private List <ScoreEntry2> MakeDetailList(List <HashZipEntry> ziplist1, List <HashZipEntry> ziplist2)
            List <ScoreEntry2> retlist = new List <ScoreEntry2>();

            bool[] rightMatch = new bool[ziplist2.Count];

            // Make a list of matching files in zip1 vs zip2
            for (int dex1 = 0; dex1 < ziplist1.Count; dex1++)
                var hze1 = ziplist1[dex1];

                bool        matched   = false;
                int         bestscore = 99;
                ScoreEntry2 bestmatch = null;

                for (int dex2 = 0; dex2 < ziplist2.Count; dex2++)
                    var hze2 = ziplist2[dex2];

                    var ascore = CalcScoreP(hze1, hze2);

                    // TODO would a VP-tree be a faster solution? [create a VPtree for ziplist1 and ziplist2 ONLY]
                    if (ascore < MAX_SCORE2 && ascore < bestscore)
                        bestmatch        = new ScoreEntry2();
                        bestmatch.F1     = hze1;
                        bestmatch.F2     = hze2;
                        bestmatch.score  = ascore;
                        matched          = true;
                        rightMatch[dex2] = true;
                        bestscore        = ascore;

                if (!matched || bestmatch == null)
                    ScoreEntry2 se = new ScoreEntry2();
                    se.F1    = hze1;
                    se.score = 999 * 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < rightMatch.Length; i++)
                if (!rightMatch[i])
                    ScoreEntry2 se = new ScoreEntry2();
                    se.F2    = ziplist2[i];
                    se.score = 999 * 2;

        internal void setPix(ScoreEntry2 sel, bool first, PictureBox pbox, Label plab)
            if (sel == null)

            string zipF;
            string fi;

            if (first)
                zipF = sel.F1 == null ? "" : sel.F1.ZipFile;
                fi   = sel.F1 != null ? sel.F1.InnerPath : "";
                zipF = sel.F2 == null ? "" : sel.F2.ZipFile;
                fi   = sel.F2 != null ? sel.F2.InnerPath : "";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zipF) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fi))
                pbox.Image = null;
                plab.Text  = "";

            var imgF = _loader.Extract(zipF, fi);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imgF)) // clean up all created temp files on close

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imgF))
                    pbox.Image = null;
                    plab.Text  = "";

                // load image to picturebox with no file lock
                pbox.Image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(imgF))); // no file lock

                // set image stats to label
                var info1 = new FileInfo(imgF);
                var size1 = pbox.Image.Size;
                plab.Text = string.Format("{0},{1} [{2:0.00}K]", size1.Width, size1.Height, (double)info1.Length / 1024.0);
Exemple #3
        public static int Comparer(ScoreEntry2 x, ScoreEntry2 y)
            int val = x.score - y.score;

            if (val == 0 && x.F1 != null && y.F1 != null)
                val = StrCmpLogicalW(x.F1.InnerPath, y.F1.InnerPath); // 'natural' sorting
            //val = string.Compare(x.F1.InnerPath, y.F1.InnerPath, StringComparison.Ordinal); // same value: sort by name
Exemple #4
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj == null)
            ScoreEntry2 obj2 = obj as ScoreEntry2;

            if (obj2 == null)

            // This considers "A vs B" to be equivalent to "B vs A"
            return((this.F1.InnerPath == obj2.F1.InnerPath && this.F2.InnerPath == obj2.F2.InnerPath) ||
                   (this.F2.InnerPath == obj2.F1.InnerPath && this.F1.InnerPath == obj2.F2.InnerPath));
        internal void DoDiff(ScoreEntry2 sel, bool showonly = false)
            if (sel == null)
            if (_diffDlg == null)
                _diffDlg = new ShowDiff(_loader, _log)
                    Owner = this
            _diffDlg.Stretch = true; // stretch;
            _diffDlg.Diff    = !showonly;
            _diffDlg.Group   = sel;

        private void CompareVPTree()
            var ziplist  = _zipDict.Keys.ToArray();
            int zipCount = ziplist.Length;

            if (zipCount < 1)

            SetStatus(string.Format("Hashes: {0} Archives: {1}", _hashSource, zipCount));

