public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
      // If any message was returned, add it to the ViewBag
      ViewBag.Message = TempData["message"];

      string redirectUri = Url.Action("Authorize", "Home", null, Request.Url.Scheme);
      OAuthHelper oauthHelper = new OAuthHelper(authority, appId, appSecret);
      if (Session["user_name"] != null && Session["user_id"] != null)
        // Make sure token is still good
          string token = await oauthHelper.GetAccessToken((string)Session["user_id"], redirectUri);

          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
            ViewBag.UserName = (string)Session["user_name"];
            return View();
        catch (Exception)
          // Clear session and have user login again

      // We don't have a token in the cache OR the token couldn't be refreshed
      // We need to have the user sign in
      string state = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
      string nonce = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
      Session["auth_state"] = state;
      Session["auth_nonce"] = nonce;

      ViewBag.LoginUri = oauthHelper.GetAuthorizationUrl(scopes, redirectUri, state, nonce);

      return View();
    public async Task<ActionResult> Authorize()
      string authState = Request.Params["state"];
      string expectedState = (string)Session["auth_state"];

      // Make sure that the state passed by the caller matches what we expect
      if (!authState.Equals(expectedState))
        TempData["error_message"] = "The auth state did not match the expected value. Please try again.";
        return RedirectToAction("Error");

      string authCode = Request.Params["code"];
      string idToken = Request.Params["id_token"];

      // Make sure we got back an auth code and ID token
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authCode) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(idToken))
        string error = Request.Params["error"];
        string error_description = Request.Params["error_description"];

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(error_description))
          TempData["error_message"] = "Missing authorization code and/or ID token from redirect.";
          TempData["error_message"] = string.Format("Error: {0} - {1}", error, error_description);

        return RedirectToAction("Error");

      // Check the nonce in the ID token against what we expect
      string nonce = (string)Session["auth_nonce"];
      if (!OpenIdToken.ValidateOpenIdToken(idToken, nonce))
        TempData["error_message"] = "Invalid ID token.";
        return RedirectToAction("Error");

      OpenIdToken userId = OpenIdToken.ParseOpenIdToken(idToken);

      OAuthHelper oauthHelper = new OAuthHelper(authority, appId, appSecret);
      string redirectUri = Url.Action("Authorize", "Home", null, Request.Url.Scheme);
        TokenRequestSuccessResponse response = await oauthHelper.GetTokensFromAuthority("authorization_code", authCode, redirectUri, userId.oid);

        Session["user_name"] = GetEmailFromIdToken(response.id_token);
        Session["user_id"] = userId.oid;
      catch (Exception ex)
        TempData["error_message"] = ex.Message;
        return RedirectToAction("Error");

      return Redirect("/");
    public async Task<ActionResult> Calendar()
      string userId = (string)Session["user_id"];
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
        TempData["message"] = "Please sign in to continue";
        return Redirect("/");

      OAuthHelper oauthHelper = new OAuthHelper(authority, appId, appSecret);
      string redirectUri = Url.Action("Authorize", "Home", null, Request.Url.Scheme);

      string accessToken = await oauthHelper.GetAccessToken(userId, redirectUri);
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
        TempData["message"] = "Please sign in to continue";
        return Redirect("/");

      var client = new Outlook();
      client.anchorMailbox = (string)Session["user_name"];
      ViewBag.UserName = client.anchorMailbox;

      DateTime viewStart = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
      DateTime viewEnd = viewStart.AddHours(3);
      var result = await client.GetCalendarView(accessToken, client.anchorMailbox, viewStart, viewEnd);

      return View(result);
    public ActionResult Logout()
      OAuthHelper oauthHelper = new OAuthHelper(authority, appId, appSecret);


      return Redirect("/");