public static OddDTO SearchOdd(eOddType oddType, string oddtoSearch, System.Collections.Generic.List <OddDTO> dataSource) { OddDTO result = null; string __odd = oddtoSearch.ToLower().Replace("0", "").Replace(" ", ""); if (dataSource != null) { try { System.Collections.Generic.List <OddDTO> list = ( from odd in dataSource where odd.Type == oddType && odd.Odd.ToLower().Replace("0", "").Replace(" ", "").Equals(__odd) select odd).ToList <OddDTO>(); if (list.Count == 1) { result = list[0]; } else { result = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Error 006 Can not search: " + oddtoSearch + ",ex: " + ex); #endif result = null; } } return(result); }
public static OddDTO SearchOdd(eOddType oddType, string oddtoSearch, bool a, System.Collections.Generic.List <OddDTO> dataSource) { OddDTO result = null; string __odd = oddtoSearch.ToLower().Trim(); decimal od = Math.Abs(decimal.Parse(__odd)); if (dataSource != null) { try { System.Collections.Generic.List <OddDTO> list = ( from odd in dataSource where odd.Type == oddType && (float.Parse(ConvertOdd(odd.Odd.ToLower().Trim())) == (float.Parse((od.ToString())))) select odd).ToList <OddDTO>(); if (list.Count == 1) { result = list[0]; } else { result = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Error 006 Can not search: " + oddtoSearch + ",ex: " + ex); #endif result = null; } } return(result); }
public static OddDTO SearchOdd(OddDTO oddToSearch, System.Collections.Generic.List <OddDTO> dataSource) { OddDTO result; if (oddToSearch.Type == eOddType.FulltimeHandicap || oddToSearch.Type == eOddType.FirstHalfHandicap) { string __odd = oddToSearch.Odd.ToLower().Replace("0", "").Replace(" ", ""); System.Collections.Generic.List <OddDTO> list = ( from odd in dataSource where odd.Type == oddToSearch.Type && odd.Odd.ToLower().Replace("0", "").Replace(" ", "") == __odd && odd.HomeFavor == oddToSearch.HomeFavor && odd.AwayFavor == oddToSearch.AwayFavor select odd).ToList <OddDTO>(); if (list.Count == 1) { result = list[0]; } else { result = null; } } else { if (oddToSearch.Type == eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder || oddToSearch.Type == eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder) { string __odd = oddToSearch.Odd.ToLower().Replace("0", "").Replace(" ", ""); System.Collections.Generic.List <OddDTO> list = ( from odd in dataSource where odd.Type == oddToSearch.Type && odd.Odd.ToLower().Replace("0", "").Replace(" ", "") == __odd select odd).ToList <OddDTO>(); if (list.Count == 1) { result = list[0]; } else { result = null; } } else { #if DEBUG iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Error 005 Can not search: " + oddToSearch); #endif result = null; } } return(result); }
public static OddDTO SearchOdd(OddDTO oddToSearch, System.Collections.Generic.List<OddDTO> dataSource) { OddDTO result; if (oddToSearch.Type == eOddType.FulltimeHandicap || oddToSearch.Type == eOddType.FirstHalfHandicap) { string __odd = oddToSearch.Odd.ToLower().Replace("0", "").Replace(" ", ""); System.Collections.Generic.List<OddDTO> list = ( from odd in dataSource where odd.Type == oddToSearch.Type && odd.Odd.ToLower().Replace("0", "").Replace(" ", "") == __odd && odd.HomeFavor == oddToSearch.HomeFavor && odd.AwayFavor == oddToSearch.AwayFavor select odd).ToList<OddDTO>(); if (list.Count == 1) { result = list[0]; } else { result = null; } } else { if (oddToSearch.Type == eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder || oddToSearch.Type == eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder) { string __odd = oddToSearch.Odd.ToLower().Replace("0", "").Replace(" ", ""); System.Collections.Generic.List<OddDTO> list = ( from odd in dataSource where odd.Type == oddToSearch.Type && odd.Odd.ToLower().Replace("0", "").Replace(" ", "") == __odd select odd).ToList<OddDTO>(); if (list.Count == 1) { result = list[0]; } else { result = null; } } else { #if DEBUG iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Error 005 Can not search: " + oddToSearch); #endif result = null; } } return result; }
private void TestStrategy() { System.Collections.Generic.List<Strategy> listStrategy = new List<Strategy>(); try { using (var webClient = new System.Net.WebClient()) { var json = webClient.DownloadString(""); string s = json.ToString().Replace("", "").Replace(");", ""); Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject jSObj = (Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject)Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject(s); if (jSObj != null) { Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject jSObjFeed = (Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject)jSObj["feed"]; if (jSObjFeed != null) { Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptArray jSArrEntry = (Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptArray)jSObjFeed["entry"]; if (jSArrEntry != null) { using (System.Collections.Generic.List<object>.Enumerator enumerator = jSArrEntry.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject objCurrent = (Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject)enumerator.Current; Strategy strategy = new Strategy(); Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject jsObj2 = (Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject)objCurrent["gsx$name"]; strategy.Name = jsObj2["$t"].ToString(); jsObj2 = (Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject)objCurrent["gsx$stepid"]; strategy.StepID = int.Parse(jsObj2["$t"].ToString()); jsObj2 = (Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject)objCurrent["gsx$field"]; strategy.Field = jsObj2["$t"].ToString(); jsObj2 = (Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject)objCurrent["gsx$operator"]; strategy.Operator = jsObj2["$t"].ToString(); jsObj2 = (Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject)objCurrent["gsx$valuetocompare"]; strategy.ValueToCompare = jsObj2["$t"].ToString(); jsObj2 = (Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject)objCurrent["gsx$object"]; strategy.Obj = jsObj2["$t"].ToString(); jsObj2 = (Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject)objCurrent["gsx$expected"]; strategy.Expected = bool.Parse(jsObj2["$t"].ToString()); jsObj2 = (Newtonsoft.Json.JavaScriptObject)objCurrent["gsx$adminallowed"]; strategy.AdminAllowed = bool.Parse(jsObj2["$t"].ToString()); listStrategy.Add(strategy); } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } MatchDTO match = new MatchDTO(); match.HomeTeamName = "Man U"; match.AwayTeamName = "Chelsea"; match.AwayScore = "2"; match.HomeScore = "1"; match.Minute = 34; OddDTO odd = new OddDTO(); odd.Home = 0.95f; odd.Away = 0.95f; odd.Type = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder; match.Odds = new List<OddDTO>(); match.Odds.Add(odd); foreach (Strategy st in listStrategy) { if (st.AdminAllowed == true && st.StepID != 100) { if (st.Obj == "Odd") { foreach (OddDTO o in match.Odds) { if (st.ValueToCompare == "Odd.Away") st.Result = Operator.Apply(o, st.Operator, st.Field, o.Away); else st.Result = Operator.Apply(o, st.Operator, st.Field, st.ValueToCompare); if (st.Result == st.Expected) break; } } else if (st.Obj == "Match") { st.Result = Operator.Apply(match, st.Operator, st.Field, st.ValueToCompare); } } if (st.Result == true) { iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write(st.Name + " step " + st.StepID.ToString() + ": checking " + st.Obj + "." + st.Field + " " + st.Operator + " " + st.ValueToCompare + " >>> RESULT: " + st.Result.ToString()); } else { iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write(st.Name + " step " + st.StepID.ToString() + ": checking " + st.Obj + "." + st.Field + " " + st.Operator + " " + st.ValueToCompare + " >>> RESULT: " + st.Result.ToString()); } } }
private void CompareSameMatch() { this._comparing = true; lock (this._listSameMatch) { System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> listIBETMatch = this._listIBETMatch; System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> listSbobetMatch = this._listSbobetMatch; if (this._listSameMatch != null) { this._listSameMatch.Clear(); } else { this._listSameMatch = new System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO>(); } if (scantype == ScanningType.both) { #region BuonComIBETSBO Dictionary<string, IbetMatch> iMatchs = this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.parser.LdicMatches[0]; Dictionary<string, SboMatch> sMatchs = this._sbobetEngine.sboAgent.parserLive.LdicMatches[0]; //var i = iMatchs.Values. foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetMatch> iM in iMatchs) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SboMatch> sM in sMatchs) { if ((iM.Value.Home == sM.Value.home) || (iM.Value.Away == sM.Value.away)) { MatchDTO matchDTO = new MatchDTO(); matchDTO.ID = iM.Value.MatchId; matchDTO.AwayTeamName = iM.Value.Away + " / " + sM.Value.away; matchDTO.HomeTeamName = iM.Value.Home + " / " + sM.Value.home; matchDTO.Minute = iM.Value.Minute; matchDTO.HomeScore = iM.Value.ScoreH.ToString(); matchDTO.AwayScore = iM.Value.ScoreA.ToString(); if (iM.Value.Period == 0) matchDTO.IsHalfTime = true; else if (iM.Value.Period == 1) matchDTO.Half = 1; else if (iM.Value.Period == 2) matchDTO.Half = 2; LeagueDTO leagueDTO = new LeagueDTO(); leagueDTO.Name = iM.Value.LeagueName + " / " + sM.Value.leagueName; leagueDTO.ID = iM.Value.LeagueId; matchDTO.League = leagueDTO; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SboOdd> sO in sM.Value.dicOdds) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetOdd> iO in iM.Value.dicOdds) { if (sO.Value.oddType == iO.Value.oddType) { if (sO.Value.home + iO.Value.away == -0.01m || sO.Value.home + iO.Value.away == 0) { //iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Odd Found:iH sA: " + iM.Value.Home + "/" + sM.Value.home + "-" + iM.Value.Away + "/" + sM.Value.away + // " >> ibet Odd: " + iO.Value.home + "/" + iO.Value.away + " >> sbo Odd:" + sO.Value.home + "/" + sO.Value.away + // " >> " + iO.Value.oddType + ":" + sO.Value.oddType); //BetObject betObject = new BetObject(); //betObject.ibet = new Bet(); //this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.CheckOdds TransactionDTO transactionDTO = new TransactionDTO(); } if (sO.Value.away + iO.Value.home == -0.01m || sO.Value.away + iO.Value.home == 0) { //iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Odd Found:iA sH: " + iM.Value.Home + "/" + sM.Value.home + "-" + iM.Value.Away + "/" + sM.Value.away + // " >> ibet Odd: " + iO.Value.home + "/" + iO.Value.away + " >> sbo Odd:" + sO.Value.home + "/" + sO.Value.away + // " >> " + iO.Value.oddType + ":" + sO.Value.oddType); } } } } this._listSameMatch.Add(matchDTO); } } } System.DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now; System.TimeSpan timeSpan; System.DateTime now2 = System.DateTime.Now; timeSpan = now2 - now; double totalMilliseconds = timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds; BarItem arg_648_0 = this.lblSbobetTotalMatch; int count = sMatchs.Count; arg_648_0.Caption = count.ToString(); BarItem arg_663_0 = this.lblIbetTotalMatch; count = iMatchs.Count; arg_663_0.Caption = count.ToString(); this.lblSameMatch.Caption = "Total Same Match: " + this._listSameMatch.Count; this.lblLastUpdate.Caption = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); #endregion } else if (scantype == ScanningType.ibet || scantype == ScanningType.ibetVSibet) { Dictionary<string, IbetMatch> iMatchs1 = new Dictionary<string, IbetMatch>(); Dictionary<string, IbetMatch> iMatchs0 = new Dictionary<string, IbetMatch>(); if (checkEdit5.Checked)//live iMatchs0 = this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.parser.LdicMatches[0]; if (checkEdit6.Checked)//non live iMatchs1 = this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.parser.LdicMatches[1]; this._ibetMatchs = iMatchs1.Concat(iMatchs0).GroupBy(d => d.Key).ToDictionary(d => d.Key, d => d.First().Value); lock (this._ibetMatchs) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetMatch> iM in _ibetMatchs) { #region SAMEWORD_PREPARE_MATCHLIST MatchDTO matchDTO = new