Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Dumps one or more matches with a given graph dumper.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">The graph to be dumped.</param>
        /// <param name="dumper">The graph dumper to be used.</param>
        /// <param name="dumpInfo">Specifies how the graph shall be dumped.</param>
        /// <param name="matches">An IMatches object containing the matches.</param>
        /// <param name="which">Which match to dump, or AllMatches for dumping all matches
        /// adding connections between them, or OnlyMatches to dump the matches only</param>
        public static void DumpMatch(IGraph graph, IDumper dumper, DumpInfo dumpInfo, IMatches matches, DumpMatchSpecial which)
            Set <INode> matchedNodes      = null;
            Set <INode> multiMatchedNodes = null;
            Set <IEdge> matchedEdges      = null;
            Set <IEdge> multiMatchedEdges = null;

            if (matches != null)
                DumpMatchOnly(dumper, dumpInfo, matches, which,
                              ref matchedNodes, ref multiMatchedNodes, ref matchedEdges, ref multiMatchedEdges);

            // Dump the graph, but color the matches if any exist

            DumpContext dc = new DumpContext(dumper, dumpInfo,
                                             matchedNodes, multiMatchedNodes, matchedEdges, multiMatchedEdges);

            foreach (NodeType nodeType in graph.Model.NodeModel.Types)
                if (dumpInfo.IsExcludedNodeType(nodeType))

            dc.InitialNodes = new Set <INode>(dc.Nodes);
            Set <INode> nodes = new Set <INode>(dc.Nodes);

            DumpGroups(graph, nodes, dc);
Exemple #2
        internal static void DumpNodeAndEdges(INode node, DumpContext dc)
            GrElemDumpType dumpType = GrElemDumpType.Normal;
            GrColor        color, borderColor, textColor;
            GrNodeShape    shape;

            if (dc.MatchedNodes != null && dc.MatchedNodes.Contains(node))
                if (dc.MultiMatchedNodes != null && dc.MultiMatchedNodes.Contains(node))
                    dumpType = GrElemDumpType.MultiMatched;
                    dumpType = GrElemDumpType.SingleMatched;
                color       = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeDumpTypeColor(dumpType);
                borderColor = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeDumpTypeBorderColor(dumpType);
                textColor   = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeDumpTypeTextColor(dumpType);
                shape       = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeDumpTypeShape(dumpType);
                color       = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeTypeColor(node.Type);
                borderColor = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeTypeBorderColor(node.Type);
                textColor   = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeTypeTextColor(node.Type);
                shape       = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeTypeShape(node.Type);

            DumpNode(node, textColor, color, borderColor, shape, dc.Dumper, dc.DumpInfo);

            DumpEdgesFromNode(node, dc);
Exemple #3
        private static void DumpEdgesFromNode(INode node, DumpContext dc)
            // dumping only outgoing ensures every edge is dumped only once
            foreach (IEdge edge in node.Outgoing)        // TODO: This is probably wrong for group nodes grouped by outgoing edges
                if (dc.DumpInfo.IsExcludedEdgeType(edge.Type))
                if (dc.ExcludedEdges.Contains(edge))
                if (!dc.InitialNodes.Contains(edge.Target))

                GrColor     color;
                GrColor     textColor;
                GrLineStyle style;
                int         thickness;
                if (dc.MatchedEdges != null && dc.MatchedEdges.Contains(edge))
                    GrElemDumpType dumpType;
                    if (dc.MultiMatchedEdges != null && dc.MultiMatchedEdges.Contains(edge))
                        dumpType = GrElemDumpType.MultiMatched;
                        dumpType = GrElemDumpType.SingleMatched;
                    color     = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeDumpTypeColor(dumpType);
                    textColor = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeDumpTypeTextColor(dumpType);
                    style     = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeDumpTypeLineStyle(dumpType);
                    thickness = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeDumpTypeThickness(dumpType);
                    color     = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeTypeColor(edge.Type);
                    textColor = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeTypeTextColor(edge.Type);
                    style     = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeTypeLineStyle(edge.Type);
                    thickness = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeTypeThickness(edge.Type);

