public void setup(cXMLHandler xmlhandler) { pXmlHandler = xmlhandler; sFont[] fonts = cDataBase.getFonts(); //listView1.Clear(); foreach (sFont font in fonts) { System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem[] subtitems = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem[6]; subtitems[0] = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(); subtitems[0].Text = font.Name; subtitems[1] = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(); subtitems[1].Text = font.Filename; subtitems[2] = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(); subtitems[2].Text = font.Path; subtitems[3] = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(); subtitems[3].Text = Convert.ToString(font.Scale); subtitems[4] = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(); subtitems[4].Text = Convert.ToString(font.Replacement); subtitems[5] = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(); subtitems[5].Text = "0"; ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(subtitems, 0); listView1.Items.Add(item); } listView1.RedrawItems(0, listView1.Items.Count - 1, false); }
static public void init(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { pColors = new cDataBaseColor(XmlHandler); initFonts(XmlHandler); pResolution = new cDataBaseResolution(XmlHandler); pImage = new cDataBaseImage(XmlHandler); pWindowstyles = new cDataBaseWindowstyle(XmlHandler); }
public cDataBaseImage(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { string[] path2 = { "skin" }; XmlNode Node = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(null /*path2*/); pImages = new ArrayList(); if (Node.HasChildNodes) { checkImages(Node.ChildNodes); } }
public cDataBaseColor(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { pColors = new Hashtable(); string[] path = { /*"skin", */ "colors" }; XmlNode colorNode = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path); foreach (XmlNode myXmlNode in colorNode.ChildNodes) { if (myXmlNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } String colorString = myXmlNode.Attributes["value"].Value; sColor color; if (colorString[0] == '#') { UInt32 colorValue = Convert.ToUInt32(colorString.Substring(1), 16); color = new sColor(myXmlNode.Attributes["name"].Value, colorValue); } else { color = new sColor(myXmlNode.Attributes["name"].Value, colorString); } if (pColors[color.pName] == null) { pColors.Add(color.pName, color); } else { String errormessage = "More than one color defined with name " + color.pName; errormessage += "\n\n" + ((sColor)pColors[color.pName]).pName + "\t#" + Convert.ToString(((sColor)pColors[color.pName]).pValue, 16);; errormessage += "\n" + color.pName + "\t#" + Convert.ToString(color.pValue, 16); errormessage += "\n"; errormessage += "\n" + "The second definition will be deleted!"; MessageBox.Show(errormessage, "Error while parsing color table", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } } string[] path2 = { "skin" }; XmlNode Node = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(null /*path2*/); checkColor(Node.ChildNodes); sync(XmlHandler); }
public static void rescaleLocations(cXMLHandler XmlHandler, int o_x, int o_y, int x, int y) { scale_x = (x * 1.0) / o_x; scale_y = (y * 1.0) / o_y; string[] path2 = { "skin" }; XmlNode Node = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path2); if (Node.HasChildNodes) { checkLocations(Node.ChildNodes); } }
public void rename(cXMLHandler XmlHandler, String name, String to) { sColor color = (sColor)pColors[name]; remove(color); color.pName = to; add(color); string[] path = { /*"skin", */ "colors" }; XmlNode Node = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path); renameColor(Node.ChildNodes, name, to); }
public void setup(cXMLHandler xmlhandler) { pXmlHandler = xmlhandler; sResolution resolution = cDataBase.pResolution.getResolution(); if (resolution.Xres == 720 && resolution.Yres == 576) radioButton576.Checked = true; else if (resolution.Xres == 1024 && resolution.Yres == 576) radioButton1024.Checked = true; else if (resolution.Xres == 1280 && resolution.Yres == 720) radioButton720.Checked = true; else if (resolution.Xres == 1920 && resolution.Yres == 1080) radioButton1080.Checked = true; }
public cDataBaseResolution(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { string[] path = { /*"skin", */ "output" }; resolutionNode = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path); foreach (XmlNode myXmlNode in resolutionNode.ChildNodes) { if (myXmlNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } pResolution = new sResolution( Convert.ToUInt32(myXmlNode.Attributes["xres"].Value), Convert.ToUInt32(myXmlNode.Attributes["yres"].Value), Convert.ToUInt32(myXmlNode.Attributes["bpp"].Value) ); } }
