public static CreateIndexDesc Walk( EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateIndexExprContext ctx, IDictionary<ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap) { var indexName = ctx.n.Text; var windowName = ctx.w.Text; var unique = false; if (ctx.u != null) { var ident = ctx.u.Text; if (ident.ToLowerInvariant().Trim().Equals("unique")) { unique = true; } else { throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid keyword '" + ident + "' in create-index encountered, expected 'unique'"); } } IList<CreateIndexItem> columns = new List<CreateIndexItem>(); IList<EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateIndexColumnContext> cols = ctx.createIndexColumnList().createIndexColumn(); foreach (var col in cols) { var item = Walk(col, astExprNodeMap); columns.Add(item); } return new CreateIndexDesc(unique, indexName, windowName, columns); }
public static void ExprCollectAddSubNodes( ExprNode parentNode, ITree node, IDictionary<ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap) { if (parentNode == null) { throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid null expression node for '" + ASTUtil.PrintNode(node) + "'"); } if (node == null) { return; } ExprAction action = (exprNode, astExprNodeMapX, nodeX) => { astExprNodeMapX.Remove(nodeX); parentNode.AddChildNode(exprNode); }; for (int i = 0; i < node.ChildCount; i++) { ITree childNode = node.GetChild(i); RecursiveFindRemoveChildExprNode(childNode, astExprNodeMap, action); } }
private static object ParseNumber( IRuleNode number, int factor) { var tokenType = GetSingleChildTokenType(number); if (tokenType == EsperEPL2GrammarLexer.IntegerLiteral) { return ParseIntLongByte(number.GetText(), factor); } if (tokenType == EsperEPL2GrammarLexer.FloatingPointLiteral) { var numberText = number.GetText(); if (numberText.EndsWith("f") || numberText.EndsWith("F")) { numberText = numberText.Substring(0, numberText.Length - 1); return Single.Parse(numberText) * factor; } else if (numberText.EndsWith("m")) { numberText = numberText.Substring(0, numberText.Length - 1); return Decimal.Parse(numberText) * factor; } else if (numberText.EndsWith("d") || numberText.EndsWith("D")) { numberText = numberText.Substring(0, numberText.Length - 1); } return Double.Parse(numberText) * factor; } throw ASTWalkException.From("Encountered unrecognized constant", number.GetText()); }
private static ContextSpecCondition GetContextCondition( EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateContextRangePointContext ctx, IDictionary<ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap, IDictionary<ITree, EvalForgeNode> astPatternNodeMap, PropertyEvalSpec propertyEvalSpec, bool immediate) { if (ctx == null) { return ContextSpecConditionNever.INSTANCE; } if (ctx.crontabLimitParameterSetList() != null) { var crontabs = new List<IList<ExprNode>>(); foreach (var crontabCtx in ctx.crontabLimitParameterSetList().crontabLimitParameterSet()) { var crontab = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(crontabCtx, 0, astExprNodeMap); crontabs.Add(crontab); } return new ContextSpecConditionCrontab(crontabs, immediate); } if (ctx.patternInclusionExpression() != null) { var evalNode = ASTExprHelper.PatternGetRemoveTopNode(ctx.patternInclusionExpression(), astPatternNodeMap); var inclusive = false; if (ctx.i != null) { var ident = ctx.i.Text; if (ident != null && !ident.ToLowerInvariant().Equals("inclusive")) { throw ASTWalkException.From("Expected 'inclusive' keyword after '@', found '" + ident + "' instead"); } inclusive = true; } return new ContextSpecConditionPattern(evalNode, inclusive, immediate); } if (ctx.createContextFilter() != null) { if (immediate) { throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid use of 'now' with initiated-by stream, this combination is not supported"); } return GetContextDetailConditionFilter(ctx.createContextFilter(), propertyEvalSpec, astExprNodeMap); } if (ctx.AFTER() != null) { var timePeriod = (ExprTimePeriod) ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx.timePeriod(), 0, astExprNodeMap)[0]; return new ContextSpecConditionTimePeriod(timePeriod, immediate); } throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized child type"); }
