Inheritance: IDrawable, IDrawRequest, IMouseEvent
Exemple #1
        public CustomGameDialog(ITranslations translations, GameSession session)
            : base(translations, "CustomGameDialog.ui", "customgame")
            Game game;

            selection_done = false;
            this.session = session;
            games = session.GameManager.AvailableGames;

            drawing_area = new GameDrawingArea ();
            drawing_area.UseSolutionArea = false;
                        drawing_area.SetSizeRequest (preview_vbox.WidthRequest, preview_vbox.HeightRequest);
            preview_vbox.Add (drawing_area);
            drawing_area.Visible = true;
            treeview.HeadersClickable = true;

            CreateColumnName ();
            CreateColumnType ();
            CreateColumnSelected ();
            LoadGames ();

            treeview.Model = games_store;
            game = (Game) Activator.CreateInstance (games [0].TypeOf, true);
            game.Translations = Translations;
            game.Variant = 0;
            game.Begin ();
            drawing_area.Drawable = game;
            drawing_area.Question = game.Question;
            treeview.ColumnsAutosize ();
Exemple #2
 public FinishView(ITranslations translations, GameSession session)
     Translations = translations;
     this.session = session;
     tips = new List <string> ();
     cached_sessionid = -1;
     game_tips = new GameTips (translations);
 public FinishView(GameSession session)
     this.session = session;
     tips = new List <string> ();
     cached_sessionid = -1;
Exemple #4
        private void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If the Language has not been set the user has a expired
            // session or does not come from the main page
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (WebSession.LanguageCode))
                Response.Redirect ("/");

            if (IsPostBack == false)
                InitPage ();

            Logger.Debug ("Game.Page_Load. Page load starts. Session ID {0}, IsPostBack {1}", Session.SessionID,

            HtmlForm form = (HtmlForm) Master.FindControl ("main_form");
            form.DefaultButton = answer_button.UniqueID;

            translations = new TranslationsWeb ();
            translations.Language = WebSession.LanguageCode;

            string answer = Request.QueryString ["answer"];
            if (IsPostBack == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty (answer) == false)
                ProcessAnswer (answer);

            if (WebSession.GameState == null)
                Logger.Debug ("Game.Page_Load creating new session");
                session = new gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession (translations);
                session.GameManager = CreateManager ();
             	session.PlayList.Difficulty = gbrainy.Core.Main.GameDifficulty.Medium;
                session.PlayList.GameType = gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession.Types.LogicPuzzles |
                    gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession.Types.Calculation |

                session.New ();
                WebSession.GameState = session;

                _game = GetNextGame ();
                UpdateGame ();

                // If the first time that loads this does not have a session
                // send the user to the home page
                //Logger.Debug ("New Session, redirecting to Default.aspx");
                //Response.Redirect ("Default.aspx");
            } else if (WebSession.GameState != null && WebSession.GameState.Status == GameSession.SessionStatus.Finished)
                // Finished game
                image = new GameImage (null);
                game_image.ImageUrl = CreateImage (WebSession);
                answer_button.Enabled = false;
                answer_textbox.Text = string.Empty;
                answer_textbox.Enabled = false;
                nextgame_link.Enabled = false;
                endgames_button.Enabled = false;
                UpdateGame ();
            else {
                session = WebSession.GameState;

                if (_game == null)
                    _game = WebSession.GameState.CurrentGame;

                UpdateGame ();

            if (IsPostBack == false)
                SetText ();

            if (IsPostBack == true) {
                Logger.Debug ("Game.Page_Load. Ignoring postback");

