public static void StopBuild() { Data.sCmd = ""; if (Data.bNowBuilding) { fDisableBuild(); Output.Trace("\f4C--Stop Build--"); SysAPI.KillProcessAndChildren(Data.MainProcess.Id); //fClearData(); //CppCompiler.safeInstanceCount = 0; } }
internal static void fLaunchUpdate(string sCurrFolder, string _sVersion) { LaunchTool _oUpd = new LaunchTool(); _oUpd.bOutput = false; _oUpd.UseShellExecute = true; _oUpd.fLaunchExe(sCurrFolder + "cwc.exe", " -wCwcUpd " + PathHelper.GetExeDirectory() + " -wCwcVer " + _sVersion, "", "", true); // Console.WriteLine("Update to ver " +_sVersion ); while (!_oUpd.bExeLaunched && Base.bAlive) { Thread.Sleep(1); } SysAPI.fQuit(true); }
internal static void fRestart(string sCurrFolder) { LaunchTool _oUpd = new LaunchTool(); _oUpd.bOutput = false; _oUpd.UseShellExecute = true; // _oUpd.fLaunchExe( sCurrFolder + "cwc.exe", "Updated ", "","",true); _oUpd.fLaunchExe(sCurrFolder + "cwc.exe", "-wCwcUpdated " + Data.sUpdateVer, "", "", true); // _process.StartInfo.Arguments = "Updated " + _sVersion + " " + Data.sWorkDir + " " + Data.sResendArg; while (!_oUpd.bExeLaunched && Base.bAlive) { Thread.Sleep(1); } SysAPI.fQuit(true); }
static public void fQuit(bool _bForceQuitConsole = false) { // MessageBox.Show("QUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!"); /* * if (oLaunchProject.oCurLaunch != null && oLaunchProject.oCurLaunch.sExeName == "gdb") { * oLaunchProject.oCurLaunch.fSend("set confirm off"); * oLaunchProject.oCurLaunch.fSend("quit"); * }*/ //fSaveConsolePosition(); if (!bQuitSavedCfg) { bQuitSavedCfg = true; Data.oConfigMng.SaveConfig(); //save screenn coordinate } // MessageBox.Show("QUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!! ", "ass", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); //MessageBox.Show("********QUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!! ", "aaa", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); Base.bAlive = false; Data.bModeIDE = false; Build.StopBuild(); Thread.CurrentThread.Join(1); /* * if(oMainForm != null && !oMainForm.IsDisposed) { * oMainForm.AppQuit(); * }*/ SysAPI.KillProcessAndChildren(Data.MainProcess.Id); // PipeInput.fTestIdeClosed(); /* * if(oMainForm != null) { * oMainForm.AppQuit(); * }*/ if (_bForceQuitConsole) { // Thread.Sleep(1000); //Last chance for other thread Thread.Sleep(90); //Last chance for other thread Environment.Exit(1); } }
static int Main(string[] args) { // redirect console output to parent process; // must be before any calls to Console.WriteLine() AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS); Sys.fGetParentProcess(); Console.WriteLine("Systeme mode: " + Sys.sParentName); if (Sys.sParentName == "cmd") { Data.bConsoleMode = true; } Data.fSetDefaultVar(args); Data.fCheckUpdate(); Data.fCreateConfigMng(); if (Data.bConsoleMode) { SysAPI.fStartConsole(); } if (!Data.bConsoleMode || SysAPI.bIsLoadedFromAnotherCwcInstance) { Data.bGUI = false; if (!Data.bModeIDE) { // Base.bAlive = false; //not work?? } } Data.fGetMainArg(); fCheckForRegistringFiles(); if (!Data.bConsoleMode) { GuiManager.fCreateGUI(); } if (Data.sArg == "") //No Argument { Output.Trace("\f0AVersion " + Data.sVersion + "\fs \n"); Msg.fShowIntroMessage(); SysAPI.fSetWorkingDir(PathHelper.ExeWorkDir); } else { Console.WriteLine("fBeginBuild "); Build.fBeginBuild(); } CppCompiler.CheckAllThreadsHaveFinishedWorking(true); Build.fDisableBuild(); if (Data.oGuiConsole != null) { if (!Data.oGuiConsole.fCheckForDemos()) { Program.fCheckForRegistringFiles(true); //Register if first use } } if (!Data.bConsoleMode) { if (Data.bModeIDE) { Base.bAlive = true; // PipeInput.fLaunchPipeInput(); } Build.fStartLoopTestingIdeLinkedClosing(); } Build.fMainLoop(); //if(Data.bConsoleMode) {SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}"); } return(0); }
