Exemple #1
        // FormatMediaType serializes mediatype t and the parameters
        // param as a media type conforming to RFC 2045 and RFC 2616.
        // The type and parameter names are written in lower-case.
        // When any of the arguments result in a standard violation then
        // FormatMediaType returns the empty string.
        public static @string FormatMediaType(@string t, map <@string, @string> param)
            strings.Builder b = default;
                var slash = strings.IndexByte(t, '/');

                if (slash == -1L)
                    if (!isToken(t))
                    var major = t[..slash];
Exemple #2
        private static void concurrentMapWrites()
            map m = /* TODO: Fix this in ScannerBase_Expression::ExitCompositeLit */ new map <long, long> {
            var c = make_channel <object>();

            go_(() => () =>
                    long i__prev1 = i;

                    for (long i = 0L; i < 10000L; i++)
                        m[5L] = 0L;

                    i = i__prev1;
                c.Send(/* TODO: Fix this in ScannerBase_Expression::ExitCompositeLit */ struct {} {});
Exemple #3
 public objTool(sync.Mutex mu = default, map <@string, ptr <objfile.Disasm> > disasmCache = default)
     this.mu          = mu;
     this.disasmCache = disasmCache;
Exemple #4
 public scope(ref ptr <scope> outer = default, map <@string, ptr <object> > objects = default)
     this.outer   = outer;
     this.objects = objects;
 public annotationAnalysisResult(map <ulong, ptr <taskDesc> > tasks = default, map <regionTypeID, slice <regionDesc> > regions = default, slice <ptr <trace.Event> > gcEvents = default)
     this.tasks    = tasks;
     this.regions  = regions;
     this.gcEvents = gcEvents;
 public ipv6ZoneCache(sync.RWMutex RWMutex = default, time.Time lastFetched = default, map <@string, long> toIndex = default, map <long, @string> toName = default)
     this.m_RWMutexRef = new ptr <sync.RWMutex>(RWMutex);
     this.lastFetched  = lastFetched;
     this.toIndex      = toIndex;
     this.toName       = toName;
 public Package(@string PackageName = default, @string PackagePath = default, long PtrSize = default, long IntSize = default, slice <@string> GccOptions = default, bool GccIsClang = default, map <@string, slice <@string> > CgoFlags = default, map <@string, bool> Written = default, map <@string, ref Name> Name = default, slice <ref ExpFunc> ExpFunc = default, slice <ast.Decl> Decl = default, slice <@string> GoFiles = default, slice <@string> GccFiles = default, @string Preamble = default)
 public traceParams(trace.ParseResult parsed = default, traceviewMode mode = default, long startTime = default, long endTime = default, ulong maing = default, map <ulong, bool> gs = default, slice <ptr <taskDesc> > tasks = default)
     this.parsed    = parsed;
     this.mode      = mode;
     this.startTime = startTime;
     this.endTime   = endTime;
     this.maing     = maing;
     this.gs        = gs;
     this.tasks     = tasks;
Exemple #9
 public TypeConfig(map <@string, ptr <Type> > Type = default, map <@string, @string> Var = default, map <@string, @string> Func = default, map <@string, @string> External = default)
     this.Type     = Type;
     this.Var      = Var;
     this.Func     = Func;
     this.External = External;
Exemple #10
 // pprofMatchingGoroutines parses the goroutine type id string (i.e. pc)
 // and returns the ids of goroutines of the matching type and its interval.
 // If the id string is empty, returns nil without an error.
 private static (map <ulong, slice <interval> >, error) pprofMatchingGoroutines(@string id, slice <ptr <trace.Event> > events)
     map <ulong, slice <interval> > _p0 = default;
     error _p0 = default !;
 public unusedInspector(ref ptr <scope> scope = default, map <token.Pos, bool> unused = default, ref ptr <object> defining = default)
     this.scope    = scope;
     this.unused   = unused;
     this.defining = defining;
Exemple #12
 public nssConf(error err = default, map <@string, slice <nssSource> > sources = default)
     this.err     = err;
     this.sources = sources;
Exemple #13
 public frameNode(long id = default, map <ulong, frameNode> children = default)
     this.id       = id;
     this.children = children;
Exemple #14
 public M(map <long, long> value) => m_value = value;
Exemple #15
        private static void Main()
            flag.Usage = usage;


