Exemple #1
        private void RenderMgrsGridCell(
            DrawingContext pDC,
            GridZone pCell)
            var view = Viewport.Extend;
            Point[] clipPolygon = new Point[]
                                           new Point(pCell.Extend.WestBoundLongitude, pCell.Extend.NorthBoundLatitude),
                                           new Point(pCell.Extend.EastBoundLongitude, pCell.Extend.NorthBoundLatitude),
                                           new Point(pCell.Extend.EastBoundLongitude, pCell.Extend.SouthBoundLatitude),
                                           new Point(pCell.Extend.WestBoundLongitude, pCell.Extend.SouthBoundLatitude)

            int interval = (int)MgrsGridPrecision; // Number of meters

            int precision = (int)MgrsGridPrecision;

            var sw = pCell.SouthWest();
            var ne = pCell.NorthEast();
            var swUtm = sw.ConvertToUtm();
            var neUtm = ne.ConvertToUtm();
            var swMgrs = sw.ConvertToMgrs();

            Debug.Assert(swUtm.Zone == neUtm.Zone, "UTM cell over multiple zones");
            int utmZone = swUtm.Zone;

            double sw_utm_e = (Math.Floor(swUtm.East / precision) * precision);
            double sw_utm_n = (Math.Floor(swUtm.North / precision) * precision);

            double ne_utm_e = (Math.Floor(neUtm.East / precision) * precision);
            double ne_utm_n = (Math.Floor(neUtm.North / precision) * precision);

            int numberOfCells = (((int)(Math.Abs(sw_utm_n - ne_utm_n) / interval)) * ((int)(Math.Abs(sw_utm_e - ne_utm_e) / interval)));
            if (numberOfCells > 210)
                return; // Safety check; takes to long to render
            int count = 0;
            for (double currentNorth = sw_utm_n; currentNorth <= ne_utm_n; currentNorth += interval)
                for (double currentEast = sw_utm_e; currentEast <= ne_utm_e; currentEast += interval)
                    var lowerLeftLatLon = UTMtoLL(currentNorth, currentEast, utmZone, sw.Latitude >= 0 ? Geocentric.Hemisphere.North : Geocentric.Hemisphere.South); ;
                    var upperRightLatLon = UTMtoLL(currentNorth + interval, currentEast + interval, utmZone, sw.Latitude >= 0 ? Geocentric.Hemisphere.North : Geocentric.Hemisphere.South); ;
                    var lowerRightLatLon = UTMtoLL(currentNorth, currentEast + interval, utmZone, sw.Latitude >= 0 ? Geocentric.Hemisphere.North : Geocentric.Hemisphere.South); ;
                    var upperLeftLatLon = UTMtoLL(currentNorth + interval, currentEast, utmZone, sw.Latitude >= 0 ? Geocentric.Hemisphere.North : Geocentric.Hemisphere.South); ;

                    Point[] utm = new Point[]
                                           new Point(upperLeftLatLon.Longitude, upperLeftLatLon.Latitude),
                                           new Point(upperRightLatLon.Longitude, upperRightLatLon.Latitude),
                                           new Point(lowerRightLatLon.Longitude, lowerRightLatLon.Latitude),
                                           new Point(lowerLeftLatLon.Longitude, lowerLeftLatLon.Latitude),
                    var intersect = SutherlandHodgman.GetIntersectedPolygon(utm, clipPolygon);

                    if ((intersect != null) && (intersect.Length >= 4))
                        for (int i = 0; i < intersect.Length - 1; i++)

                            var p1 = Viewport.EsriMap.MapToScreen(WGS84LatLongPoint.Create(intersect[i].Y, intersect[i].X).ToEsriGeometry(102100));
                            var p2 = Viewport.EsriMap.MapToScreen(WGS84LatLongPoint.Create(intersect[i + 1].Y, intersect[i + 1].X).ToEsriGeometry(102100));
                            pDC.DrawLine(mMgrsLinePen, new Point(p1.X, p1.Y), new Point(p2.X, p2.Y));