internal void fEnd() { // Output.Trace("\f18--Try to Close--"); bStopAll = true; if (dExit != null) { dExit(this); } ; SysAPI.KillProcessAndChildren(Data.MainProcess.Id); //TODO more gentle with -- SEND WM_CLOSE -- ? while (!ExeProcess.HasExited && Base.bAlive) { Thread.CurrentThread.Join(1); } return; /////////////////////////////////////////////// if (bSanitize) { List <Process> children = GetChildProcesses(ExeProcess); foreach (Process _procChild in children) { // Debug.fTrace("---------------ID: " + _procChild.Id.ToString()); // Debug.fTrace("sExePath: " +sExePath); /* //Try to nurge, (not the besst way) * ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(sExePath, " -nudge " + _procChild.Id.ToString()); * processStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; * * ExeProcess.StartInfo = processStartInfo; * processStartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(sWorkPath); //_sExePath PathHelper.ModulesDir + "/Emscripten_x64/python/"; //TODO * ExeProcess.Start(); */ try{ if (_procChild.CloseMainWindow()) //Todo another process // SEND WM_CLOSE // Debug.fTrace(""); { Output.Trace("\f4C-- SEND WM_CLOSE --"); // _procChild.WaitForExit(1000); //if hang } else { if (!_procChild.HasExited) { Output.Trace("\f4C-- KILL --"); _procChild.Kill(); if (dExit != null) { dExit(this); } ; } } // _procChild.Close(); }catch (Exception Ex) { } // .CloseMainWindow(); // _procChild.WaitForExit(1000); //if hang // _procChild.WaitForExit(1000); //if hang // _procChild.Kill(); // _procChild.CloseMainWindow(); // _procChild.Close(); // ExeProcess.Clos(); // _procChild.Kill(); } } else { List <Process> children = GetChildProcesses(ExeProcess); foreach (Process _procChild in children) //TODO recursive of child process? { try{ //Output.TraceError("Try to kill"); /* * if (ExeProcess.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { * * // ExeProcess.CloseMainWindow(); * ExeProcess.Kill(); * ExeProcess.Close(); * }else { */ if (!_procChild.HasExited) { // Output.TraceError("not HasExited"); try{ if (_procChild.CloseMainWindow()) //Todo another process // SEND WM_CLOSE { _procChild.WaitForExit(1000); //if hang } }catch (Exception Ex) { } if (!_procChild.HasExited) { // Output.TraceError("alwaus not HasExited"); // Output.Trace("\f4C-- KILL --"); _procChild.Kill(); if (dExit != null) { dExit(this); } ; } } //ExeProcess.Close(); // } }catch (Exception Ex) { } } } while (!ExeProcess.HasExited && Base.bAlive) { Thread.CurrentThread.Join(1); } // Output.Trace("\f18-Finish-"); }
