/// <summary>
        /// Remove vertices that are colinear w/ their two neighbours, within angle tolerance
        /// </summary>
        public void CollapseFlatVertices(double fMaxDeviationDeg = 5)
            bool done       = false;
            int  max_passes = 200;
            int  pass_count = 0;

            while (done == false && pass_count++ < max_passes)
                done = true;

                // [RMS] do modulo-indexing here to avoid pathological cases where we do things like
                // continually collapse a short edge adjacent to a long edge (which will result in crazy over-collapse)
                int       N       = Graph.MaxVertexID;
                const int nPrime  = 31337;                    // any prime will do...
                int       cur_vid = 0;
                    int vid = cur_vid;
                    cur_vid = (cur_vid + nPrime) % N;

                    if (!Graph.IsVertex(vid))

                    if (Graph.GetVtxEdgeCount(vid) != 2)

                    double open = Math.Abs(Graph.OpeningAngle(vid));
                    if (open < 180 - fMaxDeviationDeg)

                    var edges = Graph.GetVtxEdges(vid);
                    int eid   = edges.First();
                    int eid2  = edges.Last();
                    if (FixedEdgeFilterF(eid) || FixedEdgeFilterF(eid2))

                    Index2i ev      = Graph.GetEdgeV(eid);
                    int     other_v = (ev.a == vid) ? ev.b : ev.a;

                    DGraph2.EdgeCollapseInfo collapseInfo;
                    MeshResult result = Graph.CollapseEdge(other_v, vid, out collapseInfo);
                    if (result == MeshResult.Ok)
                        done = false;
                        throw new Exception("DGraph2Resampler.CollapseFlatVertices: failed!");
                } while (cur_vid != 0);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// If we are at edge eid, which as one vertex prev_vid, find 'other' vertex, and other edge connected to that vertex,
        /// and return pair [next_edge, shared_vtx]
        /// Returns [int.MaxValue, shared_vtx] if shared_vtx is not valence=2   (ie stops at boundaries and complex junctions)
        /// </summary>
        public static Index2i NextEdgeAndVtx(int eid, int prev_vid, DGraph2 graph)
            Index2i ev = graph.GetEdgeV(eid);

            if (ev.a == DGraph2.InvalidID)

            int next_vid = (ev.a == prev_vid) ? ev.b : ev.a;

            if (graph.GetVtxEdgeCount(next_vid) != 2)
                return(new Index2i(int.MaxValue, next_vid));

            foreach (int next_eid in graph.VtxEdgesItr(next_vid))
                if (next_eid != eid)
                    return(new Index2i(next_eid, next_vid));