            if (allowedRewrites != "".val)
                allowed = make_map <@string, bool>();
                    var f__prev1 = f;

                    foreach (var(_, __f) in strings.Split(allowedRewrites.val, ","))
                        f          = __f;
                        allowed[f] = true;

                    f = f__prev1;

            if (forceRewrites != "".val)
                force = make_map <@string, bool>();
                    var f__prev1 = f;

                    foreach (var(_, __f) in strings.Split(forceRewrites.val, ","))
                        f        = __f;
                        force[f] = true;

                    f = f__prev1;

            if (flag.NArg() == 0L)
                    var err__prev2 = err;

                    var err = processFile("standard input", true);

                    if (err != null)

                    err = err__prev2;


            for (long i = 0L; i < flag.NArg(); i++)
                var path = flag.Arg(i);
                    var err__prev1 = err;

                    var(dir, err) = os.Stat(path);

                    if (err != null)
                    else if (dir.IsDir())
                        var err__prev1 = err;

                        err = processFile(path, false);

                        if (err != null)

                        err = err__prev1;

                    err = err__prev1;

Exemple #16
 public B(common common = default, @string importPath = default, ref ptr <benchContext> context = default, long N = default, long previousN = default, time.Duration previousDuration = default, Action <ptr <B> > benchFunc = default, benchTimeFlag benchTime = default, long bytes = default, bool missingBytes = default, bool timerOn = default, bool showAllocResult = default, BenchmarkResult result = default, long parallelism = default, ulong startAllocs = default, ulong startBytes = default, ulong netAllocs = default, ulong netBytes = default, map <@string, double> extra = default)
     this.common           = common;
     this.importPath       = importPath;
     this.context          = context;
     this.N                = N;
     this.previousN        = previousN;
     this.previousDuration = previousDuration;
     this.benchFunc        = benchFunc;
     this.benchTime        = benchTime;
     this.bytes            = bytes;
     this.missingBytes     = missingBytes;
     this.timerOn          = timerOn;
     this.showAllocResult  = showAllocResult;
     this.result           = result;
     this.parallelism      = parallelism;
     this.startAllocs      = startAllocs;
     this.startBytes       = startBytes;
     this.netAllocs        = netAllocs;
     this.netBytes         = netBytes;
     this.extra            = extra;
Exemple #17
 public BenchmarkResult(long N = default, time.Duration T = default, long Bytes = default, ulong MemAllocs = default, ulong MemBytes = default, map <@string, double> Extra = default)
     this.N         = N;
     this.T         = T;
     this.Bytes     = Bytes;
     this.MemAllocs = MemAllocs;
     this.MemBytes  = MemBytes;
     this.Extra     = Extra;
Exemple #18
 public File(ref ptr <ast.File> AST = default, slice <ptr <ast.CommentGroup> > Comments = default, @string Package = default, @string Preamble = default, slice <ptr <Ref> > Ref = default, slice <ptr <Call> > Calls = default, slice <ptr <ExpFunc> > ExpFunc = default, map <@string, ptr <Name> > Name = default, map <ptr <Name>, token.Pos> NamePos = default, ref ptr <edit.Buffer> Edit = default)
     this.AST      = AST;
     this.Comments = Comments;
     this.Package  = Package;
     this.Preamble = Preamble;
     this.Ref      = Ref;
     this.Calls    = Calls;
     this.ExpFunc  = ExpFunc;
     this.Name     = Name;
     this.NamePos  = NamePos;
     this.Edit     = Edit;
Exemple #19
 public Package(@string PackageName = default, @string PackagePath = default, long PtrSize = default, long IntSize = default, slice <@string> GccOptions = default, bool GccIsClang = default, map <@string, slice <@string> > CgoFlags = default, map <@string, bool> Written = default, map <@string, ptr <Name> > Name = default, slice <ptr <ExpFunc> > ExpFunc = default, slice <ast.Decl> Decl = default, slice <@string> GoFiles = default, slice <@string> GccFiles = default, @string Preamble = default, map <@string, bool> typedefs = default, slice <typedefInfo> typedefList = default)
