Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to load the goAbout config file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The load state of the device</returns>
        public eLoadState LoadFromXML()

            if (!File.Exists(@"goAbout.xml"))
                this.serverAddress = defaultServerAddress;
                loadState = eLoadState.NoLogin;
                XmlTextReader r = new XmlTextReader(@"goAbout.xml");

                while (r.Read())
                    if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        if (r.LocalName.Equals("MemberID"))
                            string str = decr(r.ReadString());
                            memberID = str;

                        if (r.LocalName.Equals("Password"))
                            string str = decr(r.ReadString());
                            password = str;

                        if (r.LocalName.Equals("MemberID"))
                            string str = decr(r.ReadString());
                            serverAddress = str;

                            if (str == "")
                                serverAddress = defaultServerAddress;

                        if (password != "" && memberID!="")
                            loadState = eLoadState.Loaded;

                        if (r.LocalName == "Options")
                            while (r.Read())
                                if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                    if (r.LocalName == "Option1")
                                        this.option1 = Int32.Parse(r.ReadString());

                                    if (r.LocalName == "Option2")
                                        this.option2 = Int32.Parse(r.ReadString());

                                    if (r.LocalName == "Option3")
                                        this.option3 = Int32.Parse(r.ReadString());

                                    if (r.LocalName == "Option4")
                                        this.option4 = Int32.Parse(r.ReadString());

                        if (r.LocalName == "Profile")
                            while (r.Read())
                                if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                    //if (r.LocalName == "Age")
                                    //    Member.Age = Int32.Parse(r.ReadString());

                                    ////if (r.LocalName == "Gender")
                                    // //   Member.Gender = (eGender)r.ReadString();

                                    //if (r.LocalName == "AgeSeek")
                                    //    Member.SeekAge = Int32.Parse(r.ReadString());

                                    //if (r.LocalName == "GenderSeek")
                                    //    Member.SeekGender = (eGender)r.ReadString();
                                    //    break;

                        if (r.LocalName == "Matches")
                            while (r.Read())
                                if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                    if (r.LocalName == "Match")
                                        Match m = null;
                                        while (r.Read())
                                            if (r.LocalName == "MatchName")
                                                m = new Match(r.ReadString());

                                            if (r.LocalName == "MAC")
                                                m.MACAddress = r.ReadString();

                                            if (r.LocalName == "MatchTime")
                                                m.MatchDT = Convert.ToDateTime(r.ReadString());

                                            if (r.LocalName == "ConfirmedByServer")
                                                m.ConfirmedByServer = Convert.ToBoolean(r.ReadString());

            if (this.loadState == eLoadState.NoLogin)
                MainForm.pnlLogin.Visible = true;
                MainForm.LeftMenu.Text = "Done";

            return loadState;
        /// <summary>
        /// Trys to create a Match object from an incoming bluetooth connection stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A Match object or null if the stream is invalid</returns>
		private Match ReceiveBTData()
            // set bytes read to 0
			int bytesRead = 0;

            // nullify an existing BluetoothClient object
			BluetoothClient client = null;

            // create a new stream object for the incoming data
            System.IO.Stream stream = null;

            // create a byte array buffer of 128
			byte[] Buffer = new byte[128];

            // create a null Match object
            // if the incoming byte stream cannot be successfully converted into a Match
            // object then m is returned as a null
			Match m=null;

                // Accept an requested connections
                client = btListener.AcceptBluetoothClient();
                // return the byte stream from the connection
                stream = client.GetStream();

                // place up 128 bytes of data into the buffer and read the number of bytes read
				bytesRead = stream.Read(Buffer, 0, 128);

                // convert the byte array into a string
				string rs = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Buffer, 0, bytesRead);

                // split the string via the comma delimter
				string[] str = rs.Split(new char[]{','});

                // pass the MemberID into the Match Constructor to create a new instance
				m = new Match(str[6]);

                // set the MAC address of the Match from the connections Address object 
                m.MACAddress = ((BluetoothEndPoint)client.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString();

                // determine if the remote Member has my profile already
                if (str[8] == "0") 
                    m.HasMyProfile = false;
                    m.HasMyProfile = true;

				// Close the bluetooth connect as the radio is released
			catch (Exception e) 
				//throw e;
                // upon terminating the try/catch block, make sure the stream and client object
                // are other incoming connections arent stalled until the connetion times out
				if ((!(stream == null))) 
                if ((!(client == null))) 

            // return the Match object
			return m;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new Bluetooth Match into the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m"></param>
		public void AddMatch(Match m)
            // add the match to the arraylist

            // update the display

            // save the Match to the XML storage file