private void txtCep_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { string lZipCode = txtCep.Text.Replace("-", string.Empty); if (lZipCode != string.Empty && lZipCode.Length == 8) { try { using (var ws = new WSCorreios.AtendeClienteClient()) { var result = ws.consultaCEP(lZipCode); txtState.Text = result.uf; txtCity.Text = result.cidade; txtDistrict.Text = result.bairro; txtStreet.Text = result.end; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, Errors.lZipCodeInvalid, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "Cadastro Cliente"); } } else { MessageBox.Show(Errors.lZipCodeInvalid); } }
private void ExportExcel() { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.Filter = "Excel Documents (*.xls)|*.xls"; sfd.FileName = "Clientes_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { try { // Copy DataGridView results to clipboard copyAlltoClipboard(); object misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlexcel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); xlexcel.DisplayAlerts = false; // Without this you will get two confirm overwrite prompts Workbook xlWorkBook = xlexcel.Workbooks.Add(misValue); Worksheet xlWorkSheet = (Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1); // Paste clipboard results to worksheet range Range CR = (Range)xlWorkSheet.Cells[1, 1]; CR.Select(); xlWorkSheet.PasteSpecial(CR, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, true); xlWorkSheet.Rows.AutoFit(); xlWorkSheet.Columns.AutoFit(); // Delete blank column A and select cell A1 Range delRng = xlWorkSheet.get_Range("A:A").Cells; delRng.Delete(Type.Missing); xlWorkSheet.get_Range("A1").Select(); // Save the excel file under the captured location from the SaveFileDialog xlWorkBook.SaveAs(sfd.FileName, XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal, misValue, misValue, misValue, misValue, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlExclusive, misValue, misValue, misValue, misValue, misValue); xlexcel.DisplayAlerts = true; xlWorkBook.Close(true, misValue, misValue); xlexcel.Quit(); releaseObject(xlWorkSheet); releaseObject(xlWorkBook); releaseObject(xlexcel); // Clear Clipboard and DataGridView selection Clipboard.Clear(); dataGridView1.ClearSelection(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, MessageBoxResult.lExportError); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lExportError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "Cadastro Funcionario"); } } }
//Cliente cliente = new Cliente(); private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(Connection.lConnection); con.Open(); string consulta = "SELECT empUsername,empPassword,empName FROM employee WHERE empDocument = @cpf"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(consulta, con); //Passo o parametro cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cpf", txtCpf.Text); MySqlDataReader leitor = cmd.ExecuteReader(); string lSenha = string.Empty; string lLogin = string.Empty; string lNome = string.Empty; while (leitor.Read()) { //passo os valores para o objeto cliente //que será retornado lSenha = leitor["empPassword"].ToString(); lLogin = leitor["empUsername"].ToString(); lNome = leitor["empName"].ToString(); } try { Email = new MailMessage(); Email.To.Add(new MailAddress(txtEmail.Text)); Email.From = (new MailAddress(Credentials.lAdress)); Email.Subject = "Suas Informações de Login como solicitado."; Email.IsBodyHtml = true; Email.Body = "Ceo:Giovanni Nascimento Santos <br/> FarmaLife Enterprise 2018 ® </br> <b>Aqui estão seus dados senhor(a) </br>" + lNome + "</b> </br> <i> Não responder esse e-mail</i></br> Login: "******" </br> Senha : " + lSenha; SmtpClient cliente = new SmtpClient(Credentials.lSmtpLive, Credentials.lSmtpLivePort); using (cliente) { cliente.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(Credentials.lAdress, Credentials.lPassword); cliente.EnableSsl = true; cliente.Send(Email); } MessageBox.Show("E-mail enviado com sucesso, apenas aguarde alguns segundos", "E-mail enviado"); this.Close(); Login login = new Login(); login.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lEmailError); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lEmailError, Config.lAlert); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lEmailError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "Esqueceu Email"); } }
public void Add(Client lClient) { try { MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(Connection.lConnection); connection.Open(); string insert = "INSERT INTO cadastro_cliente(for_nome,for_cpf,for_cep,for_endereco,for_bairro,for_cidade,for_uf,for_fone,for_email)" + "values ('" + lClient.Name + "','" + lClient.Document + "','" + lClient.ZipCode + "','" + lClient.Street + "','" + lClient.District + "','" + lClient.City + "','" + lClient.State + "','" + lClient.Telephone + "','" + lClient.Email + "')"; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(insert, connection); MySqlDataReader myreader; myreader = command.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "Cadastro Funcionario"); } }
