Exemple #1
        List <ReportClass> _Items;                       // list of report class

        internal Classes(ReportDefn r, ReportLink p, XmlNode xNode) : base(r, p)
            _Items = new List <ReportClass>();
            // Loop thru all the child nodes
            foreach (XmlNode xNodeLoop in xNode.ChildNodes)
                if (xNodeLoop.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                if (xNodeLoop.Name == "Class")
                    ReportClass rc = new ReportClass(r, this, xNodeLoop);
            if (_Items.Count == 0)
                OwnerReport.rl.LogError(8, "For Classes at least one Class is required.");
        TypeCode _ReturnTypeCode; // the return type

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// passed ReportClass, function name, and args for evaluation
        /// </summary>
        public FunctionCustomInstance(ReportClass rc, string f, IExpr[] a, TypeCode type)
            _Cls = null;
            _Func = f;
            _Args = a;
            _Rc = rc;
            _ReturnTypeCode = type;

            _ArgTypes = new Type[a.Length];
            int i=0;
            foreach (IExpr ex in a)
                _ArgTypes[i++] = XmlUtil.GetTypeFromTypeCode(ex.GetTypeCode());
        Type[] _ArgTypes;               // argument types

        /// <summary>
        /// passed ReportClass, function name, and args for evaluation
        /// </summary>
        public FunctionCustomInstance(ReportClass rc, string f, IExpr[] a, TypeCode type)
            _Cls            = null;
            _Func           = f;
            _Args           = a;
            _Rc             = rc;
            _ReturnTypeCode = type;

            _ArgTypes = new Type[a.Length];
            int i = 0;

            foreach (IExpr ex in a)
                _ArgTypes[i++] = XmlUtil.GetTypeFromTypeCode(ex.GetTypeCode());
Exemple #4
        List<ReportClass> _Items;			// list of report class

		internal Classes(ReportDefn r, ReportLink p, XmlNode xNode) : base(r, p)
            _Items = new List<ReportClass>();
			// Loop thru all the child nodes
			foreach(XmlNode xNodeLoop in xNode.ChildNodes)
				if (xNodeLoop.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
				if (xNodeLoop.Name == "Class")
					ReportClass rc = new ReportClass(r, this, xNodeLoop);
			if (_Items.Count == 0)
				OwnerReport.rl.LogError(8, "For Classes at least one Class is required.");
Exemple #5
        private IExpr ResolveMethodCall(string fullname, IExpr[] args)
            string cls, method;
            int    idx = fullname.LastIndexOf('.');

            if (idx > 0)
                cls    = fullname.Substring(0, idx);
                method = fullname.Substring(idx + 1);
                cls    = "";
                method = fullname;

            // Fill out the argument types
            Type[] argTypes = new Type[args.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                argTypes[i] = XmlUtil.GetTypeFromTypeCode(args[i].GetTypeCode());
            // See if this is a function within the Code element
            Type cType         = null;
            bool bCodeFunction = false;

            if (cls == "" || cls.ToLower() == "code")
                cType = idLookup.CodeClassType;                                                 // get the code class type
                if (cType != null)
                    if (cType.GetMethod(method, argTypes) == null)
                        cType = null;                                   // try for the method in the instance
                        bCodeFunction = true;
                if (cls != "" && !bCodeFunction)
                    throw new ParserException(string.Format("{0} is not a Code method.  Verify the name of the method and its arguments match an existing code function.", method));

            // See if this is a function within the instance classes
            ReportClass rc = null;

            if (cType == null)
                rc = idLookup.LookupInstance(cls);                      // is this an instance variable name?
                if (rc == null)
                    cType = idLookup.LookupType(cls);                                           // no, must be a static class reference
                    cType = idLookup.LookupType(rc.ClassName);                          // yes, use the classname of the ReportClass
            string syscls = null;

            if (cType == null)
            {                   // ok try for some of the system functions
                switch (cls)
                case "Math":
                    syscls = "System.Math";

                case "String":
                    syscls = "System.String";

                case "Convert":
                    syscls = "System.Convert";

                case "Financial":
                    syscls = "fyiReporting.RDL.Financial";

                    syscls = "fyiReporting.RDL.VBFunctions";
                if (syscls != null)
                    cType = Type.GetType(syscls);

            if (cType == null)
                string err;
                if (cls == null || cls.Length == 0)
                    err = String.Format("Function {0} is not known.", method);
                    err = String.Format("Class {0} is not known.", cls);

                throw new ParserException(err);

            IExpr result = null;

//			MethodInfo mInfo = cType.GetMethod(method, BindingFlags.,binder, argTypes, modifiers);
            MethodInfo mInfo = cType.GetMethod(method, argTypes);

            if (mInfo == null)
                string err;
                if (cls == null || cls.Length == 0)
                    err = String.Format("Function '{0}' is not known.", method);
                    err = String.Format("Function '{0}' of class '{1}' is not known.", method, cls);

                throw new ParserException(err);

            TypeCode tc = Type.GetTypeCode(mInfo.ReturnType);

            if (bCodeFunction)
                result = new FunctionCode(method, args, tc);
            else if (syscls != null)
                result = new FunctionSystem(syscls, method, args, tc);
            else if (rc == null)
                result = new FunctionCustomStatic(idLookup.CMS, cls, method, args, tc);
                result = new FunctionCustomInstance(rc, method, args, tc);
