protected void cmdLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //if (!this.Validata()) //{ // LoadCaptcha(imgCaptcha); // return; //} MemberInfo info = new MemberInfo(); info.Username = txtUsername.Text.Trim(); info.Password = CFunctions.MBEncrypt(txtPassword.Text); MemberInfo logger = (new CMember(CCommon.LANG)).Login(info); if (logger == null) { lblError.Text = CCommon.Get_Definephrase(Definephrase.Login_invalid); } else { CCommon.Session_Set(Sessionparam.WEBUSERLOGIN, logger); this.Write_Cookies(logger); if (CFunctions.IsNullOrEmpty(CCommon.PreviousUrl) && CFunctions.IsNullOrEmpty(CConstants.PAGE_WELCOMEDEF)) { this.Show_Login(logger); Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath + Request.Url.Query, false); } else { Response.Redirect((!CFunctions.IsNullOrEmpty(CCommon.PreviousUrl) ? CCommon.PreviousUrl : CConstants.PAGE_WELCOMEDEF), false); } return; } } catch (Exception ex) { CCommon.CatchEx(ex); } }
public MemberInfo Login(MemberInfo info) { try { MemberInfo _info = null; using (iSqlConnection iConn = HELPER.getConnect(HELPER.SQL_SYSTEM)) { string SQL = SQL_GETIFO; SQL += " AND A.status<>" + (int)CConstants.State.Status.Waitactive; SQL += " AND A.status<>" + (int)CConstants.State.Status.Disabled; SQL += " AND (A.username=@USERNAME) AND (A.password=@PASSWORD)"; iSqlParameter[] parms = new iSqlParameter[]{ new iSqlParameter(PARM_USERNAME, iSqlType.Field_tString), new iSqlParameter(PARM_PASSWORD, iSqlType.Field_tString) }; parms[0].Value = info.Username; parms[1].Value = info.Password; using (iSqlDataReader dar = HELPER.executeReader(iConn, iCommandType.Text, SQL, parms)) { if (dar.Read()) { _info = this.getDataReader(dar); } } iConn.Close(); } return _info; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public CConstants.State.Existed Exist(MemberInfo info) { if (info == null) return CConstants.State.Existed.None; try { CConstants.State.Existed vlreturn = CConstants.State.Existed.None; using (iSqlConnection iConn = HELPER.getConnect(HELPER.SQL_SYSTEM)) { if (HELPER.isExist(iConn, TABLENAME, "username", info.Username, info.Id)) { vlreturn = CConstants.State.Existed.Name; goto closeConn; } closeConn: iConn.Close(); } return vlreturn; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public bool ChangePwd(MemberInfo info) { try { if (info == null) return false; using (iSqlConnection iConn = HELPER.getConnect(HELPER.SQL_SYSTEM)) { iSqlParameter[] parms = new iSqlParameter[]{ new iSqlParameter(PARM_PASSWORD, iSqlType.Field_tString), new iSqlParameter(PARM_ID, iSqlType.Field_tInterger) }; parms[0].Value = info.Password; parms[1].Value = info.Id; HELPER.executeNonQuery(iConn, iCommandType.Text, SQL_CHANGE_PWD, parms); iConn.Close(); } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private void setParameter(iSqlParameter[] parms, MemberInfo info) { try { int i = -1; parms[++i].Value = CFunctions.SetDBString(info.Username); parms[++i].Value = CFunctions.SetDBString(info.Password); parms[++i].Value = CFunctions.SetDBString(info.Firstname); parms[++i].Value = CFunctions.SetDBString(info.Lastname); parms[++i].Value = CFunctions.SetDBString(info.Email); parms[++i].Value = CFunctions.SetDBString(info.PIN); parms[++i].Value = info.Status; parms[++i].Value = info.Markas; parms[++i].Value = CFunctions.SetDBDatetime(info.Timeupdate); parms[++i].Value = info.Logincache; parms[++i].Value = info.Loginfirst; parms[++i].Value = info.Autosave; parms[++i].Value = CFunctions.SetDBString(info.Temporarycode); parms[++i].Value = info.Grouptype; parms[++i].Value = CFunctions.SetDBString(info.Filepreview); parms[++i].Value = info.Ranking; parms[++i].Value = info.Vote; parms[++i].Value = info.Ratingweight; parms[++i].Value = CFunctions.install_keyword(info.Fullname) + " " + CFunctions.install_keyword(info.Username); parms[++i].Value = info.Id; return; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private bool Saveitem(iSqlTransaction trans, MemberInfo info) { try { if (trans == null || info == null) return false; string SQL = string.Empty; if (info.Id == 0) { SQL = SQL_INSERT; info.Id = (int)HELPER.getNewID(trans, TABLENAME); iSqlParameter[] parms = this.getParameter(SQL); this.setParameter(parms, info); HELPER.executeNonQuery(trans, iCommandType.Text, SQL, parms); } else if (HELPER.isExist(trans, TABLENAME, info.Id)) { SQL = SQL_UPDATE; iSqlParameter[] parms = this.getParameter(SQL); this.setParameter(parms, info); HELPER.executeNonQuery(trans, iCommandType.Text, SQL, parms); } else { SQL = SQL_INSERT; info.Id = (int)HELPER.getNewID(trans, TABLENAME); iSqlParameter[] parms = this.getParameter(SQL); this.setParameter(parms, info); HELPER.executeNonQuery(trans, iCommandType.Text, SQL, parms); } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private MemberInfo Take() { try { int iid = 0; int.TryParse(txtId.Value, out iid); MemberInfo info = (new CMember(CCommon.LANG)).Wcmm_Getinfo(iid); if (info == null) info = new MemberInfo(); oldId = info.Id; oldPassword = info.Password; info.Id = iid; info.Username = txtUsername.Text.Trim(); info.Password = CFunctions.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPassword.Text) ? info.Password : CFunctions.MBEncrypt(txtPassword.Text); info.Firstname = txtFirstname.Text.Trim(); info.Lastname = txtLastname.Text.Trim(); info.Email = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); info.Grouptype = ddlGrouptype.SelectedIndex; //info.Filepreview = Filepreview.Get(); info.Status = Displaysetting.Get_Status(); if (info.Id == 0) info.Timecreate = DateTime.Now; info.Timeupdate = DateTime.Now; if (info.iProfile == null) info.iProfile = new MeProfileInfo(); info.iProfile.Phone = txtPhone.Text.Trim(); info.iProfile.Address = txtAddress.Text.Trim(); info.iProfile.Districtname = txtDistrict.Text.Trim(); info.iProfile.Cityname = txtCity.Text.Trim(); info.iProfile.Zipcode = txtZipcode.Text.Trim(); //info.iProfile.Nationalid = int.Parse(ddlNational.SelectedValue); //info.iProfile.Cityid = int.Parse(ddlCity.SelectedValue); info.iProfile.Districtid = int.Parse(ddlDistrict.SelectedValue); info.iProfile.Districtname = ddlDistrict.SelectedIndex == 0 ? "" : ddlDistrict.SelectedItem.Text; info.iProfile.Birthday = new DateTime(int.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedValue), int.Parse(ddlMonth.SelectedValue), int.Parse(ddlDay.SelectedValue)); info.iProfile.About = txtAbout.Text.Trim(); info.iProfile.Blog = radBlogsh.SelectedValue + (txtBlog.Text.Trim() == "http://" ? "" : txtBlog.Text.Trim()); info.iProfile.Homepage = radHomepagesh.SelectedValue + (txtHomepage.Text.Trim() == "http://" ? "" : txtHomepage.Text.Trim()); info.iProfile.Facebook = radFacebooksh.SelectedValue + (txtFacebook.Text.Trim() == "" ? "" : txtFacebook.Text.Trim()); info.iProfile.Twitter = radTwittersh.SelectedValue + (txtTwitter.Text.Trim() == "" ? "" : txtTwitter.Text.Trim()); info.iProfile.Youtube = radYoutubesh.SelectedValue + (txtYoutube.Text.Trim() == "" ? "" : txtYoutube.Text.Trim()); info.iProfile.Flickr = radFlickrsh.SelectedValue + (txtFlickr.Text.Trim() == "" ? "" : txtFlickr.Text.Trim()); info.iProfile.Skype = radSkypesh.SelectedValue + txtSkype.Text.Trim(); info.iProfile.Yahoo = radYahoosh.SelectedValue + txtYahoo.Text.Trim(); return info; } catch { return null; } }
