemple #1
        // ======================================================================
        // Initialization/Teardown
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void OnEnable()
            Texture2D iCanScriptLogo = null;

            TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.TitleLogoIcon, out iCanScriptLogo);
            titleContent = new GUIContent("About iCanScript", iCanScriptLogo);
Exemple #2
        // ======================================================================
        // Initialization
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Prepares the editor for editing a graph.  Note that the graph to edit
        // is not configured at this point.  We must wait for an activate from
        // the graph inspector to know which graph to edit.
        public new void OnEnable()

            // -- Set window title --
            Texture2D iCanScriptLogo = null;

            TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.TitleLogoIcon, out iCanScriptLogo);
            titleContent = new GUIContent("Visual Editor", iCanScriptLogo);

            // Tell Unity we want to be informed of move drag events
            wantsMouseMove = true;

            // Create worker objects.
            myGraphics       = new iCS_Graphics();
            myContextualMenu = new iCS_ContextualMenu();

            // Get snapshot for realtime clock.
            myCurrentTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            // Update visual editor cache.

            // Register for window under mouse change
            SystemEvents.OnWindowUnderMouseChange += helpWindowChange;

            // -- Initialize Sub-Systems --
        // ===================================================================
        // BUILDER
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Creates a port editor window at the given screen position.
        /// @param screenPosition The screen position where the editor
        ///                       should be displayed.
        public static EditorWindow Create(iCS_EditorObject node, Vector2 screenPosition)
            if (node == null)
            if (node.IsEventHandler)
                return(EventHandlerEditor.Create(node, screenPosition));
            if (node.IsFunctionDefinition)
                return(FunctionDefinitionEditor.Create(node, screenPosition));
            if (node.IsInstanceNode)
                return(PropertyEditor.Create(node, screenPosition));
            if (node.IsInlineCode)
                return(InlineCodeEditor.Create(node, screenPosition));
            var self = NodeEditor.CreateInstance <NodeEditor>();

            self.vsObject = node;
            Texture2D iCanScriptLogo = null;

            TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.TitleLogoIcon, out iCanScriptLogo);
            self.titleContent = new GUIContent("Node Editor", iCanScriptLogo);
 	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     public static string Search(ref Rect toolbarRect, float width, string value, float leftMargin, float rightMargin, bool isRightJustified= false) {
 		Rect r= ReserveArea(ref toolbarRect, width, leftMargin, rightMargin, isRightJustified);		
         float iconSize= GetHeight();
         if(r.width < iconSize+1f) return value;
         r.y+= 2f;
         r.width-= iconSize;
         Texture2D searchIcon= null;
         if(TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.SearchIcon, out searchIcon)) {
             GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(r.xMin-searchIcon.width, r.y-1f, searchIcon.width, searchIcon.height), searchIcon);
         } else {
             Debug.LogWarning("iCanScript: Cannot find search Icon in resource folder !!!");
         Texture2D cancelIcon= null;
         if(TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.CancelIcon, out cancelIcon)) {
 			Rect cancelRect= new Rect(r.xMax, r.y-1f, cancelIcon.width, cancelIcon.height);
             GUI.DrawTexture(cancelRect, cancelIcon);
 			// Clear the search if the cancel icon is depressed.
 			var ev= Event.current;
 			if(ev != null && ev.isMouse) {
 				if(cancelRect.Contains(ev.mousePosition)) {
 					return "";
         } else {
             Debug.LogWarning("iCanScript: Cannot find cancel Icon in resource folder !!!");
         return GUI.TextField(r, value, EditorStyles.toolbarTextField);        
Exemple #5
        public new void OnEnable()

            // -- Set window title --
            Texture2D iCanScriptLogo = null;

            TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.TitleLogoIcon, out iCanScriptLogo);
            titleContent = new GUIContent("Tree View", iCanScriptLogo);
        // =================================================================================
        // Activation/Deactivation.
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public new void OnEnable()
            Texture2D iCanScriptLogo = null;

            TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.TitleLogoIcon, out iCanScriptLogo);
            titleContent  = new GUIContent(GetTitle(), iCanScriptLogo);
            optionStrings = GetMainSelectionGridStrings();
            minSize       = new Vector2(500f, 400f);
            maxSize       = new Vector2(500f, 400f);
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Assure a minimum size for the library window.
        public new void OnEnable()