     this.PackageName = PackageName;
     this.PackagePath = PackagePath;
     this.PtrSize     = PtrSize;
     this.IntSize     = IntSize;
     this.GccOptions  = GccOptions;
     this.GccIsClang  = GccIsClang;
     this.CgoFlags    = CgoFlags;
     this.Written     = Written;
     this.Name        = Name;
     this.ExpFunc     = ExpFunc;
     this.Decl        = Decl;
     this.GoFiles     = GoFiles;
     this.GccFiles    = GccFiles;
     this.Preamble    = Preamble;
     this.typedefs    = typedefs;
     this.typedefList = typedefList;
Exemple #20
 public FlagSet(Action Usage = default, @string name = default, bool parsed = default, map <@string, ptr <Flag> > actual = default, map <@string, ptr <Flag> > formal = default, slice <@string> args = default, ErrorHandling errorHandling = default, io.Writer output = default)
     this.Usage         = Usage;
     this.name          = name;
     this.parsed        = parsed;
     this.actual        = actual;
     this.formal        = formal;
     this.args          = args;
     this.errorHandling = errorHandling;
     this.output        = output;
Exemple #21
 public Walker(ref ptr <build.Context> context = default, @string root = default, slice <@string> scope = default, ref ptr <types.Package> current = default, map <@string, bool> features = default, map <@string, ptr <types.Package> > imported = default, slice <@string> stdPackages = default, map <@string, map <@string, @string> > importMap = default, map <@string, @string> importDir = default)
     this.context     = context;
     this.root        = root;
     this.scope       = scope;
     this.current     = current;
     this.features    = features;
     this.imported    = imported;
     this.stdPackages = stdPackages;
     this.importMap   = importMap;
     this.importDir   = importDir;
Exemple #22
 public typeConv(map <dwarf.Type, ref Type> m = default, map <dwarf.Type, slice <ref Type> > ptrs = default, slice <dwarf.Type> ptrKeys = default, map <@string, bool> getTypeIDs = default, ast.Expr @bool = default, ast.Expr @byte = default, ast.Expr int8 = default, ast.Expr int16 = default, ast.Expr int32 = default, ast.Expr int64 = default, ast.Expr uint8 = default, ast.Expr uint16 = default, ast.Expr uint32 = default, ast.Expr uint64 = default, ast.Expr uintptr = default, ast.Expr float32 = default, ast.Expr float64 = default, ast.Expr complex64 = default, ast.Expr complex128 = default, ast.Expr @void = default, ast.Expr @string = default, ast.Expr goVoid = default, ast.Expr goVoidPtr = default, long ptrSize = default, long intSize = default)
Exemple #23
 public Package(io.Writer writer = default, @string name = default, @string userPath = default, ref ptr <ast.Package> pkg = default, ref ptr <ast.File> file = default, ref ptr <doc.Package> doc = default, ref ptr <build.Package> build = default, map <ptr <doc.Value>, bool> typedValue = default, map <ptr <doc.Func>, bool> constructor = default, ref ptr <token.FileSet> fs = default, pkgBuffer buf = default)
     this.writer      = writer;
     this.name        = name;
     this.userPath    = userPath;
     this.pkg         = pkg;
     this.file        = file;
     this.doc         = doc;
     this.build       = build;
     this.typedValue  = typedValue;
     this.constructor = constructor;
     this.fs          = fs;
     this.buf         = buf;
 public mmapper(sync.Mutex Mutex = default, map <ptr <byte>, slice <byte> > active = default, Func <System.UIntPtr, System.UIntPtr, long, long, long, long, (System.UIntPtr, error)> mmap = default, Func <System.UIntPtr, System.UIntPtr, error> munmap = default)
Exemple #25
 public listImports(slice <@string> stdPackages = default, map <@string, @string> importDir = default, map <@string, map <@string, @string> > importMap = default)
     this.stdPackages = stdPackages;
     this.importDir   = importDir;
     this.importMap   = importMap;
Exemple #26
 public M(map <@string, long> value) => m_value = value;
