Exemple #1
        public static LineBasedFamilyCreator_onPlanarFace CreateSimilar(FamilyInstance _fi, Document _tarDoc, double _hostSearchRange)
            var          refDoc = _fi.Document;
            var          refDocId = refDoc.Identifier();
            var          tarDocId = _tarDoc.Identifier();
            var          locLine = _fi.LocationLine();
            var          offsetLocLine = LineBasedFamilyUtils.GetOffsetLocLine(_fi);
            var          param = _fi.GetAllEditableParams();
            DesignOption dop; string dopUid, dopName;

            OpContext.GetActiveDesignOptionInfo(_tarDoc, out dop, out dopUid, out dopName);
            var     opContext = new OpContext(refDocId, tarDocId, refDoc, _tarDoc, dopUid, dopName, _fi.Id);
            var     hostCat   = HostUtils.GetHostCategory(_fi);
            var     hostDir   = HostUtils.GetHostDir(_fi);
            var     faceNorm  = _fi.GetPlane().Normal;
            var     bb       = _fi.GetBoundingBoxInModelCS(null);
            var     bbFilter = Methods.GetBBIntersectFilter(bb, _hostSearchRange);
            var     search   = new HostSearchSession(_tarDoc, hostCat, bbFilter, hostDir, faceNorm, dop);
            Element host;
            var     hostFace = search.FindHostFace(locLine, out host);
            var     ctr      = new LineBasedFamilyCreator_onPlanarFace
                                   (_fi.Symbol, offsetLocLine, _fi.FacingOrientation, host, hostFace, param, opContext);

            Methods.GetCutsAndJoins(_fi, out ctr.Cuts, out ctr.CutBy, out ctr.Joins);
            ctr.CutsHost = HostUtils.CutsHost(_fi);
Exemple #2
        public static FaceBasedFamilyCreator CreateSimilar(FamilyInstance _fi, Document _tarDoc, double _hostSearchRange)
            var          refDoc = _fi.Document;
            var          pos = _fi.GetPos();
            var          hostCat = HostUtils.GetHostCategory(_fi);
            var          bb = _fi.GetBoundingBoxInModelCS(null);
            var          bbFilter = Methods.GetBBIntersectFilter(bb, _hostSearchRange);
            XYZ          faceNorm = null;
            DesignOption dop; string dopUid, dopName;

            OpContext.GetActiveDesignOptionInfo(_tarDoc, out dop, out dopUid, out dopName);
            var     hostDir = HostUtils.GetHostDir(_fi);
            var     search  = new HostSearchSession(_tarDoc, hostCat, bbFilter, hostDir, faceNorm, dop);
            Element host;
            var     hostFace = search.FindHostFace(pos, out host);
            var     param    = _fi.GetAllEditableParams();
            var     refDocId = refDoc.Identifier();
            var     tarDocId = _tarDoc.Identifier();

            var opContext = new OpContext(refDocId, tarDocId, refDoc, _tarDoc, dopUid, dopName, _fi.Id);
            var ctr       = new FaceBasedFamilyCreator
                                (_fi.Symbol, _fi.Host, hostFace, pos, _fi.HandOrientation, _fi.FacingOrientation, param, opContext);

        public FamilyCreator GetSimilarCreator()
            var info = new LineBasedFamilyInfo(this.FI);

            if (info.HostCondition == HostCondition.Level)
                var level = this.FI.Host as Level;
                this.SimilarCreator = new LineBasedFamilyCreator_onLevel
                                          (this.FI.Symbol, this.OffsetLocLine, this.facing, level, this.FI.StructuralType, this.paramValues, this.Context);
                if (this.FI.HostFace != null &&
                    this.FI.HostFace.ElementReferenceType != ElementReferenceType.REFERENCE_TYPE_NONE)
                    this.SimilarCreator = new LineBasedFamilyCreator_onPlanarFace
                                              (this.FI.Symbol, this.OffsetLocLine, this.facing, this.FI.HostFace, this.paramValues, this.Context);
                    //search for host face on the run
                    var locLine  = this.FI.LocationLine();
                    var hostCat  = HostUtils.GetHostCategory(this.FI);
                    var bbFilter = Methods.GetBBIntersectFilter
                    var hostDir  = HostUtils.GetHostDir(this.FI);
                    var faceNorm = this.FI.GetPlane().Normal;
                    var dop      = this.FI.DesignOption;
                    var search   = new HostSearchSession
                                       (this.FI.Document, hostCat, bbFilter, hostDir, faceNorm, dop);
                    Element host;
                    var     hostFace = search.FindHostFace(locLine, out host);
                    if (hostFace == null)
                        throw new goa.Common.Exceptions.HostNotFoundException(this.FI.Id.ToString());

