/// <summary>
        ///  Updated the energistics model (common and resqml model) according to the input fesapi model.
        /// </summary>
        public void updateEnergisticsModel()
            // looking for:
            // - fesapi classes that exists in the energistics model (according to their name). For
            //   that purpose, toUpdateClassF2E makes a correspondance between a fesapi class (key) and
            //   corresponding Energistics class (value). These classes will then be updated into
            //   the energistics model
            // - fesapi classes that does not exist in the Energistics model. These classes are collected
            //   into toAddClassList. These classes will then be added to the Energistics model
            Dictionary <EA.Element, EA.Element> toUpdateClassF2E = new Dictionary <EA.Element, EA.Element>();
            List <EA.Element> toAddClassList = new List <EA.Element>();

            foreach (EA.Element fesapiClass in fesapiClassList)
                EA.Element energisticsClass = energisticsClassList.Find(c => c.Name.Equals(fesapiClass.Name));
                if (energisticsClass != null)
                    toUpdateClassF2E.Add(fesapiClass, energisticsClass);

            // console output
            Tool.log(repository, "classes to update:");
            foreach (KeyValuePair <EA.Element, EA.Element> entry in toUpdateClassF2E)
                Tool.log(repository, "   " + entry.Value.Name);
            Tool.log(repository, "classes to add:");
            foreach (EA.Element c in toAddClassList)
                Tool.log(repository, "   " + c.Name);

            // handling classes that exist into the Energistics model
            foreach (KeyValuePair <EA.Element, EA.Element> entry in toUpdateClassF2E)
                EA.Element fesapiClass      = entry.Key;
                EA.Element energisticsClass = entry.Value;

                // adding a fesapiGeneration tag to true
                EA.TaggedValue t = energisticsClass.TaggedValues.AddNew(Constants.fesapiGenerationTagName, "true");
                if (!(t.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, t.GetLastError());

                // adding a fesapiNamespace tag. The tag value is set to the name of
                // package containing the fesapi class. This tag will be used to determine:
                // - the name space of the generated class
                // - the output directory of the generated class
                EA.Package p = repository.GetPackageByID(fesapiClass.PackageID);
                t = energisticsClass.TaggedValues.AddNew(Constants.fesapiNamespaceTagName, p.Name);
                if (!(t.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, t.GetLastError());

                // updating the ENergistics class according to the corresponding
                // fesapi class
                updateEnergisticsClass(energisticsClass, fesapiClass);

            // handling classes that does not exist into the Energistics model
            foreach (EA.Element c in toAddClassList)
                // getting the package carrying the fesapi class
                EA.Package sourcePackagePackage = repository.GetPackageByID(c.PackageID);

                // getting the package where to create the corresponding Energistics class
                EA.Package targetPackage = null;
                if (sourcePackagePackage.Name.Contains("common"))
                    targetPackage = Tool.getOrCreatePackage(repository, commonModel, "fesapi");
                else if (sourcePackagePackage.Name.Contains("resqml"))
                    targetPackage = Tool.getOrCreatePackage(repository, resqmlModel, "fesapi");
                if (targetPackage == null)
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, "The fesapi class " + c.Name + " is not handled. It will be skipped!");

                // creating the new class
                EA.Element newClass = Tool.copyElement(repository, c, targetPackage);
                if (newClass == null)
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, "Not able to create a " + c.Name + " class in the Energistics model");

                // adding a fesapiGeneration tag to true
                EA.TaggedValue t = newClass.TaggedValues.AddNew(Constants.fesapiGenerationTagName, "true");
                if (!(t.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, t.GetLastError());

                // adding a fesapiNamespace tag. The tag value is set to the name of
                // package containing the fesapi class. This tag will be used to determine:
                // - the name space of the generated class
                // - the output directory of the generated class
                t = newClass.TaggedValues.AddNew(Constants.fesapiNamespaceTagName, sourcePackagePackage.Name);
                if (!(t.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, t.GetLastError());