MatchDTO(); matchDTO.ID = iM.Value.MatchId; matchDTO.AwayTeamName = iM.Value.Away; matchDTO.HomeTeamName = iM.Value.Home; //matchDTO.KickOffTime = iM.Value.KickOffTime; string formatString = "yyyyMMddHHmm"; //string sample = "201006112219"; DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(iM.Value.KickOffTime, formatString, null); matchDTO.KickOffTime = dt.ToString("dd/MM HH:mm"); DateTime ct = DateTime.Parse(this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.CT); TimeSpan ts = dt.Subtract(ct);//kick off time - current time double tic = ts.TotalSeconds; if (tic <= 300 && tic > 0) { matchDTO.KickOffTime += " - " + ts.Minutes.ToString() + " mins to start"; } else if (tic < 0) { matchDTO.KickOffTime += " !Live"; } matchDTO.Minute = iM.Value.Minute; matchDTO.HomeScore = iM.Value.ScoreH.ToString(); matchDTO.AwayScore = iM.Value.ScoreA.ToString(); if (iM.Value.Period == 0) matchDTO.IsHalfTime = true; else if (iM.Value.Period == 1) matchDTO.Half = 1; else if (iM.Value.Period == 2) matchDTO.Half = 2; LeagueDTO leagueDTO = new LeagueDTO(); leagueDTO.Name = iM.Value.LeagueName; leagueDTO.ID = iM.Value.LeagueId; matchDTO.League = leagueDTO; this._listSameMatch.Add(matchDTO); int num = 0; if (this.chbRandomStake.Checked) { while (num == 0) { string strNum = this.txtStake.Lines[new System.Random().Next(this.txtStake.Lines.Length)]; int.TryParse(strNum, out num); } } #endregion if (scantype == ScanningType.ibetVSibet) { #region IBET_vs_IBET if (leagueDTO.Name.Contains("SPECIFIC 15 MINS OVER/UNDER")) { if (((System.DateTime.Now - this._lastTransactionTime).Seconds > 8) && !this._betting) { if (matchDTO.HomeTeamName.Contains("30:01-45:00") || matchDTO.HomeTeamName.Contains("75:01-90:00")) { if (!matchDTO.KickOffTime.Contains("Live")) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetOdd> iO in iM.Value.dicOdds) { if (iO.Value.oddType == 3)//keo OU { TransactionDTO transactionDTO; string strOU = "a"; if (checkEdit2.Checked) { strOU = "h"; } if (matchDTO.HomeTeamName.Contains("30:01-45:00")) { if (checkEdit17.Checked)//allow Half 1 { transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("Over15_Fang", iO.Value.home.ToString(), matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.hdp.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, strOU, num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account); this.AddTransaction(transactionDTO); } } else { if (checkEdit18.Checked) //allow half 2 { transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("Over15_Fang", iO.Value.home.ToString(), matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.hdp.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, strOU, num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account); this.AddTransaction(transactionDTO); } } } } } } } } #endregion } else if (scantype == ScanningType.ibet) { #region IBET_Strategies foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetOdd> iO in iM.Value.dicOdds) { if (((System.DateTime.Now - this._lastTransactionTime).Seconds > 8) && !this._betting) { if (checkEdit12.Checked) // under strategy { if (iO.Value.oddType == 3 && iO.Value.home == iO.Value.away) { if (checkEdit9.Checked) { if (!matchDTO.KickOffTime.Contains("Live")) { TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("Under", iO.Value.home.ToString(), matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.hdp.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "a", num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account); this.AddTransaction(transactionDTO); } } else { TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("Under", iO.Value.home.ToString(), matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.hdp.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "a", num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account); this.AddTransaction(transactionDTO); } } } if (checkEdit8.Checked) //over strategy { if (iO.Value.oddType == 3 && iO.Value.home == iO.Value.away) { TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("Over", iO.Value.home.ToString(), matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.hdp.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "h", num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account); this.AddTransaction(transactionDTO); } } if (checkEdit7.Checked) // Over 92/90 { if (matchDTO.KickOffTime.Contains("Live")) { if (iO.Value.oddType == 3 || iO.Value.oddType == 8) { if (iO.Value.hdp - ((decimal)iM.Value.ScoreH + (decimal)iM.Value.ScoreA) == (decimal)0.5) { if (iM.Value.Home.Contains("No. of Corners") && iO.Value.home == (decimal)0.90 && iO.Value.away == (decimal)0.92) { TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("Over9290", iO.Value.home.ToString(), matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.hdp.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "h", num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account); this.AddTransaction(transactionDTO); } } } } } if (checkEdit9.Checked) // Odd down: Sap keo { if (matchDTO.KickOffTime.Contains("mins to start")) { if (iO.Value.oddType == 3) { List<Bet> bl = this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.betList; lock (bl) { foreach (Bet bet in bl) { if (bet.Home == matchDTO.HomeTeamName && bet.Away == matchDTO.AwayTeamName) { iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Sap Keo:: Tim thay keo trong bet list trong tran : " + bet.Home + " - " + bet.Away); if (bet.Handicap == iO.Value.hdp) { if (iO.Value.away < 0 || iO.Value.away - bet.OddsValue >= (decimal)0.05) { iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Sap Keo:: Keo bi sap " + (iO.Value.away - bet.OddsValue).ToString() + " gia. Go to bet over"); //keo under sap xuo^'ng an cao hon TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("SapKeo", iO.Value.home.ToString(), matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.hdp.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "h", num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account); this.AddTransaction(transactionDTO); } } } } } } } } if (chbHighRevenueBoost.Checked) // Best analysed strategy { if (!leagueDTO.Name.Contains("Cup") && !leagueDTO.Name.Contains("CUP")) { if (iO.Value.oddType == 3 && iO.Value.home == iO.Value.away) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Odd = iO.Value.hdp.ToString(); string s = CheckBestStrategyValidation(matchDTO, oddDTO); if (s == "nguoc") { TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("nguoc", iO.Value.home.ToString(), matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.home.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "h", num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account); this.AddTransaction(transactionDTO); //Console.Write("nguoc"); } else if (s == "xuoi") { TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("xuoi", iO.Value.home.ToString(), matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.home.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "h", num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account); this.AddTransaction(transactionDTO); //Console.Write("xuoi"); } } } } if (checkEdit11.Checked)//fair odd { if (!leagueDTO.Name.Contains("Cup") && !leagueDTO.Name.Contains("CUP")) { if (iM.Value.Minute >= 35 && iM.Value.Period == 1 && iM.Value.ScoreA == iM.Value.ScoreH) { iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("01:Found fair odd: " + iM.Value.Home + "-" + iM.Value.Away + ":" + iM.Value.Minute + "m"); if ((iO.Value.home > (decimal)0.9) && iO.Value.oddType == 3 && (iO.Value.hdp - (decimal)(iM.Value.ScoreH + iM.Value.ScoreA) == (decimal)1.75)) { iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("02:Found fair odd correct"); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetMatch> snapshotMacht in _ibetMatchsSnapShot) { if (snapshotMacht.Value.Home == iM.Value.Home && snapshotMacht.Value.Away == iM.Value.Away) { iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("03:Found match in Snapshot"); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetOdd> snapshotOdd in snapshotMacht.Value.dicOdds) { if (snapshotOdd.Value.oddType == 3 && snapshotOdd.Value.hdp >= (decimal)2.5 && (snapshotOdd.Value.home >= (decimal)0.92 || snapshotOdd.Value.home < (decimal)0)) { iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("04:Found odd over 2.5 correct in Snapshot"); if (snapshotOdd.Value.oddType == 1 && snapshotOdd.Value.hdp <= (decimal)0.75) { iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("05:Found handicap correct in Snapshot, go to Bet"); TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("Over1.75", iO.Value.home.ToString(), matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.home.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "h", num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account); this.AddTransaction(transactionDTO); } } } } } } } } } } } #endregion } } } if (scantype == ScanningType.ibetVSibet) { #region IBET_vs_IBET_continue Dictionary<string, IbetMatch> iMatchs2 = new Dictionary<string, IbetMatch>(); iMatchs2 = this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.parser.LdicMatches[0]; //this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.RefreshBetList(); lock (iMatchs2) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetMatch> iM2 in _ibetMatchs) { if ((iM2.Value.Period == 1 && iM2.Value.Minute >= (int)spinEdit1.Value) || (iM2.Value.Period == 2 && iM2.Value.Minute >= (int)spinEdit2.Value)) // chi chon nhung tran p31 cua hiep 1 { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetOdd> iO2 in iM2.Value.dicOdds) { if (((System.DateTime.Now - this._lastTransactionTime).Seconds > 8) && !this._betting) { if (iO2.Value.oddType == 8 || iO2.Value.oddType == 3) { if (iO2.Value.hdp - ((decimal)iM2.Value.ScoreH + (decimal)iM2.Value.ScoreA) == (decimal)0.5) { bl = this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.betList; foreach (Bet bet in bl) { if (bet.Home.Contains("30:01-45:00") || bet.Home.Contains("75:01-90:00")) { string HomeTeam = ""; if (iO2.Value.oddType == 8) { HomeTeam = bet.Home.Replace(" 30:01-45:00", ""); } else { HomeTeam = bet.Home.Replace(" 75:01-90:00", ""); } if (HomeTeam == iM2.Value.Home.Replace("(N)", "").TrimEnd()) { MatchDTO matchDTO = new MatchDTO(); matchDTO.HomeTeamName = iM2.Value.Home.Replace("(N)", "").TrimEnd(); matchDTO.AwayTeamName = iM2.Value.Away.Replace("(N)","").TrimEnd(); matchDTO.Minute = iM2.Value.Minute; matchDTO.HomeScore = iM2.Value.ScoreH.ToString(); matchDTO.AwayScore = iM2.Value.ScoreA.ToString(); matchDTO.Half = iM2.Value.Period; int num = (int)bet.Stake; int ExRate1 = (int)config.Ibet.ExchangeRate; int ExRate2 = (int)config.Ibet2.ExchangeRate; float stake2 = num * ExRate1 / ExRate2; decimal giatri1; string OU = "h"; if (bet.Choice == Choice.H) { giatri1 = iO2.Value.away; OU = "a"; } else { giatri1 = iO2.Value.home; } //iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Tim thay tran :" + bet.Home + " -vs- " + bet.Away + // ", o phut thu:" + matchDTO.Minute.ToString() + ", hiep " + matchDTO.Half.ToString() + // "chuan bi xa.."); eOddType oddtype; if ((giatri1 > 0 && bet.OddsValue + giatri1 >= spinEdit4.Value) || giatri1 < 0) { if (checkEdit1.Checked) { string textx = ""; if (bet.Home.Contains("30:01-45:00")) { textx = "Over15_XA > 30-45 > Xa loi gia > Min:" + matchDTO.Minute + "half " + matchDTO.Half.ToString() + " > " + bet.OddsValue.ToString() + "/" + giatri1.ToString() + " > Ref ID:" + bet.Id; oddtype = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder; } else { textx = "Over15_XA > 75-90 > Xa loi gia > Min:" + matchDTO.Minute + "half " + matchDTO.Half.ToString() + " > " + bet.OddsValue.ToString() + "/" + giatri1.ToString() + " > Ref ID:" + bet.Id; oddtype = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder; } TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET(textx, giatri1.ToString(), matchDTO, iO2.Value.oddsId, iO2.Value.hdp.ToString(), oddtype, OU, stake2.