public virtual void test_parameterSensitivity_withSpread_full()
            int    periodPerYear = 2;
            double spread        = 0.0011; // 11 bp
            ZeroRatePeriodicDiscountFactors test = ZeroRatePeriodicDiscountFactors.of(GBP, DATE_VAL, CURVE);
            double sensiValue         = 25d;
            ZeroRateSensitivity point = test.zeroRatePointSensitivityWithSpread(DATE_AFTER, spread, PERIODIC, periodPerYear);

            point = point.multipliedBy(sensiValue);
            CurrencyParameterSensitivities sensiObject = test.parameterSensitivity(point);

            assertEquals(sensiObject.Sensitivities.size(), 1);
            DoubleArray sensi0 = sensiObject.Sensitivities.get(0).Sensitivity;
            double      shift  = 1.0E-6;

            for (int i = 0; i < X.size(); i++)
                DoubleArray            yP     = Y.with(i, Y.get(i) + shift);
                InterpolatedNodalCurve curveP = InterpolatedNodalCurve.of(META_ZERO_PERIODIC, X, yP, INTERPOLATOR);
                double                 dfP    = ZeroRatePeriodicDiscountFactors.of(GBP, DATE_VAL, curveP).discountFactorWithSpread(DATE_AFTER, spread, PERIODIC, periodPerYear);
                DoubleArray            yM     = Y.with(i, Y.get(i) - shift);
                InterpolatedNodalCurve curveM = InterpolatedNodalCurve.of(META_ZERO_PERIODIC, X, yM, INTERPOLATOR);
                double                 dfM    = ZeroRatePeriodicDiscountFactors.of(GBP, DATE_VAL, curveM).discountFactorWithSpread(DATE_AFTER, spread, PERIODIC, periodPerYear);
                assertEquals(sensi0.get(i), sensiValue * (dfP - dfM) / (2 * shift), TOLERANCE_DELTA_FD, "With spread - " + i);
Exemple #2
        public virtual void test_multipliedBy()
            ZeroRateSensitivity @base    = ZeroRateSensitivity.of(GBP, YEARFRAC, 32d);
            ZeroRateSensitivity expected = ZeroRateSensitivity.of(GBP, YEARFRAC, 32d * 3.5d);
            ZeroRateSensitivity test     = @base.multipliedBy(3.5d);

            assertEquals(test, expected);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the present value curve sensitivity of the payment with z-spread.
        /// <para>
        /// The present value sensitivity of the payment is the sensitivity of the
        /// present value to the discount factor curve.
        /// There is no sensitivity if the payment date is before the valuation date.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The specified discount factors should be for the payment currency, however this is not validated.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The z-spread is a parallel shift applied to continuously compounded rates or periodic
        /// compounded rates of the discounting curve.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="payment">  the payment </param>
        /// <param name="discountFactors">  the discount factors to price against </param>
        /// <param name="zSpread">  the z-spread </param>
        /// <param name="compoundedRateType">  the compounded rate type </param>
        /// <param name="periodsPerYear">  the number of periods per year </param>
        /// <returns> the point sensitivity of the present value </returns>
        public virtual PointSensitivityBuilder presentValueSensitivityWithSpread(Payment payment, DiscountFactors discountFactors, double zSpread, CompoundedRateType compoundedRateType, int periodsPerYear)
            if (discountFactors.ValuationDate.isAfter(payment.Date))
            ZeroRateSensitivity sensi = discountFactors.zeroRatePointSensitivityWithSpread(payment.Date, zSpread, compoundedRateType, periodsPerYear);

        public virtual void test_parameterSensitivity()
            ZeroRatePeriodicDiscountFactors test = ZeroRatePeriodicDiscountFactors.of(GBP, DATE_VAL, CURVE);
            double sensiValue         = 25d;
            ZeroRateSensitivity point = test.zeroRatePointSensitivity(DATE_AFTER);

            point = point.multipliedBy(sensiValue);
            CurrencyParameterSensitivities sensiObject = test.parameterSensitivity(point);

            assertEquals(sensiObject.size(), 1);
            CurrencyParameterSensitivity sensi1 = sensiObject.Sensitivities.get(0);

            assertEquals(sensi1.Currency, GBP);