            // looking in the Energistics common model for a newly created EpcDocument class
            // if such class exists, we create its easy access vector members
            EA.Package commonFesapiPackage;
                commonFesapiPackage = commonModel.Packages.GetByName("fesapi");
            catch (Exception)
                commonFesapiPackage = null;
            if (commonFesapiPackage != null)
                EA.Element epcDocumentClass = commonFesapiPackage.Elements.GetByName("EpcDocument");
                if (epcDocumentClass != null)
                    createEpcDocumentEasyAccessVector(epcDocumentClass, toUpdateClassF2E);

            // make sure the model view is up to date in the Enterprise Architect GUI
        /// <summary>
        /// This method basically copy the content of a fesapi class into an Energistics class.
        /// Attributes, methods, tags and notes are handled.
        /// Important notes:
        /// - common attributes and tags (according to their name) existing content will be erased
        /// - existing notes will be erased during this process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fesapiClass">A source fesapi class</param>
        /// <param name="energisticsClass">A target Energistics class</param>
        private void copyClassContent(EA.Element fesapiClass, EA.Element energisticsClass)
            // -------------------
            // -------------------
            // attributes handling

            // for each fesapi attribute, if a corresponding Energistics attritute exists
            // (that is to say if the Energistics class contains an attribute with the same name)
            // we copy the fesapi attribute content into the Energistics attribute content else we create from scratch
            // an Energistics attribute
            foreach (EA.Attribute fesapiAttribute in fesapiClass.Attributes)
                EA.Attribute correspondingEnergisticsAttribute = null;
                foreach (EA.Attribute a in energisticsClass.Attributes)
                    if (a.Name == fesapiAttribute.Name)
                        correspondingEnergisticsAttribute = a;

                // if there is no corresponding target attribute, we create one
                if (correspondingEnergisticsAttribute == null)
                    correspondingEnergisticsAttribute = energisticsClass.Attributes.AddNew(fesapiAttribute.Name, fesapiAttribute.Type);
                    if (!(correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.Update()))
                        Tool.showMessageBox(repository, correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.GetLastError());

                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.Alias             = fesapiAttribute.Alias;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.AllowDuplicates   = fesapiAttribute.AllowDuplicates;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.ClassifierID      = fesapiAttribute.ClassifierID;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.Container         = fesapiAttribute.Container;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.Containment       = fesapiAttribute.Containment;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.Default           = fesapiAttribute.Default;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.IsCollection      = fesapiAttribute.IsCollection;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.IsConst           = fesapiAttribute.IsConst;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.IsDerived         = fesapiAttribute.IsDerived;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.IsID              = fesapiAttribute.IsID;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.IsOrdered         = fesapiAttribute.IsOrdered;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.IsStatic          = fesapiAttribute.IsStatic;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.Length            = fesapiAttribute.Length;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.LowerBound        = fesapiAttribute.LowerBound;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.Notes             = fesapiAttribute.Notes;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.Precision         = fesapiAttribute.Precision;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.RedefinedProperty = fesapiAttribute.RedefinedProperty;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.Scale             = fesapiAttribute.Scale;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.Stereotype        = fesapiAttribute.Stereotype;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.StereotypeEx      = fesapiAttribute.StereotypeEx;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.Style             = fesapiAttribute.Style;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.StyleEx           = fesapiAttribute.StyleEx;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.SubsettedProperty = fesapiAttribute.SubsettedProperty;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.Type              = fesapiAttribute.Type;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.UpperBound        = fesapiAttribute.UpperBound;
                correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.Visibility        = fesapiAttribute.Visibility;
                if (!(correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.GetLastError());

                foreach (EA.AttributeTag fesapiAttributeTag in fesapiAttribute.TaggedValues)
                    EA.AttributeTag energisticsAttributeTag = correspondingEnergisticsAttribute.TaggedValues.AddNew(fesapiAttributeTag.Name, fesapiAttributeTag.Value);
                    if (!(energisticsAttributeTag.Update()))
                        Tool.showMessageBox(repository, energisticsAttributeTag.GetLastError());