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent2.Config.Account); this.AddTransaction(transactionDTO); iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write(textx); } } else { string textx = ""; if (bet.Choice == Choice.H && matchDTO.Minute >= 30) { if (bet.Home.Contains("30:01-45:00")) { textx = "Over15_XA > 30-45 > Xa thuong > Min:" + matchDTO.Minute + " > " + bet.OddsValue.ToString() + "/" + iO2.Value.away.ToString() + " > Ref ID:" + bet.Id; oddtype = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder; } else { textx = "Over15_XA > 75-90 > Xa thuong > Min:" + matchDTO.Minute + " > " + bet.OddsValue.ToString() + "/" + iO2.Value.away.ToString() + " > Ref ID:" + bet.Id; oddtype = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder; } TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET(textx, iO2.Value.away.ToString(), matchDTO, iO2.Value.oddsId, iO2.Value.hdp.ToString(), oddtype, OU, stake2.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent2.Config.Account); this.AddTransaction(transactionDTO); //iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write(textx); } else if (bet.Choice == Choice.A && matchDTO.Minute >= 34) { if (bet.Home.Contains("30:01-45:00")) { textx = "Over15_XA > 30-45 > Xa thuong > Min:" + matchDTO.Minute + " > " + bet.OddsValue.ToString() + "/" + iO2.Value.away.ToString() + " > Ref ID:" + bet.Id; oddtype = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder; } else { textx = "Over15_XA > 75-90 > Xa thuong > Min:" + matchDTO.Minute + " > " + bet.OddsValue.ToString() + "/" + iO2.Value.away.ToString() + " > Ref ID:" + bet.Id; oddtype = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder; } TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET(textx, iO2.Value.away.ToString(), matchDTO, iO2.Value.oddsId, iO2.Value.hdp.ToString(), oddtype, OU, stake2.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent2.Config.Account); this.AddTransaction(transactionDTO); } } } } } } } } } } } } #endregion } BarItem arg_663_0 = this.lblIbetTotalMatch; int count = _ibetMatchs.Count; arg_663_0.Caption = count.ToString() + " (" + iMatchs0.Count.ToString() + " live)"; this.lblLastUpdate.Caption = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); this.rpgIbet.Text = "IBET - " + this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account + " " + this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.CT; } else if (scantype == ScanningType.sbo) { #region SBO_Strategies Dictionary<string, SboMatch> sMatchs0 = this._sbobetEngine.sboAgent.parserLive.dicMatches; Dictionary<string, SboMatch> sMatchs1 = this._sbobetEngine.sboAgent.parserNonlive.dicMatches; Dictionary<string, SboMatch> sMatchs = sMatchs1.Concat(sMatchs0).GroupBy(d => d.Key).ToDictionary(d => d.Key, d => d.First().Value); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SboMatch> sM in sMatchs) { MatchDTO matchDTO = new MatchDTO(); matchDTO.ID = sM.Value.matchId; matchDTO.AwayTeamName = sM.Value.away; matchDTO.HomeTeamName = sM.Value.home; matchDTO.AwayScore = sM.Value.awayscore.ToString(); matchDTO.HomeScore = sM.Value.homescore.ToString(); matchDTO.Minute = sM.Value.minute; matchDTO.Half = sM.Value.half; if (matchDTO.Half == 0) matchDTO.IsHalfTime = true; LeagueDTO leagueDTO = new LeagueDTO(); leagueDTO.Name = sM.Value.leagueName; leagueDTO.ID = sM.Value.leagueId; matchDTO.League = leagueDTO; this._listSameMatch.Add(matchDTO); } BarItem arg_648_0 = this.lblSbobetTotalMatch; int count = sMatchs.Count; arg_648_0.Caption = count.ToString() + " (" + sMatchs0.Count.ToString() + " live)"; #endregion } else if (scantype == ScanningType.ibetVSibet) { } lock (this.grdSameMatch) { this.grdSameMatch.RefreshDataSource(); } lock (girdBetList1) { this.girdBetList1.RefreshDataSource(); } } this._comparing = false; if (this._compareAgain && !this._comparing) { this._compareAgain = false; this.CompareSameMatch(); } }
private string CheckBestStrategyValidation(MatchDTO match, OddDTO odd) { string result = ""; var listOddGoodToBet = from p in listBA where p.isGoodOddToBet == true select p; foreach (BetAnalyse ba in listOddGoodToBet) { string intHomeScore = "0"; string intAwayScore = "0"; string[] array4 = ba.OddType.Split(new string[] { " " }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); string OddValue = array4[1]; if (ba.OddType.Contains("[")) { string[] array1 = ba.OddType.Split(new string[] { " [" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); string[] array2 = array1[1].Split(new string[] { "]" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); string[] array3 = array2[0].Split(new string[] { "-" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); intHomeScore = array3[0]; intAwayScore = array3[1]; if (!match.IsHalfTime && match.HomeScore == intHomeScore && match.AwayScore == intAwayScore) { if (odd.Odd == OddValue) { if (ba.Diff < 0) { iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Live:: Checking valid strategy: nguoc :: " + match.HomeTeamName + ":" + match.HomeScore + "-" + match.AwayScore + ":" + match.AwayTeamName + " ::: Odd of match: " + odd.Odd + " ::: Odd of strategy: " + ba.OddType); return "nguoc"; } else { iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write(" Checking valid strategy: xuoi :: " + match.HomeTeamName + ":" + match.HomeScore + "-" + match.AwayScore + ":" + match.AwayTeamName + " ::: Odd of match: " + odd.Odd + " ::: Odd of strategy: " + ba.OddType); return "xuoi"; } } } } else { if (match.IsHalfTime && match.HomeScore == "0" && match.AwayScore == "0" && odd.Odd == OddValue) { if (ba.Diff < 0) { iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("NonLive:: Checking valid strategy: nguoc :: " + match.HomeTeamName + ":" + match.HomeScore + "-" + match.AwayScore + ":" + match.AwayTeamName + " ::: Odd of match: " + odd.Odd + " ::: Odd of strategy: " + ba.OddType); return "nguoc"; } else { iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("NonLive:: Checking valid strategy: xuoi :: " + match.HomeTeamName + ":" + match.HomeScore + "-" + match.AwayScore + ":" + match.AwayTeamName + " ::: Odd of match: " + odd.Odd + " ::: Odd of strategy: " + ba.OddType); return "xuoi"; } } } } return result; }
public static System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> ConvertFullData(string data, out string updateTime, out Dictionary<string, string> mappingList3in1) { System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> list = null; System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> map = new Dictionary<string,string>(); updateTime = string.Empty; if (data != string.Empty) { list = new System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO>(); JavaScriptObject javaScriptObj = (JavaScriptObject)JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject(data); if (javaScriptObj != null) { string timeUpdate = javaScriptObj["t"].ToString(); updateTime = timeUpdate; #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("3in1: time after get full data:" + timeUpdate); #endif if (javaScriptObj["data"] != null) { string matchID = string.Empty; JavaScriptArray objLiveMatch = (JavaScriptArray)javaScriptObj["data"]; objLiveMatch.RemoveAt(objLiveMatch.Count - 1); #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("3in1: Number of objects in first get data:" + objLiveMatch.Count.ToString() + ". After remove the last item from [\"data\"]:" + (objLiveMatch.Count - 1).ToString()); #endif using (System.Collections.Generic.List<object>.Enumerator enumerator = objLiveMatch.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { JavaScriptArray objCurrentMatchProcess = (JavaScriptArray)enumerator.Current; string string38 = objCurrentMatchProcess[38].ToString(); // HomeTeamName string string53 = objCurrentMatchProcess[53].ToString(); //Time if (!string38.ToLower().Contains("corner") && !string38.ToLower().Contains(":") && !string38.ToLower().Contains("(et)") && !string38.ToLower().Contains("(pen)")) { if (objCurrentMatchProcess[34].ToString() != matchID) { MatchDTO matchDTO = new MatchDTO(); matchDTO.ID = objCurrentMatchProcess[34].ToString(); matchDTO.HomeTeamName = string38; matchDTO.AwayTeamName = objCurrentMatchProcess[39].ToString(); matchDTO.League = new LeagueDTO(); matchDTO.League.ID = objCurrentMatchProcess[3].ToString(); matchDTO.League.Name = objCurrentMatchProcess[37].ToString(); matchDTO.HomeScore = objCurrentMatchProcess[7].ToString(); matchDTO.AwayScore = objCurrentMatchProcess[8].ToString(); if (string53 == "HT") { matchDTO.Minute = 0; matchDTO.Half = 0; matchDTO.IsHalfTime = false; } else if (string53.ToLower().Contains("live")) { matchDTO.Minute = 0; matchDTO.Half = 0; matchDTO.IsHalfTime = false; } else if (string53.StartsWith("1H")) { matchDTO.Minute = ConvertSoccerTime(string53); matchDTO.Half = 1; matchDTO.IsHalfTime = true; } else if (string53.StartsWith("2H")) { matchDTO.Minute = ConvertSoccerTime(string53); matchDTO.Half = 2; matchDTO.IsHalfTime = false; } else { matchDTO.Minute = 0; matchDTO.Half = 0; matchDTO.IsHalfTime = false; } #region add odds matchDTO.Odds = new System.Collections.Generic.List<OddDTO>();//add Odds string string24 = objCurrentMatchProcess[24].ToString(); string string9 = objCurrentMatchProcess[9].ToString(); string string13 = objCurrentMatchProcess[13].ToString(); string string0 = objCurrentMatchProcess[0].ToString(); float num = 0f; if (string9 != null && string9 != "-999") { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeHandicap;//FULL TIME !!!!!!!!! oddDTO.ID = string0 + "^"; oddDTO.Odd = string9.Replace("/", "-"); if (objCurrentMatchProcess[40].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[40].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (objCurrentMatchProcess[41].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[41].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } if (string24 == "1" && string9 == "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else if (string24 == "1" && string9 != "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else if (string24 == "0" && string9 == "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else if (string24 == "0" && string9 != "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } else { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } oddDTO.IsHomeGive = bool.Parse(string24.Replace("1","true").Replace("0","false")); matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); if (!map.ContainsKey(oddDTO.ID)) map.Add(oddDTO.ID, matchDTO.ID); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~3in1bet:" + matchDTO.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ": " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString() + ", ID: " + oddDTO.ID ); #endif } if (objCurrentMatchProcess[11] != null && objCurrentMatchProcess[11].ToString() != "-999") { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder;// FULL TIME OVER/UNDER oddDTO.ID = objCurrentMatchProcess[0].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = objCurrentMatchProcess[11].ToString().Replace("/", "-"); if (objCurrentMatchProcess[42].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[42].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (objCurrentMatchProcess[43].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[43].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } oddDTO.IsHomeGive = bool.Parse(string24.Replace("1","true").Replace("0","false")); matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); if (!map.ContainsKey(oddDTO.ID)) map.Add(oddDTO.ID, matchDTO.ID); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:3in1:" + matchDTO.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString() + ", ID: " + oddDTO.ID ); #endif } if (objCurrentMatchProcess[13] != null && objCurrentMatchProcess[13].ToString() != "-999") { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfHandicap; // FIRST HALF HANDICAP oddDTO.ID = objCurrentMatchProcess[2].ToString() + "^"; oddDTO.Odd = objCurrentMatchProcess[13].ToString().Replace("/", "-"); if (objCurrentMatchProcess[44].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[44].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (objCurrentMatchProcess[45].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[45].