Exemple #1
        public string UserRegister(string foaf_nick, string foaf_mbox, string paths_password)
            var mTimer = new Stopwatch();

                euPaths clseuPaths = new euPaths();
                string strQueryUserCheck = "select id from usr where email = '" + foaf_mbox + "';";
                int rtnUserID = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQueryUserCheck);
                if (rtnUserID == 0)
                    string strQuery = "INSERT INTO usr (fk_cog_style_id,usr,foaf_nick,pwd,email)  VALUES ('" + 1 + "','" + foaf_mbox + "','" + foaf_nick + "','" + paths_password + "','" + foaf_mbox + "');SELECT currval('usr_id_seq');";
                    int rtnID = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);

                    if (Convert.ToString(Context.Session.SessionID).Trim() != "")
                        strQuery = "select fk_usr_id from uaction where usession = '" + Convert.ToString(Context.Session.SessionID).Trim() + "';";
                        int rtnUID = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);

                        if (Context.Session["usr_id"] == null)
                            strQuery = "INSERT INTO workspace (fk_usr_id, isprimary) VALUES (" + rtnID + ", true);";
                            int workspaceID = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);
                            strQuery = "update workspace set fk_usr_id = " + rtnID + " , isprimary = true where fk_usr_id=" + Context.Session["usr_id"] + ";";
                            int workspaceID = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);
                        strQuery = "update uaction set fk_usr_id = " + rtnID + "  where usession = '" + Convert.ToString(Context.Session.SessionID).Trim() + "';";
                        strQuery = "update ubehaviour set fk_usr_id = " + rtnID + "  where usession = '" + Convert.ToString(Context.Session.SessionID).Trim() + "';";

                    Context.Session["usr_id"] = rtnID;
                    Context.Session["isAuthenticated"] = true;

                    string strRV = clseuPaths.GetCurrentUserDetails(Convert.ToString(rtnID));
                    Utility.LogRequest(strRV, false, mTimer);
                    return strRV;
                    var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.EmailAlreadyExists, "Email already exists");
                    Utility.LogRequest(mMsg,false, mTimer);
                    return mMsg;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.DatabaseSQLError, ex.Message);
                Utility.LogRequest(mMsg, true, mTimer);
                return mMsg;
Exemple #2
        public string UserLogin(string foaf_mbox, string paths_password)
            var mTimer = new Stopwatch();

            euPaths clseuPaths = new euPaths();
                int isAuthenticated = clseuPaths.authenticate(foaf_mbox, paths_password);
                string strQuery = string.Empty;
                string strRV = string.Empty;
                if (isAuthenticated > 0)
                    if (Context.Session["isTemporary"] != null && Utility.IsNumeric(Convert.ToString(Context.Session["usr_id"])))
                        strQuery = "select id from workspace where isprimary = true and fk_usr_id =" + isAuthenticated + ";";
                        int rtnWSID = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);

                        strQuery = "select id from workspace WHERE fk_usr_id=" + Convert.ToString(Context.Session["usr_id"]) + ";";
                        DataTable dtRtnWSTID = Utility.DBExecuteDataTable(strQuery);

                        //delete from workspace where id = 18
                        foreach (DataRow drow in dtRtnWSTID.Rows)
                            strQuery = "delete from workspace where id =" + drow["id"] + ";";

                        strQuery = "delete from usr where id =" + Convert.ToString(Context.Session["usr_id"]) + ";";

                        foreach (DataRow drow in dtRtnWSTID.Rows)
                            strQuery = "UPDATE workspace_item SET fk_workspace_id=" + rtnWSID + " WHERE fk_workspace_id=" + drow["id"] + ";";
                            int rtnID = Utility.DBExecuteNonQuery(strQuery);
                        Context.Session["isTemporary"] = null;
                    Context.Session["usr_id"] = isAuthenticated;
                    Context.Session["isAuthenticated"] = true;
                    //Get user data after login
                    strRV = clseuPaths.GetCurrentUserDetails(Convert.ToString(Context.Session["usr_id"]));
                    Utility.LogRequest(strRV, false, mTimer);
                    return strRV;
                    Context.Session["usr_id"] = null;
                    Context.Session["isAuthenticated"] = null;
                    var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.AuthenticationFailed);
                    Utility.LogRequest(mMsg, false, mTimer);
                    return mMsg;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.OperationFailed, ex.Message);
                return mMsg;
Exemple #3
        public string UserLogout()
            var mTimer = new Stopwatch();