                DumpEdge(edge, textColor, color, style, thickness, dc.Dumper, dc.DumpInfo);
Exemple #4
        private static void DumpGroups(IGraph graph, Set <INode> nodes, DumpContext dc)
            // Compute the nesting hierarchy (groups)
            Dictionary <INode, DumpGroupNode> groupNodes  = new Dictionary <INode, DumpGroupNode>();
            Dictionary <INode, INode>         containedIn = new Dictionary <INode, INode>();
            Set <INode> groupedNodes = new Set <INode>();

            // (by iterating the group node types in order of dump declaration and removing the iterated nodes from the available nodes,
            //  the conflict resolution priorities of debug enable are taken care of)
            foreach (GroupNodeType groupNodeType in dc.DumpInfo.GroupNodeTypes)
                foreach (INode node in graph.GetCompatibleNodes(groupNodeType.NodeType))
                    if (nodes.Contains(node))
                        if (!groupNodes.ContainsKey(node))
                            groupNodes.Add(node, new DumpGroupNode()); // todo: is the if needed?

                    if (dc.DumpInfo.IsExcludedNodeType(node.Type))

                    foreach (IEdge edge in node.Incoming)
                        GroupMode grpMode = groupNodeType.GetEdgeGroupMode(edge.Type, edge.Source.Type);
                        if ((grpMode & GroupMode.GroupIncomingNodes) == 0)
                        if (!dc.Nodes.Contains(edge.Source))
                        if (!containedIn.ContainsKey(edge.Source))
                            containedIn.Add(edge.Source, node); // crashes without if in case of multiple containment due to dump misspecification by user
                        if ((grpMode & GroupMode.Hidden) != 0)
                    foreach (IEdge edge in node.Outgoing)
                        GroupMode grpMode = groupNodeType.GetEdgeGroupMode(edge.Type, edge.Target.Type);
                        if ((grpMode & GroupMode.GroupOutgoingNodes) == 0)
                        if (!dc.Nodes.Contains(edge.Target))
                        if (!containedIn.ContainsKey(edge.Target))
                            containedIn.Add(edge.Target, node); // crashes without if in case of multiple containment due to dump misspecification by user
                        if ((grpMode & GroupMode.Hidden) != 0)

            // Dump the groups (begin at the roots of the group trees)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <INode, DumpGroupNode> groupNode in groupNodes)
                if (!containedIn.ContainsKey(groupNode.Key))
                    DumpGroupTree(groupNode.Key, groupNodes, dc);
                    DumpEdgesFromNode(groupNode.Key, dc);

            // Dump the rest, which has not been grouped

            foreach (INode node in nodes)
                DumpNodeAndEdges(node, dc);
Exemple #5
        internal static void DumpGroupTree(INode root, Dictionary <INode, DumpGroupNode> groupNodes, DumpContext dc)
            GrElemDumpType dumpType = GrElemDumpType.Normal;

            if (dc.MatchedNodes != null && dc.MatchedNodes.Contains(root))
                if (dc.MultiMatchedNodes != null && dc.MultiMatchedNodes.Contains(root))
                    dumpType = GrElemDumpType.MultiMatched;
                    dumpType = GrElemDumpType.SingleMatched;

            dc.Dumper.StartSubgraph(root, GetElemLabel(root, dc.DumpInfo), DumpAttributes(root),
                                    dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeDumpTypeTextColor(dumpType), dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeTypeColor(root.Type)); // TODO: Check coloring...