/// <summary> /// Parse the AST constant node and return Object value. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">parse node for which to parse the string value</param> /// <returns>value matching AST node type</returns> public static object Parse(IParseTree node) { if (node is ITerminalNode) { var terminal = (ITerminalNode) node; switch (terminal.Symbol.Type) { case EsperEPL2GrammarParser.BOOLEAN_TRUE: return BoolValue.ParseString(terminal.GetText()); case EsperEPL2GrammarParser.BOOLEAN_FALSE: return BoolValue.ParseString(terminal.GetText()); case EsperEPL2GrammarParser.VALUE_NULL: return null; default: throw ASTWalkException.From("Encountered unexpected constant type " + terminal.Symbol.Type, terminal.Symbol); } } var ruleNode = (IRuleNode) node; var ruleIndex = ruleNode.RuleContext.RuleIndex; if (ruleIndex == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_number) { return ParseNumber(ruleNode, 1); } if (ruleIndex == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_numberconstant) { var number = FindChildRuleByType(ruleNode, EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_number); if (ruleNode.ChildCount > 1) { if (ASTUtil.IsTerminatedOfType(ruleNode.GetChild(0), EsperEPL2GrammarLexer.MINUS)) { return ParseNumber(number, -1); } return ParseNumber(number, 1); } return ParseNumber(number, 1); } if (ruleIndex == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_stringconstant) { return StringValue.ParseString(node.GetText()); } if (ruleIndex == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_constant) { return Parse(ruleNode.GetChild(0)); } throw ASTWalkException.From("Encountered unrecognized constant", node.GetText()); }
private static CreateTableColumn GetColumn( EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateTableColumnContext ctx, IDictionary<ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap, StatementSpecMapEnv mapEnv) { var columnName = ctx.n.Text; ExprNode optExpression = null; if (ctx.builtinFunc() != null || ctx.chainable() != null) { optExpression = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx, 0, astExprNodeMap)[0]; } var optType = ASTClassIdentifierHelper.Walk(ctx.classIdentifierWithDimensions()); var primaryKey = false; if (ctx.p != null) { if (!string.Equals(ctx.p.Text, "primary", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid keyword '" + ctx.p.Text + "' encountered, expected 'primary key'"); } if (!string.Equals(ctx.k.Text, "key", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid keyword '" + ctx.k.Text + "' encountered, expected 'primary key'"); } primaryKey = true; } IList<AnnotationDesc> annots = new EmptyList<AnnotationDesc>(); if (ctx.annotationEnum() != null) { annots = new List<AnnotationDesc>(ctx.annotationEnum().Length); foreach (EsperEPL2GrammarParser.AnnotationEnumContext anctx in ctx.annotationEnum()) { annots.Add(ASTAnnotationHelper.Walk(anctx, mapEnv.ImportService)); } } if (ctx.typeExpressionAnnotation() != null) { if (annots.IsEmpty()) { annots = new List<AnnotationDesc>(); } foreach (EsperEPL2GrammarParser.TypeExpressionAnnotationContext anno in ctx.typeExpressionAnnotation()) { annots.Add(new AnnotationDesc(anno.n.Text, anno.v.Text)); } } return new CreateTableColumn(columnName, optExpression, optType, annots, primaryKey); }
public static int GetAssertTerminatedTokenType(IParseTree child) { if (!(child is ITerminalNode)) { throw ASTWalkException.From("Unexpected exception walking AST, expected terminal node", child.GetText()); } var term = (ITerminalNode) child; return term.Symbol.Type; }
