RunRepeating() public méthode

Runs the task a given number of times, at a given interval after an initial delay.
public RunRepeating ( System.TimeSpan delay, System.TimeSpan interval, int times ) : SchedulerTask
delay System.TimeSpan
interval System.TimeSpan
times int
Résultat SchedulerTask
 ChatTimer( TimeSpan duration, [CanBeNull] string message, [NotNull] string startedBy )
     if( startedBy == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "startedBy" );
     StartedBy = startedBy;
     Message = message;
     StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
     EndTime = StartTime.Add( duration );
     Duration = duration;
     int oneSecondRepeats = (int)duration.TotalSeconds + 1;
     if( duration > Hour ) {
         announceIntervalIndex = AnnounceIntervals.Length - 1;
         lastHourAnnounced = (int)duration.TotalHours;
     } else {
         for( int i = 0; i < AnnounceIntervals.Length; i++ ) {
             if( duration <= AnnounceIntervals[i] ) {
                 announceIntervalIndex = i - 1;
     task = Scheduler.NewTask( TimerCallback, this );
     Id = Interlocked.Increment( ref timerCounter );
     AddTimerToList( this );
     IsRunning = true;
     task.RunRepeating( TimeSpan.Zero,
                        TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1 ),
                        oneSecondRepeats );
 public static void Start()
     world_.Hax      = false;
     world_.gameMode = GameMode.TeamDeathMatch; //set the game mode
     delayTask       = Scheduler.NewTask(t => world_.Players.Message("&WTEAM DEATHMATCH &fwill be starting in {0} seconds: &WGet ready!", timeDelay));
     delayTask.RunRepeating(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), 1);
Exemple #3
 public static void Start()
     world_.Hax      = false;
     world_.gameMode = GameMode.FFA; //set the game mode
     delayTask       = Scheduler.NewTask(t => world_.Players.Message("&WFFA &fwill be starting in {0} seconds: &WGet ready!", (timeDelay - (DateTime.UtcNow - startTime).ToSeconds())));
     delayTask.RunRepeating(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), (timeDelay / 10));
Exemple #4
 private ChatTimer( TimeSpan duration, [CanBeNull] string message, [NotNull] string startedBy ) {
     if ( startedBy == null )
         throw new ArgumentNullException( "startedBy" );
     StartedBy = startedBy;
     Message = message;
     StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
     EndTime = StartTime.Add( duration );
     Duration = duration;
     int oneSecondRepeats = ( int )duration.TotalSeconds + 1;
     if ( duration > Hour ) {
         announceIntervalIndex = AnnounceIntervals.Length - 1;
         lastHourAnnounced = ( int )duration.TotalHours;
     } else {
         for ( int i = 0; i < AnnounceIntervals.Length; i++ ) {
             if ( duration <= AnnounceIntervals[i] ) {
                 announceIntervalIndex = i - 1;
     task = Scheduler.NewTask( TimerCallback, this );
     Id = Interlocked.Increment( ref timerCounter );
     AddTimerToList( this );
     IsRunning = true;
     task.RunRepeating( TimeSpan.Zero,
                        TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1 ),
                        oneSecondRepeats );
Exemple #5
        public static void Start()
            world_.Hax = false;

            //world_.Players.Send(PacketWriter.MakeHackControl(0,0,0,0,0,-1)); Commented out until classicube clients support hax packet
            world_.gameMode = GameMode.CaptureTheFlag;
            delayTask       = Scheduler.NewTask(t => world_.Players.Message("&WCTF &fwill be starting in {0} seconds: &WGet ready!", (timeDelay - stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds)));
            delayTask.RunRepeating(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), (int)Math.Floor((double)(timeDelay / 10)));//Start task immediately, send message every 10s
            if (stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds > 11)
        ChatTimer(TimeSpan duration, [CanBeNull] string message, [NotNull] string startedBy)
            if (startedBy == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startedBy");
            StartedBy = startedBy;
            Message   = message;
            StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            EndTime   = StartTime.Add(duration);
            Duration  = duration;
            int oneSecondRepeats = (int)duration.TotalSeconds + 1;

