public Message( ) { _dbal = DAL.singleton( ); }
public User() { this._db = DAL.singleton(); }
/// <summary> /// Singletons the specified host. /// </summary> /// <param name="host">The host.</param> /// <param name="port">The port.</param> /// <param name="username">The username.</param> /// <param name="password">The password.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static DAL singleton(string host, uint port, string username, string password, string schema) { return _singleton ?? ( _singleton = new DAL( host, port, username, password, schema ) ); }
private static void initialiseBot(string configFile) { string username; string password; string schema; uint port = 0; string server = username = password = schema = ""; Configuration.readHmbotConfigFile(configFile, ref server, ref username, ref password, ref port, ref schema); _dbal = DAL.singleton(server, port, username, password, schema); if (!_dbal.connect()) { // can't connect to database, DIE return; } Configuration.singleton(); debugChannel = Configuration.singleton()["channelDebug"]; _ircNetwork = uint.Parse(Configuration.singleton()["ircNetwork"]); _trigger = Configuration.singleton()["commandTrigger"]; irc = new IAL(_ircNetwork); new IrcProxy(irc, int.Parse(Configuration.singleton()["proxyPort"]), Configuration.singleton()["proxyPassword"]); PageWatcherController.instance(); setupEvents(); TimeMonitor.instance(); if (!irc.connect()) { // if can't connect to irc, die return; } new MonitorService(62167, "Helpmebot v6 (Nagios Monitor service)"); new UDPListener(4357); string[] twparms = {server, schema, irc.ircServer}; try { new Twitter().updateStatus(new Message().get("tweetStartup", twparms)); } catch(Twitterizer.TwitterizerException ex) { GlobalFunctions.errorLog( ex ); } // ciavc hook irc.privmsgEvent+=AccAi.checkCiaVcCommits; }