public void Update(Client lClient) { try { MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(Connection.lConnection); connection.Open(); string update = "UPDATE cadastro_cliente set for_nome= '" + lClient.Name + "',for_endereco= '" + lClient.Street + "',for_bairro= '" + lClient.District + "',for_cidade= '" + lClient.City + "',for_uf ='" + lClient.State + "',for_cpf= '" + lClient.Document + "',for_cep='" + lClient.ZipCode + "',for_fone='" + lClient.Telephone + "',for_email='" + lClient.Email + "' WHERE for_cod='" + lClient.Id + "';"; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(update, connection); MySqlDataReader myreader; myreader = command.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lErrorUpdate, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "Cadastro Cliente"); } }
// botão cadastrar private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtId.Text != string.Empty) { Client lClient = new Client(); clientQuery da = new clientQuery(); lClient.Id = Convert.ToInt16(txtId.Text); if (txtName.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Name = txtName.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "NOME" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtCpf.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Document = txtCpf.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CPF" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtCep.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.ZipCode = txtCep.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CEP" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } lClient.Street = txtStreet.Text; lClient.District = txtDistrict.Text; lClient.City = txtCity.Text; lClient.State = txtState.Text; lClient.Telephone = txtCellphone.Text; if (txtEmail.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Email = txtEmail.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "E-MAIL" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtStatus.Text == "Ativo" && txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Status = "A"; } else if (txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Status = "I"; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "STATUS" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtName.Text != string.Empty && txtCep.Text != string.Empty && txtEmail.Text != string.Empty && txtCpf.Text != string.Empty && txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { da.Update(lClient); MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lUpdate); Clean(); } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lErrorRegister, MessageBoxResult.lErrorUpdate); } } else if (MessageBox.Show("Deseja receber um e-mail para confirmar o cadastro?", Config.lAlert, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(Connection.lConnection); con.Open(); string consulta = "SELECT for_cpf FROM cadastro_cliente WHERE for_cpf = @cpf"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(consulta, con); //Passo o parametro cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cpf", txtCpf.Text); MySqlDataReader read = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //se o cliente já estiver cadastrado if (read.Read()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Cliente já está cadastrado, gostaria de pesquisar o mesmo?", Config.lAlert, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { tabControl1.SelectedTab = tabPage2; } } //se não estiver else { Client lClient = new Client(); clientQuery da = new clientQuery(); if (txtName.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Name = txtName.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "NOME" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtCpf.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Document = txtCpf.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CPF" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtCep.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.ZipCode = txtCep.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CEP" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } lClient.Street = txtStreet.Text; lClient.District = txtDistrict.Text; lClient.City = txtCity.Text; lClient.State = txtState.Text; lClient.Telephone = txtCellphone.Text; if (txtEmail.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Email = txtEmail.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "E-MAIL" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtStatus.Text == "Ativo" && txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Status = "A"; } else if (txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Status = "I"; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "STATUS" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtName.Text != string.Empty && txtCep.Text != string.Empty && txtEmail.Text != string.Empty && txtCpf.Text != string.Empty && txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { da.Add(lClient); MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lSucess); Clean(); } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lErrorRegister, MessageBoxResult.lError); } } } else { MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(Connection.lConnection); con.Open(); string consulta = "SELECT for_cpf FROM cadastro_cliente WHERE for_cpf = @cpf"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(consulta, con); //Passo o parametro cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cpf", txtCpf.Text); MySqlDataReader read = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //se o cliente já estiver cadastrado if (read.Read()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Cliente já está cadastrado, gostaria de pesquisar o mesmo?", Config.lAlert, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { tabControl1.SelectedTab = tabPage2; } } //se não estiver else { Client lClient = new Client(); clientQuery da = new clientQuery(); if (txtName.