            // Dump the elements nested inside this subgraph
            foreach (INode node in groupNodes[root].groupedNodes)
                if (groupNodes.ContainsKey(node))
                    DumpGroupTree(node, groupNodes, dc);
                    DumpEdgesFromNode(node, dc);
                    DumpNodeAndEdges(node, dc);

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Dumps one or more matches with a given graph dumper.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">The graph to be dumped.</param>
        /// <param name="dumper">The graph dumper to be used.</param>
        /// <param name="dumpInfo">Specifies how the graph shall be dumped.</param>
        /// <param name="matches">An IMatches object containing the matches.</param>
        /// <param name="which">Which match to dump, or AllMatches for dumping all matches
        /// adding connections between them, or OnlyMatches to dump the matches only</param>
        public static void DumpMatch(IGraph graph, IDumper dumper, DumpInfo dumpInfo, IMatches matches, DumpMatchSpecial which)
            Set<INode> matchedNodes = null;
            Set<INode> multiMatchedNodes = null;
            Set<IEdge> matchedEdges = null;
            Set<IEdge> multiMatchedEdges = null;

            if(matches != null)
                DumpMatchOnly(dumper, dumpInfo, matches, which,
                    ref matchedNodes, ref multiMatchedNodes, ref matchedEdges, ref multiMatchedEdges);

            // Dump the graph, but color the matches if any exist

            DumpContext dc = new DumpContext(dumper, dumpInfo,
                matchedNodes, multiMatchedNodes, matchedEdges, multiMatchedEdges);

            foreach(NodeType nodeType in graph.Model.NodeModel.Types)
                if(dumpInfo.IsExcludedNodeType(nodeType)) continue;

            dc.InitialNodes = new Set<INode>(dc.Nodes);
            Set<INode> nodes = new Set<INode>(dc.Nodes);
            DumpGroups(graph, nodes, dc);
Exemple #7
        private static void DumpGroups(IGraph graph, Set<INode> nodes, DumpContext dc)
            // Compute the nesting hierarchy (groups)
            Dictionary<INode, DumpGroupNode> groupNodes = new Dictionary<INode, DumpGroupNode>();
            Dictionary<INode, INode> containedIn = new Dictionary<INode, INode>();
            Set<INode> groupedNodes = new Set<INode>();

            // (by iterating the group node types in order of dump declaration and removing the iterated nodes from the available nodes,
            //  the conflict resolution priorities of debug enable are taken care of)
            foreach(GroupNodeType groupNodeType in dc.DumpInfo.GroupNodeTypes)
                foreach(INode node in graph.GetCompatibleNodes(groupNodeType.NodeType))
                        if(!groupNodes.ContainsKey(node)) groupNodes.Add(node, new DumpGroupNode()); // todo: is the if needed?

                    if(dc.DumpInfo.IsExcludedNodeType(node.Type)) continue;

                    foreach(IEdge edge in node.Incoming)
                        GroupMode grpMode = groupNodeType.GetEdgeGroupMode(edge.Type, edge.Source.Type);
                        if((grpMode & GroupMode.GroupIncomingNodes) == 0) continue;
                        if(!dc.Nodes.Contains(edge.Source)) continue;
                        if(!containedIn.ContainsKey(edge.Source)) containedIn.Add(edge.Source, node); // crashes without if in case of multiple containment due to dump misspecification by user
                        if((grpMode & GroupMode.Hidden) != 0) dc.ExcludedEdges.Add(edge);
                    foreach(IEdge edge in node.Outgoing)
                        GroupMode grpMode = groupNodeType.GetEdgeGroupMode(edge.Type, edge.Target.Type);
                        if((grpMode & GroupMode.GroupOutgoingNodes) == 0) continue;
                        if(!dc.Nodes.Contains(edge.Target)) continue;
                        if(!containedIn.ContainsKey(edge.Target)) containedIn.Add(edge.Target, node); // crashes without if in case of multiple containment due to dump misspecification by user
                        if((grpMode & GroupMode.Hidden) != 0) dc.ExcludedEdges.Add(edge);

            // Dump the groups (begin at the roots of the group trees)
            foreach(KeyValuePair<INode, DumpGroupNode> groupNode in groupNodes)
                    DumpGroupTree(groupNode.Key, groupNodes, dc);
                    DumpEdgesFromNode(groupNode.Key, dc);