                        var bb = new MgrsBoundingBox(intersect);
                        if (currentNorth + interval > ne_utm_n) RenderMgrsCellLabels(pDC, bb, currentNorth, currentEast, NorthEast.North);
                        if (currentEast + interval > ne_utm_e) RenderMgrsCellLabels(pDC, bb, currentNorth, currentEast, NorthEast.East);
                        RenderMgrsCenterLabel(pDC, bb, currentNorth, currentEast);
Exemple #2
 private System.Windows.Size CellSizeInPixels(MgrsBoundingBox pBoundingBox)
     var upperRight = Viewport.EsriMap.MapToScreen(pBoundingBox.UpperRight.ToEsriGeometry(102100));
     var lowerLeft = Viewport.EsriMap.MapToScreen(pBoundingBox.LowerLeft.ToEsriGeometry(102100));
     return new System.Windows.Size(Math.Abs(lowerLeft.X - upperRight.X), Math.Abs(lowerLeft.Y - upperRight.Y));
Exemple #3
        private void RenderMgrsCellLabels(DrawingContext pDC, MgrsBoundingBox pBoundingBox, double pNorth, double pEast, NorthEast pDirection)
            int numberOfDigits;
            switch (MgrsGridPrecision)
                case EGridPrecision.Grid10km:
                    numberOfDigits = 1;
                case EGridPrecision.Grid1km:
                    numberOfDigits = 2;
                case EGridPrecision.Grid100m:
                    numberOfDigits = 3;
                default: return; // Dont render label
            var cellSize = CellSizeInPixels(pBoundingBox);

            if ((cellSize.Width > 30) && (cellSize.Height > 30))
                var eastFont = new FormattedText(pNorth.ToString().Substring(2, numberOfDigits),
                                                 CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, mTypefaceMgrsCellLabel, mFontSizeMgrsCellLabel, mFontColorMgrsCellLabel);

                var northFont = new FormattedText(pEast.ToString().Substring(1, numberOfDigits),
                                                 CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, mTypefaceMgrsCellLabel, mFontSizeMgrsCellLabel, mFontColorMgrsCellLabel);

                var lowerLeft = Viewport.EsriMap.MapToScreen(pBoundingBox.LowerLeft.ToEsriGeometry(102100));
                int marge = 3;
                if (pDirection == NorthEast.East)
                    // Horizontal labels
                    var rectNorth = GetBoundingRect(northFont);
                    rectNorth.Inflate(marge * 2, marge * 2);
                    var northPoint = new Point(lowerLeft.X + (cellSize.Width / 2) - (rectNorth.Width / 2), lowerLeft.Y - (rectNorth.Height / 2));
                    pDC.DrawRoundedRectangle(mFontColorMgrsFill, mMgrsLabelLinePen, new Rect(northPoint, rectNorth.Size), 2, 2);
                    pDC.DrawText(eastFont, new Point(northPoint.X + marge, northPoint.Y + marge));
                if (pDirection == NorthEast.North)
                    // Vertical
                    var rectEast = GetBoundingRect(eastFont);
                    rectEast.Inflate(marge * 2, marge * 2);
                    var eastPoint = new Point(lowerLeft.X - (rectEast.Width / 2), lowerLeft.Y - (cellSize.Height / 2) - (rectEast.Height / 2));
                    pDC.DrawRoundedRectangle(mFontColorMgrsFill, mMgrsLabelLinePen, new Rect(eastPoint, rectEast.Size), 2, 2);
                    pDC.DrawText(northFont, new Point(eastPoint.X + marge, eastPoint.Y + marge));
Exemple #4
        private void RenderMgrsCenterLabel(DrawingContext pDC, MgrsBoundingBox pBoundingBox, double pNorth, double pEast)
            if (!Cfg.DrawCenterMgrsGridLabel) return;
            var cellSize = CellSizeInPixels(pBoundingBox);
            var center = pBoundingBox.CenterOfMass();
            var c = center.ConvertToMgrs();
            var p3 = Viewport.EsriMap.MapToScreen(center.ToEsriGeometry(102100));
            int fontSize;
            string label;
            if (cellSize.Width < 100)
                fontSize = 16;
                label = c.Grid;
            } else if (cellSize.Width < 150)
               fontSize = 18;
               label = c.Grid;
            } else
                fontSize = 20;
                label = c.Zoneband + " " + c.Grid;

           var ft = new FormattedText(label, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                                       mTypefaceMgrsCellCenterLabel, fontSize, mFontColorMgrsCellCenterLabel);
            //pDC.DrawText(ft, new Point(p3.X - (ft.Width / 2), p3.Y - (ft.Height / 2)));

            System.Windows.Media.Geometry textGeometry = ft.BuildGeometry(new Point(p3.X - (ft.Width / 2), p3.Y - (ft.Height / 2)));
            pDC.DrawGeometry(Brushes.White, new Pen(Brushes.Black, 1), textGeometry);