private bool Registerchanged_MailToUser(MemberInfo member) { try { string content = this.Gettemplate("MailToUser.Registerchanged"); if (content == null) return false; string subject = "Thành viên thay đổi thông tin " + member.Username; content = content.Replace("$VAR_NAME$", member.Fullname); content = content.Replace("$VAR_USERNAME$", member.Username); content = content.Replace("$VAR_PASSWORD$", CFunctions.MBDecrypt(member.Password)); content = content.Replace("$VAR_PIN$", CFunctions.MBDecrypt(member.PIN)); content = content.Replace("$VAR_EMAIL$", member.Email); content = content.Replace("$VAR_ADDRESS$", member.iProfile.Address); content = content.Replace("$VAR_PHONE$", member.iProfile.Phone); content = content.Replace("$VAR_YAHOO$", member.iProfile.Yahootext); content = content.Replace("$VAR_SKYPE$", member.iProfile.Skypetext); content = content.Replace("$VAR_WEBSITE$", CConstants.WEBSITE); content = content.Replace("$VAR_TEMPORARYCODE$", member.Temporarycode); this.SendMailToUser(member.Email, subject, content); return true; } catch { return false; } }
private void Write_Cookies(MemberInfo logger) { if (chkRememberlogin.Checked) { Response.Cookies[CConstants.WEBSITE][":web:username"] = Server.HtmlDecode(logger.Username); Response.Cookies[CConstants.WEBSITE][":web:password"] = Server.HtmlDecode(logger.Password); Response.Cookies[CConstants.WEBSITE][":web:remember"] = "1"; Response.Cookies[CConstants.WEBSITE].Expires.AddDays(7); } else { Response.Cookies.Remove(CConstants.WEBSITE); } }
private MemberInfo Read_Cookies() { if (Request.Cookies[CConstants.WEBSITE] == null) return null; MemberInfo logger = new MemberInfo(); logger.Username = Server.HtmlEncode(Request.Cookies[CConstants.WEBSITE][":web:username"]); logger.Password = Server.HtmlEncode(Request.Cookies[CConstants.WEBSITE][":web:password"]); logger.Logincache = Request.Cookies[CConstants.WEBSITE][":web:remember"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(Server.HtmlEncode(Request.Cookies[CConstants.WEBSITE][":web:remember"])); return logger; }
private void Show_Login(MemberInfo info) { this.Visible = info == null; }
private MemberInfo Take() { try { MemberInfo member = new MemberInfo(); member.Username = txtUsername.Text.Trim().ToLower(); member.Password = CFunctions.MBEncrypt(txtPassword.Text); member.Email = member.Username; member.PIN = CFunctions.MBEncrypt(CFunctions.Randomnum(6)); member.Status = CConstants.REGISTERCONFIRM; member.Timeupdate = DateTime.Now; string Fullname = txtName.Text.Trim(); if (!CFunctions.IsNullOrEmpty(Fullname)) { int index = Fullname.IndexOf(" "); if (index != -1) { member.Firstname = Fullname.Substring(0, index).Trim(); member.Lastname = Fullname.Substring(index).Trim(); } else { member.Firstname = Fullname; } } if (member.iProfile == null) member.iProfile = new MeProfileInfo(); member.iProfile.Phone = txtPhone.Text.Trim(); member.iProfile.Address = txtAddress.Text.Trim(); if (ddlNational.Visible && ddlNational.Items.Count > 0 && ddlNational.SelectedIndex != 0) { member.iProfile.Nationalid = int.Parse(ddlNational.SelectedValue); member.iProfile.Nationalname = ddlNational.SelectedItem.Text; } if (ddlCity.Visible && ddlCity.Items.Count > 0 && ddlCity.SelectedIndex != 0) { member.iProfile.Cityid = int.Parse(ddlCity.SelectedValue); member.iProfile.Cityname = ddlCity.SelectedItem.Text; } return member; } catch { return null; } }
