         * <summary>
         *   Creates a new empty SMS message, to be configured and sent later on.
         * <para>
         * </para>
         * </summary>
         * <param name="recipient">
         *   a text string with the recipient phone number, either as a
         *   national number, or in international format starting with a plus sign
         * </param>
         * <returns>
         *   <c>YAPI.SUCCESS</c> when the call succeeds.
         * </returns>
         * <para>
         *   On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
         * </para>
        public virtual async Task <YSms> newMessage(string recipient)
            YSms sms;

            sms = new YSms(this);
            await sms.set_recipient(recipient);

         * <summary>
         *   Sends a regular text SMS, with standard parameters.
         * <para>
         *   This function can send messages
         *   of more than 160 characters, using SMS concatenation. ISO-latin accented characters
         *   are supported. For sending messages with special unicode characters such as asian
         *   characters and emoticons, use <c>newMessage</c> to create a new message and define
         *   the content of using methods <c>addText</c> and <c>addUnicodeData</c>.
         * </para>
         * </summary>
         * <param name="recipient">
         *   a text string with the recipient phone number, either as a
         *   national number, or in international format starting with a plus sign
         * </param>
         * <param name="message">
         *   the text to be sent in the message
         * </param>
         * <returns>
         *   <c>YAPI.SUCCESS</c> when the call succeeds.
         * </returns>
         * <para>
         *   On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
         * </para>
        public virtual async Task <int> sendTextMessage(string recipient, string message)
            YSms sms;

            sms = new YSms(this);
            await sms.set_recipient(recipient);

            await sms.addText(message);

            return(await sms.send());
        public virtual async Task <YSms> fetchPdu(int slot)
            byte[]        binPdu;
            List <string> arrPdu = new List <string>();
            string        hexPdu;
            YSms          sms;

            binPdu = await this._download("sms.json?pos=" + Convert.ToString(slot) + "&len=1");

            arrPdu = this.imm_json_get_array(binPdu);
            hexPdu = this.imm_decode_json_string(arrPdu[0]);
            sms    = new YSms(this);
            await sms.set_slot(slot);

            await sms.parsePdu(YAPIContext.imm_hexStrToBin(hexPdu));

Exemple #4
        public virtual async Task <int> generateParts()
            int udhsize;
            int udlen;
            int mss;
            int partno;
            int partlen;

            byte[] newud;
            byte[] newudh;
            YSms   newpdu;
            int    i;
            int    wpos;

            udhsize = (_udh).Length;
            udlen   = (_udata).Length;
            mss     = 140 - 1 - 5 - udhsize;
            if (_alphab == 0)
                mss = (((mss * 8 - 6)) / (7));
            _npdu = (((udlen + mss - 1)) / (mss));
            partno = 0;
            wpos   = 0;
            while (wpos < udlen)
                partno    = partno + 1;
                newudh    = new byte[5 + udhsize];
                newudh[0] = (byte)(0 & 0xff);       // IEI: concatenated message
                newudh[1] = (byte)(3 & 0xff);       // IEDL: 3 bytes
                newudh[2] = (byte)(_mref & 0xff);
                newudh[3] = (byte)(_npdu & 0xff);
                newudh[4] = (byte)(partno & 0xff);
                i         = 0;
                while (i < udhsize)
                    newudh[5 + i] = (byte)(_udh[i] & 0xff);
                    i             = i + 1;
                if (wpos + mss < udlen)
                    partlen = mss;
                    partlen = udlen - wpos;
                newud = new byte[partlen];
                i     = 0;
                while (i < partlen)
                    newud[i] = (byte)(_udata[wpos] & 0xff);
                    wpos     = wpos + 1;
                    i        = i + 1;
                newpdu = new YSms(_mbox);
                await newpdu.set_received(await this.isReceived());

                await newpdu.set_smsc(await this.get_smsc());

                await newpdu.set_msgRef(await this.get_msgRef());

                await newpdu.set_sender(await this.get_sender());

                await newpdu.set_recipient(await this.get_recipient());

                await newpdu.set_protocolId(await this.get_protocolId());

                await newpdu.set_dcs(await this.get_dcs());

                await newpdu.set_timestamp(await this.get_timestamp());

                await newpdu.set_userDataHeader(newudh);

                await newpdu.set_userData(newud);

        public virtual async Task <int> checkNewMessages()
            string bitmapStr;

            byte[]        prevBitmap;
            byte[]        newBitmap;
            int           slot;
            int           nslots;
            int           pduIdx;
            int           idx;
            int           bitVal;
            int           prevBit;
            int           i;
            int           nsig;
            int           cnt;
            string        sig;
            List <YSms>   newArr     = new List <YSms>();
            List <YSms>   newMsg     = new List <YSms>();
            List <YSms>   newAgg     = new List <YSms>();
            List <string> signatures = new List <string>();
            YSms          sms;

            bitmapStr = await this.get_slotsBitmap();

            if (bitmapStr == _prevBitmapStr)
            prevBitmap     = YAPIContext.imm_hexStrToBin(_prevBitmapStr);
            newBitmap      = YAPIContext.imm_hexStrToBin(bitmapStr);
            _prevBitmapStr = bitmapStr;
            nslots         = 8 * (newBitmap).Length;
            nsig = 0;
            // copy known messages
            pduIdx = 0;
            while (pduIdx < _pdus.Count)
                sms  = _pdus[pduIdx];
                slot = await sms.get_slot();

                idx = ((slot) >> (3));
                if (idx < (newBitmap).Length)
                    bitVal = ((1) << ((((slot) & (7)))));
                    if ((((newBitmap[idx]) & (bitVal))) != 0)
                        if (await sms.get_concatCount() == 0)
                            sig = await sms.get_concatSignature();

                            i = 0;
                            while ((i < nsig) && ((sig).Length > 0))
                                if (signatures[i] == sig)
                                    sig = "";
                                i = i + 1;
                            if ((sig).Length > 0)
                                nsig = nsig + 1;
                pduIdx = pduIdx + 1;
            // receive new messages
            slot = 0;
            while (slot < nslots)
                idx     = ((slot) >> (3));
                bitVal  = ((1) << ((((slot) & (7)))));
                prevBit = 0;
                if (idx < (prevBitmap).Length)
                    prevBit = ((prevBitmap[idx]) & (bitVal));
                if ((((newBitmap[idx]) & (bitVal))) != 0)
                    if (prevBit == 0)
                        sms = await this.fetchPdu(slot);

                        if (await sms.get_concatCount() == 0)
                            sig = await sms.get_concatSignature();

                            i = 0;
                            while ((i < nsig) && ((sig).Length > 0))
                                if (signatures[i] == sig)
                                    sig = "";
                                i = i + 1;
                            if ((sig).Length > 0)
                                nsig = nsig + 1;
                slot = slot + 1;
            _pdus = newArr;
            // append complete concatenated messages
            i = 0;
            while (i < nsig)
                sig    = signatures[i];
                cnt    = 0;
                pduIdx = 0;
                while (pduIdx < _pdus.Count)
                    sms = _pdus[pduIdx];
                    if (await sms.get_concatCount() > 0)
                        if (await sms.get_concatSignature() == sig)
                            if (cnt == 0)
                                cnt = await sms.get_concatCount();

                    pduIdx = pduIdx + 1;
                if ((cnt > 0) && (newAgg.Count == cnt))
                    sms = new YSms(this);
                    await sms.set_parts(newAgg);

                i = i + 1;
            _messages = newMsg;