            // ----------------
            // ----------------
            // methods handling

            // we assume that the Energistics model does not contain methods. So, for each fesapi class method
            // a copy is created into the energistics class
            foreach (EA.Method fesapiMethod in fesapiClass.Methods)
                EA.Method energisticsMethod = energisticsClass.Methods.AddNew(fesapiMethod.Name, fesapiMethod.ReturnType);
                energisticsMethod.Abstract       = fesapiMethod.Abstract;
                energisticsMethod.Behavior       = fesapiMethod.Behavior;
                energisticsMethod.ClassifierID   = fesapiMethod.ClassifierID;
                energisticsMethod.Code           = fesapiMethod.Code;
                energisticsMethod.Concurrency    = fesapiMethod.Concurrency;
                energisticsMethod.IsConst        = fesapiMethod.IsConst;
                energisticsMethod.IsLeaf         = fesapiMethod.IsLeaf;
                energisticsMethod.IsPure         = fesapiMethod.IsPure;
                energisticsMethod.IsQuery        = fesapiMethod.IsQuery;
                energisticsMethod.IsRoot         = fesapiMethod.IsRoot;
                energisticsMethod.IsStatic       = fesapiMethod.IsStatic;
                energisticsMethod.IsSynchronized = fesapiMethod.IsSynchronized;
                energisticsMethod.Notes          = fesapiMethod.Notes;
                energisticsMethod.ReturnIsArray  = fesapiMethod.ReturnIsArray;
                energisticsMethod.StateFlags     = fesapiMethod.StateFlags;
                energisticsMethod.Stereotype     = fesapiMethod.Stereotype;
                energisticsMethod.StereotypeEx   = fesapiMethod.StereotypeEx;
                energisticsMethod.Style          = fesapiMethod.Style;
                energisticsMethod.StyleEx        = fesapiMethod.StyleEx;
                energisticsMethod.Throws         = fesapiMethod.Throws;
                energisticsMethod.Visibility     = fesapiMethod.Visibility;
                if (!(energisticsMethod.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, energisticsMethod.GetLastError());

                foreach (EA.MethodTag fesapiMethodTag in fesapiMethod.TaggedValues)
                    EA.MethodTag energisticsMethodTag = energisticsMethod.TaggedValues.AddNew(fesapiMethodTag.Name, fesapiMethodTag.Value);
                    if (!(energisticsMethodTag.Update()))
                        Tool.showMessageBox(repository, energisticsMethodTag.GetLastError());

                foreach (EA.Parameter fesapiMethodParameter in fesapiMethod.Parameters)
                    EA.Parameter energisticsMethodParameter = energisticsMethod.Parameters.AddNew(fesapiMethodParameter.Name, fesapiMethodParameter.Type);
                    energisticsMethodParameter.Alias        = fesapiMethodParameter.Alias;
                    energisticsMethodParameter.ClassifierID = fesapiMethodParameter.ClassifierID;
                    energisticsMethodParameter.Default      = fesapiMethodParameter.Default;
                    energisticsMethodParameter.IsConst      = fesapiMethodParameter.IsConst;
                    energisticsMethodParameter.Kind         = fesapiMethodParameter.Kind;
                    energisticsMethodParameter.Notes        = fesapiMethodParameter.Notes;
                    energisticsMethodParameter.Position     = fesapiMethodParameter.Position;
                    energisticsMethodParameter.Stereotype   = fesapiMethodParameter.Stereotype;
                    energisticsMethodParameter.StereotypeEx = fesapiMethodParameter.StereotypeEx;
                    energisticsMethodParameter.Style        = fesapiMethodParameter.Style;
                    energisticsMethodParameter.StyleEx      = fesapiMethodParameter.StyleEx;

                    if (!(energisticsMethodParameter.Update()))
                        Tool.showMessageBox(repository, energisticsMethodParameter.GetLastError());