private bool Register_MailToUser(MemberInfo member) { try { string content = this.Gettemplate("MailToUser.Register"); if (content == null) return false; string subject = "Chào mừng đến với " + CConstants.WEBSITE; content = content.Replace("$VAR_NAME$", member.Fullname); content = content.Replace("$VAR_USERNAME$", member.Username); content = content.Replace("$VAR_PASSWORD$", member.Password); content = content.Replace("$VAR_TEMPORARYCODE$", member.Temporarycode); content = content.Replace("$VAR_WEBSITE$", CConstants.WEBSITE); this.SendMailToUser(member.Email, subject, content); return true; } catch { return false; } }
private bool Register_MailToServer(MemberInfo member) { try { string content = this.Gettemplate("MailToServer.Register"); if (content == null) return false; string subject = "New member " + CConstants.WEBSITE; content = content.Replace("$VAR_NAME$", member.Fullname); content = content.Replace("$VAR_USERNAME$", member.Username); content = content.Replace("$VAR_PASSWORD$", member.Password); content = content.Replace("$VAR_EMAIL$", member.Email); content = content.Replace("$VAR_PHONE$", member.iProfile.Phone); content = content.Replace("$VAR_YAHOO$", member.iProfile.Yahootext); content = content.Replace("$VAR_SKYPE$", member.iProfile.Skypetext); content = content.Replace("$VAR_WEBSITE$", CConstants.WEBSITE); this.SendMailToServer(member.Email, subject, content); return true; } catch { return false; } }
public bool Save(MemberInfo info) { try { using (iSqlConnection iConn = HELPER.getConnect(HELPER.SQL_SYSTEM)) { using (iSqlTransaction trans = iConn.BeginTransaction()) { try { if (this.Saveitem(trans, info)) { if (info.iProfile != null) { info.iProfile.Id = info.Id; new CMeProfile(LANG).Save(info.iProfile); } } trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); throw ex; } } iConn.Close(); } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private bool Load_Info(int iid) { try { MemberInfo info = null; if (iid != 0) { info = (new CMember(CCommon.LANG)).Wcmm_Getinfo(iid); if (info != null) { lstError = new List<Errorobject>(); lstError = Form_GetError(lstError, Errortype.Notice, Definephrase.Save_notice, "[" + info.Id + "] " + info.Fullname, null); Master.Form_ShowError(lstError); } } if (info == null) info = new MemberInfo(); chkSaveoption_golist.Checked = info.Id != 0; txtId.Value = info.Id.ToString(); txtUsername.Text = info.Username; txtPassword.Text = CFunctions.MBDecrypt(info.Password); txtFirstname.Text = info.Firstname; txtLastname.Text = info.Lastname; txtEmail.Text = info.Email; ddlGrouptype.SelectedIndex = info.Grouptype; //Filepreview.Set(info.Filepreview); Displaysetting.Set("", info.Status, 0); if (info.iProfile == null) info.iProfile = new MeProfileInfo(); txtPhone.Text = info.iProfile.Phone; txtAddress.Text = info.iProfile.Address; txtDistrict.Text = info.iProfile.Districtname; txtCity.Text = info.iProfile.Cityname; txtZipcode.Text = info.iProfile.Zipcode; //ddlNational.SelectedValue = info.iProfile.Nationalid.ToString(); //ddlCity.SelectedValue = info.iProfile.Cityid.ToString(); ddlDistrict.SelectedValue = info.iProfile.Districtid.ToString(); ddlYear.SelectedValue = info.iProfile.Birthday.Year.ToString(); ddlMonth.SelectedValue = info.iProfile.Birthday.Month.ToString(); ddlDay.SelectedValue = info.iProfile.Birthday.Day.ToString(); txtAbout.Text = info.iProfile.About; txtBlog.Text = CFunctions.IsNullOrEmpty(info.iProfile.Blog) ? "http://" : info.iProfile.Blogtext; txtHomepage.Text = CFunctions.IsNullOrEmpty(info.iProfile.Homepage) ? "http://" : info.iProfile.Homepagetext; txtFacebook.Text = CFunctions.IsNullOrEmpty(info.iProfile.Facebook) ? "" : info.iProfile.Facebooktext; txtTwitter.Text = CFunctions.IsNullOrEmpty(info.iProfile.Twitter) ? "" : info.iProfile.Twittertext; txtYoutube.Text = CFunctions.IsNullOrEmpty(info.iProfile.Youtube) ? "" : info.iProfile.Youtubetext; txtFlickr.Text = CFunctions.IsNullOrEmpty(info.iProfile.Flickr) ? "" : info.iProfile.Flickrtext; txtSkype.Text = CFunctions.IsNullOrEmpty(info.iProfile.Skype) ? "" : info.iProfile.Skypetext; txtYahoo.Text = CFunctions.IsNullOrEmpty(info.iProfile.Yahoo) ? "" : info.iProfile.Yahootext; radBlogsh.SelectedValue = info.iProfile.Blogsh; radHomepagesh.SelectedValue = info.iProfile.Homepagesh; radFacebooksh.SelectedValue = info.iProfile.Facebooksh; radTwittersh.SelectedValue = info.iProfile.Twittersh; radYoutubesh.SelectedValue = info.iProfile.Youtubesh; radFlickrsh.SelectedValue = info.iProfile.Flickrsh; radSkypesh.SelectedValue = info.iProfile.Skypesh; radYahoosh.SelectedValue = info.iProfile.Yahoosh; return true; } catch { return false; } }
private MemberInfo getDataReader(iSqlDataReader dar) { try { int i = -1; MemberInfo info = new MemberInfo(); info.Username = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? string.Empty : dar.GetString(i); info.Password = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? string.Empty : dar.GetString(i); info.Firstname = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? string.Empty : dar.GetString(i); info.Lastname = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? string.Empty : dar.GetString(i); info.Email = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? string.Empty : dar.GetString(i); info.PIN = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? string.Empty : dar.GetString(i); info.Status = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? (int)CConstants.State.Status.Waitactive : dar.GetInt32(i); info.Markas = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? (int)CConstants.State.MarkAs.None : dar.GetInt32(i); info.Timeupdate = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? new DateTime(0) : dar.GetDateTime(i); info.Logincache = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? 0 : dar.GetInt32(i); info.Loginfirst = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? 0 : dar.GetInt32(i); info.Autosave = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? 0 : dar.GetInt32(i); info.Temporarycode = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? string.Empty : dar.GetString(i); info.Grouptype = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? 0 : dar.GetInt32(i); info.Filepreview = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? string.Empty : dar.GetString(i); info.Ranking = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? 0 : dar.GetInt32(i); info.Vote = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? 0 : dar.GetInt32(i); info.Ratingweight = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? 0 : dar.GetInt32(i); info.Id = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? 0 : dar.GetInt32(i); info.Rownumber = dar.IsDBNull(++i) ? 0 : dar.GetInt64(i); info.iProfile = new CMeProfile(LANG).Getinfo(info.Id); return info; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private bool Passwordchanged_MailToUser(MemberInfo member) { try { string content = this.Gettemplate("MailToUser.Passwordchanged"); if (content == null) return false; string subject = "VN-Ibet888: thay đổi mật khẩu " + member.Username; content = content.Replace("$VAR_NAME$", member.Fullname); content = content.Replace("$VAR_USERNAME$", member.Username); content = content.Replace("$VAR_PASSWORD$", CFunctions.MBDecrypt(member.Password)); content = content.Replace("$VAR_PIN$", CFunctions.MBDecrypt(member.PIN)); content = content.Replace("$VAR_WEBSITE$", CConstants.WEBSITE); content = content.Replace("$VAR_TEMPORARYCODE$", member.Temporarycode); this.SendMailToUser(member.Email, subject, content); return true; } catch { return false; } }