// Constructor for the AddDroid class:
        public AddDroid(DroidCollection droidCollection)
            // Declare variables and set blank for error checking purposes:
            string model        = "";
            string materialType = "";
            string colorChoice  = "";

            // While the model is still blank:
            while (model == "")
                // Prompt for model type:
                Console.WriteLine("Current options for model are Protocol, Utility, Janitor and Astromech.");
                Console.Write("Please enter the model type: ");
                // Save model type:
                model = Console.ReadLine();
                // Check for correct spelling - allows for any casing and extra spacing:
                if (!model.ToUpper().Equals("PROTOCOL") && !model.ToUpper().Equals("UTILITY") &&
                    !model.ToUpper().Equals("JANITOR") && !model.ToUpper().Equals("ASTROMECH"))
                    // If spelled wrong, output error message and reset model to blank so the process loops again:
                    Console.WriteLine("That model was not valid.  Please spell the model the same as the option listed.");
                    model = "";

            // While the material is still blank:
            while (materialType == "")
                // Prompt for material type:
                Console.WriteLine("Current options for material are Steel, Aluminum, and Plastic.");
                Console.Write("Please enter the material type: ");
                // Save material type:
                materialType = Console.ReadLine();
                // Check for correct spelling - allows for any casing and extra spacing:
                if (!materialType.ToUpper().Equals("STEEL") && !materialType.ToUpper().Equals("ALUMINUM") &&
                    // If spelled wrong, output error message and reset material to blank so the process loops again:
                    Console.WriteLine("That material type was not valid.  Please spell the material the same as the option listed.");
                    materialType = "";

            // While the model is still blank:
            while (colorChoice == "")
                // Prompt for color:
                Console.WriteLine("Current options for color are Red, Blue, and Gray.");
                Console.Write("Please enter the color choice (case sensitive): ");
                // Save color:
                colorChoice = Console.ReadLine();
                // Check for correct spelling - allows for any casing and extra spacing:
                if (!colorChoice.ToUpper().Equals("RED") && !colorChoice.ToUpper().Equals("BLUE") &&
                    // If spelled wrong, output error message and reset color to blank so the process loops again:
                    Console.WriteLine("That color was not valid.  Please spell the color name the same as the option listed.");
                    colorChoice = "";

            // Enter switch statement to check the model type and continue questions by group:
            switch (model.ToUpper())
            // If the model type is Protocol:
            case "PROTOCOL":
                // Declare a variable to hold the # of languages and initialize to -1 for error checking:
                int numberOfLanguages = -1;
                // While the # of languages is less than 0 (an invalid option):
                while (numberOfLanguages < 0)
                    // Prompt user for input:
                    Console.Write("Please enter the number of languages known (e.g. 0, 1, 2): ");

                    // Try to parse the input as an integer and save to the variable, must be >= 0:
                    // (setting the numberOfLanguages to a number greater than -1 will also exit the loop)
                    if (Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out numberOfLanguages) && numberOfLanguages >= 0)
                        // Create a new Protocol Droid based on the specifications given:
                        // To make sure that the pricing is completed correctly, put in the model name directly,
                        // and make lowercase and remove spacing from the material and color:
                        droidCollection.add("Protocol", materialType.Trim().ToLower(), colorChoice.Trim().ToLower(), numberOfLanguages);
                        Console.WriteLine("Droid successfully entered!");
                    {           // Error message if input cannot be parsed as an int:
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter an integer value only.");
                        // Make sure the loop will continue:
                        numberOfLanguages = -1;

            // If the model type is Utility:
            case "UTILITY":
                // Call the common utility questions method:
                // Call the add method of the DroidCollection class:
                droidCollection.add("Utility", materialType.Trim().ToLower(), colorChoice.Trim().ToLower(),
                                    toolbox, computerConnection, arm);
                Console.WriteLine("Droid successfully entered!");

            // If the model type is Janitor:
            case "JANITOR":
                // Call the common utility questions method:

                // Janitor specific questions - prompt user for input, if y or Y, save the
                // corresponding variable as true, else false:
                Console.Write("Does the droid have a trash compactor (Y for yes) ? ");
                bool trash;
                if (Console.ReadLine().ToUpper() == "Y")
                    trash = true;
                    trash = false;

                Console.Write("Does the droid have a vacuum (Y for yes) ? ");
                bool vacuum;
                if (Console.ReadLine().ToUpper() == "Y")
                    vacuum = true;
                    vacuum = false;

                // Call the add method of the DroidCollection class:
                droidCollection.add("Janitor", materialType.Trim().ToLower(), colorChoice.Trim().ToLower(),
                                    toolbox, computerConnection, arm, trash, vacuum);
                Console.WriteLine("Droid successfully entered!");

            // If the model type is Astromech:
            case "ASTROMECH":
                // Call the common utility questions method:

                // Astromech-specific questions - prompt for user input, y or Y to save as true, else false:
                Console.Write("Does the droid have a fire extinguisher (Y for yes) ? ");
                bool fire;
                if (Console.ReadLine().ToUpper() == "Y")
                    fire = true;
                    fire = false;
                // Variable for number of ships, set to -1 for error checking:
                int ships = -1;
                // While the number of ships is >= 0:
                while (ships < 0)
                    // Prompt for input:
                    Console.Write("Please enter the number of ships: ");

                    // Attempt to parse to int and save to the variable:
                    if (Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out ships))
                        // If it works, call the add method of the DroidCollection class:
                        droidCollection.add("Astromech", materialType.Trim().ToLower(), colorChoice.Trim().ToLower(),
                                            toolbox, computerConnection, arm, fire, ships);
                        Console.WriteLine("Droid successfully entered!");
                        // If the input is not an int, output error to user and reset ships to -1 so loop continues:
                        Console.WriteLine("The number of ships must be an integer.");
                        ships = -1;

                // Error message for invalid model:
                Console.WriteLine("You did not enter a valid model.");