private void cierraServer() { My_SQL mysql = new My_SQL(); int nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("update usuarios set connected='0', playing='0'"); if (hiloEscucha != null) { hiloEscucha.Abort(); hiloRegenera.Abort(); servidor.Stop(); for (int i = 0; i < ctes; i++) { if (clientes[i] != null) { clientes[i].cierraCte(""); hilosCte[i].Abort(); } } } if (ctesUDP != null) { ctesUDP.cierraServidor(); while (!ctesUDP.cerrado) { Thread.Sleep(10); } ctesUDP.closeServer(); ctesUDP = null; } if (hiloUDP != null) { hiloUDP.Abort(); } }
private void btnEliminar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (sel >= 0) { My_SQL mysql; int nq; mysql = new My_SQL(); nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("delete from " + roll + " where " + cam[0] + " = '" + val[0] + "'"); dgv.Hide(); SetupDataGridView(); PopulateDataGridView(""); actualiza(); MessageBox.Show("Registro Borrado"); } }
private void btnIniciar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { My_SQL mysql = new My_SQL(); int nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("update usuarios set connected='0', playing='0'"); btnIniciar.Enabled = false; btnDetener.Enabled = true; ctesUDP = new HiloComsUDP(); hiloUDP = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ctesUDP.startserver)); hiloUDP.Start(); hiloEscucha = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.hilo_Escucha)); hiloEscucha.Start(); hiloRegenera = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.hilo_Regenera)); hiloRegenera.Start(); }
internal void cierraCte(String cad) { My_SQL mysql; int nq; if (cad == "CLOSED" && uso == "RETAR") { ctesUDP.send("GRANTEDCLOSE@", nCte); } else if (uso == "RETAR" || uso == "NOTHIGN") { ctesUDP.send("SERVERCLOSED@", nCte); } if (cte != null) { cte.Close(); cte = null; } unload = true; if (user != "") { mysql = new My_SQL(); nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("update usuarios set connected='0', playing='0' where user='******'"); if (oponent != "") { try { ctesUDP.send("LOSEOPONENT@", op); if (lCte[op] != null) { cambiaTxt(lCte[op], "LISTO:" + oponent); } } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show("Erro al Cerrar al Oponente " + e1.ToString()); } mysql = new My_SQL(); nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("update usuarios set playing='0' where user='******'"); } } }
private void PopulateDataGridView(String cond) { My_SQL mysql = new My_SQL(); OdbcDataReader res; res = mysql.hazConsulta("select * from usuarios " + cond); int i; String[] row = new String[colums]; if (res.HasRows) { while (res.Read()) { for (i = 0; i < colums; i++) { row[i] = res.GetString(i); } dgv.Rows.Add(row); } } }
private void btnAceptar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (uso == "Agregar" || uso == "Modificar") { if (txbCampo[0].Text != "" && txbCampo[1].Text != "" && txbCampo[2].Text != "") { if (roll == "usuarios") { try { My_SQL c = new My_SQL(); int nq; if (uso == "Agregar") { nq = c.hazNoConsulta("insert into usuarios values('" + txbCampo[0].Text + "','" + txbCampo[1].Text + "','" + txbCampo[2].Text + "','0','0')"); } if (uso == "Modificar") { nq = c.hazNoConsulta("update usuarios set user='******',nombre='" + txbCampo[1].Text + "',pssw='" + txbCampo[2].Text + "' where user='******'"); } this.Close(); } catch (Exception exc1) { MessageBox.Show(exc1.ToString()); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("No se admiten campos vacios"); } } if (uso == "Buscar") { if (txbCampo[0].Text != "") { Sval[0] = txbCampo[0].Text.ToUpper(); } if (roll == "usuarios") { if (txbCampo[1].Text != "") { Sval[1] = txbCampo[1].Text; } if (txbCampo[2].Text != "") { Sval[2] = txbCampo[2].Text; } if (cbConn.Text != "") { try { bool s1 = bool.Parse(cbConn.Text); if (s1) { Sval[3] = "1"; } else { Sval[3] = "0"; } } catch (FormatException formato31) { MessageBox.Show("Connected es de Tipo Bool " + formato31.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc31) { MessageBox.Show(exc31.ToString()); } } if (cbPlay.Text != "") { try { bool s2 = bool.Parse(cbPlay.Text); if (s2) { Sval[4] = "1"; } else { Sval[4] = "0"; } } catch (FormatException formato310) { MessageBox.Show("Connected es de Tipo Bool " + formato310.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc310) { MessageBox.Show(exc310.ToString()); } } } this.Close(); } }