            // Dump the rest, which has not been grouped

            foreach(INode node in nodes)
                DumpNodeAndEdges(node, dc);
Exemple #8
        internal static void DumpGroupTree(INode root, Dictionary<INode, DumpGroupNode> groupNodes, DumpContext dc)
            GrElemDumpType dumpType = GrElemDumpType.Normal;
            if(dc.MatchedNodes != null && dc.MatchedNodes.Contains(root))
                if(dc.MultiMatchedNodes != null && dc.MultiMatchedNodes.Contains(root))
                    dumpType = GrElemDumpType.MultiMatched;
                    dumpType = GrElemDumpType.SingleMatched;

            dc.Dumper.StartSubgraph(root, GetElemLabel(root, dc.DumpInfo), DumpAttributes(root),
                dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeDumpTypeTextColor(dumpType), dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeTypeColor(root.Type)); // TODO: Check coloring...

            // Dump the elements nested inside this subgraph
            foreach(INode node in groupNodes[root].groupedNodes)
                    DumpGroupTree(node, groupNodes, dc);
                    DumpEdgesFromNode(node, dc);
                    DumpNodeAndEdges(node, dc);

Exemple #9
        internal static void DumpNodeAndEdges(INode node, DumpContext dc)
            GrElemDumpType dumpType = GrElemDumpType.Normal;
            GrColor color, borderColor, textColor;
            GrNodeShape shape;
            if(dc.MatchedNodes != null && dc.MatchedNodes.Contains(node))
                if(dc.MultiMatchedNodes != null && dc.MultiMatchedNodes.Contains(node))
                    dumpType = GrElemDumpType.MultiMatched;
                    dumpType = GrElemDumpType.SingleMatched;
                color = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeDumpTypeColor(dumpType);
                borderColor = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeDumpTypeBorderColor(dumpType);
                textColor = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeDumpTypeTextColor(dumpType);
                shape = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeDumpTypeShape(dumpType);
                color = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeTypeColor(node.Type);
                borderColor = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeTypeBorderColor(node.Type);
                textColor = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeTypeTextColor(node.Type);
                shape = dc.DumpInfo.GetNodeTypeShape(node.Type);

            DumpNode(node, textColor, color, borderColor, shape, dc.Dumper, dc.DumpInfo);

            DumpEdgesFromNode(node, dc);
Exemple #10
        private static void DumpEdgesFromNode(INode node, DumpContext dc)
            // dumping only outgoing ensures every edge is dumped only once
            foreach(IEdge edge in node.Outgoing)        // TODO: This is probably wrong for group nodes grouped by outgoing edges
                if(dc.DumpInfo.IsExcludedEdgeType(edge.Type)) continue;
                if(dc.ExcludedEdges.Contains(edge)) continue;
                if(!dc.InitialNodes.Contains(edge.Target)) continue;

                GrColor color;
                GrColor textColor;
                GrLineStyle style;
                int thickness;
                if(dc.MatchedEdges != null && dc.MatchedEdges.Contains(edge))
                    GrElemDumpType dumpType;
                    if(dc.MultiMatchedEdges != null && dc.MultiMatchedEdges.Contains(edge))
                        dumpType = GrElemDumpType.MultiMatched;
                        dumpType = GrElemDumpType.SingleMatched;
                    color = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeDumpTypeColor(dumpType);
                    textColor = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeDumpTypeTextColor(dumpType);
                    style = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeDumpTypeLineStyle(dumpType);
                    thickness = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeDumpTypeThickness(dumpType);
                    color = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeTypeColor(edge.Type);
                    textColor = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeTypeTextColor(edge.Type);
                    style = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeTypeLineStyle(edge.Type);
                    thickness = dc.DumpInfo.GetEdgeTypeThickness(edge.Type);

                DumpEdge(edge, textColor, color, style, thickness, dc.Dumper, dc.DumpInfo);