            euPaths clseuPaths = new euPaths();
            Context.Session["isAuthenticated"] = null;
            Context.Session["usr_id"] = null;
            string strQuery = string.Empty;
            string strRV = string.Empty;
            if (Context.Session["isAuthenticated"] == null)
            //Get anonymous user data.
            strRV = clseuPaths.GetCurrentUserDetails(Convert.ToString(Context.Session["usr_id"]));
            Utility.LogRequest(strRV, false, mTimer);
            return strRV;
Exemple #4
        public string LogAction(string dc_source, string paths_request)
            var mTimer = new Stopwatch();

            euPaths clseuPaths = new euPaths();
            if (clseuPaths.requireUser(Context) == false)
                var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.FailedToCreateTemporaryUser);
                Utility.LogRequest(mMsg, true, mTimer);
                return mMsg;
                string strQuery = "INSERT INTO uaction (fk_usr_id,usession,dc_source,paths_request)  VALUES ('" + Context.Session["usr_id"] + "', '" + Convert.ToString(Context.Session.SessionID).Trim() + "','" + dc_source + "','" + paths_request + "');";
                int rtnID = Utility.DBExecuteNonQuery(strQuery);

                var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.OperationCompletedSuccessfully, "Operation completed successfully");
                Utility.LogRequest(mMsg, false, mTimer);
                return mMsg;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.DatabaseSQLError, ex.Message);
                Utility.LogRequest(mMsg, true, mTimer);
                return mMsg;
Exemple #5
        public string UserGet(string paths_identifier)
            var mTimer = new Stopwatch();

            string strGetUserByID = string.Empty;
            euPaths clseuPaths = new euPaths();
            DataTable dtab = new DataTable();
                string strQuery = "SELECT uri paths_identifier,foaf_nick, email foaf_mbox ,email_visibility foaf_mbox_visibility,(CASE istemporary when true THEN 'new' ELSE 'registered' END)dc_type,to_char(tstamp,'yyyy-mm-ddTmm:hh:ss') paths_registered FROM usr WHERE uri = '" + paths_identifier + "'";
                dtab = Utility.DBExecuteDataTable(strQuery);
                strGetUserByID = Utility.DataTableToDictionary(dtab, true);
                Utility.LogRequest(strGetUserByID, false, mTimer);
                return strGetUserByID;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.AuthenticationSucceeded, ex.Message);
                Utility.LogRequest (mMsg, true, mTimer);
                return mMsg;
Exemple #6
        public string Current()
            var mTimer = new Stopwatch();

            string strRV = string.Empty;
            euPaths clseuPaths = new euPaths();

            if (clseuPaths.requireUser(Context) == false)
                // **** Updated on 12 September 2013
                // commented below line and add new line.
                // return Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.OperationFailed, "Failed to create temporary user");
                // **** Updated on 12 September 2013
                strRV = clseuPaths.GetCurrentUserDetails(Convert.ToString(Context.Session["usr_id"]));
                Utility.LogRequest(strRV, false, mTimer);
                return strRV;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.DatabaseSQLError, ex.Message);
                Utility.LogRequest(mMsg, true, mTimer);
                return mMsg;
Exemple #7
 public string LogPage(string dc_title, string dc_source)
     var mTimer = new Stopwatch();
     euPaths clseuPaths = new euPaths();
     string strQuery = string.Empty;
     DataTable dtab;
     string strDC = "";
     int dRowCount = 0;
     //Create user if none exists...
     if (clseuPaths.requireUser(Context) == false)
         var mStr = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.FailedToCreateTemporaryUser);
         Utility.LogRequest(mStr, true, mTimer);
         return mStr;
         strQuery = "select * from ubehaviour where usession = '" + Convert.ToString(Context.Session.SessionID).Trim() + "' order by id desc limit 1;";
         dtab = Utility.DBExecuteDataTable(strQuery);
         dRowCount = dtab.Rows.Count;
         if (dRowCount > 0)
             strDC = Convert.ToString(dtab.Rows[0]["dc_source"]).Trim();
         if (strDC != dc_source)
             strQuery = "INSERT INTO ubehaviour(fk_usr_id, usession,dc_title ,dc_source) VALUES ('" + Context.Session["usr_id"] + "', '" + Convert.ToString(Context.Session.SessionID).Trim() + "', '" + dc_title.Trim() + "', '" + dc_source.Trim() + "');";
         var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.OperationCompletedSuccessfully, "Operation completed successfully");
         Utility.LogRequest(mMsg, false, mTimer);
         return mMsg;
     catch (Exception ex)
         var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.DatabaseSQLError, ex.Message);
         Utility.LogRequest(mMsg, true, mTimer);
         return mMsg;
      public string UpdateOrder(string paths_identifier, string paths_item_identifier, string paths_order)
          var mTimer = new Stopwatch();