            // -- Set window title --
            Texture2D iCanScriptLogo = null;

            TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.TitleLogoIcon, out iCanScriptLogo);
            titleContent = new GUIContent("Library", iCanScriptLogo);

            // -- Set minimum size for window --
            minSize = new Vector2(270f, 270f);
Exemple #8
        // =================================================================================
        // Activation/Deactivation.
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static new EditorWindow Create(iCS_EditorObject node, Vector2 screenPosition)
            // Get existing open window or if none, make a new one:
            var self = PropertyEditor.CreateInstance <PropertyEditor>();

            self.vsObject = node;
            Texture2D iCanScriptLogo = null;

            TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.TitleLogoIcon, out iCanScriptLogo);
            self.titleContent = new GUIContent("Property Editor", iCanScriptLogo);
Exemple #9
        // =================================================================================
        /// Initialize all class variables.
        static void Initialize()
            // -- Initialize only once. --
            if (isInitialized)
            isInitialized = true;

            // -- Build the window area shapes. --
            ourHeaderShape   = Shapes.Rectangle2D(0, 0, kWidth, kHeaderHeight);
            ourListAreaShape = Shapes.Rectangle2D(0, kHeaderHeight, kWidth, kListAreaHeight);

            // -- Load adornments. --
            TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.LogoIcon, out ourLogo);
            ourLogoPosition = new Rect(kWidth - 80f, 16f, 64f, 64f);

            // -- Setup GUI styles. --
            ourHeaderTextStyle           = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.largeLabel);
            ourHeaderTextStyle.fontSize  = kHeaderFontSize;
            ourHeaderTextStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal;
            ourProjectsText = new GUIContent("Packages");
            var projectsTextSize = ourHeaderTextStyle.CalcSize(ourProjectsText);

            ourProjectsTextRect      = new Rect(kSpacer, kHeaderHeight - kSpacer - projectsTextSize.y, projectsTextSize.x, projectsTextSize.y);
            ourCreatePackageText     = new GUIContent("Create Package");
            projectsTextSize         = ourHeaderTextStyle.CalcSize(ourCreatePackageText);
            ourCreatePackageTextRect = new Rect(kSpacer, kHeaderHeight - kSpacer - projectsTextSize.y, projectsTextSize.x, projectsTextSize.y);

            ourProjectTitleStyle           = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.largeLabel);
            ourProjectTitleStyle.fontSize  = kTitleFontSize;
            ourProjectFolderStyle          = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.largeLabel);
            ourProjectFolderStyle.fontSize = kFolderFontSize;
            ourTitleHeight = ourProjectTitleStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent("A")).y;

            ourNewProjectText = new GUIContent("+ New Package");
            var newProjectTextSize = ourProjectTitleStyle.CalcSize(ourNewProjectText);

            ourNewProjectTextRect = new Rect(ourLogoPosition.x - kSpacer - newProjectTextSize.x, kHeaderHeight - 1.5f * kSpacer - newProjectTextSize.y, newProjectTextSize.x, newProjectTextSize.y);

            ourTextFieldStyle          = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.textField);
            ourTextFieldStyle.fontSize = kTitleFontSize;

            ourPopupStyle          = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.popup);
            ourPopupStyle.fontSize = kTitleFontSize;

            // -- Refresh existing project information. --
        // ===================================================================
        // BUILDER
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Creates a port editor window at the given screen position.
        /// @param screenPosition The screen position where the editor
        ///                       should be displayed.
        public static new EditorWindow Create(iCS_EditorObject port, Vector2 screenPosition)
            if (port == null)
            var self = EventHandlerPortEditor.CreateInstance <EventHandlerPortEditor>();

            self.vsObject = port;
            Texture2D iCanScriptLogo = null;

            TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.TitleLogoIcon, out iCanScriptLogo);
            self.titleContent = new GUIContent("Event Handler Port Editor", iCanScriptLogo);
        // ===================================================================
        // BUILDER
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Creates a port editor window at the given screen position.
        /// @param screenPosition The screen position where the editor
        ///                       should be displayed.
        public static new EditorWindow Create(iCS_EditorObject node, Vector2 screenPosition)
            if (node == null)
            var self = FunctionDefinitionEditor.CreateInstance <FunctionDefinitionEditor>();

            self.vsObject = node;
            Texture2D iCanScriptLogo = null;

            TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.TitleLogoIcon, out iCanScriptLogo);
            self.titleContent = new GUIContent("Function Definition Editor", iCanScriptLogo);
Exemple #12
        int myParentSelection    = 0;           //< The parent package selection

        // =================================================================================
        /// Creates a package selection window.
        public static PackageSelectionWindow Init()
            // -- Create window. --
            var editor = EditorWindow.CreateInstance <PackageSelectionWindow>();

            editor.wantsMouseMove = true;

            // -- Set window title --
            Texture2D iCanScriptLogo = null;

            TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.TitleLogoIcon, out iCanScriptLogo);
            editor.titleContent = new GUIContent("iCanScript Package Selection", iCanScriptLogo);

            // -- Fix window size. --
            editor.minSize = new Vector2(kWidth, kHeaderHeight + kListAreaHeight);
            editor.maxSize = new Vector2(kWidth, kHeaderHeight + kListAreaHeight);

            // -- Show the window. --
        // ===================================================================
        // BUILDER
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Creates a port editor window at the given screen position.
        /// @param screenPosition The screen position where the editor
        ///                       should be displayed.
        public static EditorWindow Create(iCS_EditorObject port, Vector2 screenPosition)
            if (port == null)
            // Create the specific port editors.
            var parent = port.ParentNode;

            if (parent.IsEventHandler)
                return(EventHandlerPortEditor.Create(port, screenPosition));
            if (parent.IsFunctionDefinition)
                return(FunctionDefinitionPortEditor.Create(port, screenPosition));
            if (parent.IsPackage)
                return(PackagePortEditor.Create(port, screenPosition));
            if (parent.IsKindOfFunction)
                return(FunctionCallPortEditor.Create(port, screenPosition));
            // Create a generic port editor.
            var self = PortEditor.CreateInstance <PortEditor>();

            self.vsObject = port;
            Texture2D iCanScriptLogo = null;

            TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.TitleLogoIcon, out iCanScriptLogo);
            self.titleContent = new GUIContent("Port Editor", iCanScriptLogo);
        // =================================================================================
        // MAIN WINDOW
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public new void OnGUI()
            // Draw common stuff for all editors

            // Reset GUI alpha.
            GUI.color = Color.white;
            // Build GUI styles (in case they were changed by user).

            // Outline column 1 area
            Rect column1Rect = new Rect(0, -1, kColumn1Width, position.height + 1);

            GUI.Box(column1Rect, "");

            // Show selection grid.
            float lineHeight = selectionStyle.fixedHeight;
            float gridHeight = lineHeight * optionStrings.Length;

            selGridId = GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(0, kTitleHeight, kColumn1Width, gridHeight), selGridId, optionStrings, 1, selectionStyle);

            // Show title
            if (selGridId >= 0 && selGridId < optionStrings.Length)
                string title = optionStrings[selGridId];
                GUI.Label(new Rect(kColumn2X + 1.5f * kMargin, kMargin, kColumn2Width + kColumn3Width, kTitleHeight), title, titleStyle);

            // Execute option specific panel.
            GUI.skin.label.richText = true;

            // Show iCanScript version information.
            string     version        = iCS_EditorConfig.VersionStr;
            GUIContent versionContent = new GUIContent(version);
            Vector2    versionSize    = GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(versionContent);
            float      x   = column1Rect.x + 0.5f * (column1Rect.width - versionSize.x);
            float      y   = column1Rect.yMax - 2.5f * versionSize.y;
            Rect       pos = new Rect(x, y, versionSize.x, versionSize.y);

            GUI.Label(pos, versionContent);
            pos.y += versionSize.y;
            string     buildDate        = BuildInfo.kBuildDateStr;
            GUIContent buildDateContent = new GUIContent(buildDate);
            Vector2    buildDateSize    = GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(buildDateContent);

            pos.x      = column1Rect.x + 0.5f * (column1Rect.width - buildDateSize.x);
            pos.width  = buildDateSize.x;
            pos.height = buildDateSize.y;
            GUI.Label(pos, buildDateContent);