                    this.SimilarCreator = new LineBasedFamilyCreator_onPlanarFace
                                              (this.FI.Symbol, this.OffsetLocLine, this.facing, host, hostFace, this.paramValues, this.Context);
                    out this.SimilarCreator.Cuts,
                    out this.SimilarCreator.CutBy,
                    out this.SimilarCreator.Joins);
        public static FamilyCreator MirrorFaceBased
            (FamilyInstance _fi, Plane _plane, double _hostSearchRange)
            var tf  = Transform.CreateReflection(_plane);
            var doc = _fi.Document;
            var dop = doc.GetElement(DesignOption.GetActiveDesignOptionId(doc)) as DesignOption;
            //host search
            var bb = _fi.GetBoundingBoxForSolidGeometries();

            if (bb == null)
                bb = _fi.GetBoundingBoxInModelCS(null);
            bb = bb.GetTransformed(tf);
            var filter  = Methods.GetBBIntersectFilter(bb, _hostSearchRange);
            var hostCat = HostUtils.GetHostCategory(_fi);
            var hostDir = HostUtils.GetHostDir(_fi);

            if (hostDir != null)
                hostDir = tf.OfVector(hostDir);

            var refOffsetLocLine = LineBasedFamilyUtils.GetOffsetLocLine(_fi);
            var tarOffsetLocLine = refOffsetLocLine.CreateTransformed(tf) as Line;
            var refLocLine       = _fi.LocationLine();
            var tarLocLine       = refLocLine.CreateTransformed(tf) as Line;
            var facing           = tf.OfVector(_fi.FacingOrientation);
            var faceNormal       = tf.OfVector(_fi.GetPlane().Normal);

            var     search = new HostSearchSession(doc, hostCat, filter, hostDir, faceNormal, dop);
            Element host;
            var     hostFace = search.FindHostFace(tarLocLine, out host);

            if (hostFace == null)
                throw new HostNotFoundException(_fi.Id.ToString());

            var param = _fi.GetAllEditableParams();
            var ctr   = new LineBasedFamilyCreator_onPlanarFace
                            (_fi.Symbol, tarOffsetLocLine, facing, host, hostFace, param, null);

            ctr.CutsHost = HostUtils.CutsHost(_fi);
Exemple #5
        public static WallBasedFamilyCreator CreateSimilar(FamilyInstance _fi, Document _tarDoc, double _hostSearchRange)
            var          refDoc = _fi.Document;
            var          param = _fi.GetAllEditableParams();
            var          refDocId = refDoc.Identifier();
            var          tarDocId = _tarDoc.Identifier();
            DesignOption dop; string dopUid, dopName;

            OpContext.GetActiveDesignOptionInfo(_tarDoc, out dop, out dopUid, out dopName);
            var opContext = new OpContext(refDocId, tarDocId, refDoc, _tarDoc, dopUid, dopName, _fi.Id);
            var hostCat   = HostUtils.GetHostCategory(_fi);
            var hostDir   = HostUtils.GetHostDir(_fi);
            var bb        = _fi.GetBoundingBoxInModelCS(null);
            var bbFilter  = Methods.GetBBIntersectFilter(bb, _hostSearchRange);
            var posPoints = HostUtils.GetPointsInsideWallHost(_fi);
            var search    = new HostSearchSession(_tarDoc, hostCat, bbFilter, hostDir, null, dop);
            var hostWall  = search.FindHostWall(posPoints);
            var ctr       = new WallBasedFamilyCreator
                                (_fi.Symbol, hostWall, _fi.GetPos(), _fi.HandOrientation, _fi.FacingOrientation, _fi.StructuralType, param, opContext);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create mirror ONLY FOR vertical host face.
        /// </summary>
        public static FamilyCreator Mirror
            (FamilyInstance fi, Plane _plane, double _hostSearchRange)
            var doc        = fi.Document;
            var dop        = doc.GetElement(DesignOption.GetActiveDesignOptionId(doc)) as DesignOption;
            var tf         = Transform.CreateReflection(_plane);
            var refPos     = fi.GetPos();
            var tarPos     = tf.OfPoint(refPos);
            var hand       = tf.OfVector(fi.HandOrientation);
            var facing     = tf.OfVector(fi.FacingOrientation);
            var refPlane   = fi.GetPlane();
            var faceNormal = tf.OfVector(refPlane.Normal);
            //find host face
            var bb = fi.GetBoundingBoxForSolidGeometries();

            if (bb == null)
                bb = fi.GetBoundingBoxInModelCS(null);
            bb = bb.GetTransformed(tf);
            var     bbFilter = Methods.GetBBIntersectFilter(bb, _hostSearchRange);
            var     hostCat  = HostUtils.GetHostCategory(fi);
            var     hostDir  = HostUtils.GetHostDir(fi);
            var     search   = new HostSearchSession(doc, hostCat, bbFilter, hostDir, faceNormal, dop);
            Element host;
            var     hostFace = search.FindHostFace(tarPos, out host);

            if (hostFace == null)
                throw new HostNotFoundException(fi.Id.ToString());
            var param = fi.GetAllEditableParams();
            var ctr   = new FaceBasedFamilyCreator
                            (fi.Symbol, host, hostFace, tarPos, hand, facing, param, null);