         string strRV = string.Empty;
         euPaths clseuPaths = new euPaths();
         DataTable dtab;
         StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
         string strQuery = string.Empty;
            strQuery = "select id from workspace where uri ='" + paths_identifier + "' ;";
            int workspaceID = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);
            sqlBuilder.Append("UPDATE workspace_item SET ");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paths_order))
               if (Utility.IsNumeric(paths_order))
                  sqlBuilder.Append("paths_order='" + paths_order + "'");
            sqlBuilder.Append(" WHERE fk_workspace_id='" + workspaceID + "' and ");
            sqlBuilder.Append(" uri='" + paths_item_identifier + "';");

            strQuery = "select wsi.uri paths_identifier,wsi.dc_title,wsi.dc_description,wsi.dc_source,wsi.paths_thumbnail,wsi.type paths_type from workspace ws inner join workspace_item wsi on wsi.fk_workspace_id=ws.id where wsi.fk_workspace_id='" + workspaceID + "' and wsi.uri='" + paths_item_identifier + "'";
            dtab = Utility.DBExecuteDataTable(strQuery);
            strRV = Utility.DataTableToDictionary(dtab);
            strRV = strRV.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
            Utility.LogRequest(strRV, false, mTimer);
            return strRV;
         catch (Exception ex)
             var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.DatabaseSQLError, ex.Message + sqlBuilder.ToString());
             Utility.LogRequest(mMsg, true, mTimer);
            return mMsg;
      public string Delete(string paths_identifier, string paths_item_identifier)
          var mTimer = new Stopwatch();
         string strRV = string.Empty;
         DataTable dtab;
         euPaths clseuPaths = new euPaths();
         string strQuery = string.Empty;
            strQuery = "select id from workspace where uri ='" + paths_identifier + "' ;";
            int workspaceID = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);

            strQuery = "select wsi.uri paths_identifier,wsi.dc_title,wsi.dc_description,wsi.dc_source,wsi.paths_thumbnail,wsi.type paths_type from workspace ws inner join workspace_item wsi on wsi.fk_workspace_id=ws.id where wsi.fk_workspace_id='" + workspaceID + "' and wsi.uri='" + paths_item_identifier + "'";
            dtab = Utility.DBExecuteDataTable(strQuery);
            strRV = Utility.DataTableToDictionary(dtab);

            strQuery = "DELETE FROM workspace_item WHERE fk_workspace_id = '" + workspaceID + "' and uri='" + paths_item_identifier + "'";
            strRV = strRV.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
            Utility.LogRequest(strRV, false, mTimer);
            return strRV;
         catch (Exception ex)
            var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.DatabaseSQLError, ex.Message);
            Utility.LogRequest(mMsg, true, mTimer);
            return mMsg;
      public string Update(string paths_identifier, string paths_item_identifier, string dc_description)
         string strRV = string.Empty;
         euPaths clseuPaths = new euPaths();
         DataTable dtab;
         StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
         string strQuery = string.Empty;
            strQuery = "select id from workspace where uri ='" + paths_identifier + "' ;";
            int workspaceID = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);
            sqlBuilder.Append("UPDATE workspace_item SET ");            
            if (dc_description !=null)
               sqlBuilder.Append("dc_description='" + dc_description + "'");
            sqlBuilder.Append(" WHERE fk_workspace_id='" + workspaceID + "' and ");
            sqlBuilder.Append(" uri='" + paths_item_identifier + "';");