public static void fUpdateFiles(string _sSource) { Base.bAlive = true; //Thread.Sleep(10000); Output.TraceGood("Update Cwc to ver: " + Data.sUpdateVer); string _sBaseSrc = PathHelper.GetExeDirectory(); string _sBaseDest = _sSource; // Output.TraceGood("Copy Tools: " +_sBaseSrc + "Tools/"+ " "+_sBaseDest + "Tools/"); try { FileUtils.CopyFolderContents(_sBaseSrc + "Utils/", _sBaseDest + "Utils/"); //TODO on run pass only? }catch (Exception e) { Output.TraceError(e.Message); } Output.Trace("--- Copy Cwc ----"); //Thread.Sleep(10); //Use Retry int _nCount = 16; int _nRetryCount = _nCount; string _sErrror = ""; while (_nRetryCount > 0) { try { _sErrror = ""; File.Copy(_sBaseSrc + "cwc.exe", _sBaseDest + "cwc.exe", true); //_nRetryCount =0; break; }catch (Exception e) { if (_nRetryCount == _nCount - 1) { Output.TraceWarning(e.Message); Output.TraceWarning("Retrying..."); } else { if (_nRetryCount != _nCount) { Output.TraceWarning(_nRetryCount.ToString()); } } _nRetryCount--; Thread.Sleep(1000); //Output.TraceError(e.GetType().Name);//IOException _sErrror = e.Message; } } if (_sErrror != "") { Output.TraceError("Can't update cwc, please retry later..."); Thread.Sleep(3000); } else { Output.TraceGood("--- Done ----"); // Thread.Sleep(3000); } fRestart(_sBaseDest); //Cwc copy SysAPI.fQuit(); //Console.WriteLine("--- Done ----"); }
public static string fExpand(string _sFullArg, int _nIndex) { // Debug.fTrace("---fExpand!!!!! " + _sFullArg); //List<string> _sList = new List<string> (); string _sResult = ""; int _nSartIndex = 0; int _nEndIndex = 0; int _nIndexOfA = _nIndex; ///////////////////////////////// Begin with @ while (_nIndexOfA != -1) { _sResult += _sFullArg.Substring(_nSartIndex, _nIndexOfA - _nSartIndex); _nEndIndex = fGetEndFile(_sFullArg, _nIndexOfA + 1); string _sFile = _sFullArg.Substring(_nIndexOfA + 1, _nEndIndex - (_nIndexOfA + 1)); //Debug.fTrace("-****************************!!!fExpand " + _sFile); if (_sFile == "wDeloc") //Special deloc command to quit //Debug.fTrace("!!!---DELOCATISE!!!!!"); { _sFullArg = _sFullArg.Replace("@wDeloc", ""); //remove all wDeloc Console.Error.WriteLine("wOut|" + _sFullArg); //Use special stream to resend args SysAPI.fQuit(true); } string _sPath; if (_sFile.Length > 2 && _sFile[1] == ':') //Absolute path { _sPath = _sFile; } else { _sPath = PathHelper.ExeWorkDir + _sFile; //Relative path } string _sText = ""; string _sExt = Path.GetExtension(_sPath).ToLower(); try { switch (_sExt) { case ".bat": case ".exe": _sText = Delocalise.fDelocalise(_sPath); break; default: _sText = File.ReadAllText(_sPath); break; } }catch (Exception Ex) { Output.TraceError("Error Expand File: " + Ex.Message + " : " + _sPath); }; _sResult += _sText; _nSartIndex = _nEndIndex; // _nSartIndex = _nEndIndex; _nIndexOfA = _sFullArg.IndexOf('@', _nEndIndex); } _sResult += _sFullArg.Substring(_nEndIndex, _sFullArg.Length - _nEndIndex); /* * string[] _aFiles = _sFullArg.Split('@'); * foreach(string _sFileArg in _aFiles) { * * int _nIndex = _sFileArg.IndexOf(' '); * if(_nIndex == -1) { * _nIndex = _sFileArg.IndexOf('\t'); //TODO make "OR" combinaison * } * if(_nIndex == -1) { * _nIndex = _sFileArg.IndexOf('\n'); * } * if(_nIndex == -1) { * _nIndex = _sFileArg.IndexOf('|'); * } * if(_nIndex == -1) { * _nIndex = _sFileArg.IndexOf('>'); * } * if(_nIndex == -1) { * _nIndex = _sFileArg.Length; * } * * string _sFile = _sFileArg.Substring(0, _nIndex); * * string _sPath = PathHelper.GetCurrentDirectory() + _sFile; * string _sText = ""; * try { * _sText = File.ReadAllText(_sPath); * }catch(Exception Ex) {}; * * string _sArg = _sFileArg.Substring(_nIndex); * _sResult += _sText + _sArg; * * * } */ // return _sResult.Replace('\n', ' '); // return _sResult.Replace('\n', ' ').Replace('\r', ' '); return(_sResult); }
public override void fStop() { SysAPI.fSend_CTRL_C(oProcess.ExeProcess); bRunning = false; oProcess.fSend("break"); }