Exemple #1
        private void UpdateSelectedIndex(int newValue)
            MgRadioButton radioButton = null;

            if (SelectedIndex != newValue)
                Control.ControlCollection c = (Control.ControlCollection)(Controls);
                if (c.Count > 0)
                    //unregister & register the CheckedChanged event of radioButton & unCheck the old selected radioButton.
                    if (SelectedIndex > -1)
                        radioButton = (MgRadioButton)Controls[SelectedIndex];
                        radioButton.CheckedChanged -= MgRadioButton_CheckedChanged;
                        radioButton.Checked         = false;
                        radioButton.CheckedChanged += MgRadioButton_CheckedChanged;

                    //unregister & register the CheckedChanged event of radioButton & Check the new selected radioButton.
                    if (newValue > -1)
                        radioButton = (MgRadioButton)Controls[newValue];
                        radioButton.CheckedChanged -= MgRadioButton_CheckedChanged;
                        radioButton.Checked         = true;
                        radioButton.CheckedChanged += MgRadioButton_CheckedChanged;

                selectedIndex = newValue;
Exemple #2
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name = "container"></param>
            /// <param name = "layoutEventArgs"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public override bool Layout(object container, LayoutEventArgs layoutEventArgs)
                Control parent = container as Control;

                if (parent.Controls.Count == 0)
                Size          clientRect         = ((Panel)container).Size;
                int           radioLineSeperator = 0;
                int           radioColSeperator  = 0;
                MgRadioButton radioButton        = (MgRadioButton)parent.Controls[0];
                Boolean       isAppearanceButton = (radioButton.Appearance == Appearance.Button);
                int           radionInColumn     = getCountOfButtonsInColumn(parent.Controls.Count, isAppearanceButton);

                Rectangle radioRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);

                if (parent.Controls.Count == 1)
                    radioButton.SetBounds(0, 0, clientRect.Width, clientRect.Height);
                    int i      = 0;
                    int width  = 0;
                    int height = 0;

                    int numColumns = _numColumns;

                    if (isAppearanceButton)
                        numColumns = Math.Min(numColumns, parent.Controls.Count);
                        width      = radioRect.Width = clientRect.Width / numColumns;
                        height     = radioRect.Height = clientRect.Height / radionInColumn;
                        // Fixed defect #:137271: radioColSeperator & radioLineSeperator will be 0 for button
                        radioColSeperator  = 0;
                        radioLineSeperator = 0;
                        radioRect.X        = radioLineSeperator;
                        radioRect.Y        = radioColSeperator;
                        MgRadioPanel mgRadioPanel = container as MgRadioPanel;
                        if (radioButton.Image != null)
                            // Measure the radio button image size.
                            width  = radioButton.Image.Width;
                            height = radioButton.Image.Height;
                            //find the maximun string size in the composite
                            foreach (Control c in parent.Controls)
                                MgRadioButton mgRadioButton = (MgRadioButton)c;
                                Size          textExt       = Utils.GetTextExt(mgRadioPanel.Font, mgRadioButton.TextToDisplay, c);
                                width  = Math.Max(width, textExt.Width);
                                height = Math.Max(height, textExt.Height);
                        // add extras
                        width  = (int)((float)(RADIO_RECT_DX + RADIO_TEXT_SPACE + width + 1) * Utils.GetDpiScaleRatioX(parent));
                        height = (int)((float)(Math.Max(RADIO_RECT_DY, height + 2) * Utils.GetDpiScaleRatioY(parent)));

                        PointF fm = Utils.GetFontMetricsByFont(mgRadioPanel, (mgRadioPanel).Font);

                        radioLineSeperator = (int)fm.Y / 2;
                        height             = Math.Max(height, (clientRect.Height - (radionInColumn * radioLineSeperator)) / radionInColumn);
                        radioColSeperator  = (int)Math.Max((clientRect.Width - (numColumns * width)) / (numColumns + 1), fm.X / 2);

                        // Use DisplayRectangle so that parent.Padding is honored.
#if !PocketPC
                        Rectangle parentDisplayRectangle = parent.DisplayRectangle;
                        Rectangle parentDisplayRectangle = parent.Bounds;
                        parentDisplayRectangle.X = parentDisplayRectangle.Y = 0;
                        Point nextControlLocation = parentDisplayRectangle.Location;

                        // calculate the bounds of the first button in the first column
                        radioRect.Y      = radioLineSeperator;
                        radioRect.Height = height;
                        // TODO: Hebrew

                        if (mgRadioPanel.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                            radioRect.X = mgRadioPanel.Width - radioColSeperator - width;
                            radioRect.X = radioColSeperator;
                        radioRect.Width = width;

                    foreach (Control c in parent.Controls)
                        radioButton = (MgRadioButton)c;
                            // checks if skip to another column is needed
                            if (numColumns > 1 && i > 0 && (i % radionInColumn) == 0)
                                // TODO: Hebrew
                                MgRadioPanel mgRadioPanel = container as MgRadioPanel;
                                if (mgRadioPanel.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                                    radioRect.X -= width + radioColSeperator;
                                    radioRect.X += width + radioColSeperator;
                                radioRect.Y = radioLineSeperator;

                        if (radioRect.X + radioRect.Width > clientRect.Width)
                            radioRect.Width = clientRect.Width - radioRect.X;
                        if (radioRect.Y + radioRect.Height > clientRect.Height)
                            radioRect.Height = clientRect.Height - radioRect.Y;
                        // set the radio bounds
                        radioButton.SetBounds(radioRect.X, radioRect.Y, radioRect.Width, radioRect.Height);

                        // sets the next radio location
                        radioRect.Y += radioLineSeperator + height;