public ActionResult Stamp()
            control = (TrackOrderControl)Session["TrackOrderControl"];     // get the control object from the Session Object.
            ViewData["OrderState"] = control.StampOrder_1();               // 作法一:使用 Switch-Case 處理訂單狀態
            //ViewData["OrderState"] = control.StampOrder_2();               // 作法二:使用 State Pattern 處理訂單狀態

            return View("Index");
        // GET: State
        public ActionResult Index()
            if (Session["TrackOrderControl"] == null)
                control = new TrackOrderControl();          // new a domain control instance.
                Session["TrackOrderControl"] = control;
                Session["TrackOrderControl"] = control;     // hold the control object as stateful.

            return View();