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Name = txtName.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "NOME" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtCpf.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Document = txtCpf.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CPF" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtCep.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.ZipCode = txtCep.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CEP" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } lClient.Street = txtStreet.Text; lClient.District = txtDistrict.Text; lClient.City = txtCity.Text; lClient.State = txtState.Text; lClient.Telephone = txtCellphone.Text; if (txtEmail.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Email = txtEmail.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "E-MAIL" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtStatus.Text == "Ativo" && txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Status = "A"; } else if (txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { lClient.Status = "I"; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "STATUS" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtName.Text != string.Empty && txtCep.Text != string.Empty && txtEmail.Text != string.Empty && txtCpf.Text != string.Empty && txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { da.Add(lClient); MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lSucess); } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lErrorRegister, MessageBoxResult.lError); } try { MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(Connection.lConnection); conn.Open(); string consulta1 = "SELECT for_nome,for_email FROM cadastro_cliente WHERE for_email = @for_email"; MySqlCommand cmd1 = new MySqlCommand(consulta1, conn); //Passo o parametro cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@for_email", txtEmail.Text); MySqlDataReader leitor = cmd1.ExecuteReader(); string lEmail = string.Empty; string lName = string.Empty; while (leitor.Read()) { lName = leitor["for_nome"].ToString(); lEmail = leitor["for_email"].ToString(); } Email = new MailMessage(); Email.To.Add(new MailAddress(lEmail)); Email.From = (new MailAddress(Credentials.lAdress)); Email.Subject = "Bem Vindo a Farmalife"; Email.IsBodyHtml = true; Email.Body = "Ceo:Giovanni Nascimento Santos <br/> FarmaLife Enterprise 2018 ® </br> <b>Parabéns! Seu cadastrado foi concluído com exito e o(a) senhor(a)" + lName + " já pode desfrutar de todos os nossos produtos. Fique atento no e-mail que estaremos sempre encaminhando descontos para agradar os nossos clientes. </b></br>Com atenção, FarmaLife</br> <i>Não responder esse e-mail</i></br>"; SmtpClient cliente = new SmtpClient(Credentials.lSmtpLive, Credentials.lSmtpLivePort); using (cliente) { cliente.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(Credentials.lAdress, Credentials.lPassword); cliente.EnableSsl = true; cliente.Send(Email); } conn.Close(); con.Close(); Clean(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Erro ao enviar email de confirmação para cliente:" + ex.Message); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lEmailError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "Cadastro Funcionario"); } } } }
// quantidade manda pra datagrid private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { Product lProduct = new Product(); MySqlConnection cn5 = new MySqlConnection(Connection.lConnection); MySqlCommand cmd5 = new MySqlCommand("SELECT pro_quantidade_no_estoque FROM cadastro_remedios WHERE pro_codigo='" + txtProduct.Text + "'", cn5); cn5.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = cmd5.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { int sotockQuantity = reader.GetInt32(0); if (e.KeyChar == Config.lEnterValue) { btnClose.Enabled = true; btnGet.Enabled = false; pictureBox7.Visible = false; pictureBox1.Visible = true; dataGridView2.Visible = false; comboBox2.Visible = false; panel1.Visible = false; textBox1.Visible = false; btnPequisar.Visible = false; btnCloseSearch.Visible = false; button1.Enabled = false; dataGridView2.Enabled = false; dataGridView2.Columns.Clear(); dataGridView2.Refresh(); comboBox2.Enabled = false; panel1.Enabled = false; textBox1.Enabled = false; btnPequisar.Enabled = false; btnCloseSearch.Enabled = false; dataGridView1.Visible = true; txtSearch.Visible = false; comboBox1.Visible = false; dataGridViewSearch.Columns.Clear(); dataGridViewSearch.Refresh(); dataGridViewSearch.Visible = false; btnSearch.Visible = false; if (txtProdQnt.Text == "0" || this.txtProdQnt.Text == string.Empty) { txtProdQnt.Text = "1"; MessageBox.Show("A quantidade '0' foi substituída por '1'"); } double qqty = 0, value, total, discount, finaldiscount; qqty = Convert.ToDouble(txtProdQnt.Text); if (sotockQuantity >= qqty) { counter++; value = Convert.ToDouble(txtProdValor.Text); discount = Convert.ToDouble(txtProdDesc.Text); finaldiscount = discount * qqty; total = (qqty * value) - finaldiscount; dataGridView1.Rows.Add(txtProduct.Text, txtProdName.Text, txtProdQnt.Text, txtProdValor.Text, finaldiscount, total); } else { MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lStockError, Config.lAlert); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); if (sotockQuantity == 0) { try { Email = new MailMessage(); Email.To.Add(new MailAddress(Credentials.lGerenciaAdress)); Email.From = (new MailAddress(Credentials.lAdress)); Email.Subject = Config.lAlert; Email.IsBodyHtml = true; Email.Body = "FarmaLife Enterprises 2018 ®</br>Foi verificado que ao tentar realizar uma compra do produto com o código: " + txtProduct.Text + " e o nome: " + txtProdName.Text + " no dia " + DateTime.Now + "</b>, o mesmo não se encontrava em estoque, favor tomar medidas cabíveis. </br> <i> Não responder esse e-mail</i></br>"; SmtpClient sell = new SmtpClient(Credentials.lSmtpLive, Credentials.lSmtpLivePort); using (sell) { sell.