            strQuery = "select wsi.uri paths_identifier,wsi.dc_title,wsi.dc_description,wsi.dc_source,wsi.paths_thumbnail,wsi.type paths_type from workspace ws inner join workspace_item wsi on wsi.fk_workspace_id=ws.id where wsi.fk_workspace_id='" + workspaceID + "' and wsi.uri='" + paths_item_identifier + "'";
            dtab = Utility.DBExecuteDataTable(strQuery);
            strRV = Utility.DataTableToDictionary(dtab);
            strRV = strRV.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
            return strRV;
         catch (Exception ex)
            return Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.DatabaseSQLError, ex.Message + sqlBuilder.ToString());
 public string Add(string paths_identifier, string dc_title, string dc_description, string dc_source, string paths_thumbnail, string paths_type)
     var mTimer = new Stopwatch();
    string strRV = string.Empty;
    euPaths clseuPaths = new euPaths();
    string strQuery = string.Empty;
    int workspaceID = 0;
    DataTable dtab;
       strQuery = "select * from workspace where uri='" + paths_identifier + "';";
       workspaceID = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);
       if (workspaceID == 0)
          strQuery = "INSERT INTO workspace (fk_usr_id,isprimary) VALUES ('" + Convert.ToString(Context.Session["usr_id"]) + "',false);SELECT currval('workspace_id_seq');";
          workspaceID = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);
       //Insert data into workspace_item table
       strQuery = "insert into workspace_item (fk_workspace_id, dc_title, dc_description, dc_source,type,paths_thumbnail) VALUES ('" + workspaceID + "','" + dc_title.Replace("'", "''") + "','" + dc_description.Replace("'", "''") + "','" + dc_source + "','" + paths_type + "','" + paths_thumbnail.Replace("'", "''") + "');SELECT currval('workspace_item_id_seq');";
       int workspaceItemID = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);
       strQuery = "select wsi.uri paths_identifier,wsi.dc_title,wsi.dc_description,wsi.dc_source,wsi.paths_thumbnail,wsi.type paths_type from workspace ws inner join workspace_item wsi on wsi.fk_workspace_id=ws.id where ws.id='" + workspaceID + "' and wsi.id='" + workspaceItemID + "'";
       dtab = Utility.DBExecuteDataTable(strQuery);
       strRV = Utility.DataTableToDictionary(dtab);
       strRV = strRV.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
       Utility.LogRequest(strRV, false, mTimer);
       return strRV;
    catch (Exception ex)
        var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.DatabaseSQLError, ex.Message);
        Utility.LogRequest(mMsg, true, mTimer);
        return mMsg;
      public string Items(string paths_identifier)
          var mTimer = new Stopwatch();
         string strRV = string.Empty;
         string strQuery = string.Empty;
         euPaths clseuPaths = new euPaths();
         DataTable dtab;
            DataTable tblURI = new DataTable();
            DataColumn colURI = new DataColumn("paths_identifier");
            DataRow rowURI = tblURI.NewRow();
            rowURI[colURI] = paths_identifier;

            strQuery = "select id from workspace where uri ='" + paths_identifier + "' ;";
            int workspaceID = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);

            strQuery = "select uri paths_identifier from usr where id in (select fk_usr_id from workspace where id=" + workspaceID + " union select fk_usr_id from usr_workspace where fk_workspace_id = " + workspaceID + ");";
            dtab = Utility.DBExecuteDataTable(strQuery);

            strQuery = "select wsi.uri paths_identifier,wsi.dc_title,wsi.dc_description,wsi.dc_source,wsi.paths_thumbnail,wsi.type paths_type from workspace ws inner join workspace_item wsi on wsi.fk_workspace_id=ws.id where wsi.fk_workspace_id=" + workspaceID + " order by paths_order;";
            DataTable dtab1 = Utility.DBExecuteDataTable(strQuery);
            ////Updated on 23 September to decode dc_source
            //foreach (DataRow drow in dtab1.Rows)
            //    drow["dc_source"] = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Utility.FromBase64ForUrlString(Convert.ToString(drow["dc_source"])));                
            ////END Update
            Dictionary<string, DataTable> myAdditionalTables = new Dictionary<string, DataTable>();
            myAdditionalTables.Add("paths_authorised", dtab);
            myAdditionalTables.Add("paths_items", dtab1);

