public override void walk(int x, int y) //计算棋子移动范围 { if (tire == 0) { Plate.walk(x, y, 4, 4, x, y); } }
public override void walk(int x, int y) //计算棋子移动范围 { int i; for (i = 1; i <= 6 && Plate.inside(x + i, y) && Plate.plate[x + i][y] == null; ++i) { Plate.plateCol[x + i][y] = Color.gray; } Plate.canStrike(player, x + i, y, 0, 0, x, y); for (i = 1; i <= 6 && Plate.inside(x - i, y) && Plate.plate[x - i][y] == null; ++i) { Plate.plateCol[x - i][y] = Color.gray; } Plate.canStrike(player, x - i, y, 0, 0, x, y); for (i = 1; i <= 6 && Plate.inside(x, y + i) && Plate.plate[x][y + i] == null; ++i) { Plate.plateCol[x][y + i] = Color.gray; } Plate.canStrike(player, x, y + i, 0, 0, x, y); for (i = 1; i <= 6 && Plate.inside(x, y - i) && Plate.plate[x][y - i] == null; ++i) { Plate.plateCol[x][y - i] = Color.gray; } Plate.canStrike(player, x, y - i, 0, 0, x, y); }
public override void turnTurn(int srcx, int srcy) { if (wait == 1) { wait = 2; } else if (wait == 2) { int atkx = srcx, atky = srcy; for (int i = 1; i <= arrowLength; ++i) { atkx += Math.Sign(waitx - srcx); atky += Math.Sign(waity - srcy); if (Plate.plate[atkx][atky] != null) { if (Plate.canStrike(player, atkx, atky, 0, 0, srcx, srcy, true)) { Plate.plate[atkx][atky] = null; } break; } } wait = 0; } }
public override void walk(int x, int y) //计算棋子移动范围 { for (int i = x - 2; i <= x + 2; ++i) { for (int j = y - 2; j <= y + 2; ++j) { Plate.canStrike(player, i, j, 2, 2, x, y); } } }
public override void calSkill(int selx, int sely) { for (int i = 1; i <= arrowLength; ++i) { Plate.canStrike(player, selx + i, sely, 0, 0, selx, sely, true); Plate.canStrike(player, selx - i, sely, 0, 0, selx, sely, true); Plate.canStrike(player, selx, sely + i, 0, 0, selx, sely, true); Plate.canStrike(player, selx, sely - i, 0, 0, selx, sely, true); } }
public override void calSkill(int selx, int sely) { Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, selx + 1, sely, 2, 2, selx, sely); Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, selx - 1, sely, 2, 2, selx, sely); Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, selx, sely + 1, 2, 2, selx, sely); Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, selx, sely - 1, 2, 2, selx, sely); Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, selx + 2, sely, 2, 2, selx, sely); Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, selx - 2, sely, 2, 2, selx, sely); Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, selx, sely + 2, 2, 2, selx, sely); Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, selx, sely - 2, 2, 2, selx, sely); }
public override void calSkill(int selx, int sely) { int x = selx, y = sely; for (int i = 1; i <= 15; ++i) { x += (PlayerControl.curx - selx); y += (PlayerControl.cury - sely); if (!Plate.inside(x, y)) { return; } Plate.plateCol[x][y] = Color.gray; } }
public override void walk(int x, int y) //计算棋子移动范围 //a true b true b; a true b false ab; a false a; { if (!Plate.walkable(x - 1, y) || !Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, x - 2, y, 2, 2, x, y)) { Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, x - 1, y, 2, 2, x, y); } if (!Plate.walkable(x + 1, y) || !Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, x + 2, y, 2, 2, x, y)) { Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, x + 1, y, 2, 2, x, y); } if (!Plate.walkable(x, y - 1) || !Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, x, y - 2, 2, 2, x, y)) { Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, x, y - 1, 2, 2, x, y); } if (!Plate.walkable(x, y + 1) || !Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, x, y + 2, 2, 2, x, y)) { Plate.canStrike(PlayerControl.player, x, y + 1, 2, 2, x, y); } }
public override void calSkill(int selx, int sely) { for (int i = 1; i <= arrowLength; ++i) { if (Plate.inside(selx + i, sely)) { Plate.plateCol[selx + i][sely] = Color.gray; } if (Plate.inside(selx + i, sely + i)) { Plate.plateCol[selx + i][sely + i] = Color.gray; } if (Plate.inside(selx, sely + i)) { Plate.plateCol[selx][sely + i] = Color.gray; } if (Plate.inside(selx - i, sely + i)) { Plate.plateCol[selx - i][sely + i] = Color.gray; } if (Plate.inside(selx - i, sely)) { Plate.plateCol[selx - i][sely] = Color.gray; } if (Plate.inside(selx - i, sely - i)) { Plate.plateCol[selx - i][sely - i] = Color.gray; } if (Plate.inside(selx, sely - i)) { Plate.plateCol[selx][sely - i] = Color.gray; } if (Plate.inside(selx + i, sely - i)) { Plate.plateCol[selx + i][sely - i] = Color.gray; } } }