public override bool sync(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { string[] path = { /*"skin", */ "colors" }; XmlNode colorNode = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path); colorNode.RemoveAll(); //Sort Names: an hashtable is not sortable, so convert it to an arraylist ArrayList sorter = new ArrayList(); sorter.AddRange(pColors.Values); sorter.Sort(); foreach (sColor color in sorter) { if (color.isNamedColor) { String[] attributes = { "color", "name", color.pName, "value",color.pValueName }; XmlHandler.XmlAppendNode(colorNode, attributes); } else { String value = Convert.ToString(color.pValue, 16); while (value.Length < 8) { value = "0" + value; } String[] attributes = { "color", "name", color.pName, "value","#" + value }; XmlHandler.XmlAppendNode(colorNode, attributes); } } return(true); }
public cDataBaseWindowstyle(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { Hashtable colors = new Hashtable(); sFont titlefont = null; float titlesize = (float)0.0; Int32 xOff = 0, yOff = 0; ArrayList bordersets = new ArrayList(); string[] path = { /*"skin", */ "windowstyle" }; XmlNode styleNode = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path); if (styleNode == null) { //<font filename= name= scale="90" /> sFont font = new sFont( "Regular", "nmsbd.ttf", 90, false ); pFonts.Add(font.Name, font); colors.Add("Background", pColors.get("#25062748")); colors.Add("LabelForeground", pColors.get("#ffffff")); colors.Add("ListboxBackground", pColors.get("#25062748")); colors.Add("ListboxForeground", pColors.get("#ffffff")); colors.Add("ListboxSelectedBackground", pColors.get("#254f7497")); colors.Add("ListboxSelectedForeground", pColors.get("#ffffff")); colors.Add("ListboxMarkedBackground", pColors.get("#ff0000")); colors.Add("ListboxMarkedForeground", pColors.get("#ffffff")); colors.Add("ListboxMarkedAndSelectedBackground", pColors.get("#800000")); colors.Add("ListboxMarkedAndSelectedForeground", pColors.get("#ffffff")); colors.Add("WindowTitleForeground", pColors.get("#ffffff")); colors.Add("WindowTitleBackground", pColors.get("#25062748")); sWindowStyle.sBorderSet borderset = new sWindowStyle.sBorderSet( "bsWindow", "skin_default/b_tl.png", "skin_default/b_t.png", "skin_default/b_tr.png", "skin_default/b_l.png", "skin_default/b_r.png", "skin_default/b_bl.png", "skin_default/b_b.png", "skin_default/b_br.png"); bordersets.Add(borderset); pWindowStyle = new sWindowStyle(getFont("Regular"), 20.0f, 33, 14, colors, (sWindowStyle.sBorderSet[])bordersets.ToArray(typeof(sWindowStyle.sBorderSet))); } else { foreach (XmlNode myXmlNode in styleNode.ChildNodes) { if (myXmlNode.Name == "color") { if (colors[myXmlNode.Attributes["color"].Value] == null) { colors.Add(myXmlNode.Attributes["name"].Value, pColors.get(myXmlNode.Attributes["color"].Value)); } } else if (myXmlNode.Name == "title") { String font = myXmlNode.Attributes["font"].Value; titlesize = Convert.ToSingle(font.Substring(font.IndexOf(';') + 1)); font = font.Substring(0, font.IndexOf(';')); titlefont = getFont(font); xOff = Convert.ToInt32(myXmlNode.Attributes["offset"].Value.Substring(0, myXmlNode.Attributes["offset"].Value.IndexOf(','))); yOff = Convert.ToInt32(myXmlNode.Attributes["offset"].Value.Substring(myXmlNode.Attributes["offset"].Value.IndexOf(',') + 1)); } else if (myXmlNode.Name == "borderset") { String pbpTopLeftName = ""; String pbpTopName = ""; String pbpTopRightName = ""; String pbpLeftName = ""; String pbpRightName = ""; String pbpBottomLeftName = ""; String pbpBottomName = ""; String pbpBottomRightName = ""; //string[] path2 = { "skin", "windowstyle", "borderset" }; //XmlNode fontNode2 = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path2); foreach (XmlNode myXmlNode2 in /*fontNode2*/ myXmlNode.ChildNodes) { if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpTopLeft") { pbpTopLeftName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } else if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpTop") { pbpTopName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } else if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpTopRight") { pbpTopRightName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } else if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpLeft") { pbpLeftName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } else if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpRight") { pbpRightName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } else if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpBottomLeft") { pbpBottomLeftName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } else if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpBottom") { pbpBottomName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } else if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpBottomRight") { pbpBottomRightName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } } sWindowStyle.sBorderSet borderset = new sWindowStyle.sBorderSet( myXmlNode.Attributes["name"].Value, pbpTopLeftName, pbpTopName, pbpTopRightName, pbpLeftName, pbpRightName, pbpBottomLeftName, pbpBottomName, pbpBottomRightName); bordersets.Add(borderset); } } pWindowStyle = new sWindowStyle(titlefont, titlesize, xOff, yOff, colors, (sWindowStyle.sBorderSet[])bordersets.ToArray(typeof(sWindowStyle.sBorderSet))); } }
