Exemple #1
        /// <summary></summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            //For Desktop:
            //Always call base.OnPaint() to let the Framework render the border and the box.
            //Image is always to be rendered by the Framework.
            //If Image is not available, then only...
            //1. Appearance=Normal, just draw the text.
            //2. Appearance=Button, paint the background and text.

            //Since we do not want the Framework to paint the Text, set it to "" (blank) before calling base.OnPaint() and
            //reset it later.
            String orgText = Text;

            TextToDisplay = Text;
            base.Text     = String.Empty;

            if (BackColor == Color.Transparent && Parent is ISupportsTransparentChildRendering)
                ((ISupportsTransparentChildRendering)Parent).TransparentChild = this;


            if (BackColor == Color.Transparent && Parent is ISupportsTransparentChildRendering)
                ((ISupportsTransparentChildRendering)Parent).TransparentChild = null;

            base.Text = orgText;
            //Since we are modifying the Text, we need to Validate the Rect. Otherwise, the paint will go in recursion.
            win32.NativeWindowCommon.ValidateRect(this.Handle, IntPtr.Zero);

            if (Image == null)
                if (Appearance == Appearance.Normal)
                    Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle();
                    textRect = ClientRectangle;
                    //Padding also includes the padding set for the BOX. But it is not needed while rendering the text.
                    //So, ignore it.
                    textRect.Location = new Point(textRect.Left + Padding.Left, textRect.Top + Padding.Top - checkTopPadding);
                    textRect.Size     = new Size(textRect.Width - (Padding.Left + Padding.Right), textRect.Height - (Padding.Top + Padding.Bottom - checkTopPadding));

                    CheckBoxAndRadioButtonRenderer.DrawTextAndFocusRect(this, e, TextToDisplay, textRect, textOffset);
                    ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(this, e, true, true);
                if (Focused && Appearance == Appearance.Normal)
                    CheckBoxAndRadioButtonRenderer.DrawFocusRectOnCheckBoxGlyph(this, e.Graphics);

            // paint the border
            if (BorderType != BorderType.NoBorder)
                BorderRenderer.PaintBorder(e.Graphics, ClientRectangle, ForeColor, ControlStyle.TwoD, false, BorderType);