public override void turnTurn(int srcx, int srcy) { if (wait == 1) { wait = 2; } else if (wait == 2) { if (selectedSkill == "I") { if (Plate.plate[waitx][waity] == null) { Plate.plate[waitx][waity] = new ArrowSnipeToken(waitx, waity, player); } } if (Plate.canStrike(player, waitx, waity, 0, 0, srcx, srcy, true)) { Plate.plate[waitx][waity] = null; wait = 0; } if (selectedSkill == "U") { //箭雨和狙击技能共用一个变量。 //狙击技能只能放在空地,但是会放置一个token以阻止对方的前行。TODO:这个token有特殊之处,比如可以狙杀龙。 //箭雨技能则多两个格子。 int diffx = Math.Abs(waitx - srcx); int diffy = Math.Abs(waity - srcy); if (diffx > diffy) { if (Plate.canStrike(player, waitx, waity - 1, 0, 0, srcx, srcy, true)) { Plate.plate[waitx][waity - 1] = null; } if (Plate.canStrike(player, waitx, waity + 1, 0, 0, srcx, srcy, true)) { Plate.plate[waitx][waity + 1] = null; } } else if (diffx < diffy) { if (Plate.canStrike(player, waitx - 1, waity, 0, 0, srcx, srcy, true)) { Plate.plate[waitx - 1][waity] = null; } if (Plate.canStrike(player, waitx + 1, waity, 0, 0, srcx, srcy, true)) { Plate.plate[waitx + 1][waity] = null; } } else { if (Plate.canStrike(player, waitx, waity - Math.Sign(waity - srcy), 0, 0, srcx, srcy, true)) { Plate.plate[waitx][waity - Math.Sign(waity - srcy)] = null; } if (Plate.canStrike(player, waitx - Math.Sign(waitx - srcx), waity, 0, 0, srcx, srcy, true)) { Plate.plate[waitx - Math.Sign(waitx - srcx)][waity] = null; } } wait = 0; } } }
} //是否为机械 public virtual void walk(int x, int y) //计算棋子移动范围 { Plate.walk(x, y, 2, 2, x, y); }
public override void walk(int x, int y) //计算棋子移动范围 { Plate.walk(x, y, 1, 1, x, y); }
// Detect Mouse Inputs void GetMouseInputs() { Ray _ray; RaycastHit _hitInfo; // Select a piece if the gameState is 0 or 1 if (mode == 0) { // On Left Click if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { _ray = PlayerCam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); // Specify the ray to be casted from the position of the mouse click Debug.Log("click"); // Raycast and verify that it collided if (Physics.Raycast(_ray, out _hitInfo)) { Debug.Log("hit0"); // Select the piece if it has the good Tag if (_hitInfo.collider.gameObject.tag == ("Cube")) { GameObject boardSquare = _hitInfo.collider.gameObject; Debug.Log("hit" + player); curx = boardSquare.GetComponent <BoardSquare>().posx; cury = boardSquare.GetComponent <BoardSquare>().posy; if (Plate.selectPiece()) { Debug.Log("sel"); _GameManager.SelectPiece(boardSquare.GetComponent <BoardSquare>().piece); mode = 1; isPush = false; issteal = false; Plate.colRefresh(); Plate.calMove(curx, cury); Debug.Log("123"); Plate.print(); } } } } } // Move the piece if the gameState is 1 else if (mode == 1) { Vector3 selectedCoord; // On Left Click if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { Plate.print(); _ray = PlayerCam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); // Specify the ray to be casted from the position of the mouse click // Raycast and verify that it collided if (Physics.Raycast(_ray, out _hitInfo)) { // Select the piece if it has the good Tag if (_hitInfo.collider.gameObject.tag == ("Cube")) { GameObject gameObject = _hitInfo.collider.gameObject; selectedCoord = new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x, gameObject.transform.position.y + 1, gameObject.transform.position.z); curx = gameObject.GetComponent <BoardSquare>().posx; cury = gameObject.GetComponent <BoardSquare>().posy; Plate.colRefresh(); Plate.calMove(Plate.selx, Plate.sely); if (Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely] != null && !Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely].ismechanics()) { if (Plate.selx > 0 && Plate.plate[Plate.selx - 1][Plate.sely] != null && Plate.plate[Plate.selx - 1][Plate.sely].ismechanics() && Plate.plate[Plate.selx - 1][Plate.sely].player == player || Plate.sely > 0 && Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely - 1] != null && Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely - 1].ismechanics() && Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely - 1].player == player || Plate.selx < 14 && Plate.plate[Plate.selx + 1][Plate.sely] != null && Plate.plate[Plate.selx + 1][Plate.sely].ismechanics() && Plate.plate[Plate.selx + 1][Plate.sely].player == player || Plate.sely < 14 && Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely + 1] != null && Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely + 1].ismechanics() && Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely + 1].player == player) { if (isPush) { Debug.Log(" O 关闭挟持"); } else { Debug.Log(" O 开启挟持"); } } } issteal = false; if (Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely] != null && !Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely].ismechanics()) { if (Plate.selx > 0 && Plate.plate[Plate.selx - 1][Plate.sely] != null && Plate.plate[Plate.selx - 1][Plate.sely].ismechanics() && Plate.plate[Plate.selx - 1][Plate.sely].player != player || Plate.sely > 0 && Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely - 1] != null && Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely - 1].ismechanics() && Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely - 1].player != player || Plate.selx < 14 && Plate.plate[Plate.selx + 1][Plate.sely] != null && Plate.plate[Plate.selx + 1][Plate.sely].ismechanics() && Plate.plate[Plate.selx + 1][Plate.sely].player != player || Plate.sely < 14 && Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely + 1] != null && Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely + 1].ismechanics() && Plate.plate[Plate.selx][Plate.sely + 1].player != player) { issteal = true; for (int i = Mathf.Max(0, Plate.selx - 2); i <= Mathf.Min(14, Plate.selx + 2); ++i) { for (int j = Mathf.Max(0, Plate.sely - 2 + Mathf.Abs(Plate.selx - i)); j <= Mathf.Min(14, Plate.sely + 2 - Mathf.Abs(Plate.selx - i)); ++j) { if (Plate.plate[i][j] != null && Plate.plate[i][j].player == 1 - player && !Plate.plate[i][j].ismechanics()) { issteal = false; } } } } if (issteal) { Debug.Log(" P 偷盗"); } } if (answer == "O") { isPush = !isPush; if (isPush) { for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 15; ++j) { if ((i != Plate.selx - 2 && i != Plate.selx - 1 && i != Plate.selx + 1 && i != Plate.selx + 2 || j != Plate.sely) && (j != Plate.sely - 2 && j != Plate.sely - 1 && j != Plate.sely + 1 && j != Plate.sely + 2 || i != Plate.selx)) { Plate.plateCol[i][j] =; } } } } else { Plate.colRefresh(); Plate.calMove(Plate.selx, Plate.sely); } } else if (answer == "P" && issteal) { if (curx > 0 && Plate.plate[curx - 1][cury] != null && Plate.plate[curx - 1][cury].ismechanics()) { Plate.plate[curx - 1][cury].player = player; } if (cury > 0 && Plate.plate[curx][cury - 1] != null && Plate.plate[curx][cury - 1].ismechanics()) { Plate.plate[curx][cury - 1].player = player; } if (curx < 14 && Plate.plate[curx + 1][cury] != null && Plate.plate[curx + 1][cury].ismechanics()) { Plate.plate[curx + 1][cury].player = player; } if (cury < 14 && Plate.plate[curx][cury + 1] != null && Plate.plate[curx][cury + 1].ismechanics()) { Plate.plate[curx][cury + 1].player = player; } turnTurn(); return; } else if (answer == "K") { mode = 0; Plate.colRefresh(); return; } else { Debug.Log("J!"); int response = Plate.listenKey(answer); Debug.Log("Respond!" + response); if (response == 0) { //移动,返回0 if (isPush) { pushMec(Plate.selx, Plate.sely, curx, cury); } GameObject oldPiece = Plate.floors[curx][cury].GetComponent <BoardSquare>().piece; if (oldPiece != null) { Destroy(oldPiece); } Plate.floors[curx][cury].GetComponent <BoardSquare>().piece = Plate.floors[Plate.selx][Plate.sely].GetComponent <BoardSquare>().piece; _GameManager.MovePiece(selectedCoord); Plate.floors[Plate.selx][Plate.sely].GetComponent <BoardSquare>().piece = null; turnTurn(); return; } else if (response != -1) { //不是无效按键 //!!!TODO skill mode = response; Plate.colRefresh(); Plate.calSkill(); return; } else { mode = 0; Plate.colRefresh(); } } } else { mode = 0; Plate.colRefresh(); } } else { mode = 0; Plate.colRefresh(); } } } else if (mode == 2) { if (Plate.releaseSkill()) { turnTurn(); return; } } }