public abstract bool sync(cXMLHandler XmlHandler);
public void rename(cXMLHandler XmlHandler, String name, String to) { sColor color = (sColor)pColors[name]; remove(color); color.pName = to; add(color); string[] path = { /*"skin", */"colors" }; XmlNode Node = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path); renameColor(Node.ChildNodes, name, to); }
public override bool sync(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { string[] path = { /*"skin", */"colors" }; XmlNode colorNode = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path); colorNode.RemoveAll(); //Sort Names: an hashtable is not sortable, so convert it to an arraylist ArrayList sorter = new ArrayList(); sorter.AddRange(pColors.Values); sorter.Sort(); foreach (sColor color in sorter) { if (color.isNamedColor) { String[] attributes = { "color", "name", color.pName, "value", color.pValueName }; XmlHandler.XmlAppendNode(colorNode, attributes); } else { String value = Convert.ToString(color.pValue, 16); while (value.Length < 8) value = "0" + value; String[] attributes = { "color", "name", color.pName, "value", "#" + value }; XmlHandler.XmlAppendNode(colorNode, attributes); } } return true; }
public static void rescaleLocations(cXMLHandler XmlHandler, int o_x, int o_y, int x, int y) { scale_x = (x * 1.0) / o_x; scale_y = (y * 1.0) / o_y; string[] path2 = { "skin" }; XmlNode Node = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path2); if (Node.HasChildNodes) checkLocations(Node.ChildNodes); }
public override bool sync(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { return(false); }
//################################################################# static private void initFonts(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { pFonts = new Hashtable(); string[] path = { /*"skin", */"fonts" }; XmlNode fontNode = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path); if (fontNode == null) { //PVMC Workaround till proper fonts for plugins is implemented in enigma2 //We expect that the fontloader pseudo screen is the first screen in the skin path[0] = "screen"; fontNode = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path); if (fontNode.Attributes["name"].Value == "PVMC_FontLoader") { Hashtable elements = new Hashtable(); foreach (XmlNode myXmlNode in fontNode.ChildNodes) { if (myXmlNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) continue; elements.Add(myXmlNode.Attributes["name"].Value, myXmlNode.Attributes["text"].Value); } Int32 api = Convert.ToInt32(elements["API"] != null ? elements["API"] : "1"); if (api >= 2) { Int32 count = Convert.ToInt32(elements["COUNT"] != null ? elements["COUNT"] : "0"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string[] fontString = ((string)elements["FONT" + i.ToString()]).Split('|'); sFont font = new sFont( fontString[1], fontString[0], Convert.ToInt32(fontString[2]), fontString[3] != "False" ); pFonts.Add(font.Name, font); } } } } else { foreach (XmlNode myXmlNode in fontNode.ChildNodes) { if (myXmlNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) continue; sFont font = new sFont( myXmlNode.Attributes["name"].Value, myXmlNode.Attributes["filename"].Value, Convert.ToInt32(myXmlNode.Attributes["scale"] != null ? myXmlNode.Attributes["scale"].Value : "100"), Convert.ToInt32(myXmlNode.Attributes["replacement"] != null ? myXmlNode.Attributes["replacement"].Value : "0") != 0 ); pFonts.Add(font.Name, font); } } }
public cDataBaseWindowstyle(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { Hashtable colors = new Hashtable(); sFont titlefont = null; float titlesize = (float)0.0; Int32 xOff = 0, yOff = 0; ArrayList bordersets = new ArrayList(); string[] path = { /*"skin", */"windowstyle" }; XmlNode styleNode = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path); if (styleNode == null) { //<font filename= name= scale="90" /> sFont font = new sFont( "Regular", "nmsbd.ttf", 90, false ); pFonts.Add(font.Name, font); colors.Add("Background", pColors.get("#25062748")); colors.Add("LabelForeground", pColors.get("#ffffff")); colors.Add("ListboxBackground", pColors.get("#25062748")); colors.Add("ListboxForeground", pColors.get("#ffffff")); colors.Add("ListboxSelectedBackground", pColors.get("#254f7497")); colors.Add("ListboxSelectedForeground", pColors.get("#ffffff")); colors.Add("ListboxMarkedBackground", pColors.get("#ff0000")); colors.Add("ListboxMarkedForeground", pColors.get("#ffffff")); colors.Add("ListboxMarkedAndSelectedBackground", pColors.get("#800000")); colors.Add("ListboxMarkedAndSelectedForeground", pColors.get("#ffffff")); colors.Add("WindowTitleForeground", pColors.get("#ffffff")); colors.Add("WindowTitleBackground", pColors.get("#25062748")); sWindowStyle.sBorderSet