public static void closeWindow() { if (caster != null) { caster.Close(); } //it is possible to have stray windows if the user messes with the monitor setup in the OS while the caster window is open casterWindow strayWindow = EditorWindow.GetWindow <casterWindow>(); if (strayWindow != null && strayWindow != caster) //remember the caster is not really destroyed here... editorWindow does not destroyImmediate { strayWindow.Close(); } //stop deforming the output view hypercube.castMesh canvas = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <hypercube.castMesh>(); if (canvas) { canvas.usingCustomDimensions = false; } caster = null; }
public static void openWindow() { //allow only 1 window closeWindow(); int posX = EditorPrefs.GetInt("V_windowOffsetX", 0); int posY = EditorPrefs.GetInt("V_windowOffsetY", 0); int w = EditorPrefs.GetInt("V_windowWidth", Display.main.renderingWidth); int h = EditorPrefs.GetInt("V_windowHeight", Display.main.renderingHeight); //create a new window caster = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <casterWindow>(); caster.position = new Rect(posX, posY, w, h); caster.autoRepaintOnSceneChange = true; //this lets it update any changes. see also: caster.ShowPopup(); //give a warning if Playmode tint color is not white. string tintVal = EditorPrefs.GetString("Playmode tint", ""); if (tintVal != "Playmode tint;1;1;1;1") #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN { Debug.LogWarning("In some versions of Unity, caster window may appear incorrectly dark during PLAY mode.\nThis can be fixed by setting \"Playmode tint\" to white in: Edit > Preferences > Colors"); } #elif UNITY_EDITOR_OSX { Debug.LogWarning("In some versions of Unity, caster window may appear incorrectly dark during PLAY mode.\nThis can be fixed by setting \"Playmode tint\" to white in: Unity > Preferences > Colors"); } #endif }