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(Credentials.lAdress, Credentials.lPassword); sell.EnableSsl = true; sell.Send(Email); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lEmailError, Config.lAlert); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lEmailError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "Venda"); } lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lStockError, "Estoque zerado.", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "Venda"); } else { MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lStockError, Config.lAlert); } } } } }
private void FinishMethod() { if (this.txtProduct.Text == string.Empty | this.txtEmployee.Text == string.Empty | this.txtClient.Text == string.Empty | this.txtGrossAmount.Text == string.Empty | this.txtDiscount.Text == string.Empty | this.txtNetAmount.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Algumas informações importantes para a venda ficaram de fora, ou foram preenchidos errados, revise.", Config.lAlert); txtEmployee.Focus(); } else if (MessageBox.Show("Deseja finalizar venda?", Config.lAlert, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { Product lProduct = new Product(); Employee lEmployee = new Employee(); Client lClient = new Client(); Sell lSell = new Sell(); ItemSell lItemSell = new ItemSell(); sellQuery lsellQuery = new sellQuery(); { lEmployee.Id = Convert.ToInt16(txtEmployee.Text); lClient.Id = Convert.ToInt16(txtClient.Text); lProduct.Codigo = Convert.ToInt16(txtProduct.Text); lSell.sellGrossAmount = txtGrossAmount.Text; lSell.sellDiscount = txtDiscount.Text; lSell.sellNetAmount = txtNetAmount.Text; lSell.sellStatus = txtStatus.Text; lSell.sellDate = txtDate.Text; lSell.sellHour = txtHour.Text; lsellQuery.SellMethod(lProduct, lEmployee, lClient, lSell); } //exibir código da venda string result; MySqlConnection cn2 = new MySqlConnection(Connection.lConnection); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT max(ven_cod) FROM venda", cn2); cn2.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { result = reader.GetString(0); txtId.Visible = true; label8.Visible = true; txtId.Text = result; } cn2.Close(); //configurar datagrid string[,] item = new string[counter, 5]; for (int l = 0; l < counter; l++) { for (int c = 0; c < 5; c++) { DataGridViewCell cell = null; foreach (DataGridViewCell selectedCell in dataGridView1.SelectedCells) { cell = selectedCell; break; } if (cell != null) { if (c == 0) { item[l, c] = dataGridView1.Rows[l].Cells[c].Value.ToString(); lProduct.Codigo = Convert.ToInt32(item[l, c]); } else if (c == 1) { item[l, c] = dataGridView1.Rows[l].Cells[2].Value.ToString(); lItemSell.itemQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(item[l, c]); } else if (c == 2) { item[l, c] = dataGridView1.Rows[l].Cells[3].Value.ToString(); lProduct.PrecoVenda = (item[l, c]); } else if (c == 3) { item[l, c] = dataGridView1.Rows[l].Cells[5].Value.ToString(); lItemSell.itemTotal = (item[l, c]); } else if (c == 4) { lSell.sellId = Convert.ToInt32(txtId.Text); } } } lsellQuery.ItemSellMethod(lProduct, lSell, lItemSell); //Atualiza estoque MySqlConnection cn3 = new MySqlConnection(Connection.lConnection); MySqlCommand cmd3 = new MySqlCommand("SELECT pro_quantidade_no_estoque FROM cadastro_remedios WHERE pro_codigo = '" + lProduct.Codigo + "'", cn3); cn3.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader3 = cmd3.ExecuteReader(); if (reader3.Read()) { int sotockQuantity = reader3.GetInt32(0); actualStock = sotockQuantity - lItemSell.itemQuantity; } try { MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(Connection.lConnection); connection.Open(); string update = "UPDATE cadastro_remedios SET pro_quantidade_no_estoque = '" + actualStock + "' WHERE pro_codigo = '" + lProduct.Codigo + "';"; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(update, connection); MySqlDataReader myreader; myreader = command.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lErrorCommand + ex.Message); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lErrorCommand, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "Venda"); } } MessageBox.Show("Venda Finalizada com Sucesso", "Sucesso!"); //limpar a tela após finalizar venda if (Convert.ToDouble(txtNetAmount.Text) > 850.00) { try { Email = new MailMessage(); Email.To.Add(new MailAddress(Credentials.lGerenciaAdress)); Email.From = (new MailAddress(Credentials.lAdress)); Email.Subject = Config.lAlert; Email.IsBodyHtml = true; Email.Body = "FarmaLife Enterprises 2018 ®</br>A compra com o código: " + txtId.Text + " teve o valor de " + txtNetAmount.Text.Replace(",", ".") + ", que foi realizada por " + txtNameEmployee.Text + " para o cliente " + txtNameCliente.Text + ", no dia " + DateTime.Now + " o valor em questão foi acima do padrão, favor verificar. </br> <i> Não responder esse e-mail</i></br>"; SmtpClient sell2 = new SmtpClient(Credentials.lSmtpLive, Credentials.lSmtpLivePort); using (sell2) { sell2.