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } if (string24 == "1" && string13 == "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else if (string24 == "1" && string13 != "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else if (string24 == "0" && string13 == "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else if (string24 == "0" && string13 != "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } else { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } oddDTO.IsHomeGive = bool.Parse(string24.Replace("1","true").Replace("0","false")); matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); if (!map.ContainsKey(oddDTO.ID)) map.Add(oddDTO.ID, matchDTO.ID); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:3in1:" + matchDTO.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString() + ", ID: " + oddDTO.ID ); #endif } if (objCurrentMatchProcess[15] != null && objCurrentMatchProcess[15].ToString() != "-999") { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder; // FIRST HAFL OVER UNDER oddDTO.ID = objCurrentMatchProcess[2].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = objCurrentMatchProcess[15].ToString().Replace("/", "-"); if (objCurrentMatchProcess[46].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[46].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (objCurrentMatchProcess[47].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[47].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } oddDTO.IsHomeGive = bool.Parse(string24.Replace("1","true").Replace("0","false")); matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); if (!map.ContainsKey(oddDTO.ID)) map.Add(oddDTO.ID, matchDTO.ID); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:3in1:" + matchDTO.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString() + ", ID: " + oddDTO.ID ); #endif } #endregion matchID = matchDTO.ID; list.Add(matchDTO); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~M~:3in1: Added match: " + matchDTO.HomeTeamName + " - " + matchDTO.AwayTeamName + "with number of odds: " + matchDTO.OddCount + ", ID: " + matchDTO.ID); #endif } else { //neu da co matchID thi lay tran dau vua add o tren MatchDTO matchDTO = list[list.Count - 1]; string string24 = objCurrentMatchProcess[24].ToString(); string string9 = objCurrentMatchProcess[9].ToString(); string string0 = objCurrentMatchProcess[0].ToString(); string string13 = objCurrentMatchProcess[13].ToString(); #region add odds //matchDTO.Odds = new System.Collections.Generic.List<OddDTO>();//add Odds float num = 0f; if (string9 != null && string9 != "-999") { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeHandicap;//FULL TIME !!!!!!!!! oddDTO.ID = objCurrentMatchProcess[0].ToString() + "^"; oddDTO.Odd = objCurrentMatchProcess[9].ToString().Replace("/", "-"); if (objCurrentMatchProcess[40].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[40].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (objCurrentMatchProcess[41].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[41].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } if (string24 == "1" && string9 == "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else if (string24 == "1" && string9 != "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else if (string24 == "0" && string9 == "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else if (string24 == "0" && string9 != "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } else { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } oddDTO.IsHomeGive = bool.Parse(string24.Replace("1","true").Replace("0","false")); matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); if (!map.ContainsKey(oddDTO.ID)) map.Add(oddDTO.ID, matchDTO.ID); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:3in1:" + matchDTO.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString() + ", ID: " + oddDTO.ID ); #endif } if (objCurrentMatchProcess[11] != null && objCurrentMatchProcess[11].ToString() != "-999") { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder; // FULL TIME OVER UNDER oddDTO.ID = objCurrentMatchProcess[0].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = objCurrentMatchProcess[11].ToString().Replace("/", "-"); if (objCurrentMatchProcess[42].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[42].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (objCurrentMatchProcess[43].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[43].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } oddDTO.IsHomeGive = bool.Parse(string24.Replace("1","true").Replace("0","false")); matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); if (!map.ContainsKey(oddDTO.ID)) map.Add(oddDTO.ID, matchDTO.ID); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:3in1:" + matchDTO.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString() + ", ID: " + oddDTO.ID ); #endif } if (objCurrentMatchProcess[13] != null && objCurrentMatchProcess[13].ToString() != "-999") { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfHandicap; // FIRST HALF HANDICAP oddDTO.ID = objCurrentMatchProcess[2].ToString() + "^"; oddDTO.Odd = objCurrentMatchProcess[13].ToString().Replace("/", "-"); if (objCurrentMatchProcess[44].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[44].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (objCurrentMatchProcess[44].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[45].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } if (string24 == "1" && string13 == "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else if (string24 == "1" && string13 != "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else if (string24 == "0" && string13 == "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else if (string24 == "0" && string13 != "0") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } else { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } oddDTO.IsHomeGive = bool.Parse(string24.Replace("1","true").Replace("0","false")); matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); if (!map.ContainsKey(oddDTO.ID)) map.Add(oddDTO.ID, matchDTO.ID); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:3in1:" + matchDTO.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString() + ", ID: " + oddDTO.ID ); #endif } if (objCurrentMatchProcess[15] != null && objCurrentMatchProcess[15].ToString() != "-999") { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder; // FIRST HALF OVER UNDER oddDTO.ID = objCurrentMatchProcess[2].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = objCurrentMatchProcess[15].ToString().Replace("/", "-"); if (objCurrentMatchProcess[46].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[46].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (objCurrentMatchProcess[47].ToString() != "-999" && float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[47].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } oddDTO.IsHomeGive = bool.Parse(string24.Replace("1","true").Replace("0","false")); matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); if (!map.ContainsKey(oddDTO.ID)) map.Add(oddDTO.ID, matchDTO.ID); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:3in1:" + matchDTO.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString() + ", ID: " + oddDTO.ID ); #endif } #endregion #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("3in1: " + matchDTO.ID + " was added one more odd"); #endif } } } } #if DDEBUG Dictionary<string, string>.KeyCollection keyColl = map.Keys; foreach (string s in keyColl) { Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Add odd ID: " + s + " match ID: " + map[s]); } //foreach (MatchDTO matchVaiLon in matchDTO #endif } else // [data] is null { } } } mappingList3in1 = map; if (list != null) return list; else { MatchDTO mNull = new MatchDTO(); list.Add(mNull); return list; } }
public static System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> ConvertUpdateData( string data, System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> originalDataSource, out string updateTime, Dictionary<string, string> originalMappingOddwithMatch, out Dictionary<string, string> mappingOddwithMatch) { System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> list = BaseDTO.DeepClone<System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO>>(originalDataSource); //Dictionary<string, string> map = null; updateTime = string.Empty; if (data != string.Empty) { JavaScriptObject javaScriptObj = (JavaScriptObject)JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject(data); if (javaScriptObj != null) { string timeUpdate = javaScriptObj["t"].ToString(); #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("3in1: Time after lastest updated data:" + timeUpdate); #endif updateTime = timeUpdate; if (javaScriptObj["data"] != null) { JavaScriptArray objLiveMatch = (JavaScriptArray)javaScriptObj["data"]; using (System.Collections.Generic.List<object>.Enumerator enumerator = objLiveMatch.GetEnumerator()) { #if DDEBUG int countNumberOfOddCanBeUpdated = 0; #endif while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { JavaScriptArray objCurrentMatchProcess = (JavaScriptArray)enumerator.Current; if (objCurrentMatchProcess.Count == 8) // update changed odd only!! { int num = 0; if (int.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[2].ToString(), out num)) { string matchID = string.Empty; string oddID = string.Empty; if (num == 30 || num == 28)// handicap full time ^ { #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Proccessing odd ID: " + objCurrentMatchProcess[0].ToString() + "^ , type: " + objCurrentMatchProcess[2].ToString()); #endif oddID = objCurrentMatchProcess[0].ToString() + "^"; } else if (num == 40 || num == 38)//handicap first half { int i; if (int.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[0].ToString(), out i)) { i++; } oddID = i.ToString() + "^"; #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Proccessing odd ID: " + oddID + " , type: " + objCurrentMatchProcess[2].ToString()); #endif } else if (num == 35 || num == 33 || num == 58 || num == 16 || num == 17) // over under full time, 16, 17: update score { oddID = objCurrentMatchProcess[0].ToString(); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Proccessing odd ID: " + oddID + " , type: " + objCurrentMatchProcess[2].ToString()); #endif } else if (num == 43 || num == 45) // over / under first haft { int i; if (int.