            // -------------
            // -------------
            // tags handling

            foreach (EA.TaggedValue fesapiTag in fesapiClass.TaggedValues)
                EA.TaggedValue energisticsTag = energisticsClass.TaggedValues.AddNew(fesapiTag.Name, fesapiTag.Value);
                if (!(energisticsTag.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, energisticsTag.GetLastError());

            // --------------
            // --------------
            // notes handling

            // important note: Energistics class notes are deleted during this copy
            if (fesapiClass.Notes != "")
                energisticsClass.Notes = fesapiClass.Notes;
                if (!(energisticsClass.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, energisticsClass.GetLastError());

        /// <summary>
        /// This methods create some easy access vector attributes into an Energistics EpcDocument
        /// class. These vector are usefull to access top level Resqml objects from one EpcDocument.
        /// It also provides corresponding accessors and forward declarations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="energisticsEpcDocument">An Energistics EpcDocument class</param>
        /// <param name="toUpdateClassF2E">A dictionary mapping Fesapi classes with their corresponding Energistics classes</param>
        private void createEpcDocumentEasyAccessVector(EA.Element energisticsEpcDocument,
                                                       Dictionary <EA.Element, EA.Element> toUpdateClassF2E)
            // we create a dictionry for mapping a given fesapi namespace with corresponding fesapi class.
            // Usefull for handling EpcDocument forward declarations
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > importNamespace = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <EA.Element, EA.Element> entry in toUpdateClassF2E)
                EA.Element energisticsClass = entry.Value;

                // we assume that we do not want to provide easy access vectors to access abstract classes from
                // EpcDocument
                if (energisticsClass.Name.Contains("Abstract"))

                // getting the fesapi namespace of the current non-abstract Energistics class. It exists since
                // the EpcDocument easy access vectors creation occurs at the very end of the Energistics model
                // update
                EA.TaggedValue tag = energisticsClass.TaggedValues.GetByName(Constants.fesapiNamespaceTagName);

                // creating the EpcDocument std::vector attribute for easily access the current Energistics class
                string       attributeName = Char.ToLowerInvariant(energisticsClass.Name[0]) + energisticsClass.Name.Substring(1) + "Set";
                string       attributeType = "std::vector<" + tag.Value + "::" + energisticsClass.Name + "*>";
                EA.Attribute attribute     = attribute = energisticsEpcDocument.Attributes.AddNew(attributeName, attributeType);
                attribute.Visibility = "Private";
                if (!(attribute.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, attribute.GetLastError());

                // thanks to a tag, we tell to the transformation engine (transforming the Energistics model into a C++ model)
                // to preserve our easy access vector attribute in the C++ model
                EA.AttributeTag generationTag = attribute.TaggedValues.AddNew(Constants.fesapiGenerationTagName, "true");
                if (!(generationTag.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, generationTag.GetLastError());

                // we want to generate by hand the corresponding getter. Thanks to a tag, we tell to the model
                // transformation engine (transforming the Energistics model into a C++ model) to do not automatically
                // generate a getter
                EA.AttributeTag getterGenerationTag = attribute.TaggedValues.AddNew(Constants.fesapiGetterGenerationTagName, "false");
                if (!(getterGenerationTag.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, getterGenerationTag.GetLastError());

                // we create by hand the corresponding vector
                string    methodName = "get" + energisticsClass.Name + "Set";
                string    methodType = attributeType + " &";
                EA.Method method     = energisticsEpcDocument.Methods.AddNew(methodName, methodType);
                method.IsConst    = true;
                method.Stereotype = "const";
                if (!(method.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, method.GetLastError());