borderset = new sWindowStyle.sBorderSet( "bsWindow", "skin_default/b_tl.png", "skin_default/b_t.png", "skin_default/b_tr.png", "skin_default/b_l.png", "skin_default/b_r.png", "skin_default/b_bl.png", "skin_default/b_b.png", "skin_default/b_br.png"); bordersets.Add(borderset); pWindowStyle = new sWindowStyle(getFont("Regular"), 20.0f, 33, 14, colors, (sWindowStyle.sBorderSet[])bordersets.ToArray(typeof(sWindowStyle.sBorderSet))); } else { foreach (XmlNode myXmlNode in styleNode.ChildNodes) { if (myXmlNode.Name == "color") { if (colors[myXmlNode.Attributes["color"].Value] == null) colors.Add(myXmlNode.Attributes["name"].Value, pColors.get(myXmlNode.Attributes["color"].Value)); } else if (myXmlNode.Name == "title") { String font = myXmlNode.Attributes["font"].Value; titlesize = Convert.ToSingle(font.Substring(font.IndexOf(';') + 1)); font = font.Substring(0, font.IndexOf(';')); titlefont = getFont(font); xOff = Convert.ToInt32(myXmlNode.Attributes["offset"].Value.Substring(0, myXmlNode.Attributes["offset"].Value.IndexOf(','))); yOff = Convert.ToInt32(myXmlNode.Attributes["offset"].Value.Substring(myXmlNode.Attributes["offset"].Value.IndexOf(',') + 1)); } else if (myXmlNode.Name == "borderset") { String pbpTopLeftName = ""; String pbpTopName = ""; String pbpTopRightName = ""; String pbpLeftName = ""; String pbpRightName = ""; String pbpBottomLeftName = ""; String pbpBottomName = ""; String pbpBottomRightName = ""; //string[] path2 = { "skin", "windowstyle", "borderset" }; //XmlNode fontNode2 = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path2); foreach (XmlNode myXmlNode2 in /*fontNode2*/myXmlNode.ChildNodes) { if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpTopLeft") { pbpTopLeftName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } else if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpTop") { pbpTopName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } else if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpTopRight") { pbpTopRightName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } else if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpLeft") { pbpLeftName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } else if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpRight") { pbpRightName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } else if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpBottomLeft") { pbpBottomLeftName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } else if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpBottom") { pbpBottomName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } else if (myXmlNode2.Attributes["pos"].Value == "bpBottomRight") { pbpBottomRightName = myXmlNode2.Attributes["filename"].Value; } } sWindowStyle.sBorderSet borderset = new sWindowStyle.sBorderSet( myXmlNode.Attributes["name"].Value, pbpTopLeftName, pbpTopName, pbpTopRightName, pbpLeftName, pbpRightName, pbpBottomLeftName, pbpBottomName, pbpBottomRightName); bordersets.Add(borderset); } } pWindowStyle = new sWindowStyle(titlefont, titlesize, xOff, yOff, colors, (sWindowStyle.sBorderSet[])bordersets.ToArray(typeof(sWindowStyle.sBorderSet))); } }
public cDataBaseResolution(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { string[] path = { /*"skin", */"output" }; resolutionNode = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path); foreach (XmlNode myXmlNode in resolutionNode.ChildNodes) { if (myXmlNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) continue; pResolution = new sResolution( Convert.ToUInt32(myXmlNode.Attributes["xres"].Value), Convert.ToUInt32(myXmlNode.Attributes["yres"].Value), Convert.ToUInt32(myXmlNode.Attributes["bpp"].Value) ); } }
//################################################################# static private void initFonts(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { pFonts = new Hashtable(); string[] path = { /*"skin", */ "fonts" }; XmlNode fontNode = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path); if (fontNode == null) { //PVMC Workaround till proper fonts for plugins is implemented in enigma2 //We expect that the fontloader pseudo screen is the first screen in the skin path[0] = "screen"; fontNode = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path); if (fontNode.Attributes["name"].Value == "PVMC_FontLoader") { Hashtable elements = new Hashtable(); foreach (XmlNode myXmlNode in fontNode.ChildNodes) { if (myXmlNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } elements.Add(myXmlNode.Attributes["name"].Value, myXmlNode.Attributes["text"].Value); } Int32 api = Convert.ToInt32(elements["API"] != null ? elements["API"] : "1"); if (api >= 2) { Int32 count = Convert.ToInt32(elements["COUNT"] != null ? elements["COUNT"] : "0"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string[] fontString = ((string)elements["FONT" + i.ToString()]).Split('|'); sFont font = new sFont( fontString[1], fontString[0], Convert.ToInt32(fontString[2]), fontString[3] != "False" ); pFonts.Add(font.Name, font); } } } } else { foreach (XmlNode myXmlNode in fontNode.ChildNodes) { if (myXmlNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } sFont font = new sFont( myXmlNode.Attributes["name"].Value, myXmlNode.Attributes["filename"].Value, Convert.ToInt32(myXmlNode.Attributes["scale"] != null ? myXmlNode.Attributes["scale"].Value : "100"), Convert.ToInt32(myXmlNode.Attributes["replacement"] != null ? myXmlNode.Attributes["replacement"].Value : "0") != 0 ); pFonts.Add(font.Name, font); } } }
public void open(String path) { // Close all open close(); cProperties.setProperty("path_skin", path); cProperties.setProperty("path", "./skins"); cProperties.setProperty("path_fonts", "./fonts"); pXmlHandler = new cXMLHandler(); //treeview TO Xml pXmlHandler.XmlToTreeView(cProperties.getProperty("path") + "/" + cProperties.getProperty("path_skin_xml"), treeView1); cDataBase.init(pXmlHandler); treeView1.GetNodeAt(0, 0).Expand(); pDesigner.drawFrame(); pictureBox1.Invalidate(); panelDesignerInner.AutoScrollMinSize = new Size((int)(cDataBase.pResolution.getResolution().Xres / pDesigner.zoomLevel()) + 100, (int)(cDataBase.pResolution.getResolution().Yres / pDesigner.zoomLevel()) + 100); MiOpen.Enabled = false; MiSave.Enabled = true; MiSaveAs.Enabled = true; MiClose.Enabled = true; MiResolution.Enabled = true; MiColors.Enabled = true; MiFonts.Enabled = true; MiWindowStyles.Enabled = true; btnSave.Enabled = true; btnSaveEditor.Enabled = true; this.addLabelToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; this.addPixmapToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; this.addWidgetToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; this.deletToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; }
public override bool sync(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { return false; }
public void close() { pXmlHandler = null; pDesigner.clear(); cDataBase.clear(); treeView1.Nodes.Clear(); treeView1.Invalidate(); if (Platform.sysPlatform == Platform.ePlatform.MONO) textBoxEditor.Clear(); else textBoxEditor2.Text = ""; propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = null; pictureBox1.Invalidate(); MiOpen.Enabled = true; MiSave.Enabled = false; MiSaveAs.Enabled = false; MiClose.Enabled = false; MiResolution.Enabled = false; MiColors.Enabled = false; MiFonts.Enabled = false; MiWindowStyles.Enabled = false; btnSave.Enabled = false; btnSaveEditor.Enabled = false; this.addLabelToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; this.addPixmapToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; this.addWidgetToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; this.deletToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; pQueue.clear(); }
public cDataBaseImage(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { string[] path2 = { "skin" }; XmlNode Node = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(null/*path2*/); pImages = new ArrayList(); if (Node.HasChildNodes) checkImages(Node.ChildNodes); }
public void setup(cXMLHandler xmlhandler) { pXmlHandler = xmlhandler; refresh(); }
public cDataBaseColor(cXMLHandler XmlHandler) { pColors = new Hashtable(); string[] path = { /*"skin", */"colors" }; XmlNode colorNode = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(path); foreach (XmlNode myXmlNode in colorNode.ChildNodes) { if (myXmlNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) continue; String colorString = myXmlNode.Attributes["value"].Value; sColor color; if (colorString[0] == '#') { UInt32 colorValue = Convert.ToUInt32(colorString.Substring(1), 16); color = new sColor(myXmlNode.Attributes["name"].Value, colorValue); } else color = new sColor(myXmlNode.Attributes["name"].Value, colorString); if (pColors[color.pName] == null) pColors.Add(color.pName, color); else { String errormessage = "More than one color defined with name " + color.pName; errormessage += "\n\n" + ((sColor)pColors[color.pName]).pName + "\t#" + Convert.ToString(((sColor)pColors[color.pName]).pValue, 16); ; errormessage += "\n" + color.pName + "\t#" + Convert.ToString(color.pValue, 16); errormessage += "\n"; errormessage += "\n" + "The second definition will be deleted!"; MessageBox.Show(errormessage, "Error while parsing color table", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } } string[] path2 = { "skin" }; XmlNode Node = XmlHandler.XmlGetRootNodeElement(null/*path2*/); checkColor(Node.ChildNodes); sync(XmlHandler); }