Exemple #1
        public void run_SESE(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, ref GraphVariables.clsHWLS clsHWLS, ref GraphVariables.clsHWLS clsHWLS_Untangle,
                             ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, ref GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE)
            HiPerfTimer pt = new HiPerfTimer();

            double time = 0;

            DateTime dt            = new DateTime();
            DateTime dt2           = new DateTime();
            double   duration      = 0;
            double   duration_SESE = 0;

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();


            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                dt = DateTime.Now;

                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType1.Run_Split_Type1(ref graph, graph.orgNet, graph.midNet);

                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.LoopIdentification.Run_FindLoop(ref graph, graph.midNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsLoop.IrreducibleError);

                graph.Network[graph.finalNet] = graph.Network[graph.midNet];
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType2.Run_Split_Type2(ref graph, graph.midNet, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop);

                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Dom(ref graph, graph.finalNet);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Pdom(ref graph, graph.finalNet);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_DomEI(ref graph, graph.finalNet, -2);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_PdomEI(ref graph, graph.finalNet);

                dt2 = DateTime.Now;
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.SESEIdentification.find_SESE_Dummy(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE, -2);
                duration_SESE = duration_SESE + (DateTime.Now - dt2).TotalMilliseconds;

                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType3.Run_Split_Type3(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE, true);

                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.PolygonIdentification.polygonIdentification(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE);

                //Make nesting forest
                gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeNestingForest.make_NestingForest(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsHWLS, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE);

                duration = duration + (DateTime.Now - dt).TotalMilliseconds;

            informList = new double[30];
            count_Bonds_Rigids(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsHWLS);

            MessageBox.Show("The SESE identification is in: " + (duration_SESE).ToString() + " milisecond", "Finish-SESE");
            MessageBox.Show("The System has finished identify the SESE region in: " + (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1).ToString() + " milisecond", "Finish");
Exemple #2
        private void startBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //QUERY BUTTON
            bool check_untangle = true;

            //listView1.Columns.Add("Models Name", 100);

            if (rp.repository == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Repository not found", "Error");
            PQ = new gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.ProcessQuery();
            bool[]   flag_Check   = new bool[8];
            string[] Results_List = new string[rp.nModel];
            int      nResults     = 0;

            //get (X, Y)
            if (textBox2.Text == "" || textBox1.Text == "" || comboBox_BhR.Text == "" || comboBox_BhR.Text == "Select BhR")
                MessageBox.Show("Input Empty", "Warnning");
                //(X, Y) must be ACTIVITY or TASK
            int x = Int32.Parse(textBox1.Text);
            int y = Int32.Parse(textBox2.Text);

            //get query request (what behavior relation need to check) =>> flag_Check[] = false => get this relation
            flag_Check[0] = true; //totalConcurrency
            flag_Check[1] = true; //existConcurrency
            flag_Check[2] = true; //totalCausal
            flag_Check[3] = true; //existCausal
            flag_Check[4] = true; //canConflict
            flag_Check[5] = true; //NOTcanConflict
            flag_Check[6] = true; //canCoocur
            flag_Check[7] = true; //NOTcanCoocur

            if (Convert.ToInt32(comboBox_BhR.Text[0].ToString()) == 0)
                flag_Check[0] = false;
            if (Convert.ToInt32(comboBox_BhR.Text[0].ToString()) == 1)
                flag_Check[1] = false;
            if (Convert.ToInt32(comboBox_BhR.Text[0].ToString()) == 2)
                flag_Check[2] = false;
            if (Convert.ToInt32(comboBox_BhR.Text[0].ToString()) == 3)
                flag_Check[3] = false;
            if (Convert.ToInt32(comboBox_BhR.Text[0].ToString()) == 4)
                flag_Check[4] = false;
            if (Convert.ToInt32(comboBox_BhR.Text[0].ToString()) == 6)
                flag_Check[6] = false;

            //get Scope of the query (FROM *) - how many model need to check.
            //For each MODEL => Perform query
            //retrieve the model from DATABASE (or retrieve in BATH)
            //perform the query technique
            //if MODEL satisfy the query => store in a list RESULTS[]
            DateTime totalTime = new DateTime(); totalTime = DateTime.Now; double Run_Times_total = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < rp.nModel; i++)
                int currentN = rp.repository[i].graph.finalNet;
                GraphVariables.clsHWLS curr_HWLS = rp.repository[i].clsHWLS;
                int workLoop = rp.repository[i].clsLoop.orgLoop;
                int workSESE = rp.repository[i].clsSESE.finalSESE;
                if (rp.repository[i].graph.check_untangle)
                    currentN  = rp.repository[i].graph.untangleNet;
                    curr_HWLS = rp.repository[i].clsHWLS_Untangle;
                    workLoop  = rp.repository[i].clsLoop.untangleLoop;
                    workSESE  = rp.repository[i].clsSESE.untangleSESE;