            if (duration > Hour)
                announceIntervalIndex = AnnounceIntervals.Length - 1;
                lastHourAnnounced     = (int)duration.TotalHours;
                for (int i = 0; i < AnnounceIntervals.Length; i++)
                    if (duration <= AnnounceIntervals[i])
                        announceIntervalIndex = i - 1;
            task = Scheduler.NewTask(TimerCallback, this);
            ID   = Interlocked.Increment(ref timerCounter);
            IsRunning = true;

            try {
                if (!Directory.Exists("./Timers"))
                string[] output = { "StartDate: " + StartTime, "EndDate: " + EndTime, "CreatedBy: " + StartedBy, "Message: " + Message };
                File.WriteAllLines("./Timers/" + TimerFilename(this), output);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Player.Console.Message("Timer Writer Has Crashed: {0}", ex);
Exemple #7
 ChatTimer( TimeSpan duration, [CanBeNull] string message, [NotNull] string startedBy ) {
     if( startedBy == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "startedBy" );
     StartedBy = startedBy;
     Message = message;
     StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
     EndTime = StartTime.Add( duration );
     Duration = duration;
     int oneSecondRepeats = (int)duration.TotalSeconds + 1;
     if( duration > Hour ) {
         announceIntervalIndex = AnnounceIntervals.Length - 1;
         lastHourAnnounced = (int)duration.TotalHours;
     } else {
         for( int i = 0; i < AnnounceIntervals.Length; i++ ) {
             if( duration <= AnnounceIntervals[i] ) {
                 announceIntervalIndex = i - 1;
     task = Scheduler.NewTask( TimerCallback, this );
     ID = Interlocked.Increment( ref timerCounter );
     AddTimerToList( this );
     IsRunning = true;
     task.RunRepeating( TimeSpan.Zero,
                        TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1 ),
                        oneSecondRepeats );
         if (!(Directory.Exists("./Timers"))) Directory.CreateDirectory("./Timers");
         string[] output = { "StartDate: " + StartTime.ToString(), "EndDate: " + EndTime.ToString(), "CreatedBy: " + StartedBy, "Message: " + Message };
         File.WriteAllLines("./Timers/" + EndTime.Year.ToString() + "_" + EndTime.Month.ToString() + "_" + EndTime.Day.ToString() + "_" + EndTime.Hour.ToString() + "_" + EndTime.Minute.ToString() + "_" + EndTime.Second.ToString() + ".txt", output);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Player.Console.Message("Timer Writer Has Crashed: {0}", ex);
Exemple #8
 public static void Start()
     world_.Hax = false;
     world_.gameMode = GameMode.FFA; //set the game mode
     delayTask = Scheduler.NewTask(t => world_.Players.Message("&WFFA &fwill be starting in {0} seconds: &WGet ready!", (timeDelay - (DateTime.Now - startTime).ToSeconds())));
     delayTask.RunRepeating(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), (timeDelay / 10));
 public static void Start()
     world_.Hax = false;
     world_.gameMode = GameMode.TeamDeathMatch; //set the game mode
     delayTask = Scheduler.NewTask(t => world_.Players.Message("&WTEAM DEATHMATCH &fwill be starting in {0} seconds: &WGet ready!", timeDelay));
     delayTask.RunRepeating(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), 1);
Exemple #10
        public static void Start()
            world_.Hax = false;

            //world_.Players.Send(PacketWriter.MakeHackControl(0,0,0,0,0,-1)); Commented out until classicube clients support hax packet
            world_.gameMode = GameMode.CaptureTheFlag;
            delayTask = Scheduler.NewTask(t => world_.Players.Message("&WCTF &fwill be starting in {0} seconds: &WGet ready!", (timeDelay - stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds)));
            delayTask.RunRepeating(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), (int)Math.Floor((double)(timeDelay / 10)));//Start task immediately, send message every 10s
            if (stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds > 11)