// Use this for initialization void DrawBoard() { Plate.init(); Plate.floors = new GameObject[15][]; for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { Plate.floors[i] = new GameObject[15]; } for (int i = -1; i <= 15; ++i) { for (int j = -1; j <= 15; ++j) { GameObject floor; Vector3 position = offset + new Vector3(i * 2, 0f, j * 2); if (i < 5 || i > 9) { position += new Vector3(0f, 0.5f, 0); } if (i >= 0 && i < 15 && j >= 0 && j < 15) { if ((i + j) % 2 == 0) { floor = Instantiate(floor01D, position, rotation); } else { floor = Instantiate(floor02D, position, rotation); } floor.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; floor.GetComponent <BoardSquare>().posx = i; floor.GetComponent <BoardSquare>().posy = j; GameObject newplane = Instantiate(Plane, position + new Vector3(0f, 1.1f, 0f), rotation); newplane.SetActive(false); newplane.transform.parent = floor.transform; Plate.floors[i][j] = floor; } if (i == 15) { GameObject border, border2, border3; if (j == 15) { border = Instantiate(blockSpike02D, position + new Vector3(-0.5f, 1.5f, -0.5f), rotation); border.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; border3 = Instantiate(blockS02D, position + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.5f, -0.5f), rotation); border3.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; } else { border = Instantiate(blockS01D, position + new Vector3(-0.5f, 1.5f, -0.5f), rotation); border.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; } if (j == -1) { border2 = Instantiate(blockSpike01D, position + new Vector3(-0.5f, 1.5f, 0.5f), rotation); border2.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; border3 = Instantiate(blockS01D, position + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.5f, 0.5f), rotation); border3.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; } else { border2 = Instantiate(blockS02D, position + new Vector3(-0.5f, 1.5f, 0.5f), rotation); border2.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; } } if (i == -1) { GameObject border, border2, border3; if (j == 15) { border = Instantiate(blockSpike01D, position + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.5f, -0.5f), rotation); border.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; border3 = Instantiate(blockS01D, position + new Vector3(-0.5f, 1.5f, -0.5f), rotation); border3.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; } else { border = Instantiate(blockS02D, position + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.5f, -0.5f), rotation); border.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; } if (j == -1) { border2 = Instantiate(blockSpike02D, position + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.5f, 0.5f), rotation); border2.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; border3 = Instantiate(blockS02D, position + new Vector3(-0.5f, 1.5f, 0.5f), rotation); border3.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; } else { border2 = Instantiate(blockS01D, position + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.5f, 0.5f), rotation); border2.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; } } if ((j == -1 || j == 15) && i != -1 && i != 15) { float z = 0.5f; if (j == 15) { z = -0.5f; } GameObject border, border2; border = Instantiate(blockS01D, position + new Vector3(z, 1.5f, z), rotation); border.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; border2 = Instantiate(blockS02D, position + new Vector3(-z, 1.5f, z), rotation); border2.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; } } } }
void turnTurn() { Plate.turnTurn(); for (int p = 0; p <= 1; ++p) { if (flag[p]) { bool findflag = false; bool findKing = false; int maxvalue = -1, maxx = 0, maxy = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 15; ++j) { if (Plate.plate[i][j] == null || Plate.plate[i][j].player != p) { continue; } if (Plate.plate[i][j].dizzy > 0) { Plate.plate[i][j].dizzy--; } if (Plate.plate[i][j].value() > maxvalue) { if (maxvalue < Plate.plate[i][j].value()) { maxvalue = Plate.plate[i][j].value(); maxx = i; maxy = j; } } if (Plate.plate[i][j] is King) { findKing = true; } if (Plate.plate[i][j] is Flag) { if ((p == 0 && i > 9) || (p == 1 && i < 5)) { Debug.Log("玩家" + p.ToString() + "通过插旗获得胜利。"); // string answer=Console.ReadKey().Key.ToString(); } findflag = true; } } } if (findflag == false) { flag[p] = false; Plate.plate[maxx][maxy] = null; } if (findKing == false) { Debug.Log("玩家" + (1 - p).ToString() + "获得胜利。"); // string answer=Console.ReadKey().Key.ToString(); } } } mode = 0; player = 1 - player; Debug.Log("turn!" + player); Plate.colRefresh(); }