public static string ExpectMayTypeAnno(EsperEPL2GrammarParser.TypeExpressionAnnotationContext ctx, CommonTokenStream tokenStream) { if (ctx == null) { return null; } string annoName = ctx.n.Text; if (!string.Equals(annoName, "type", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid annotation for property selection, expected 'type' but found '" + annoName + "'", tokenStream, ctx); } return ctx.v.Text; }
internal static bool ValidateIsPrimitiveArray(IToken p) { if (p != null) { if (!p.Text.ToLowerInvariant().Equals(ClassIdentifierWArray.PRIMITIVE_KEYWORD)) { throw ASTWalkException.From( "Column type keyword '" + p.Text + "' not recognized, expecting '[" + ClassIdentifierWArray.PRIMITIVE_KEYWORD + "]'"); } return true; } return false; }
private static string ExtractUnicode (StringBuilder sb, int slashIndex) { string result; string code = sb.Substring (slashIndex + 2, slashIndex + 6); int charNum = Int32.Parse (code, 16); // hex to integer try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream (); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter (baos, "UTF-8"); osw.Write (charNum); osw.Flush (); result = baos.ToString ("UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { throw ASTWalkException.From ("Failed to obtain for unicode '" + charNum + "'", e); } return result; }
private static bool CheckNow(IToken i) { if (i == null) { return false; } var ident = i.Text; if (!ident.ToLowerInvariant().Equals("now")) { throw ASTWalkException.From("Expected 'now' keyword after '@', found '" + ident + "' instead"); } return true; }
private static object WalkClassIdent( EsperEPL2GrammarParser.ClassIdentifierContext ctx, ImportServiceCompileTime importService) { var enumValueText = ctx.GetText(); ValueAndFieldDesc enumValueAndField; try { enumValueAndField = ImportCompileTimeUtil.ResolveIdentAsEnumConst(enumValueText, importService, ExtensionClassEmpty.INSTANCE, true); } catch (ExprValidationException) { throw ASTWalkException.From( "Annotation value '" + enumValueText + "' is not recognized as an enumeration value, please check imports or use a primitive or string type"); } if (enumValueAndField != null) { return enumValueAndField.Value; } // resolve as class object enumValue = null; if (enumValueText.EndsWith(".class") && enumValueText.Length > 6) { try { var name = enumValueText.Substring(0, enumValueText.Length - 6); enumValue = importService.ResolveClass(name, true, ExtensionClassEmpty.INSTANCE); } catch (ImportException) { // expected } } if (enumValue != null) { return enumValue; } throw ASTWalkException.From( "Annotation enumeration value '" + enumValueText + "' not recognized as an enumeration class, please check imports or type used"); }
public static void RegExCollectAddSubNodes( RowRecogExprNode regexNode, ITree node, IDictionary<ITree, RowRecogExprNode> astRegExNodeMap) { if (regexNode == null) { throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid null expression node for '" + ASTUtil.PrintNode(node) + "'"); } RegExAction action = (exprNode, astExprNodeMapX, nodeX) => { astExprNodeMapX.Remove(nodeX); regexNode.AddChildNode(exprNode); }; for (int i = 0; i < node.ChildCount; i++) { ITree childNode = node.GetChild(i); RegExApplyActionRecursive(childNode, astRegExNodeMap, action); } }
public static ExprNode ResolvePropertyOrVariableIdentifier( string identifier, VariableCompileTimeResolver variableCompileTimeResolver, StatementSpecRaw spec) { VariableMetaData metaData = variableCompileTimeResolver.Resolve(identifier); if (metaData != null) { ExprVariableNodeImpl exprNode = new ExprVariableNodeImpl(metaData, null); spec.ReferencedVariables.Add(metaData.VariableName); string message = VariableUtil.CheckVariableContextName(spec.OptionalContextName, metaData); if (message != null) { throw ASTWalkException.From(message); } return exprNode; } return new ExprIdentNodeImpl(identifier); }