        /// <summary>
        /// Copy face-based family instances to multiple levels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_refs">face-based family instances to be copied.</param>
        /// <param name="_tarLevels">target levels</param>
        /// <param name="_baseLevel">base level for calculating height change.</param>
        /// <param name="_snapShot">snap shot of potential host faces. Need to scan before calling this method.</param>
        /// <returns>face-based family creators of correct type.</returns>
        public static List <FamilyCreator> CopyToLevels
            (FamilyInstance refFI,
            IEnumerable <Level> _tarLevels,
            Level _baseLevel,
            double _searchRange)
            var doc    = refFI.Document;
            var ops    = new List <FamilyCreator>();
            var refPos = refFI.GetPos();
            var dop    = doc.GetElement(DesignOption.GetActiveDesignOptionId(doc)) as DesignOption;
            //get params
            var param = refFI.GetAllEditableParams();
            //get orientation
            var hand       = refFI.HandOrientation;
            var facing     = refFI.FacingOrientation;
            var faceNormal = refFI.GetPlane().Normal;
            //search cat
            var bbRef = refFI.GetBoundingBoxForSolidGeometries();

            if (bbRef == null)
                bbRef = refFI.GetBoundingBoxInModelCS(null);
            var searchCat = HostUtils.GetHostCategory(refFI);
            var hostDir   = HostUtils.GetHostDir(refFI);

            foreach (var tarLevel in _tarLevels)
                //skip base level
                if (tarLevel.Id == _baseLevel.Id)
                var deltaZ = tarLevel.ProjectElevation - _baseLevel.ProjectElevation;
                var tf     = Transform.CreateTranslation(new XYZ(0, 0, deltaZ));
                var tarPos = tf.OfPoint(refPos);

                //search host face
                var     bbTar    = bbRef.GetTransformed(tf);
                var     bbFilter = Methods.GetBBIntersectFilter(bbTar, _searchRange);
                var     search   = new HostSearchSession(doc, searchCat, bbFilter, hostDir, faceNormal, dop);
                Element host;
                var     hostFace = search.FindHostFace(tarPos, out host);
                if (hostFace == null)
                    throw new HostNotFoundException(refFI.Id.ToString());

                var ctr = new FaceBasedFamilyCreator
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy line-based family instances to multiple levels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_refs">line-based family instances to be copied.</param>
        /// <param name="_tarLevels">target levels</param>
        /// <param name="_baseLevel">base level for calculating height change.</param>
        /// <param name="_snapShot">snap shot of potential host faces. Need to scan before calling this method.</param>
        /// <returns>Line-based family creators of correct type.</returns>
        public static List <FamilyCreator> CopyToLevels
            (FamilyInstance _refFI,
            IEnumerable <Level> _tarLevels,
            Level _baseLevel,
            double _searchRange)
            var doc        = _refFI.Document;
            var dop        = doc.GetElement(DesignOption.GetActiveDesignOptionId(doc)) as DesignOption;
            var ops        = new List <FamilyCreator>();
            var refLocLine = _refFI.LocationLine();
            //get params
            var param = _refFI.GetAllEditableParams();
            //get orientation
            var facing     = _refFI.FacingOrientation;
            var faceNormal = _refFI.GetPlane().Normal;
            //scan for host face
            var hostCat = HostUtils.GetHostCategory(_refFI);
            var hostDir = HostUtils.GetHostDir(_refFI);
            var bbRef   = _refFI.GetBoundingBoxForSolidGeometries();

            if (bbRef == null)
                bbRef = _refFI.GetBoundingBoxInModelCS(null);
            bool cutsHost = HostUtils.CutsHost(_refFI);

            foreach (var tarLevel in _tarLevels)
                //skip base level
                if (tarLevel.Id == _baseLevel.Id)
                var deltaZ     = tarLevel.ProjectElevation - _baseLevel.ProjectElevation;
                var tf         = Transform.CreateTranslation(new XYZ(0, 0, deltaZ));
                var tarLocLine = refLocLine.CreateTransformed(tf) as Line;
                //check host dir
                FamilyCreator ctr  = null;
                var           info = new LineBasedFamilyInfo(_refFI);
                //host on level
                if (hostCat == HostCategory.Level)
                    ctr = new LineBasedFamilyCreator_onLevel
                //host on face
                    //search host face
                    var     bbTar  = bbRef.GetTransformed(tf);
                    var     filter = Methods.GetBBIntersectFilter(bbTar, _searchRange);
                    var     search = new HostSearchSession(doc, hostCat, filter, hostDir, faceNormal, dop);
                    Element host;
                    var     hostFace = search.FindHostFace(tarLocLine, out host);
                    if (hostFace == null)
                        throw new HostNotFoundException(_refFI.Id.ToString());
                    var refOffsetLocLine = LineBasedFamilyUtils.GetOffsetLocLine(_refFI);
                    var tarOffsetLocLine = refOffsetLocLine.CreateTransformed(tf) as Line;
                    var lineBasedCtr     = new LineBasedFamilyCreator_onPlanarFace
                    lineBasedCtr.CutsHost = cutsHost;
                    ctr = lineBasedCtr;