override protected void OnUpdateCapture(Ray3f worldRay, Standard3DWidget w)
     if (activeWidget is SurfaceConstrainedPointWidget)
         CurrentConstraintSurface = (activeWidget as SurfaceConstrainedPointWidget).CurrentConstraintSO;
 public virtual void EndHover(Ray3f ray)
     if (hoverWidget != null)
         MaterialUtil.SetMaterial(hoverWidget.RootGameObject, hoverWidget.StandardMaterial);
         hoverWidget = null;
 public virtual void UpdateHover(Ray3f ray, UIRayHit hit)
     if (hoverWidget != null)
     if (Widgets.ContainsKey(hit.hitGO))
         hoverWidget = Widgets[hit.hitGO];
         MaterialUtil.SetMaterial(hoverWidget.RootGameObject, hoverWidget.HoverMaterial);
        override protected void OnBeginCapture(Ray3f worldRay, Standard3DWidget w)
            List <SceneObject> PotentialTargets = new List <SceneObject>(ConstraintSurfaces);

            foreach (var v in Widgets)
                if (v.Value is SurfaceConstrainedPointWidget)
                    SurfaceConstrainedPointWidget widget = v.Value as SurfaceConstrainedPointWidget;
                    widget.SourceSO           = Targets[0];
                    widget.ConstraintSurfaces = PotentialTargets;
        virtual public bool BeginCapture(InputEvent e)
            activeWidget = null;

            // if the hit gameobject has a widget attached to it, begin capture & transformation
            // TODO maybe wrapper class should have Begin/Update/End capture functions, then we do not need BeginTransformation/EndTransformation ?
            if (Widgets.ContainsKey(e.hit.hitGO))
                Standard3DWidget w = Widgets [e.hit.hitGO];
                if (w.BeginCapture(targetWrapper, e.ray, e.hit.toUIHit()))
                    MaterialUtil.SetMaterial(w.RootGameObject, w.HoverMaterial);
                    activeWidget = w;
        virtual public bool EndCapture(InputEvent e)
            if (activeWidget != null)
                MaterialUtil.SetMaterial(activeWidget.RootGameObject, activeWidget.StandardMaterial);

                // tell wrapper we are done with capture, so it should bake transform/etc
                bool bModified = targetWrapper.DoneTransformation();
                if (bModified)
                    // update gizmo
                    // allow client/subclass to add any other change records
                    // gizmos drop change events by default

                activeWidget = null;
        virtual public bool EndCapture(InputEvent e)
            if (activeWidget != null)
                MaterialUtil.SetMaterial(activeWidget.RootGameObject, activeWidget.StandardMaterial);

                // update widget frame in case we want to do something like stay scene-aligned...

                // note: e will be null if we call this from Disconnect(), because we were in an
                //   active capture when we were Disconnected. Not sure how to handle this gracefully
                //   in subclasses...could pass e directly to OnEndCapture? pass a flag?
                if (e != null)
                    OnEndCapture(e.ray, activeWidget);

                // tell wrapper we are done with capture, so it should bake transform/etc
                bool bModified = targetWrapper.DoneTransformation(EmitChanges);
                if (bModified)
                    // update gizmo
                    // allow client/subclass to add any other change records
                    // gizmos drop change events by default
                    if (EmitChanges)

            activeWidget = null;
 virtual protected void OnEndCapture(Ray3f worldRay, Standard3DWidget w)
 protected override void OnEndCapture(Ray3f worldRay, Standard3DWidget w)
     //clear TargetObjects in widgets?