public static void PatternCollectAddSubnodesAddParentNode( EvalForgeNode evalNode, ITree node, IDictionary<ITree, EvalForgeNode> astPatternNodeMap) { if (evalNode == null) { throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid null expression node for '" + ASTUtil.PrintNode(node) + "'"); } for (int i = 0; i < node.ChildCount; i++) { var childNode = node.GetChild(i); EvalForgeNode childEvalNode = PatternGetRemoveTopNode(childNode, astPatternNodeMap); if (childEvalNode != null) { evalNode.AddChildNode(childEvalNode); } } astPatternNodeMap.Put(node, evalNode); }
public static object Walk( CommonTokenStream tokenStream, EsperEPL2GrammarParser.JsonvalueContext node) { if (node.constant() != null) { EsperEPL2GrammarParser.ConstantContext constCtx = node.constant(); if (constCtx.stringconstant() != null) { return ExtractString(constCtx.stringconstant().GetText()); } else { return ASTConstantHelper.Parse(constCtx.GetChild(0)); } } else if (node.jsonobject() != null) { return WalkObject(tokenStream, node.jsonobject()); } else if (node.jsonarray() != null) { return WalkArray(tokenStream, node.jsonarray()); } throw ASTWalkException.From("Encountered unexpected node type in json tree", tokenStream, node); }
private static MathArithTypeEnum TokenToMathEnum(int token) { switch (token) { case EsperEPL2GrammarLexer.DIV: return MathArithTypeEnum.DIVIDE; case EsperEPL2GrammarLexer.STAR: return MathArithTypeEnum.MULTIPLY; case EsperEPL2GrammarLexer.PLUS: return MathArithTypeEnum.ADD; case EsperEPL2GrammarLexer.MINUS: return MathArithTypeEnum.SUBTRACT; case EsperEPL2GrammarLexer.MOD: return MathArithTypeEnum.MODULO; default: throw ASTWalkException.From("Encountered unrecognized math token type " + token); } }
public static MatchRecognizeSkipEnum ParseSkip( CommonTokenStream tokenStream, EsperEPL2GrammarParser.MatchRecogMatchesAfterSkipContext ctx) { if (!string.Equals(ctx.i1.GetText(), "MATCH", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || !string.Equals(ctx.i2.GetText(), "SKIP", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || !string.Equals(ctx.i5.GetText(), "ROW", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ) { throw ASTWalkException.From(MESSAGE, tokenStream, ctx); } var i3 = ctx.i3.GetText(); if (!string.Equals(i3, "TO", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && !string.Equals(i3, "PAST", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { throw ASTWalkException.From(MESSAGE, tokenStream, ctx); } var i4 = ctx.i4.GetText(); if (string.Equals(i4, "LAST", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return MatchRecognizeSkipEnum.PAST_LAST_ROW; } if (string.Equals(i4, "NEXT", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return MatchRecognizeSkipEnum.TO_NEXT_ROW; } if (string.Equals(i4, "CURRENT", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return MatchRecognizeSkipEnum.TO_CURRENT_ROW; } throw ASTWalkException.From(MESSAGE); }
public static ClassIdentifierWArray Walk(EsperEPL2GrammarParser.ClassIdentifierWithDimensionsContext ctx) { if (ctx == null) { return null; } var name = ASTUtil.UnescapeClassIdent(ctx.classIdentifier()); IList<EsperEPL2GrammarParser.DimensionsContext> dimensions = ctx.dimensions(); if (dimensions.IsEmpty()) { return new ClassIdentifierWArray(name); } var first = dimensions[0].IDENT(); var keyword = first?.ToString().Trim().ToLowerInvariant(); if (keyword != null && !keyword.Equals(ClassIdentifierWArray.PRIMITIVE_KEYWORD)) { throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid array keyword '" + keyword + "', expected '" + ClassIdentifierWArray.PRIMITIVE_KEYWORD + "'"); } return new ClassIdentifierWArray(name, dimensions.Count, keyword != null); }
public static RowRecogExprRepeatDesc WalkOptionalRepeat( EsperEPL2GrammarParser.MatchRecogPatternRepeatContext ctx, IDictionary<ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap) { if (ctx == null) { return null; } var e1 = ctx.e1 == null ? null : ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx.e1, 0, astExprNodeMap)[0]; var e2 = ctx.e2 == null ? null : ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx.e2, 0, astExprNodeMap)[0]; if (ctx.comma == null && ctx.e1 != null) { return new RowRecogExprRepeatDesc(null, null, e1); } if (e1 == null && e2 == null) { throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid match-recognize quantifier '" + ctx.GetText() + "', expecting an expression"); } return new RowRecogExprRepeatDesc(e1, e2, null); }