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(Credentials.lAdress, Credentials.lPassword); sell2.EnableSsl = true; sell2.Send(Email); } this.Close(); Venda sell = new Venda(); sell.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lEmailError, Config.lAlert); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lEmailError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "Venda"); } } else { this.Close(); Venda sell = new Venda(); sell.Show(); } } }
private void btnEnviar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string op = (string)comboBox1.SelectedItem; switch (op) { case "Outlook": try { Email = new MailMessage(); Email.To.Add(new MailAddress(txtPara.Text)); Email.From = (new MailAddress(txtDe.Text)); Email.Subject = txtAssunto.Text; Email.IsBodyHtml = true; Email.Body = txtMensagem.Text; SmtpClient cliente = new SmtpClient(Credentials.lSmtpLive, Credentials.lSmtpLivePort); using (cliente) { cliente.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(txtDe.Text, txtPassword.Text); cliente.EnableSsl = true; cliente.Send(Email); } MessageBox.Show("E-mail enviado com sucesso, apenas aguarde alguns segundos", "E-mail enviado"); this.Close(); email email = new email(); email.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lEmailError, ex.Message); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lEmailError, Config.lAlert); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lEmailError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "Venda"); } break; case "Gmail": try { Email = new MailMessage(); Email.To.Add(new MailAddress(txtPara.Text)); Email.From = (new MailAddress(txtDe.Text)); Email.Subject = txtAssunto.Text; Email.IsBodyHtml = true; Email.Body = txtMensagem.Text; SmtpClient cliente1 = new SmtpClient(Credentials.lSmtpGmail, Credentials.lSmtpLivePort); using (cliente1) { cliente1.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(txtDe.Text, txtPassword.Text); cliente1.EnableSsl = true; cliente1.Send(Email); } MessageBox.Show("E-mail enviado com sucesso, apenas aguarde alguns segundos", "E-mail enviado"); this.Close(); email email1 = new email(); email1.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lEmailError, ex.Message); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lEmailError, Config.lAlert); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lEmailError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "Venda"); } break; } }
public void RegisterEmploye() { Employee lEmployee = new Employee(); employeeQuery da = new employeeQuery(); //Verificar se é um funcionario novo ou ja existente if (txtId.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Id = Convert.ToInt32(txtId.Text); if (txtName.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Name = txtName.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "NOME" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtCep.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.ZipCode = txtCep.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CEP" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } lEmployee.CivilState = txtCivilState.Text; lEmployee.BirthDate = txtBirthDate.Text; lEmployee.Telephone = txtFone.Text; lEmployee.Number = txtNumber.Text; lEmployee.State = txtState.Text; lEmployee.City = txtCity.Text; lEmployee.Street = txtStreet.Text; lEmployee.District = txtDistrict.Text; if (txtCellphone.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.CellPhone = txtCellphone.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CELULAR" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtEmail.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Email = txtEmail.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "E-MAIL" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtUsername.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Username = txtUsername.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "LOGIN" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtPassword.Text != string.Empty) { if (txtPassword.Text.Length >= 8) { lEmployee.Password = txtPassword.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show("A senha deve conter pelo menos 8 caracteres", Config.lAlert); } } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "SENHA" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtRole.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Role = txtRole.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CARGO" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtCPF.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Document = txtCPF.