public virtual void newRecord(DDMCallbackEvent @event, DDMDataBuffer dataBuffer)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final byte[] data = dataBuffer.getRecordDataBuffer();
            sbyte[] data = dataBuffer.RecordDataBuffer;
            string  line = Conv.ebcdicByteArrayToString(data, 0, data.Length, charBuffer_);

            if (skip_ == 1)
                int index = line.IndexOf(":", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (index > 0)
                    int end = line.IndexOf("System name", index, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (end > index)
                        elapsedTime_ = line.Substring(index + 1, (end - index) - (index + 1)).Trim();
            else if (skip_ < 4)
            else if (!theEnd_)
                if (line.IndexOf("E N D  O F  L I S T I N G", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0)
                    theEnd_ = true;
                    StringTokenizer st               = new StringTokenizer(line);
                    string          unit             = nextToken(st);
                    string          type             = nextToken(st);
                    string          sizeMB           = nextToken(st);
                    string          percentUsed      = nextToken(st);
                    string          ioRequests       = nextToken(st);
                    string          requestSizeKB    = nextToken(st);
                    string          readRequests     = nextToken(st);
                    string          writeRequests    = nextToken(st);
                    string          readKB           = nextToken(st);
                    string          writeKB          = nextToken(st);
                    string          percentBusy      = nextToken(st);
                    string          asp              = nextToken(st);
                    string          protectionType   = nextToken(st);
                    string          protectionStatus = nextToken(st);
                    string          compression      = nextToken(st);
                    DiskStatus      ds               = new DiskStatus(unit, type, sizeMB, percentUsed, ioRequests, requestSizeKB, readRequests, writeRequests, readKB, writeKB, percentBusy, asp, protectionType, protectionStatus, compression);
        /// <summary>
        /// NOTE: The workingLibrary will be deleted when this method is called.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public DiskStatus[] getDiskStatuses(final CommandConnection cc, final DDMConnection ddmConn, String workingLibrary, boolean reset) throws IOException
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are not available in .NET:
        public virtual DiskStatus[] getDiskStatuses(CommandConnection cc, DDMConnection ddmConn, string workingLibrary, bool reset)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final SystemInfo si1 = cc.getInfo();
            SystemInfo si1 = cc.Info;
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final SystemInfo si2 = ddmConn.getInfo();
            SystemInfo si2 = ddmConn.Info;

            if (!si1.System.Equals(si2.System) || si1.ServerLevel != si2.ServerLevel)
                throw new IOException("Command connection does not match DDM connection.");

            skip_   = 0;
            theEnd_ = false;
            elapsedTime_        = null;
            done_               = false;
            outputQueueLibrary_ = workingLibrary;

            // I really wish spooled files could go into QTEMP!
            // DDMConnection conn = DDMConnection.getConnection("rchasa12", "csmith",
            // "s1r4l0in");
            // CommandConnection conn = CommandConnection.getConnection("rchasa12",
            // "csmith", "s1r4l0in");
            // System.out.println(conn.getJobName());
            CommandResult result = cc.execute("CLROUTQ OUTQ(" + workingLibrary + "/DSKSTS)");

            if (!result.succeeded())
                IList <Message> messages = result.MessagesList;
                if (messages.Count != 1 && !messages[0].ID.Equals("CPF3357"))
                    throw new IOException("Error clearing output queue: " + result.ToString());
            result = cc.execute("DLTLIB " + workingLibrary);
            if (!result.succeeded())
                IList <Message> messages = result.MessagesList;
                if (messages.Count != 1 || !messages[0].ID.Equals("CPF2110"))   // Library
                // not
                // found.
                    throw new IOException("Error deleting library: " + result.ToString());
            result = cc.execute("CRTLIB " + workingLibrary);
            if (!result.succeeded())
                throw new IOException("Error creating library: " + result.ToString());
            result = cc.execute("CRTPF " + workingLibrary + "/DSKSTS RCDLEN(132) MAXMBRS(*NOMAX) SIZE(*NOMAX) LVLCHK(*NO)");
            if (!result.succeeded())
                throw new IOException("Error creating physical file: " + result.ToString());
            result = cc.execute("CRTOUTQ OUTQ(" + workingLibrary + "/DSKSTS)");
            if (!result.succeeded())
                throw new IOException("Error creating output queue: " + result.ToString());
            result = cc.execute("CHGJOB OUTQ(" + workingLibrary + "/DSKSTS)");
            if (!result.succeeded())
                throw new IOException("Error changing job: " + result.ToString());
            result = cc.execute("WRKDSKSTS OUTPUT(*PRINT) RESET(" + (reset ? "*YES" : "*NO") + ")");
            if (!result.succeeded())
                throw new IOException("Error running WRKDSKSTS: " + result.ToString());
            OpenListOfSpooledFilesFormatOSPL0300 format = new OpenListOfSpooledFilesFormatOSPL0300();
            OpenListOfSpooledFiles list = new OpenListOfSpooledFiles(format, 256, -1, null, this, null, null, null);

            list.FormatListener = this;
            result =;
            if (!result.succeeded())
                throw new IOException("Error retrieving spooled file: " + result.ToString());
            ListInformation info  = list.ListInformation;
            CloseList       close = new CloseList(info.RequestHandle);

            result =;
            if (!result.succeeded())
                throw new IOException("Error closing spooled file list: " + result.ToString());
            string jobID = jobNumber_.Trim() + "/" + jobUser_.Trim() + "/"
                           + jobName_.Trim();

            result = cc.execute("CPYSPLF FILE(" + spooledFileName_.Trim() + ") TOFILE(" + workingLibrary + "/DSKSTS) JOB(" + jobID + ") SPLNBR(" + spooledFileNumber_ + ") MBROPT(*REPLACE)");
            if (!result.succeeded())
                throw new IOException("Error copying spooled file: " + result.ToString());

            DDMFile file =, "DSKSTS", "DSKSTS", "DSKSTS", DDMFile.READ_ONLY, false, 200, 1);

            while (!done())
                ddmConn.readNext(file, this);
            result = cc.execute("DLTLIB " + workingLibrary);

            DiskStatus[] arr = new DiskStatus[statuses_.Count];

             * Class.forName("");
             * java.sql.Connection c =
             * DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:systemi://rchasa12", "csmith",
             * "s1r4l0in"); Statement s = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs =
             * s.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM QZRDDSKSTS.DSKSTS"); int skip = 0;
             * boolean theEnd = false; while ( { String line =
             * rs.getString(1); if (skip < 4) { ++skip; } else if (!theEnd) { if
             * (line.indexOf("E N D  O F  L I S T I N G") >= 0) { theEnd = true; }
             * else { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line); String unit =
             * st.nextToken(); String type = st.nextToken(); String sizeMB =
             * st.nextToken(); String percentUsed = st.nextToken(); String
             * ioRequests = st.nextToken(); String requestSizeKB = st.nextToken();
             * String readRequests = st.nextToken(); String writeRequests =
             * st.nextToken(); String readKB = st.nextToken(); String writeKB =
             * st.nextToken(); String percentBusy = st.nextToken(); String asp =
             * st.nextToken(); String protectionType = st.nextToken(); String
             * protectionStatus = st.nextToken(); String compression =
             * st.nextToken(); //TODO } } } rs.close(); s.close(); c.close();