public static OutputLimitSpec BuildOutputLimitSpec( CommonTokenStream tokenStream, EsperEPL2GrammarParser.OutputLimitContext ctx, IDictionary<ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap) { var displayLimit = OutputLimitLimitType.DEFAULT; if (ctx.k != null) { switch (ctx.k.Type) { case EsperEPL2GrammarParser.FIRST: displayLimit = OutputLimitLimitType.FIRST; break; case EsperEPL2GrammarParser.LAST: displayLimit = OutputLimitLimitType.LAST; break; case EsperEPL2GrammarParser.SNAPSHOT: displayLimit = OutputLimitLimitType.SNAPSHOT; break; case EsperEPL2GrammarParser.ALL: displayLimit = OutputLimitLimitType.ALL; break; default: throw ASTWalkException.From("Encountered unrecognized token " + ctx.k.Text, tokenStream, ctx); } } // next is a variable, or time period, or number string variableName = null; double? rate = null; ExprNode whenExpression = null; IList<ExprNode> crontabScheduleSpec = null; IList<OnTriggerSetAssignment> thenExpressions = null; ExprTimePeriod timePeriodExpr = null; OutputLimitRateType rateType; ExprNode andAfterTerminateExpr = null; IList<OnTriggerSetAssignment> andAfterTerminateSetExpressions = null; if (ctx.t != null) { rateType = OutputLimitRateType.TERM; if (ctx.expression() != null) { andAfterTerminateExpr = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx.expression(), 0, astExprNodeMap)[0]; } if (ctx.onSetExpr() != null) { andAfterTerminateSetExpressions = ASTExprHelper.GetOnTriggerSetAssignments(ctx.onSetExpr().onSetAssignmentList(), astExprNodeMap); } } else if (ctx.wh != null) { rateType = OutputLimitRateType.WHEN_EXPRESSION; whenExpression = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx.expression(), 0, astExprNodeMap)[0]; if (ctx.onSetExpr() != null) { thenExpressions = ASTExprHelper.GetOnTriggerSetAssignments(ctx.onSetExpr().onSetAssignmentList(), astExprNodeMap); } } else if ( != null) { rateType = OutputLimitRateType.CRONTAB; crontabScheduleSpec = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx.crontabLimitParameterSet(), 0, astExprNodeMap); } else { if (ctx.ev != null) { rateType = ctx.e != null ? OutputLimitRateType.EVENTS : OutputLimitRateType.TIME_PERIOD; if (ctx.i != null) { variableName = ctx.i.Text; } else if (ctx.timePeriod() != null) { timePeriodExpr = (ExprTimePeriod) ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx.timePeriod(), 0, astExprNodeMap)[0]; } else { ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx.number(), 0, astExprNodeMap); // remove rate = ctx.number().GetText().AsDouble(); } } else { rateType = OutputLimitRateType.AFTER; } } // get the AFTER time period ExprTimePeriod afterTimePeriodExpr = null; int? afterNumberOfEvents = null; if (ctx.outputLimitAfter() != null) { if (ctx.outputLimitAfter().timePeriod() != null) { ExprNode expression = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx.outputLimitAfter(), 0, astExprNodeMap)[0]; afterTimePeriodExpr = (ExprTimePeriod) expression; } else { var constant = ASTConstantHelper.Parse(ctx.outputLimitAfter().number()); afterNumberOfEvents = constant.AsInt32(); } } var andAfterTerminate = false; if (ctx.outputLimitAndTerm() != null) { andAfterTerminate = true; if (ctx.outputLimitAndTerm().expression() != null) { andAfterTerminateExpr = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx.outputLimitAndTerm().expression(), 0, astExprNodeMap)[0]; } if (ctx.outputLimitAndTerm().onSetExpr() != null) { andAfterTerminateSetExpressions = ASTExprHelper.GetOnTriggerSetAssignments( ctx.outputLimitAndTerm().onSetExpr().onSetAssignmentList(), astExprNodeMap); } } return new OutputLimitSpec( rate, variableName, rateType, displayLimit, whenExpression, thenExpressions, crontabScheduleSpec, timePeriodExpr, afterTimePeriodExpr, afterNumberOfEvents, andAfterTerminate, andAfterTerminateExpr, andAfterTerminateSetExpressions); }