public void startserver() { // 1-Create an IPEndPoint to receive messages IPEndPoint recvpt = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); byte[] data; String[] cds; String str, aux; int i, nq; My_SQL mysql = null; while (activo) { try { // 2-Receive data data = server.Receive(ref recvpt); str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data); cds = str.Split('@'); // 3-Check the answer if (cds[0] == "identifica") { i = int.Parse(cds[2]); ctes[i] = new ClientesUDP(); ctes[i].usr = cds[1]; ctes[i].nCte = i; ctes[i].pcName = cds[3]; } if (cds[0] == "partida") { if (cds[1] == "CERRAR") { i = int.Parse(cds[2]); send("partida@GRANTEDCLOSEGAME@NOCLOSEBOARD", i); i = int.Parse(cds[3]); send("partida@GRANTEDCLOSEGAME@CLOSEBOARD", i); mysql = new My_SQL(); nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("update usuarios set playing='0' where user='******' or user='******'"); } if (cds[1] == "MOVIMIENTO") { i = int.Parse(cds[2]); send("partida@MOVIMIENTO@" + cds[4] + "@" + cds[5] + "@" + cds[6] + "@" + cds[7] + "@" + cds[8], i); i = int.Parse(cds[3]); send("partida@MOVIMIENTO@" + cds[4] + "@" + cds[5] + "@" + cds[6] + "@" + cds[7] + "@" + cds[8], i); } } if (cds[0] == "cierraserver") { activo = false; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (ctes[i] != null) { if (ctes[i].usr != "") { send("cierraserver@CERRAR", ctes[i].nCte); } } } } } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show("Problemas con el Servidor " + e1.ToString()); } } cerrado = true; }
internal void atiende() { byte[] bytes = new byte[256]; String datos = null, edo; String[] cds, row; int i = 0, nq, x; My_SQL mysql = null; OdbcDataReader res = null; while (cte != null) { try { if ((me && !disponible) || (!me && disponible)) { if ((i = flujo.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)) != 0) { datos = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, i); if (datos.Equals("@X")) { cierraCte("CLOSED"); } else { cds = datos.Split('@'); if (cds[0] == "login") { uso = "LOGIN"; mysql = new My_SQL(); res = mysql.hazConsulta("select * from usuarios where user='******' and pssw='" + cds[2] + "'"); if (res.HasRows) { if (res.Read()) { edo = res.GetString(3); if (edo == "1") { notificaEdo("login@ALREADYCONNECTED"); } else { nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("update usuarios set connected='1' where user='******'"); cambiaTxt(lCte[nCte], cds[1] + ":" + cds[2]); notificaEdo("login@GRANTED"); user = cds[1]; } } } else { notificaEdo("login@DENIED"); } } if (cds[0] == "registro") { uso = "REGISTRO"; mysql = new My_SQL(); res = mysql.hazConsulta("select * from usuarios where user='******'"); row = new String[4]; if (res.HasRows) { notificaEdo("registro@EXIST"); } else { mysql = new My_SQL(); nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("insert into usuarios values('" + cds[1] + "','" + cds[2] + "','" + cds[3] + "','1','0')"); cambiaTxt(lCte[nCte], cds[1] + ":" + cds[2]); notificaEdo("registro@GRANTED"); user = cds[1]; } } if (cds[0] == "retador") { uso = "RETAR"; if (cds[1] == "LISTO") { mysql = new My_SQL(); user = cds[2]; cambiaTxt(lCte[nCte], cds[1] + ":" + cds[2]); nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("update usuarios set connected='1' where user='******'"); notificaEdo("retador@OK@" + nCte); } if (cds[1] == "RETAR") { oponent = cds[2]; for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) { if (lCte[x] != null) { row = lCte[x].Text.Split(':'); if (row[0] == "LISTO") { if (row[1] == oponent) { op = x; //cambiaTxt(lCte[x], oponent + ":" + user); } } } } //cambiaTxt(lCte[nCte], user + ":" + oponent); mysql = new My_SQL(); nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("update usuarios set playing='1' where user='******'"); mysql = new My_SQL(); nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("update usuarios set playing='1' where user='******'"); notificaEdo("retador@ESPERANOTIFICAR"); ctesUDP.send("JUEGOINI@" + user + "@" + oponent + "@" + nCte.ToString() + "@" + op.ToString() + "@blancas", nCte); ctesUDP.send("JUEGOINI@" + oponent + "@" + user + "@" + op.ToString() + "@" + nCte.ToString() + "@doradas", op); } if (cds[1] == "RENEW") { cambiaTxt(lCte[nCte], "LISTO:" + user); oponent = ""; notificaEdo("retador@RENEW_OK"); } if (cds[1] == "AQUIRE_OP") { cambiaTxt(lCte[nCte], user + ":" + cds[2]); oponent = cds[2]; op = int.Parse(cds[3]); notificaEdo("retador@RENEW_OK"); } } } } } } catch (SocketException se) { cierraCte(""); MessageBox.Show("Problemas de conexion " + se.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { cierraCte(""); MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } Thread.Sleep(10); } }