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[0].ToString(), out i)) { i++; } oddID = i.ToString(); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Proccessing odd ID: " + oddID + " ,type: " + objCurrentMatchProcess[2].ToString()); #endif } if (oddID != string.Empty && originalMappingOddwithMatch.TryGetValue(oddID, out matchID)) { MatchDTO matchDTO2 = MatchDTO.SearchMatch(matchID, list); if (matchDTO2 != null) { OddDTO oddDTO2 = null; oddDTO2 = OddDTO.SearchOdd(oddID, matchDTO2.Odds);// khong search dc o cho nay if (oddDTO2 != null) { #region Update_Odd matchDTO2.Odds.Remove(oddDTO2);//xoa odd cu OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO();// tao odd moi oddDTO.ID = oddID; oddDTO.IsHomeGive = oddDTO2.IsHomeGive; float oddaway = 0f; float oddhome = 0f; bool validOddUpdate = Not999(objCurrentMatchProcess[3].ToString()); if (validOddUpdate) { if (float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[3].ToString(), out oddhome)) { oddDTO.Home = oddhome; } if (float.TryParse(objCurrentMatchProcess[4].ToString(), out oddaway)) { oddDTO.Away = oddaway; } } switch (num) { case 16: { oddDTO = oddDTO2; matchDTO2.HomeScore = objCurrentMatchProcess[3].ToString(); break; } case 17: { oddDTO = oddDTO2; matchDTO2.AwayScore = objCurrentMatchProcess[3].ToString(); break; } case 30://full time handicap { oddDTO.Odd = oddDTO2.Odd; oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeHandicap; oddDTO.HomeFavor = oddDTO2.HomeFavor; oddDTO.AwayFavor = oddDTO2.AwayFavor; break; } case 35://full time over/under { oddDTO.Odd = oddDTO2.Odd; oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder; break; } case 40://Half time handicap { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfHandicap; oddDTO.Odd = oddDTO2.Odd; oddDTO.HomeFavor = oddDTO2.HomeFavor; oddDTO.AwayFavor = oddDTO2.AwayFavor; break; } case 45://Half time over / under { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder; oddDTO.Odd = oddDTO2.Odd; oddDTO.ID = oddID; break; } case 28://full time handicap update ball { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeHandicap; if (validOddUpdate) { oddDTO.Odd = objCurrentMatchProcess[3].ToString().Replace("/", "-"); oddDTO.Home = 0f; oddDTO.Away = 0f; } else oddDTO.Odd = "clear"; break; } case 33://full time over / under update ball { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder; if (validOddUpdate) { oddDTO.Odd = objCurrentMatchProcess[3].ToString().Replace("/", "-"); oddDTO.Home = 0f; oddDTO.Away = 0f; } else oddDTO.Odd = "clear"; break; } case 38: // half time handicap update ball { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfHandicap; if (validOddUpdate) { oddDTO.Odd = objCurrentMatchProcess[3].ToString().Replace("/", "-"); oddDTO.Home = 0f; oddDTO.Away = 0f; } else oddDTO.Odd = "clear"; oddDTO.ID = oddID; break; } case 43: // first half over under update ball { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder; if (validOddUpdate) { oddDTO.Odd = objCurrentMatchProcess[3].ToString().Replace("/", "-"); oddDTO.Home = 0f; oddDTO.Away = 0f; } else oddDTO.Odd = "clear"; oddDTO.ID = oddID; break; } case 58: // update HOME GIVE full time { if (objCurrentMatchProcess[0].ToString() == objCurrentMatchProcess[3].ToString()) { oddDTO = oddDTO2; if (objCurrentMatchProcess[4].ToString() == "1") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; oddDTO.IsHomeGive = true; } else { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.IsHomeGive = false; } } else if (objCurrentMatchProcess[0].ToString() != objCurrentMatchProcess[3].ToString()) { oddDTO = oddDTO2; if (objCurrentMatchProcess[4].ToString() == "1") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; oddDTO.IsHomeGive = true; } else { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.IsHomeGive = false; } } break; } case 111: { break; } default: { //oddDTO.Away = 0f; //oddDTO.Home = 0f; //oddDTO. break; } } matchDTO2.Odds.Add(oddDTO);//add odd moi cho match #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("3in1: Update type " + objCurrentMatchProcess[2].ToString() + "; " + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + " for match:" + matchDTO2.HomeTeamName + " - " + matchDTO2.AwayTeamName + " - " + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + "; new odd: " + oddDTO.Odd + "; new price is Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away: " + oddDTO.Away.ToString() + ", ID:" + oddDTO.ID ); #endif #endregion } #if DDEBUG else { Utilities.WriteLog.Write("01. Can not find " + oddID + " of match: " + matchDTO2.HomeTeamName + " - " + matchDTO2.AwayTeamName); } #endif } #if DDEBUG else { Utilities.WriteLog.Write("02. Can not find " + matchID + " of odd ID: " + oddID); } #endif } else { #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("03. Can not find odd ID:" + oddID + " in the Dictionary of Odd, update was type: " + objCurrentMatchProcess[2].ToString() + " , for ID: " + objCurrentMatchProcess[0].ToString() ); #endif } } #if DDEBUG countNumberOfOddCanBeUpdated++; #endif } else if (objCurrentMatchProcess.Count == 65)//system insert new odd { } else if (objCurrentMatchProcess.Count == 7)//something happended { } } #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Update data has " + countNumberOfOddCanBeUpdated + " odds valid update"); #endif } } else { } } } mappingOddwithMatch = originalMappingOddwithMatch; return list; }
public static System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> ConvertFullData(string data, out string updateTime) { System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> list = null; updateTime = string.Empty; if (data != string.Empty) { list = new System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO>(); data = data.Replace("\n", ""); string[] array = data.Split(new string[] { ";" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); string[] array2 = array; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { string text = array2[i]; if (text.StartsWith("window")) { updateTime = text.Substring(43, 19); } else { if (text.StartsWith("Nl")) { string value = text.Split(new string[] { "=" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None)[1]; JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray = (JavaScriptArray)JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject(value); if (javaScriptArray[3].ToString() == "1") { MatchDTO matchDTO = new MatchDTO(); matchDTO.Odds = new System.Collections.Generic.List<OddDTO>(); matchDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[0].ToString(); if (javaScriptArray[4].ToString() == string.Empty) { MatchDTO matchDTO2 = list[list.Count - 1]; matchDTO.League = matchDTO2.League; } else { matchDTO.League = new LeagueDTO(); matchDTO.League.ID = javaScriptArray[4].ToString(); matchDTO.League.Name = javaScriptArray[5].ToString(); } matchDTO.HomeTeamName = javaScriptArray[6].ToString(); matchDTO.AwayTeamName = javaScriptArray[7].ToString(); if (javaScriptArray.Count >= 12) { if (javaScriptArray[12] != null && javaScriptArray[12].ToString() != string.Empty && !javaScriptArray[12].ToString().ToLower().Contains("t") && !javaScriptArray[12].ToString().ToLower().Contains("live")) { string[] array3 = javaScriptArray[12].ToString().ToLower().Split(new string[] { "h" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); matchDTO.Half = int.Parse(array3[0]); matchDTO.Minute = int.Parse(array3[1].Trim().Replace("'", "")); matchDTO.IsHalfTime = false; //Utilities.WriteLog.Write(javaScriptArray[12].ToString()); } else { matchDTO.Minute = 0; matchDTO.Half = 0; matchDTO.IsHalfTime = true; } } else { matchDTO.Minute = 0; matchDTO.Half = 0; matchDTO.IsHalfTime = true; } float num = 0f; if (javaScriptArray[24] != null && javaScriptArray[24].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeHandicap;//FULL TIME oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[24].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[25].ToString(); //Utilities.WriteLog.Write(oddDTO.Odd); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[26].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[27].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } if (javaScriptArray[28] == null || javaScriptArray[28].ToString() == string.Empty) { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[28].ToString() == "h") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[28].ToString() == "a") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } } } matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:ibet:" + matchDTO.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString() + ", odd ID:" + oddDTO.ID ); #endif } if (javaScriptArray[29] != null && javaScriptArray[29].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder; //FULL TIME OVER UNDER oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[29].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[30].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[31].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[32].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:ibet:" + matchDTO.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString() + ", odd ID:" + oddDTO.ID ); #endif } if (javaScriptArray[37] != null && javaScriptArray[37].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfHandicap; // FIRST oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[37].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[38].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[39].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[40].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } if (javaScriptArray[41] == null || javaScriptArray[41].ToString() == string.Empty) { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[41].ToString() == "h") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[41].ToString() == "a") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } } } matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:ibet:" + matchDTO.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString() + ", odd ID:" + oddDTO.ID ); #endif } if (javaScriptArray[42] != null && javaScriptArray[42].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[42].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[43].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[44].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[45].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:ibet:" + matchDTO.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString() + ", odd ID:" + oddDTO.ID ); #endif } list.Add(matchDTO); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~ M ~:ibet: Added match: " + matchDTO.HomeTeamName + " - " + matchDTO.AwayTeamName + ", with number of odds: " + matchDTO.OddCount); #endif } else { MatchDTO matchDTO2 = list[list.Count - 1]; float num = 0f; if (javaScriptArray[24] != null && javaScriptArray[24].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeHandicap; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[24].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[25].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[26].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[27].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } if (javaScriptArray[28] == null || javaScriptArray[28].ToString() == string.Empty) { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[28].ToString() == "h") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[28].ToString() == "a") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } } } #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:ibet:" + matchDTO2.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO2.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString()); #endif matchDTO2.Odds.Add(oddDTO); } if (javaScriptArray[29] != null && javaScriptArray[29].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[29].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[30].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[31].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[32].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:ibet:" + matchDTO2.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO2.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString()); #endif matchDTO2.Odds.Add(oddDTO); } if (javaScriptArray[37] != null && javaScriptArray[37].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfHandicap; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[37].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[38].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[39].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[40].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } if (javaScriptArray[41] == null || javaScriptArray[41].ToString() == string.Empty) { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[41].ToString() == "h") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[41].ToString() == "a") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } } } #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:ibet:" + matchDTO2.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO2.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString()); #endif matchDTO2.Odds.Add(oddDTO); } if (javaScriptArray[42] != null && javaScriptArray[42].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[42].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[43].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[44].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[45].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } matchDTO2.Odds.Add(oddDTO); #if DDEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("~o~:ibet:" + matchDTO2.HomeTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.HomeFavor.ToString() + "]" + " - " + matchDTO2.AwayTeamName + "[" + oddDTO.AwayFavor.ToString() + "]" + " >> add odd:" + oddDTO.Type.ToString() + ". " + oddDTO.Odd + " Price Home:" + oddDTO.Home.ToString() + ", Away:" + oddDTO.Away.ToString()); #endif } } } } } } return list; }