                if (check_XY(rp, currentN, i, x, y) == false)
                    //MessageBox.Show("Index illegal", "Warning");
                //check loop //NOT CONSIDER LOOP
                //if (rp.repository[i].clsLoop.Loop[0].nLoop > 0) continue;

                bool hold_PQ;

                if (rp.repository[i].graph.check_untangle)
                    hold_PQ = PQ.start_ProcessQuery(ref rp.repository[i].graph, currentN, ref rp.repository[i].clsHWLS_Untangle, rp.repository[i].clsLoop, workLoop, rp.repository[i].clsSESE, workSESE, x, y, flag_Check);
                    hold_PQ = PQ.start_ProcessQuery(ref rp.repository[i].graph, currentN, ref rp.repository[i].clsHWLS, rp.repository[i].clsLoop, workLoop, rp.repository[i].clsSESE, workSESE, x, y, flag_Check);

                if (hold_PQ)
                    Results_List[nResults] = rp.repository[i].ID_model;
                    //add to listview
                    //ListViewItem itm;
                    //itm = new ListViewItem(Results_List[nResults]);
            Run_Times_total = (DateTime.Now - totalTime).TotalSeconds;
            //MessageBox.Show("Finish in " + Run_Times_total.ToString() + " seconds", "Message");

            //display the Results_List[] - list of satisfied models to user.
            Results.Text = nResults.ToString() + " model(s)";
            string st = "Execution Time: ";

            ExeTime.Text     = st + Run_Times_total.ToString() + "s";
            QueryStatus.Text = "Success";
Exemple #3
        public void count_Bonds_Rigids(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int finalNet, ref GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int workSESE, ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, ref GraphVariables.clsHWLS clsHWLS)
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.copySESE.copy_SESE(ref clsSESE, workSESE, clsSESE.tempSESE);
            int currentN = graph.tempNet; //just assign a temporary variable.

            graph.Network[currentN] = graph.Network[finalNet];
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.extendGraph.full_extentNetwork(ref graph, currentN, 0, 0);
            int curDepth = clsHWLS.FBLOCK.maxDepth;

                for (int j = 0; j < clsHWLS.FBLOCK.nFBlock; j++)
                    if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[j].depth != curDepth)

                    int i = clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[j].refIndex;

                    if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[j].SESE)
                        if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Bond_Check(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, workSESE, i, ref clsHWLS) == "B") //bond model
                            clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[j].type       = "B";
                            clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[i].type = "B";
                        if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Bond_Check(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, workSESE, i, ref clsHWLS) == "R") //rigid model
                            clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[j].type       = "R";
                            clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[i].type = "R";
                        if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Bond_Check(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, workSESE, i, ref clsHWLS) == "P")
                            clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[j].type       = "P";
                            clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[i].type = "P";
                        gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph.reduce_SESE(ref graph, currentN, clsSESE, clsSESE.tempSESE, i);
                        if (clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[i].Irreducible) // Irreducible Loop면
                            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph.reduce_IrLoop(ref graph, currentN, clsLoop, workLoop, i);
                            //reduce_Network(currentN, workLoop, i, "", true);
                        else // Natural Loop면
                            //Natural Loop have single exit also an SESE; solution => Check L<h> whether the children is single entry single exit or not.
                            if (clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[i].nEntry == 1 && clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[i].nExit == 1)
                                bool checkBond_Loop = true;
                                int  count_gateway  = 0;
                                for (int k = 0; k < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[i].nNode; k++)
                                    int node = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[i].Node[k];
                                    if (graph.Network[currentN].Node[node].nPre > 1 || graph.Network[currentN].Node[node].nPost > 1)
                                        if (count_gateway > 2)
                                            checkBond_Loop = false;
                                if (checkBond_Loop)
                                    for (int k = 0; k < clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[j].nChild; k++)
                                        int childLoop = clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[j].child[k]; //maybe it is SESE
                                        if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[childLoop].nEntry > 1 || clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[childLoop].nExit > 1)
                                            checkBond_Loop = false;
                                if (checkBond_Loop)
                                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[j].type = "B";
                                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[j].type = "R";
                            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph.reduce_Loop(ref graph, currentN, ref clsLoop, workLoop, i, "", true);
            } while (curDepth > 0);