 public moduledata(slice <byte> pclntable = default, slice <functab> ftab = default, slice <uint> filetab = default, System.UIntPtr findfunctab = default, System.UIntPtr minpc = default, System.UIntPtr maxpc = default, System.UIntPtr text = default, System.UIntPtr etext = default, System.UIntPtr noptrdata = default, System.UIntPtr enoptrdata = default, System.UIntPtr data = default, System.UIntPtr edata = default, System.UIntPtr bss = default, System.UIntPtr ebss = default, System.UIntPtr noptrbss = default, System.UIntPtr enoptrbss = default, System.UIntPtr end = default, System.UIntPtr gcdata = default, System.UIntPtr gcbss = default, System.UIntPtr types = default, System.UIntPtr etypes = default, slice <textsect> textsectmap = default, slice <int> typelinks = default, slice <ptr <itab> > itablinks = default, slice <ptabEntry> ptab = default, @string pluginpath = default, slice <modulehash> pkghashes = default, @string modulename = default, slice <modulehash> modulehashes = default, byte hasmain = default, bitvector gcdatamask = default, bitvector gcbssmask = default, map <typeOff, ptr <_type> > typemap = default, bool bad = default, ref ptr <moduledata> next = default)
     this.pclntable    = pclntable;
     this.ftab         = ftab;
     this.filetab      = filetab;
     this.findfunctab  = findfunctab;
     this.minpc        = minpc;
     this.maxpc        = maxpc;
     this.text         = text;
     this.etext        = etext;
     this.noptrdata    = noptrdata;
     this.enoptrdata   = enoptrdata;
     this.data         = data;
     this.edata        = edata;
     this.bss          = bss;
     this.ebss         = ebss;
     this.noptrbss     = noptrbss;
     this.enoptrbss    = enoptrbss;
     this.end          = end;
     this.gcdata       = gcdata;
     this.gcbss        = gcbss;
     this.types        = types;
     this.etypes       = etypes;
     this.textsectmap  = textsectmap;
     this.typelinks    = typelinks;
     this.itablinks    = itablinks;
     this.ptab         = ptab;
     this.pluginpath   = pluginpath;
     this.pkghashes    = pkghashes;
     this.modulename   = modulename;
     this.modulehashes = modulehashes;
     this.hasmain      = hasmain;
     this.gcdatamask   = gcdatamask;
     this.gcbssmask    = gcbssmask;
     this.typemap      = typemap;
     this.bad          = bad;
     this.next         = next;
 public allTasks(map <ulong, ptr <taskDesc> > value) => m_value = value;
Exemple #29
 public typeConv(map <@string, ptr <Type> > m = default, map <@string, slice <ptr <Type> > > ptrs = default, slice <dwarf.Type> ptrKeys = default, map <@string, bool> getTypeIDs = default, ast.Expr @bool = default, ast.Expr @byte = default, ast.Expr int8 = default, ast.Expr int16 = default, ast.Expr int32 = default, ast.Expr int64 = default, ast.Expr uint8 = default, ast.Expr uint16 = default, ast.Expr uint32 = default, ast.Expr uint64 = default, ast.Expr uintptr = default, ast.Expr float32 = default, ast.Expr float64 = default, ast.Expr complex64 = default, ast.Expr complex128 = default, ast.Expr @void = default, ast.Expr @string = default, ast.Expr goVoid = default, ast.Expr goVoidPtr = default, long ptrSize = default, long intSize = default)
     this.m          = m;
     this.ptrs       = ptrs;
     this.ptrKeys    = ptrKeys;
     this.getTypeIDs = getTypeIDs;
     this.@bool      = @bool;
     this.@byte      = @byte;
     this.int8       = int8;
     this.int16      = int16;
     this.int32      = int32;
     this.int64      = int64;
     this.uint8      = uint8;
     this.uint16     = uint16;
     this.uint32     = uint32;
     this.uint64     = uint64;
     this.uintptr    = uintptr;
     this.float32    = float32;
     this.float64    = float64;
     this.complex64  = complex64;
     this.complex128 = complex128;
     this.@void      = @void;
     this.@string    = @string;
     this.goVoid     = goVoid;
     this.goVoidPtr  = goVoidPtr;
     this.ptrSize    = ptrSize;
     this.intSize    = intSize;
Exemple #30
 public Type(long Size = default, long Align = default, ref ptr <TypeRepr> C = default, ast.Expr Go = default, map <@string, long> EnumValues = default, @string Typedef = default, bool BadPointer = default)
     this.Size       = Size;
     this.Align      = Align;
     this.C          = C;
     this.Go         = Go;
     this.EnumValues = EnumValues;
     this.Typedef    = Typedef;
     this.BadPointer = BadPointer;