private TransactionDTO PlaceBet( MatchDTO ibetMatch, MatchDTO threein1betMatch, eOddType oddType, string ibetOddID, string ibetOddType, string ibetOddValue, OddDTO threein1Odd, string threein1OddType, int ibetStake, int threein1betStake, IBetEngine ibetEngine, ThreeIn1BetEngine threein1betEngine) { TransactionDTO transactionDTO = new TransactionDTO(); string text = string.Empty; string text2 = string.Empty; string text3 = string.Empty; bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; int num = 0; int num2 = 0; string text4 = string.Empty; string text5 = string.Empty; string text6 = string.Empty; bool flag3 = false; bool flag4 = false; bool sBOBETReTrade = false; int num3 = 0; string text7 = string.Empty; string betCount = string.Empty; string text8 = string.Empty; bool threein1betAllowance = false; int threein1betminStake = 0; int threein1betmaxStake = 0; string threein1betKindValue = string.Empty; string threein1betHomeTeamName = string.Empty; string threein1betAwayTeamName = string.Empty; string postBODY = string.Empty; if (MatchDTO.IsSameMatch(ibetMatch.HomeTeamName.ToLower(), threein1betMatch.HomeTeamName.ToLower(), ibetMatch.AwayTeamName.ToLower(), threein1betMatch.AwayTeamName.ToLower())) { try { ibetEngine.PrepareBet(ibetOddID, ibetOddType, ibetOddValue, ibetStake.ToString(), out flag, out num, out num2, out text4, out text2, out text3); threein1betEngine.PrepareBet(threein1Odd.ID, threein1Odd.Away.ToString(), threein1Odd.Type.ToString().Replace("FulltimeHandicap", "Hdp").Replace("", ""), "Away", threein1Odd.IsHomeGive.ToString().Replace("True", "1").Replace("False", "0"), threein1Odd.Odd, threein1betMatch.HomeScore, threein1betMatch.AwayScore, threein1betMatch.ID, threein1betMatch.IsHalfTime.ToString().Replace("True", "1").Replace("False", "0"), threein1betStake.ToString(), out threein1betAllowance, out threein1betminStake, out threein1betmaxStake, out threein1betKindValue, out threein1betHomeTeamName, out threein1betAwayTeamName, out postBODY); if (MatchDTO.IsSameMatch(text2, text5, text3, text6)) { if (flag && flag3) { float num4 = float.Parse(text4); float num5 = float.Parse(text7); if (num4 + num5 == 0f || num4 == num5) { if (ibetStake <= num2 && threein1betStake <= num3) { try { float currentCredit = ibetEngine.GetCurrentCredit(); float currentCredit2 = threein1betEngine.GetCurrentCredit(); if ((float)ibetStake <= currentCredit && (float)threein1betStake <= currentCredit2) { try { ibetEngine.ConfirmBet(oddType, ibetOddValue, ibetStake.ToString(), num.ToString(), num2.ToString(), out flag2); if (flag2) { //threeIn1BetEngine.ConfirmBet(oddType, // threein1betOddValue, // threein1betStake.ToString(), // betCount, // text8, // out flag4); if (!flag4) { try { // } catch (System.Exception ex) { text = "Error while Retrade. Details: " + ex.Message; } } this._lastTransactionTime = System.DateTime.Now; object obj = text; text = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, " - Success Transaction. Half: ", ibetMatch.Half, " - Minute: ", ibetMatch.Minute, " - Halftime: ", ibetMatch.IsHalfTime }); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { text = "Error while Trading. Details: " + ex.Message; } } else { text = string.Concat(new object[] { "Out of Cash. IBET Credit: ", currentCredit, " - 3in1BET Credit: ", currentCredit2 }); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { text = "Error while getting Credit. Details: " + ex.Message; } } else { text = string.Concat(new object[] { "Max Bet. IBET: ", num2, " - 3in1BET: ", num3 }); } } else { text = "Invalid Odd while Preparing Ticket. IBET Odd: " + text4 + " - 3in1BET Odd:" + text7; } } } else { text = string.Concat(new string[] { "Not Same Match - Preparing Ticket. IBET: ", text2, " / ", text3, " - 3in1BET: ", text5, " / ", text6 }); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { text = "Error while Preparing Trade. Details: " + ex.Message; } } else { text = string.Concat(new string[] { "Not Same Match - Comparing. IBET: ", ibetMatch.HomeTeamName, " / ", ibetMatch.AwayTeamName, " - 3in1BET: ", threein1betMatch.HomeTeamName, " / ", threein1betMatch.AwayTeamName }); } transactionDTO.HomeTeamName = ibetMatch.HomeTeamName + " / " + threein1betMatch.HomeTeamName; transactionDTO.AwayTeamName = ibetMatch.AwayTeamName + " / " + threein1betMatch.AwayTeamName; transactionDTO.Odd = text4 + " / " + text7; transactionDTO.OddKindValue = text4 + " / " + text7; transactionDTO.OddValue = ibetOddValue + " / " + threein1Odd.Away; transactionDTO.Stake = ibetStake + " / " + threein1betStake; transactionDTO.IBETAllow = flag; transactionDTO.IBETTrade = flag2; transactionDTO.IBETReTrade = false; transactionDTO.THREEIN1Allow = flag3; transactionDTO.THREEIN1Trade = flag4; transactionDTO.THREEIN1ReTrade = sBOBETReTrade; transactionDTO.OddType = oddType.ToString(); transactionDTO.Note = text; transactionDTO.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now; return transactionDTO; }
private TransactionDTO PlaceBetAllowMaxBet( MatchDTO ibetMatch, MatchDTO threein1betMatch, eOddType oddType, string ibetOddID, string ibetOddType, string ibetOddValue, OddDTO threein1Odd, string threein1OddType, int ibetStake, int threein1betStake, IBetEngine ibetEngine, ThreeIn1BetEngine threein1betEngine) { TransactionDTO transactionDTO = new TransactionDTO(); //khoi tao transaction string text = string.Empty; bool flagIBETOK = false; bool flag3IN1OK = false; bool threein1ReTrade = false; string betCount = string.Empty; bool flagibetAllowance = false; int ibetminStake = 0; int ibetmaxStake = 0; string ibetBetKindValue = string.Empty; string ibetHomeTeamName = string.Empty; string ibetAwayTeamNam = string.Empty; bool ibetGoFirst = true;// who is Away or Under string threein1OddValue = string.Empty; if (threein1OddType == "Away") //neu 3in1 o vi tri away { threein1OddValue = threein1Odd.Away.ToString(); if (threein1Odd.Type == eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder || threein1Odd.Type == eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder) //neu 3in1 la Under { ibetGoFirst = false; // cho 3in1 Confirm truoc } else // bong handicap { if (threein1Odd.IsHomeGive) // neu away la doi cua duoi { ibetGoFirst = false; } } } else if (threein1OddType == "Home") // neu 3in1 o vi tri home - ibet away { threein1OddValue = threein1Odd.Home.ToString(); if (threein1Odd.Type == eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder || threein1Odd.Type == eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder) //neu 3in1 la Over { ibetGoFirst = true; // cho ibet Confirm truoc (under) } else // bong handicap { if (!threein1Odd.IsHomeGive) // neu 3in1 la doi cua duoi { ibetGoFirst = false; } } } bool flagthreein1betAllowance = false; int threein1betminStake = 0; int threein1betmaxStake = 0; string threein1betKindValue = string.Empty; string threein1betHomeTeamName = string.Empty; string threein1betAwayTeamName = string.Empty; string postBODY = string.Empty; if (MatchDTO.IsSameMatch(ibetMatch.HomeTeamName.ToLower(), threein1betMatch.HomeTeamName.ToLower(), ibetMatch.AwayTeamName.ToLower(), threein1betMatch.AwayTeamName.ToLower())) { try { ibetEngine.PrepareBet(ibetOddID, ibetOddType, ibetOddValue, ibetStake.ToString(), out flagibetAllowance, out ibetminStake, out ibetmaxStake, out ibetBetKindValue, out ibetHomeTeamName, out ibetAwayTeamNam); threein1betEngine.PrepareBet( threein1Odd.ID, threein1OddValue,//odd price threein1Odd.Type.ToString(), threein1OddType, // "Away" threein1Odd.IsHomeGive.ToString().Replace("True", "1").Replace("False", "0"), threein1Odd.Odd, threein1betMatch.HomeScore, threein1betMatch.AwayScore, threein1betMatch.ID, threein1betMatch.IsHalfTime.ToString().Replace("True", "1").Replace("False", "0"), threein1betStake.ToString(), out flagthreein1betAllowance, out threein1betminStake, out threein1betmaxStake, out threein1betKindValue, out threein1betHomeTeamName, out threein1betAwayTeamName, out postBODY); #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Calling threein1betEngine.PrepareBet"); #endif if (MatchDTO.IsSameMatch(ibetHomeTeamName, threein1betHomeTeamName, ibetAwayTeamNam, threein1betAwayTeamName)) { if (flagibetAllowance && flagthreein1betAllowance) { float numIbet = float.Parse(ibetBetKindValue); float num3in1bet = float.Parse(threein1betKindValue); if (numIbet + num3in1bet == 0f || numIbet == num3in1bet) { #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("+ Valid bet, system is now going to confirm:" + ibetHomeTeamName + " - " + threein1betAwayTeamName); #endif int numMax = 0; // get minimum of Maximum bet allowed of two system if (ibetmaxStake >= threein1betmaxStake) { numMax = threein1betmaxStake; } else { numMax = ibetmaxStake; } if (ibetStake >= numMax) //compare stake with numMax { ibetStake = numMax; } if (threein1betStake >= numMax) { threein1betStake = numMax; } try { float currentCredit = 0; float currentCredit2 = 0; if (checkEdit8.Checked) { currentCredit = ibetEngine.GetCurrentCredit(); currentCredit2 = threein1betEngine.GetCurrentCredit(); } else { currentCredit = ibetEngine._currentCredit; currentCredit2 = threein1betEngine._currentCredit; } if ((float)ibetStake <= currentCredit && (float)threein1betStake <= currentCredit2) { if (ibetGoFirst) { #region Confirm_IBET_first_then_3in1 #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("IBET GO FIRST!"); #endif try { ibetEngine.ConfirmBet(oddType, ibetOddValue, ibetStake.ToString(), ibetminStake.ToString(), ibetmaxStake.ToString(), out flagIBETOK); if (flagIBETOK)// iBet Confirm thanh cong { string odd3in1NEW = string.Empty; threein1betEngine.ConfirmBet(postBODY, threein1betStake.ToString(), out flag3IN1OK, out odd3in1NEW); if (!flag3IN1OK) { try { if (odd3in1NEW != "changed") { //threein1betEngine.ConfirmBet(postBODY, threein1betStake.ToString(), out flag3IN1OK, out odd3in1NEW); this._lastTransactionTime = System.DateTime.Now; playSound(false); text = "Odd 3in1 changed"; this.lblIbetCurrentCredit.Caption = this._ibetEngine.GetCurrentCredit().ToString(); } else { text = "Invalid Odd while Retrade.";// IBET Odd: " +text4 + " - SBOBET Odd:" + text7; this.lblIbetCurrentCredit.Caption = this._ibetEngine.GetCurrentCredit().ToString(); playSound(false); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { text = "Error while Retrade. Details: " + ex.Message; playSound(false); #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write(text); #endif } } else { this.lbl3in1betCurrentCredit.Caption = this._3in1Engine.GetCurrentCredit().ToString(); this.lblIbetCurrentCredit.Caption = this._ibetEngine.GetCurrentCredit().ToString(); playSound(true); } this._lastTransactionTime = System.DateTime.Now; object obj = text; text = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, " - Success Transaction. Half: ", ibetMatch.Half, " - Minute: ", ibetMatch.Minute, " - Halftime: ", ibetMatch.IsHalfTime }); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { text = "Error while Trading. Details: " + ex.Message; #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write(text); #endif } #endregion } else { #region Confirm_3in1_first_then_IBET #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("3IN1BET GO FIRST!"); #endif try { string odd3in1NEW = string.Empty; threein1betEngine.ConfirmBet(postBODY, threein1betStake.ToString(), out flag3IN1OK, out odd3in1NEW); if (flag3IN1OK) { ibetEngine.ConfirmBet(oddType, ibetOddValue, ibetStake.ToString(), ibetminStake.ToString(), ibetmaxStake.ToString(), out flagIBETOK); if (!flagIBETOK)// iBet Confirm thanh cong { try { playSound(false); #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write("iBet confirm failed."); #endif } catch (System.Exception ex) { text = "Error while Retrade. Details: " + ex.Message; playSound(false); #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write(text); #endif } } else { this.lbl3in1betCurrentCredit.Caption = this._3in1Engine.GetCurrentCredit().ToString(); this.lblIbetCurrentCredit.Caption = this._ibetEngine.GetCurrentCredit().ToString(); playSound(true); } this._lastTransactionTime = System.DateTime.Now; object obj = text; text = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, " - Success Transaction. Half: ", ibetMatch.Half, " - Minute: ", ibetMatch.Minute, " - Halftime: ", ibetMatch.IsHalfTime }); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { text = "Error while Trading. Details: " + ex.Message; #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write(text); #endif } #endregion } } else { text = string.Concat(new object[] { "Out of Cash. IBET Credit: ", currentCredit, " - SBOBET Credit: ", currentCredit2 }); #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write(text); #endif } } catch (System.Exception ex) { text = "Error while getting Credit. Details: " + ex.Message; #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write(text); #endif } } else { text = "Invalid Odd while Preparing Ticket. IBET Odd: " + ibetBetKindValue + " - SBOBET Odd:" + threein1betKindValue; #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write(text); #endif } } else { #if DEBUG if (!flagibetAllowance) Utilities.WriteLog.Write("IBET DIDN'T ALLOW"); if (!flagthreein1betAllowance) Utilities.WriteLog.Write("3IN1 DIDN'T ALLOW"); #endif } } else { text = string.Concat(new string[] { "Not Same Match - Preparing Ticket. IBET: ", ibetHomeTeamName, " / ", ibetAwayTeamNam, " - 3in1BET: ", threein1betHomeTeamName, " / ", threein1betAwayTeamName }); #if DEBUG Utilities.WriteLog.Write(text); #endif } } catch (System.Exception ex) { text = "Error while Preparing Trade. Details: " + ex.Message; #if DEBUG WriteLog.Write(" *** " + text); #endif } } else { text = string.Concat(new string[] { "Not Same Match - Comparing. IBET: ", ibetMatch.HomeTeamName, " / ", ibetMatch.AwayTeamName, " - 3in1BET: ", threein1betMatch.HomeTeamName, " / ", threein1betMatch.AwayTeamName }); } transactionDTO.HomeTeamName = ibetMatch.HomeTeamName + " / " + threein1betMatch.HomeTeamName; transactionDTO.AwayTeamName = ibetMatch.AwayTeamName + " / " + threein1betMatch.AwayTeamName; transactionDTO.Odd = ibetBetKindValue + " / " + threein1betKindValue; transactionDTO.OddKindValue = ibetBetKindValue + " / " + threein1betKindValue; transactionDTO.OddValue = ibetOddValue + " / " + threein1OddValue; transactionDTO.Stake = ibetStake + " / " + threein1betStake; transactionDTO.IBETAllow = flagibetAllowance; transactionDTO.IBETTrade = flagIBETOK; transactionDTO.IBETReTrade = false; transactionDTO.THREEIN1Allow = flagthreein1betAllowance; transactionDTO.THREEIN1Trade = flag3IN1OK; transactionDTO.THREEIN1ReTrade = threein1ReTrade; transactionDTO.OddType = oddType.ToString(); transactionDTO.Note = text; transactionDTO.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now; return transactionDTO; }
private static object GetPropValue(OddDTO odd, string prop) { PropertyInfo propInfo = o_properties[prop]; return propInfo.GetGetMethod(false).Invoke(odd, null); }
public static bool Apply(OddDTO odd, string op, string prop, object target) { return s_operators[op](GetPropValue(odd, prop), target); }
public static System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> ConvertFullData(string rawData) { System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> result; if (rawData.ToLower() == "od_OnEmpty(0);".ToLower()) { result = new System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO>(); } else { System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> list = null; try { if (rawData == string.Empty) { result = list; return result; } //rawData = rawData.Replace("<script>", ""); if (rawData.Contains("$M('odds-display').onUpdate")) { int _num = rawData.IndexOf("$M('odds-display').onUpdate") + 30; int _num2 = rawData.IndexOf(";"); rawData = rawData.Substring(_num, _num2 - _num); } //rawData = ""; list = new System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO>(); JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray = (JavaScriptArray)JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject(rawData); using (System.Collections.Generic.List<object>.Enumerator enumerator = javaScriptArray.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray2 = (JavaScriptArray)enumerator.Current; JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray3 = (JavaScriptArray)javaScriptArray2[1]; if (javaScriptArray3 != null) { JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray4 = (JavaScriptArray)javaScriptArray3[0]; if (javaScriptArray4 != null) { MatchDTO matchDTO = new MatchDTO(); matchDTO.ID = javaScriptArray4[0].ToString(); matchDTO.HomeTeamName = javaScriptArray4[1].ToString(); matchDTO.AwayTeamName = javaScriptArray4[2].ToString(); matchDTO.Odds = new System.Collections.Generic.List<OddDTO>(); JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray5 = (JavaScriptArray)javaScriptArray2[0]; if (javaScriptArray5 != null) { matchDTO.League = new LeagueDTO(); matchDTO.League.ID = javaScriptArray5[0].ToString(); matchDTO.League.Name = javaScriptArray5[1].ToString(); } else { MatchDTO matchDTO2 = list[list.Count - 1]; matchDTO.League = matchDTO2.League; } if (javaScriptArray3.Count >= 2) { JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray6 = (JavaScriptArray)javaScriptArray3[2]; if (javaScriptArray6 == null || javaScriptArray6.Count <= 0) { matchDTO.IsHalfTime = true; } else { if (javaScriptArray6.Count >= 5) { if (int.Parse(javaScriptArray6[4].ToString()) == 15) { matchDTO.IsHalfTime = true; } else { matchDTO.IsHalfTime = false; matchDTO.Half = int.Parse(javaScriptArray6[2].ToString()); matchDTO.Minute = int.Parse(javaScriptArray6[3].ToString()); } } } } else { matchDTO.IsHalfTime = true; } JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray7 = (JavaScriptArray)javaScriptArray2[2]; if (javaScriptArray7 != null) { javaScriptArray7 = (JavaScriptArray)javaScriptArray7[1]; if (javaScriptArray7 != null) { using (System.Collections.Generic.List<object>.Enumerator enumerator2 = javaScriptArray7.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray8 = (JavaScriptArray)enumerator2.Current; OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); if (javaScriptArray8.Count > 3) { int num = int.Parse(javaScriptArray8[0].ToString()); switch (num) { case 1: { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeHandicap; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray8[1].ToString(); float num2; if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[2].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Home = num2; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[3].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Away = num2; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray8[4].ToString(); if (javaScriptArray8[5] != null) { if (javaScriptArray8[5].ToString() == "1") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray8[5].ToString() == "2") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } else { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } } } break; } case 2: { break; } case 3: { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray8[1].ToString(); float num2; if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[2].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Home = num2; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[3].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Away = num2; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray8[4].ToString(); break; } default: { switch (num) { case 7: { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfHandicap; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray8[1].ToString(); float num2; if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[2].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Home = num2; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[3].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Away = num2; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray8[4].ToString(); if (javaScriptArray8[5] != null) { if (javaScriptArray8[5].ToString() == "1") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray8[5].ToString() == "2") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } else { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } } } break; } case 9: { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray8[1].ToString(); float num2; if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[2].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Home = num2; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[3].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Away = num2; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray8[4].ToString(); break; } } break; } } if (oddDTO.Home != 0f) matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); } } } } } list.Add(matchDTO); } } else { MatchDTO matchDTO = list[list.Count - 1]; JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray7 = (JavaScriptArray)javaScriptArray2[2]; if (javaScriptArray7 != null) { javaScriptArray7 = (JavaScriptArray)javaScriptArray7[1]; if (javaScriptArray7 != null) { using (System.Collections.Generic.List<object>.Enumerator enumerator2 = javaScriptArray7.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray8 = (JavaScriptArray)enumerator2.Current; OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); if (javaScriptArray8.Count > 3) { int num = int.Parse(javaScriptArray8[0].ToString()); switch (num) { case 1: { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeHandicap; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray8[1].ToString(); float num2; if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[2].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Home = num2; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[3].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Away = num2; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray8[4].ToString(); if (javaScriptArray8[5] != null) { if (javaScriptArray8[5].ToString() == "1") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray8[5].ToString() == "2") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } else { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } } } break; } case 2: { break; } case 3: { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray8[1].ToString(); float num2; if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[2].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Home = num2; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[3].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Away = num2; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray8[4].ToString(); break; } default: { switch (num) { case 7: { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfHandicap; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray8[1].ToString(); float num2; if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[2].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Home = num2; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[3].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Away = num2; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray8[4].ToString(); if (javaScriptArray8[5] != null) { if (javaScriptArray8[5].ToString() == "1") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray8[5].ToString() == "2") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } else { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } } } break; } case 9: { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray8[1].ToString(); float num2; if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[2].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Home = num2; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray8[3].ToString(), out num2)) { oddDTO.Away = num2; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray8[4].ToString(); break; } } break; } } if (oddDTO.Home != 0f) matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); } } } } } } } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw ex; } result = list; } return result; }