                // associating the Energistics class to its fesapi namespace
                if (!(importNamespace.ContainsKey(tag.Value)))
                    importNamespace.Add(tag.Value, new List <string>());

            // converting the association between fesapi namespace and Energistics classes into a
            // EpcDocument class tag. This tag will be used during the code generation for copying
            // forward declarations corresponding to easy access vectors into EpcDocument.h
            string importNameSpaceTagValue = "";

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > kv in importNamespace)
                importNameSpaceTagValue += "namespace " + kv.Key + " {";
                List <string> classNameList = kv.Value;
                foreach (string className in classNameList)
                    importNameSpaceTagValue += "class " + className + ";";
                importNameSpaceTagValue += "}";
            EA.TaggedValue importNamespaceTag = energisticsEpcDocument.TaggedValues.AddNew(Constants.fesapiImportNamespaceTag, importNameSpaceTagValue);
            if (!(importNamespaceTag.Update()))
                Tool.showMessageBox(repository, importNamespaceTag.GetLastError());
        /// <summary>
        /// Add an XML_TAG attribute with its getter to a given Energistics class. This method
        /// has no effect if the Energistics class is abstract or if the corresponding fesapi class
        /// is tagged such that no XML_TAG should be generated
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="energisticsClass">An Energistics class</param>
        /// <param name="fesapiClass">Its corresponding fesapi class</param>
        private void addXmlTagAttributeWithGetter(EA.Element energisticsClass, EA.Element fesapiClass)
            // we look for a fesapi class tag telling that no XML_TAG attribute should be generated
            string generateXmlTag = "true";

            EA.TaggedValue generateXmlTagTag = fesapiClass.TaggedValues.GetByName(Constants.fesapiGenerateXmlTagTagName);
            if (generateXmlTagTag != null)
                generateXmlTag = generateXmlTagTag.Value;

            if (!(fesapiClass.Name.Contains("Abstract")) && generateXmlTag == "true") // impotant note: we assume that a class is
                                                                                      // abstract if it contains "Abstract" in its
                                                                                      // name
                // we add an XML_TAG attribute
                EA.Attribute xmlTagAttribute = energisticsClass.Attributes.AddNew("XML_TAG", "char*");
                xmlTagAttribute.IsStatic = true;
                xmlTagAttribute.IsConst  = true;
                if (!(xmlTagAttribute.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, xmlTagAttribute.GetLastError());

                // thanks to a tag, we tells that the XML_TAG attribute should be generated during the code generation.
                // Keep in mind that Energistics class attributes are not generated in fesapi by default since most of them
                // relies on gSOAP proxies attributes
                EA.AttributeTag generationTag = xmlTagAttribute.TaggedValues.AddNew(Constants.fesapiGenerationTagName, "true");
                if (!(generationTag.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, generationTag.GetLastError());

                // thanks to a tag, we tells that no getter should be automatically generated during the transformation
                // of the Energistics model into a C++ model
                EA.AttributeTag getterGenerationTag = xmlTagAttribute.TaggedValues.AddNew(Constants.fesapiGetterGenerationTagName, "false");
                if (!(getterGenerationTag.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, getterGenerationTag.GetLastError());

                // add the XML_TAG attributr getter
                EA.Method getXmlTagMethod = energisticsClass.Methods.AddNew("getXmlTag", "std::string");
                getXmlTagMethod.Stereotype = "const";
                getXmlTagMethod.Code       = "return XML_TAG;";
                getXmlTagMethod.Abstract   = true;
                if (!(getXmlTagMethod.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, getXmlTagMethod.GetLastError());

                // tag the getter in order for its body to be generated into the class declaration
                EA.MethodTag getXmlTagMethodBodyLocationTag = getXmlTagMethod.TaggedValues.AddNew("bodyLocation", "classDec");
                if (!(getXmlTagMethodBodyLocationTag.Update()))
                    Tool.showMessageBox(repository, getXmlTagMethodBodyLocationTag.GetLastError());