private static ContextSpec WalkChoice( EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateContextChoiceContext ctx, IDictionary<ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap, IDictionary<ITree, EvalForgeNode> astPatternNodeMap, PropertyEvalSpec propertyEvalSpec) { // temporal fixed (start+end) and overlapping (initiated/terminated) if (ctx.START() != null || ctx.INITIATED() != null) { ExprNode[] distinctExpressions = null; if (ctx.createContextDistinct() != null) { if (ctx.createContextDistinct().expressionList() == null) { distinctExpressions = ExprNodeUtilityQuery.EMPTY_EXPR_ARRAY; } else { distinctExpressions = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodesPerNode( ctx.createContextDistinct().expressionList().expression(), astExprNodeMap); } } ContextSpecCondition startEndpoint; if (ctx.START() != null) { var immediate = CheckNow(ctx.i); if (immediate) { startEndpoint = ContextSpecConditionImmediate.INSTANCE; } else { startEndpoint = GetContextCondition(ctx.r1, astExprNodeMap, astPatternNodeMap, propertyEvalSpec, false); } } else { var immediate = CheckNow(ctx.i); startEndpoint = GetContextCondition(ctx.r1, astExprNodeMap, astPatternNodeMap, propertyEvalSpec, immediate); } var overlapping = ctx.INITIATED() != null; var endEndpoint = GetContextCondition(ctx.r2, astExprNodeMap, astPatternNodeMap, propertyEvalSpec, false); return new ContextSpecInitiatedTerminated(startEndpoint, endEndpoint, overlapping, distinctExpressions); } // partitioned if (ctx.PARTITION() != null) { IList<EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateContextPartitionItemContext> partitions = ctx.createContextPartitionItem(); IList<ContextSpecKeyedItem> rawSpecs = new List<ContextSpecKeyedItem>(); foreach (var partition in partitions) { var filterSpec = ASTFilterSpecHelper.WalkFilterSpec(partition.eventFilterExpression(), propertyEvalSpec, astExprNodeMap); propertyEvalSpec = null; IList<string> propertyNames = new List<string>(); IList<EsperEPL2GrammarParser.ChainableContext> properties = partition.chainable(); foreach (var property in properties) { var propertyName = ASTUtil.GetPropertyName(property, 0); propertyNames.Add(propertyName); } ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(partition, 0, astExprNodeMap); // remove expressions rawSpecs.Add( new ContextSpecKeyedItem( filterSpec, propertyNames, partition.keywordAllowedIdent() == null ? null : partition.keywordAllowedIdent().GetText())); } IList<ContextSpecConditionFilter> optionalInit = null; if (ctx.createContextPartitionInit() != null) { optionalInit = GetContextPartitionInit(ctx.createContextPartitionInit().createContextFilter(), astExprNodeMap); } ContextSpecCondition optionalTermination = null; if (ctx.createContextPartitionTerm() != null) { optionalTermination = GetContextCondition( ctx.createContextPartitionTerm().createContextRangePoint(), astExprNodeMap, astPatternNodeMap, propertyEvalSpec, false); } return new ContextSpecKeyed(rawSpecs, optionalInit, optionalTermination); } if (ctx.COALESCE() != null) { // hash IList<EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateContextCoalesceItemContext> coalesces = ctx.createContextCoalesceItem(); IList<ContextSpecHashItem> rawSpecs = new List<ContextSpecHashItem>(coalesces.Count); foreach (var coalesce in coalesces) { var chain = ASTChainSpecHelper.GetChainables(coalesce.chainable(), astExprNodeMap); var func = chain[0]; var filterSpec = ASTFilterSpecHelper.WalkFilterSpec(coalesce.eventFilterExpression(), propertyEvalSpec, astExprNodeMap); propertyEvalSpec = null; rawSpecs.Add(new ContextSpecHashItem(func, filterSpec)); } var granularity = ctx.g.Text; if (!granularity.ToLowerInvariant().Equals("granularity")) { throw ASTWalkException.From("Expected 'granularity' keyword after list of coalesce items, found '" + granularity + "' instead"); } var num = ASTConstantHelper.Parse(ctx.number()); var