private System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> updateToDicNew() { //this.dicMatches.Clear(); System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> result = new List<MatchDTO>(); foreach (ArrayList current in this._eventResultDictionary.Values) { ArrayList arrayList = this._eventDictionary[current[1].ToString()]; MatchDTO sboMatch = new MatchDTO(); sboMatch.ID = arrayList[0].ToString(); LeagueDTO league = new LeagueDTO(); league.ID = arrayList[2].ToString(); league.Name = this._tournamentDictionary[league.ID][1].ToString(); sboMatch.League = league; sboMatch.HomeTeamName = arrayList[3].ToString(); sboMatch.AwayTeamName = arrayList[4].ToString(); result.Add(sboMatch); } foreach (ArrayList current2 in this._oddsDictionary.Values) { string id = current2[0].ToString(); if (current2[1].GetType().Equals(typeof(ArrayList))) { ArrayList arrayList2 = (ArrayList)current2[1]; if (current2[2].GetType().Equals(typeof(ArrayList))) { ArrayList arrayList3 = (ArrayList)current2[2]; if (this._eventResultDictionary.ContainsKey(arrayList2[0].ToString())) { string text = this._eventResultDictionary[arrayList2[0].ToString()][1].ToString(); OddDTO sboOdd = new OddDTO(); sboOdd.ID = arrayList2[0].ToString(); eOddType type = this.reCal2(arrayList2[1].ToString()); sboOdd.Type = type; string text2 = this.reCal(arrayList2[1].ToString()); if ("8731".Contains(text2)) { sboOdd.Odd = arrayList2[4].ToString(); //sboOdd.hdp = decimal.Parse(arrayList2[4].ToString()); if ("71".Contains(text2)) { //sboOdd.hdp = -sboOdd.hdp; sboOdd.HomeFavor = true; sboOdd.IsHomeGive = true; } sboOdd.Home = float.Parse(arrayList3[0].ToString()); sboOdd.Away = float.Parse(arrayList3[1].ToString()); foreach (MatchDTO m in result) { if (m.ID == id) { m.Odds.Add(sboOdd); } } } } } } } return result; }
public static System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> ConvertUpdateData( string data, System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> originalDataSource, out string updateTime) { System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> list = BaseDTO.DeepClone<System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO>>(originalDataSource); updateTime = string.Empty; data = data.Replace("\n", ""); string[] array = data.Split(new string[] { ";" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); MatchDTO matchDTO = null; string[] array2 = array; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { string text = array2[i]; if (text.Contains("var Dell")) { JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray = (JavaScriptArray)JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject(text.Split(new string[] { "=" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None)[2]); foreach (object current in javaScriptArray) { MatchDTO matchDTO2 = MatchDTO.SearchMatch(current.ToString(), list); if (matchDTO2 != null) { list.Remove(matchDTO2); } } } else { if (text.StartsWith("Insl")) { JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray = (JavaScriptArray)JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject(text.Split(new string[] { "=" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None)[1]); if (javaScriptArray[3].ToString() == "1") { MatchDTO matchDTO3 = new MatchDTO(); matchDTO3.Odds = new System.Collections.Generic.List<OddDTO>(); matchDTO3.ID = javaScriptArray[0].ToString(); if (javaScriptArray[4].ToString() == string.Empty) { matchDTO3.League = matchDTO.League; } else { matchDTO3.League = new LeagueDTO(); matchDTO3.League.ID = javaScriptArray[4].ToString(); matchDTO3.League.Name = javaScriptArray[5].ToString(); } matchDTO3.HomeTeamName = javaScriptArray[6].ToString(); matchDTO3.AwayTeamName = javaScriptArray[7].ToString(); if (javaScriptArray.Count >= 12) { if (javaScriptArray[12] != null && javaScriptArray[12].ToString() != string.Empty && !javaScriptArray[12].ToString().ToLower().Contains("t") && !javaScriptArray[12].ToString().ToLower().Contains("live")) { string[] array3 = javaScriptArray[12].ToString().ToLower().Split(new string[] { "h" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); matchDTO3.Half = int.Parse(array3[0]); matchDTO3.Minute = int.Parse(array3[1].Trim().Replace("'", "")); matchDTO3.IsHalfTime = false; } else { matchDTO3.Minute = 0; matchDTO3.Half = 0; matchDTO3.IsHalfTime = true; } } else { matchDTO3.Minute = 0; matchDTO3.Half = 0; matchDTO3.IsHalfTime = true; } float num = 0f; if (javaScriptArray[24] != null && javaScriptArray[24].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeHandicap; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[24].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[25].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[26].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[27].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } if (javaScriptArray[28] == null || javaScriptArray[28].ToString() == string.Empty) { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[28].ToString() == "h") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[28].ToString() == "a") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } } } matchDTO3.Odds.Add(oddDTO); } if (javaScriptArray[29] != null && javaScriptArray[29].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[29].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[30].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[31].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[32].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } matchDTO3.Odds.Add(oddDTO); } if (javaScriptArray[37] != null && javaScriptArray[37].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfHandicap; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[37].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[38].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[39].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[40].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } if (javaScriptArray[41] == null || javaScriptArray[41].ToString() == string.Empty) { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[41].ToString() == "h") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[41].ToString() == "a") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } } } matchDTO3.Odds.Add(oddDTO); } if (javaScriptArray[42] != null && javaScriptArray[42].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[42].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[43].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[44].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[45].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } matchDTO3.Odds.Add(oddDTO); } list.Add(matchDTO3); matchDTO = matchDTO3; } else { float num = 0f; if (javaScriptArray[24] != null && javaScriptArray[24].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeHandicap; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[24].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[25].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[26].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[27].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } if (javaScriptArray[28] == null || javaScriptArray[28].ToString() == string.Empty) { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[28].ToString() == "h") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[28].ToString() == "a") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } } } matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); } if (javaScriptArray[29] != null && javaScriptArray[29].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[29].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[30].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[31].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[32].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); } if (javaScriptArray[37] != null && javaScriptArray[37].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfHandicap; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[37].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[38].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[39].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[40].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } if (javaScriptArray[41] == null || javaScriptArray[41].ToString() == string.Empty) { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[41].ToString() == "h") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[41].ToString() == "a") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } } } matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); } if (javaScriptArray[42] != null && javaScriptArray[42].ToString() != string.Empty) { OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder; oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[42].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[43].ToString(); if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[44].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Home = num; } else { oddDTO.Home = 0f; } if (float.TryParse(javaScriptArray[45].ToString(), out num)) { oddDTO.Away = num; } else { oddDTO.Away = 0f; } matchDTO.Odds.Add(oddDTO); } } } if (text.StartsWith("uLl")) { JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray = (JavaScriptArray)JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject(text.Split(new string[] { "=" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None)[1]); MatchDTO matchDTO4 = MatchDTO.SearchMatch(javaScriptArray[0].ToString(), list); if (matchDTO4 != null) { string text2 = javaScriptArray[1].ToString().Replace("'", "").Replace(" ", "").ToLower(); if (text2.Contains("t") || text2.Contains("live")) { matchDTO4.Half = 0; matchDTO4.Minute = 0; matchDTO4.IsHalfTime = true; } else { matchDTO4.IsHalfTime = false; matchDTO4.Half = int.Parse(text2.Split(new string[] { "h" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None)[0]); matchDTO4.Minute = int.Parse(text2.Split(new string[] { "h" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None)[1]); } } } else { if (text.StartsWith("uOl")) { JavaScriptArray javaScriptArray = (JavaScriptArray)JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject(text.Split(new string[] { "=" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None)[1]); MatchDTO matchDTO4 = MatchDTO.SearchMatch(javaScriptArray[0].ToString(), list); if (matchDTO4 != null) { OddDTO oddDTO2 = OddDTO.SearchOdd(javaScriptArray[2].ToString(), matchDTO4.Odds); if (oddDTO2 != null) { matchDTO4.Odds.Remove(oddDTO2); } if (javaScriptArray[3].ToString() != string.Empty && javaScriptArray[4].ToString() != string.Empty && javaScriptArray[5].ToString() != string.Empty) { string text3 = javaScriptArray[1].ToString(); OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO(); oddDTO.ID = javaScriptArray[2].ToString(); oddDTO.Odd = javaScriptArray[3].ToString(); oddDTO.Home = float.Parse(javaScriptArray[4].ToString()); oddDTO.Away = float.Parse(javaScriptArray[5].ToString()); if (javaScriptArray.Count >= 7) { if (javaScriptArray[6].ToString().ToLower() == "h") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = true; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } else { if (javaScriptArray[6].ToString().ToLower() == "a") { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = true; } else { oddDTO.HomeFavor = false; oddDTO.AwayFavor = false; } } } string text4 = text3; if (text4 == null) { goto IL_1134; } if (!(text4 == "1")) { if (!(text4 == "3")) { if (!(text4 == "7")) { if (!(text4 == "8")) { goto IL_1134; } oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder; } else { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FirstHalfHandicap; } } else { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder; } } else { oddDTO.Type = eOddType.FulltimeHandicap; } IL_113F: if (oddDTO.Type != eOddType.Unknown) { matchDTO4.Odds.Add(oddDTO); } goto IL_115F; IL_1134: oddDTO.Type = eOddType.Unknown; goto IL_113F; } IL_115F: ; } } else { if (text.StartsWith("window")) { updateTime = text.Substring(43, 19); } } } } } return list; }