Exemple #1
         * This method is being invoked by Employee on the Medicine/Purchase Form. The Employee
         * has to select the required medicines and click to purchase button. The method loops
         * through the list of medicines and create a new fiscal account.
        private void purchase(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /* rand unique fiscal no */
            int randFiscalNo = rand.Next(1, 999999);

            if (dgv_AvaialbleMedicines.SelectedRows.Count != 0)
                foreach (DataGridViewRow item in this.dgv_AvaialbleMedicines.SelectedRows)
                    var MedicineId = (ObjectId)item.Cells[0].Value;     // get medicine id from selected item
                    medicineHelper.updateMedicines(MedicineId, false);  // update the value of selected medicines

                    /* create new fiscal account for purchase */
                    Fiscal newFiscal = new Fiscal
                        EmployeeId    = Employee.Instance.id,
                        MedicineId    = MedicineId,
                        fiscalNo      = randFiscalNo,
                        date          = String.Format("{0:d/M/yyyy HH:mm:ss}", DateTime.Now),
                        medicineName  = item.Cells[1].Value.ToString(),
                        medicinePrice = Convert.ToInt32(item.Cells[8].Value)


                /* refreshing datagridview */
                dgv_AvaialbleMedicines.DataSource = medicineHelper.getAvailableMedicines();
                lbl_response.Text = "Transakcija je uspešno završena. Račun je izdat.";
                lbl_response.Text = "Nijedan od lekova nije odabran.";
Exemple #2
  * This method is being invoked by the Employee on Purchase/Medicine's form. The method
  * uses forwarded object trying to save it into MongoDB Employees collection.
  * @param obj
 public void add(Fiscal obj)
 public FormFiscal()
     fiscalHelper = new Fiscal();
Exemple #4
 public FormMedicine()
     medicineHelper = new Medicine();
     fiscalHelper   = new Fiscal();