preallocateStr = ctx.p?.Text; if (preallocateStr != null && !preallocateStr.ToLowerInvariant().Equals("preallocate")) { throw ASTWalkException.From( "Expected 'preallocate' keyword after list of coalesce items, found '" + preallocateStr + "' instead"); } if (!num.GetType().IsNumericNonFP() || num.GetType().GetBoxedType() == typeof(long?)) { throw ASTWalkException.From("Granularity provided must be an int-type number, received " + num.GetType() + " instead"); } return new ContextSpecHash(rawSpecs, num.AsInt32(), preallocateStr != null); } // categorized if (ctx.createContextGroupItem() != null) { IList<EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateContextGroupItemContext> grps = ctx.createContextGroupItem(); IList<ContextSpecCategoryItem> items = new List<ContextSpecCategoryItem>(); foreach (var grp in grps) { var exprNode = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(grp, 0, astExprNodeMap)[0]; var name = grp.i.Text; items.Add(new ContextSpecCategoryItem(exprNode, name)); } var filterSpec = ASTFilterSpecHelper.WalkFilterSpec(ctx.eventFilterExpression(), propertyEvalSpec, astExprNodeMap); return new ContextSpecCategory(items, filterSpec); } throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized context detail type"); }
public static MyPair WalkExpressionDecl( EsperEPL2GrammarParser.ExpressionDeclContext ctx, IList<string> scriptBodies, IDictionary<ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap, CommonTokenStream tokenStream) { var name =; if (ctx.alias != null) { if (!ctx.alias.Text.ToLowerInvariant().Trim().Equals("alias")) { throw ASTWalkException.From( "For expression alias '" + name + "' expecting 'alias' keyword but received '" + ctx.alias.Text + "'"); } if (ctx.columnList() != null) { throw ASTWalkException.From( "For expression alias '" + name + "' expecting no parameters but received '" + tokenStream.GetText(ctx.columnList()) + "'"); } if (ctx.expressionDef() != null && ctx.expressionDef().expressionLambdaDecl() != null) { throw ASTWalkException.From( "For expression alias '" + name + "' expecting an expression without parameters but received '" + tokenStream.GetText(ctx.expressionDef().expressionLambdaDecl()) + "'"); } if (ctx.expressionDef().stringconstant() != null) { throw ASTWalkException.From("For expression alias '" + name + "' expecting an expression but received a script"); } var node = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx, 0, astExprNodeMap)[0]; var alias =; var expressionUnmap = StatementSpecMapper.Unmap(node); var decl = new ExpressionDeclItem(alias, new string[0], true); decl.OptionalSoda = expressionUnmap; return new MyPair(decl, null); } if (ctx.expressionDef().stringconstant() != null) { var expressionText = scriptBodies.DeleteAt(0); var parameters = ASTUtil.GetIdentList(ctx.columnList()); var optionalReturnType = ctx.classIdentifier() == null ? null : ASTUtil.UnescapeClassIdent(ctx.classIdentifier()); var optionalReturnTypeArray = ctx.array != null; var optionalDialect = ctx.expressionDialect() == null ? null : ctx.expressionDialect().d.Text; var optionalEventTypeName = ASTTypeExpressionAnnoHelper.ExpectMayTypeAnno(ctx.typeExpressionAnnotation(), tokenStream); var script = new ExpressionScriptProvided( name, expressionText, parameters.ToArray(), optionalReturnType, optionalReturnTypeArray, optionalEventTypeName, optionalDialect); return new MyPair(null, script); } var ctxexpr = ctx.expressionDef(); var inner = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctxexpr.expression(), 0, astExprNodeMap)[0]; IList<string> parametersNames = new EmptyList<string>(); var lambdactx = ctxexpr.expressionLambdaDecl(); if (ctxexpr.expressionLambdaDecl() != null) { parametersNames = ASTLambdaHelper.GetLambdaGoesParams(lambdactx); } var expression = StatementSpecMapper.Unmap(inner); var expr = new ExpressionDeclItem(name, parametersNames.ToArray(), false); expr.OptionalSoda = expression; return new MyPair(expr, null); }