            // Show product icon
            var       logoWidth      = 64f;
            var       logoHeight     = 64f;
            Texture2D iCanScriptLogo = null;

            if (TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.LogoIcon, out iCanScriptLogo))
                Rect r = new Rect(0.5f * (kColumn1Width - logoWidth), position.height - logoHeight - 10f - 2f * versionSize.y, logoWidth, logoHeight);
                GUI.DrawTexture(r, iCanScriptLogo);
Exemple #15
        // ======================================================================
        // GUI Update
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void OnGUI()
            // Init.
            if (h1 == null)

            // Show product icon
            var       logoWidth      = 64f;
            var       logoHeight     = 64f;
            Texture2D iCanScriptLogo = null;

            if (TextureCache.GetTexture(iCS_EditorStrings.LogoIcon, out iCanScriptLogo))
                Rect r = new Rect(kSpacer, kSpacer, logoWidth, logoHeight);
                GUI.DrawTexture(r, iCanScriptLogo);

            // Show product name
            GUIContent title     = new GUIContent("iCanScript");
            var        titleSize = h1.CalcSize(title);
            Rect       rTitle    = new Rect(2f * kSpacer + logoWidth, kSpacer, titleSize.x, titleSize.y);

            GUI.Label(rTitle, title, h1);

            // Show version
            GUIContent versionContent = new GUIContent(iCS_EditorConfig.VersionStr);
            Vector2    versionSize    = GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(versionContent);
            Rect       rVersion       = new Rect(2f * kSpacer + logoWidth, rTitle.yMax, versionSize.x, versionSize.y);

            GUI.Label(rVersion, versionContent);

            // Column info
            float column1X             = kSpacer;
            var   editionTitle         = new GUIContent("Edition: ");
            var   buildDateTitle       = new GUIContent("Build Date: ");
            var   userLicenseTitle     = new GUIContent("User License: ");
            var   buildDateTitleSize   = GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(buildDateTitle);
            var   userLicenseTitleSize = GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(userLicenseTitle);
            float column1Width         = Math3D.Max(buildDateTitleSize.x,
            var labelHeight = buildDateTitleSize.y;

            float column2X     = column1X + column1Width + kSpacer;
            float column2Width = position.width - column2X - kSpacer;

            // Edition
            var rEdition = new Rect(column1X, kSpacer + logoHeight + labelHeight, column2Width, labelHeight);

            GUI.Label(rEdition, editionTitle);
            rEdition.x = column2X; rEdition.width = column2Width;
            GUI.Label(rEdition, EditionController.ToString());

            // User License
            var rUserLicense = new Rect(column1X, rEdition.yMax, column1Width, labelHeight);

            GUI.Label(rUserLicense, userLicenseTitle);
            var userLicense = LicenseController.LicenseAsString();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userLicense))
                userLicense = "None";
            var userLicenseSize = GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(new GUIContent(userLicense));

            rUserLicense.x = column2X; rUserLicense.width = column2Width;
            GUI.Label(rUserLicense, userLicense);

            // Build date
            var rBuildDate = new Rect(column1X, rUserLicense.yMax, column2Width, labelHeight);

            GUI.Label(rBuildDate, buildDateTitle);
            GUIContent buildDate = new GUIContent(BuildInfo.kBuildDateStr);

            rBuildDate.x = column2X; rBuildDate.width = column2Width;
            GUI.Label(rBuildDate, buildDate);

            // Disclamer
            GUIContent copyright     = new GUIContent("(c) copyright LogikEdge 2021.  All rights reserved.");
            var        copyrightSize = GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(copyright);
            var        rCopyright    = new Rect(column1X, rBuildDate.yMax + copyrightSize.y, copyrightSize.x, copyrightSize.y);

            GUI.Label(rCopyright, copyright);

            var p = position;

            p.width  = Math3D.Max(copyrightSize.x + 2f * kSpacer, column2X + userLicenseSize.x + kSpacer);
            p.height = rCopyright.yMax + kSpacer;
            position = p;