/// <summary>
        /// Method to load the csv file
        /// </summary>
        public void CSVLoad()
            // Path to the csv file
            string pathToCsv = "../../../datafiles/beverage_list.csv";

            csvp.ImportCsv(pathToCsv, beverages);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Making a new instance of UI class
            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();

            // Making a new instance of the Beverage class
            Beverage beverageList = new Beverage("39171", "1221 Cabernet Cuvee", "6 / 750 ml", 70.1m, "TRUE");

            // Makes an array to hold instances in Beverage class
            Beverage[] beverages = new Beverage[3942];

            // Making a new instance of the BeverageCollection class
            BeverageCollection bevCollection = new BeverageCollection();

            // Make instance of CSVProcessor
            CSVProcessor csvProcessor = new CSVProcessor();

            // Makes an array to hold instances in BeverageCollection class
            BeverageCollection[] beveragesCollection = new BeverageCollection[3942];

            // Get input from the user
            int choice = ui.UserInput();

            // While the choice they selected is not 5, continue to do work
            while (choice != 5)
                // Load the list
                if (choice == 1)
                    // Make a string for the path to the csv file
                    string pathToCsv = "../../../datafiles/beverage_list.csv"; // starts at bin debug. Each .. goes back one folder

                    // Call the ImportCSV method sending over the path and the array to store the read in records to.
                    csvProcessor.ImportCsv(pathToCsv, beverages);
                // Print out list
                if (choice == 2)
                    // Create a string that can be concated t
                    string outputString = "";

                    //// Print out the beverages in an array
                    foreach (Beverage beverage in beverages)
                        // Check to ensure there is a beverage object to be able to access properties on
                        if (beverage != null)
                            outputString += beverage.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

                    // Call UI method to output list

                    Console.WriteLine(); // Empty space
                // Search for beverage
                if (choice == 3)
                    // Call the ImportCSV method sending over the array to search

                    Console.WriteLine(); // Empty space
                // Add a new beverage
                if (choice == 4)
                    Console.WriteLine(); // Empty space
                // Re-display for input
                choice = ui.UserInput();