Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// this would only be used to restore a deleted page
        /// not all page properties would be restored but main content would
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        public static void CopyTo(this ContentHistory input, IPage target)
            target.Author = input.Author;
            //target.Categories = input.Categories;
            //target.Comments = input.Comments;
            target.CorrelationKey = input.CorrelationKey;
            target.Content        = input.Content;
            target.ContentType    = input.ContentType;
            //target.DisableEditor = input.DisableEditor;
            //target.ExternalUrl = input.ExternalUrl;
            target.Id           = input.ContentId;
            target.IsPublished  = input.IsPublished;
            target.LastModified = input.LastModified;
            //target.MenuFilters = input.MenuFilters;
            //target.MenuOnly = input.MenuOnly;
            target.MetaDescription = input.MetaDescription;
            target.MetaHtml        = input.MetaHtml;
            target.MetaJson        = input.MetaJson;
            target.PageOrder       = input.PageOrder;
            target.ParentId        = input.ParentId;
            target.ParentSlug      = input.ParentSlug;
            target.ProjectId       = input.ProjectId;
            target.PubDate         = input.PubDate;
            //target.Resources = input.Resources;
            //target.ShowCategories = input.ShowCategories;
            //target.ShowComments = input.ShowComments;
            //target.ShowHeading = input.ShowHeading;
            //target.ShowMenu = input.ShowMenu;
            //target.ShowLastModified = input.ShowLastModified;
            //target.ShowPubDate = input.ShowPubDate;
            target.Slug      = input.Slug;
            target.Title     = input.Title;
            target.ViewRoles = input.ViewRoles;

            target.CreatedUtc           = input.CreatedUtc;
            target.CreatedByUser        = input.CreatedByUser;
            target.LastModifiedByUser   = input.LastModifiedByUser;
            target.DraftAuthor          = input.DraftAuthor;
            target.DraftContent         = input.DraftContent;
            target.DraftPubDate         = input.DraftPubDate;
            target.DraftSerializedModel = input.DraftSerializedModel;
            target.TemplateKey          = input.TemplateKey;
            target.SerializedModel      = input.SerializedModel;
            target.Serializer           = input.Serializer;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// this would only be used to restore a deleted post,
        /// categories and comments would be lost as they are not kept in content history
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        public static void CopyTo(this ContentHistory input, IPost target)
            target.Author = input.Author;
            target.BlogId = input.ProjectId;

            var catList = input.CategoriesCsv.Split(new char[] { ',' },
                                                    StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(c => c.Trim())

            target.Categories.AddRange(catList.Where(p2 =>
                                                     target.Categories.All(p1 => p1 != p2)));

            //target.Comments = input.Comments;
            target.Content         = input.Content;
            target.ContentType     = input.ContentType;
            target.Id              = input.ContentId;
            target.IsPublished     = input.IsPublished;
            target.LastModified    = input.LastModified;
            target.MetaDescription = input.MetaDescription;
            target.MetaHtml        = input.MetaHtml;
            target.MetaJson        = input.MetaJson;
            target.PubDate         = input.PubDate;
            target.Slug            = input.Slug;
            target.Title           = input.Title;
            target.CorrelationKey  = input.CorrelationKey;
            //target.ImageUrl = input.ImageUrl;
            //target.ThumbnailUrl = input.ThumbnailUrl;
            //target.IsFeatured = input.IsFeatured;
            //target.TeaserOverride = input.TeaserOverride;
            //target.SuppressTeaser = input.SuppressTeaser;

            target.CreatedByUser        = input.CreatedByUser;
            target.CreatedUtc           = input.CreatedUtc;
            target.LastModifiedByUser   = input.LastModifiedByUser;
            target.DraftAuthor          = input.DraftAuthor;
            target.DraftContent         = input.DraftContent;
            target.DraftPubDate         = input.DraftPubDate;
            target.DraftSerializedModel = input.DraftSerializedModel;
            target.TemplateKey          = input.TemplateKey;
            target.SerializedModel      = input.SerializedModel;
            target.Serializer           = input.Serializer;
Exemple #3
        public static ContentHistory CreateHistory(this IPage page, string currentUser, bool forDelete = false)
            var hx = new ContentHistory()
                ArchivedBy           = currentUser,
                Author               = page.Author,
                ArchivedUtc          = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Content              = page.Content,
                ContentSource        = ContentSource.Page,
                ContentId            = page.Id,
                ContentType          = page.ContentType,
                CorrelationKey       = page.CorrelationKey,
                CreatedByUser        = page.CreatedByUser,
                CreatedUtc           = page.CreatedUtc,
                DraftAuthor          = page.DraftAuthor,
                DraftContent         = page.DraftContent,
                DraftPubDate         = page.DraftPubDate,
                DraftSerializedModel = page.DraftSerializedModel,
                IsDraftHx            = page.HasDraftVersion(),
                IsPublished          = page.IsPublished,
                LastModified         = page.LastModified,
                LastModifiedByUser   = page.LastModifiedByUser,
                MetaDescription      = page.MetaDescription,
                MetaHtml             = page.MetaHtml,
                MetaJson             = page.MetaJson,
                PageOrder            = page.PageOrder,
                ParentId             = page.ParentId,
                ParentSlug           = page.ParentSlug,
                ProjectId            = page.ProjectId,
                PubDate              = page.PubDate,
                SerializedModel      = page.SerializedModel,
                Serializer           = page.Serializer,
                Slug        = page.Slug,
                TemplateKey = page.TemplateKey,
                Title       = page.Title,
                ViewRoles   = page.ViewRoles,
                WasDeleted  = forDelete

Exemple #4
        public static ContentHistory CreateHistory(this IPost post, string currentUser, bool forDelete = false)
            var hx = new ContentHistory()
                ArchivedBy           = currentUser,
                Author               = post.Author,
                ArchivedUtc          = DateTime.UtcNow,
                CategoriesCsv        = string.Join(",", post.Categories.Distinct(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)),
                Content              = post.Content,
                ContentSource        = ContentSource.Blog,
                ContentId            = post.Id,
                ContentType          = post.ContentType,
                CorrelationKey       = post.CorrelationKey,
                CreatedByUser        = post.CreatedByUser,
                CreatedUtc           = post.CreatedUtc,
                DraftAuthor          = post.DraftAuthor,
                DraftContent         = post.DraftContent,
                DraftPubDate         = post.DraftPubDate,
                DraftSerializedModel = post.DraftSerializedModel,
                IsDraftHx            = post.HasDraftVersion(),
                IsPublished          = post.IsPublished,
                LastModified         = post.LastModified,
                LastModifiedByUser   = post.LastModifiedByUser,
                MetaDescription      = post.MetaDescription,
                MetaHtml             = post.MetaHtml,
                MetaJson             = post.MetaJson,
                ProjectId            = post.BlogId,
                PubDate              = post.PubDate,
                SerializedModel      = post.SerializedModel,
                Serializer           = post.Serializer,
                Slug           = post.Slug,
                TeaserOverride = post.TeaserOverride,
                TemplateKey    = post.TemplateKey,
                Title          = post.Title,
                WasDeleted     = forDelete