            strRV = Utility.DataTableToDictionary(tblURI, true, myAdditionalTables);
            //strRV = strRV.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
            Utility.LogRequest(strRV, false, mTimer);
            return strRV;
         catch (Exception ex)
             var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.DatabaseSQLError, ex.Message);
             Utility.LogRequest(mMsg, true, mTimer);
             return mMsg;
 public string Item(string paths_identifier, string paths_item_identifier)
    var mTimer = new Stopwatch();
    string strRV = string.Empty;
    euPaths clseuPaths = new euPaths();
    DataTable dtab;
       string strQuery = "select wsi.uri paths_identifier,wsi.dc_title,wsi.dc_description,wsi.dc_source,wsi.paths_thumbnail,wsi.type paths_type from workspace ws inner join workspace_item wsi on wsi.fk_workspace_id=ws.id where ws.uri='" + paths_identifier + "' and wsi.uri='" + paths_item_identifier + "'";
       dtab = Utility.DBExecuteDataTable(strQuery);
       ////Updated on 23 September to decode dc_source
       //foreach (DataRow drow in dtab.Rows)
       //    drow["dc_source"] = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Utility.FromBase64ForUrlString(Convert.ToString(drow["dc_source"])));
       ////END Update
       strRV = Utility.DataTableToDictionary(dtab);
       strRV = strRV.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
       Utility.LogRequest(strRV, false, mTimer);
       return strRV;
    catch (Exception ex)
        var mMsg = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.DatabaseSQLError, ex.Message);
        Utility.LogRequest(mMsg, true, mTimer);
        return mMsg;
Exemple #14
        public string AddRating(int fk_rating_scale_id, string fk_rel_uri)
            string strRV = string.Empty;
            euPaths clseuPaths = new euPaths();
            if (Context.Session["isAuthenticated"] == null)
                string strQuery = "SELECT count(id) FROM rating WHERE fk_usr_id = '" + Convert.ToString(Context.Session["usr_id"]) + "' and fk_rel_uri = '" + fk_rel_uri + "' and isdeleted = false;";
                int intResult = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);
                int mRatingId;
                if (intResult > 0)
                    strQuery = "UPDATE rating SET fk_rating_scale_id = '" + fk_rating_scale_id + "' WHERE fk_usr_id = '" + Convert.ToString(Context.Session["usr_id"]) + "' AND fk_rel_uri = '" + fk_rel_uri + "' AND isdeleted = false;";

                    strQuery = "SELECT id FROM rating WHERE fk_usr_id = '" + Convert.ToString(Context.Session["usr_id"]) + "' and fk_rel_uri = '" + fk_rel_uri + "' AND isdeleted = false;";
                    mRatingId = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);
                    strQuery = "INSERT INTO rating (fk_usr_id, fk_rating_scale_id, fk_rel_uri) VALUES ('" + Convert.ToString(Context.Session["usr_id"]) + "','" + fk_rating_scale_id + "','" + fk_rel_uri + "');SELECT currval('rating_id_seq');";
                    mRatingId = Utility.DBExecuteScalar(strQuery);
                strQuery = "SELECT (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM rating WHERE fk_rating_scale_id = 2 AND fk_rel_uri = '" + fk_rel_uri + "' and isdeleted=false) AS likes, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM rating WHERE fk_rating_scale_id = 1 AND fk_rel_uri = '" + fk_rel_uri + "' and isdeleted=false) AS dislikes";
                DataTable dtab = Utility.DBExecuteDataTable(strQuery);
                if (dtab.Rows.Count > 0)
                    strRV = Utility.DataTableToDictionary(dtab);
                    strRV = Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.QueryDidNotReturnRecords, "No comment was returned");
                return strRV;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Utility.GetMsg(Utility.msgStatusCodes.DatabaseSQLError, ex.Message);