void CreateNewPreview(bool bIsCurve) { preview = null; curvePreview = null; if (bIsCurve) { curvePreview = new CurveRevolvePreview(); curvePreview.Create(scene.TransparentNewSOMaterial, scene.RootGameObject, -1); sceneCurve = new DCurve3(); curvePreview.RevolveCurve = sceneCurve; axisCurve = new DCurve3(); curvePreview.AxisCurve = axisCurve; curvePreview.Visible = false; } else { preview = new RevolvePreview(); preview.Create(scene.TransparentNewSOMaterial, scene.RootGameObject, -1); sceneCurve = new DCurve3(); preview.Curve = sceneCurve; preview.Axis = scene.SceneFrame; preview.Visible = false; } // need to do this if we switch between revolve-around-object and revolve-around-curve if (curveSO != null) { update_curve_vertices(curveSO); } }
public void Cancel() { if (preview != null) { preview.Destroy(); preview = null; } if (curvePreview != null) { curvePreview.Destroy(); curvePreview = null; } }