            _scores = new HashSet <ScoreEntry>(); // use a set so that AxB and BxA are not duplicated

            var tree            = new VPTree <HashZipEntry>(CalcScoreP);
            var root            = tree.make_vp(_toCompare);
            var ret             = new List <HashZipEntry>();
            var thisfilematches = new HashSet <string>();
            var filesdone       = new HashSet <HashZipEntry>();
            var zipsdone        = new HashSet <string>();

            int doneCount = 0;

            var pairset = new HashSet <ScoreEntry2>();

            foreach (var azip in ziplist)
                var filelist = _zipDict[azip];
                foreach (var afile in filelist)
                    tree.query_vp(root, afile, 1, ret);

                    foreach (var aret in ret)
                        if (aret == afile)  // skip self
                        if (aret.ZipFile == afile.ZipFile) // skip self-zip matches
                        int dist = CalcScoreP(afile, aret); // reduce 'noise' by tossing too-distant matches
                        if (dist > MAX_SCORE)

                        ScoreEntry2 se2 = new ScoreEntry2();
                        se2.F1    = afile;
                        se2.F2    = aret;
                        se2.score = dist;


                //foreach (var azip in ziplist)
                //    zipsdone.Add(azip);
                //    var filelist = _zipDict[azip];
                //    var matchlist = new Dictionary<string, int>();

                //    foreach (var comp in filelist)
                //    {
                //        filesdone.Add(comp);

                //        tree.query_vp(root, comp, 1, ret);

                //        //int selfdups = ret.Where(x => x.ZipFile == azip).Count();
                //        //if (selfdups < 2)
                //            foreach (var aret in ret)
                //            {
                //                if (zipsdone.Contains(aret.ZipFile))
                //                    continue;
                //                if (filesdone.Contains(aret))
                //                    continue;
                //                thisfilematches.Add(aret.ZipFile);
                //            }

                //        ret.Clear();

                //        foreach (var zipmatch in thisfilematches)
                //            if (zipmatch != azip)
                //                if (matchlist.ContainsKey(zipmatch))
                //                    matchlist[zipmatch]++;
                //                else
                //                    matchlist.Add(zipmatch, 1);
                //    }

                //    thisfilematches.Clear();
                //if (ret.Count > 1) // TODO won't this always be true [as 'comp' is in the tree and will match]
                //    foreach (var aret in ret)
                //    {
                //        // ignore a match against self or a match against self-zip
                //        if (aret.Equals(comp) || aret.ZipFile == comp.ZipFile)
                //            continue;

                //        // each aret may be from a distinct zip
                //        // need to turn into a set of zip+match counts
                //        if (matchlist.ContainsKey(aret.ZipFile))
                //        {
                //            if (newfile)
                //                matchlist[aret.ZipFile]++;
                //            //newfile = false;
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            matchlist.Add(aret.ZipFile, 1);
                //        }
                //    }

//                    ret.Clear();
//                }

                //// build ScoreEntry list based on number of matches for azip against other zips
                //foreach (var amatch in matchlist)
                //    string who = amatch.Key;
                //    int matches = amatch.Value;
                //    var zip2 = _zipDict[who];

                //    int score1 = (int)(((double)matches / filelist.Count) * 100.0);
                //    int score2 = (int)(((double)matches / zip2.Count) * 100.0);
                //    int score = Math.Max(score1, score2);

                //    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(score <= 100.0);

                //    if (score > 20)
                //    {
                //        ScoreEntry se = new ScoreEntry();
                //        se.zipfile1 = azip;
                //        se.zip1count = filelist.Count;
                //        se.zipfile2 = who;
                //        se.zip2count = zip2.Count;
                //        se.score = score;
                //        se.sameSource = filelist.First().source == zip2.First().source;

                //        _scores.Add(se);
                //    }

                if (doneCount % 5 == 0)
                    int perc = (int)(100.0 * doneCount / zipCount);

            // Turn pairset into _scores
            var pairlist = pairset.ToList();

            _log.log(string.Format(" pair candidates:{0}", pairlist.Count));

            if (pairlist.Count != 0)
                int          matches = 0;
                HashZipEntry he      = pairlist[0].F1;
                HashZipEntry he2     = pairlist[0].F2;
                foreach (var apair in pairlist)
                    if (apair.F1.ZipFile == he.ZipFile)
                        if (apair.F2.ZipFile == he2.ZipFile)
                            MakeScore(matches, he, he2);
                            he2     = apair.F2;
                            matches = 1;
                        MakeScore(matches, he, he2);
                        he      = apair.F1;
                        he2     = apair.F2;
                        matches = 1;

                // 20190426 the last entry was not processed as a possible candidate
                MakeScore(matches, he, he2);

            _scoreList = _scores.ToList();
            _log.log(string.Format(" zip matches:{0}", _scoreList.Count));

            _scores = null;

