protected override void OnMouseDown(ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.MouseEventArgs arg) { try { dlg = gpExtension.elevationDlg; if (dlg == null) { return; } IDisplayTransformation displayTransformation = view.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation; //the clicked point in map crs: IPoint mapPoint = displayTransformation.ToMapPoint(arg.X, arg.Y); //Get the polyline object from the users mouse clicks polyline = geopuntHelper.GetPolylineFromMouseClicks(view); dlg.getData(polyline); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " : " + ex.StackTrace); } finally { base.OnMouseDown(arg); } }
protected override void OnClick() { try { if (view.FocusMap.SpatialReference == null) { view.FocusMap.SpatialReference = geopuntHelper.lam72; } if (elevationDlg != null) { if (elevationDlg.IsDisposed) { elevationDlg = null; } else { if (!elevationDlg.Visible) elevationDlg.Show(); elevationDlg.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; elevationDlg.Focus(); return; } } elevationDlg = new elevationForm(); gpExtension.elevationDlg = elevationDlg; elevationDlg.Show(); elevationDlg.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; elevationDlg.Focus(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " : " + ex.StackTrace); } }
protected override void OnMouseDown(ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.MouseEventArgs arg) { try { dlg = gpExtension.elevationDlg; if (dlg == null) return; IDisplayTransformation displayTransformation = view.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation; //the clicked point in map crs: IPoint mapPoint = displayTransformation.ToMapPoint(arg.X, arg.Y); //Get the polyline object from the users mouse clicks polyline = geopuntHelper.GetPolylineFromMouseClicks(view); dlg.getData(polyline); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " : " + ex.StackTrace); } finally { base.OnMouseDown(arg); } }
protected override void OnClick() { try { if (view.FocusMap.SpatialReference == null) { view.FocusMap.SpatialReference = geopuntHelper.lam72; } if (elevationDlg != null) { if (elevationDlg.IsDisposed) { elevationDlg = null; } else { if (!elevationDlg.Visible) { elevationDlg.Show(); } elevationDlg.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; elevationDlg.Focus(); return; } } elevationDlg = new elevationForm(); gpExtension.elevationDlg = elevationDlg; elevationDlg.Show(); elevationDlg.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; elevationDlg.Focus(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " : " + ex.StackTrace); } }