Exemple #1
 protected override string GetComparisonLike(expression ex, bool caseInsensitive)
     if (caseInsensitive)
         /* workaround for oracle versions < 10g: version is not checked/optimized at the moment */
         string lvalue = FN_StrUppercase(GetOperand(ex.qualifier_l, ex.operand_l));
         string rvalue = FN_StrUppercase(GetOperand(ex.qualifier_r, ex.operand_r));
                              " LIKE ",
         /* perform optimized */
         return(GetComparison(ex, " LIKE "));
Exemple #2
        protected override string GetComparisonLikeWildcardR(expression ex, bool caseInsensitive)
            /* concatenates the LIKE wildcard to the second operand before comparison */
            string lvalue = GetOperand(ex.qualifier_l, ex.operand_l);
            string rvalue = ConcatWildcardR(GetOperand(ex.qualifier_r, ex.operand_r));

            if (caseInsensitive)
                /* workaround for oracle versions < 10g: ORA version is not checked/optimized at the moment */
                lvalue = FN_StrUppercase(lvalue);
                rvalue = FN_StrUppercase(rvalue);
            /* cue with normal comparison syntax */
                                 " LIKE ",
 public selectfield(selectfunctiondef func, expression expression, string rowsource_consumeralias, Ioperand literalconst, string fieldname, string asname, selectstatement subqry, sortorder order)
     /* [rzamponi 20100112] FxCop CA1805:DoNotInitializeUnnecessarily */
     //if (func == selectfunctiondef.none) Function = null; else Function = new selectfunction(func);
     if (func != selectfunctiondef.none)
         Function = new selectfunction(func);
     Expression             = expression;
     RowsourceConsumerAlias = rowsource_consumeralias;
     literal   = literalconst;
     Fieldname = fieldname;
     AsName    = asname;
     subquery  = subqry;
     if (order == sortorder.so_asc)
         Ascending = true;
     else if (order == sortorder.so_desc)
         Descending = true;
 protected override string GetComparisonFulltext(expression ex)
     return(String.Format("MATCH({0}) AGAINST({1} IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE)", GetOperand(ex.qualifier_l, ex.operand_l), GetOperand(ex.qualifier_r, ex.operand_r)));
Exemple #5
 protected override string GetHasNoText(expression ex)
     /* in oracle, nvarchar2 is null when it is empty.
      * therefore, this is reduced to a simple "not null" comparison */
     return(String.Format("({0} IS NULL)", GetOperand(ex.qualifier_l, ex.operand_l)));
Exemple #6
 protected override string GetComparisonHasnotflagAny(expression ex)
     return(String.Format("(BITAND({0},{1})=0)", GetOperand(ex.qualifier_l, ex.operand_l), GetOperand(ex.qualifier_r, ex.operand_r)));
Exemple #7
 protected override string GetAddDays(expression ex)
     return(String.Format("DATEADD(DAY, {1}, {0})", GetOperand(ex.qualifier_l, ex.operand_l), GetOperand(ex.qualifier_r, ex.operand_r)));
 public selectfield(expression expression, sortorder order) : this(selectfunctiondef.none, expression, null, null, null, null, null, order)
 public selectfield(expression expression, string asname) : this(selectfunctiondef.none, expression, null, null, null, asname, null, sortorder.so_none)