            Logger.Debug ("Game.Page_Load. Page load completed");
Exemple #5
        void OnNewGame(GameSession.Types type)
            // If the translation is lower than MIN_TRANSLATION explain that running the English version is an option
            if (ShowTranslationWarning ())
                Translations ();

            session.Type = type;
            session.New ();
            GetNextGame ();
            GameSensitiveUI ();
            UpdateSolution (Catalog.GetString ("Once you have an answer type it in the \"Answer:\" entry box and press the \"OK\" button."),
            UpdateStatusBar ();
Exemple #6
        public void Initialize()
            session = new GameSession ();
            GameManagerPreload (session.GameManager);
            Console.WriteLine (session.GameManager.GetGamesSummary ());

            session.GameManager.ColorBlind = Preferences.Get <bool> (Preferences.ColorBlindKey);
            session.DrawRequest += SessionDrawRequest;
            session.UpdateUIElement += SessionUpdateUIElement;
            session.SynchronizingObject = new GtkSynchronize ();
            session.Difficulty = (GameDifficulty) Preferences.Get <int> (Preferences.DifficultyKey);

            BuildUI ();
Exemple #7
        private void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If the Language has not been set the user has a expired
            // session or does not come from the main page
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(WebSession.LanguageCode))

            if (IsPostBack == false)

            Logger.Debug("Game.Page_Load. Page load starts. Session ID {0}, IsPostBack {1}", Session.SessionID,

            HtmlForm form = (HtmlForm)Master.FindControl("main_form");

            form.DefaultButton = answer_button.UniqueID;

            translations          = new TranslationsWeb();
            translations.Language = WebSession.LanguageCode;

            string answer = Request.QueryString ["answer"];

            if (IsPostBack == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer) == false)

            if (WebSession.GameState == null)
                Logger.Debug("Game.Page_Load creating new session");
                session                     = new gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession(translations);
                session.GameManager         = CreateManager();
                session.PlayList.Difficulty = gbrainy.Core.Main.GameDifficulty.Medium;
                session.PlayList.GameType   = gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession.Types.LogicPuzzles |
                                              gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession.Types.Calculation |

                WebSession.GameState = session;

                _game = GetNextGame();

                // If the first time that loads this does not have a session
                // send the user to the home page
                //Logger.Debug ("New Session, redirecting to Default.aspx");
                //Response.Redirect ("Default.aspx");
            else if (WebSession.GameState != null && WebSession.GameState.Status == GameSession.SessionStatus.Finished)
                // Finished game
                image = new GameImage(null);
                game_image.ImageUrl     = CreateImage(WebSession);
                answer_button.Enabled   = false;
                answer_textbox.Text     = string.Empty;
                answer_textbox.Enabled  = false;
                nextgame_link.Enabled   = false;
                endgames_button.Enabled = false;
                session = WebSession.GameState;

                if (_game == null)
                    _game = WebSession.GameState.CurrentGame;


            if (IsPostBack == false)

            if (IsPostBack == true)
                Logger.Debug("Game.Page_Load. Ignoring postback");

            Logger.Debug("Game.Page_Load. Page load completed");
        void GeneratePdf(GameSession.Types types, int num_games, int gamespage, GameDifficulty difficulty, bool colorblind, string filename)
            Game [] games;
            GameSession session;
            string msg;
            MessageType msg_type;

            games = new Game [num_games];
            session = new GameSession (Translations);
            session.GameManager = manager;
            session.PlayList.ColorBlind = colorblind;
            session.PlayList.Difficulty = difficulty;
            session.PlayList.GameType = types;

            for (int n = 0; n < num_games; n++)
                games [n] = session.PlayList.GetPuzzle ();
                games [n].Translations = Translations;

            if (pdfExporter.GeneratePdf (games, gamespage, filename) == true) {
                msg = Catalog.GetString ("The PDF file has been exported correctly.");
                msg_type = MessageType.Info;
            } else {
                msg = Catalog.GetString ("There was a problem generating the PDF file. The file has not been created.");
                msg_type = MessageType.Error;

            // Notify operation result
            MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog (this, DialogFlags.Modal, msg_type, ButtonsType.Ok, msg);
            md.Run ();
            md.Destroy ();
Exemple #9
 GameSession PrepareSession()
     ITranslations translations = new TranslationsCatalog ();
     GameSession session = new GameSession (translations);
     session.GameManager.LoadAssemblyGames ("gbrainy.Games.dll");
     return session;
 public ViewsControler(GameSession session)
     welcome = new WelcomeView ();
     finish = new FinishView (session);