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CPF" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtStatus.Text == "Ativo" && txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Status = "A"; } else if (txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Status = "I"; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "STATUS" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtName.Text != string.Empty && txtStreet.Text != string.Empty && txtCity.Text != string.Empty && txtState.Text != string.Empty && txtCellphone.Text != string.Empty && txtEmail.Text != string.Empty && txtUsername.Text != string.Empty && txtPassword.Text != string.Empty && txtRole.Text != string.Empty && txtCPF.Text != string.Empty && txtStatus.Text != string.Empty && txtPassword.Text.Length >= 8) { da.Update(lEmployee); MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lUpdate); CleanMethod(); } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lErrorRegister, MessageBoxResult.lErrorUpdate); } } else if (MessageBox.Show("Deseja receber um e-mail para confirmar o cadastro?", Config.lAlert, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(Connection.lConnection); con.Open(); string consulta = "SELECT empUsername,empDocument, empEmail FROM employee WHERE empDocument = @CPF OR empUsername = @LOGIN OR empEmail = @EMAIL"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(consulta, con); //Passo o parametro cmd.Parameters.Add("@CPF", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = txtCPF.Text; cmd.Parameters.Add("@LOGIN", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = txtUsername.Text; cmd.Parameters.Add("@EMAIL", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = txtEmail.Text; MySqlDataReader le = null; le = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //se o usuario já estiver cadastrado if (le.Read()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Este usuario já está cadastrado, gostaria de pesquisar o mesmo?", Config.lAlert, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { tabControl1.SelectedTab = tabPage2; } } //se não estiver else { if (txtName.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Name = txtName.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "NOME" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtCep.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.ZipCode = txtCep.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CEP" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } lEmployee.State = txtState.Text; lEmployee.City = txtCity.Text; lEmployee.Street = txtStreet.Text; lEmployee.District = txtDistrict.Text; lEmployee.CivilState = txtCivilState.Text; lEmployee.BirthDate = txtBirthDate.Text; lEmployee.Telephone = txtFone.Text; lEmployee.Number = txtNumber.Text; if (txtCellphone.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.CellPhone = txtCellphone.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CELULAR" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtEmail.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Email = txtEmail.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "E-MAIL" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtUsername.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Username = txtUsername.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "LOGIN" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtPassword.Text != string.Empty) { if (txtPassword.Text.Length >= 8) { lEmployee.Password = txtPassword.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show("A senha deve conter pelo menos 8 caracteres", Config.lAlert); } } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "SENHA" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtRole.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Role = txtRole.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CARGO" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtCPF.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Document = txtCPF.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CPF" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtStatus.Text == "Ativo" && txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Status = "A"; } else if (txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Status = "I"; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "STATUS" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtName.Text != string.Empty && txtStreet.Text != string.Empty && txtCity.Text != string.Empty && txtState.Text != string.Empty && txtCellphone.Text != string.Empty && txtEmail.Text != string.Empty && txtUsername.Text != string.Empty && txtPassword.Text != string.Empty && txtRole.Text != string.Empty && txtCPF.Text != string.Empty && txtStatus.Text != string.Empty && txtPassword.Text.Length >= 8) { da.Add(lEmployee); MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lSucess); CleanMethod(); } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lErrorRegister, MessageBoxResult.lError); } } } else { MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(Connection.lConnection); con.Open(); string consulta = "SELECT empUsername,empDocument, empEmail FROM employee WHERE empDocument = @CPF OR empUsername = @LOGIN OR empEmail = @EMAIL"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(consulta, con); //Passo o parametro cmd.Parameters.Add("@CPF", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = txtCPF.Text; cmd.Parameters.Add("@LOGIN", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = txtUsername.Text; cmd.Parameters.Add("@EMAIL", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = txtEmail.Text; MySqlDataReader le = null; le = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //se o usuario já estiver cadastrado if (le.Read()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Este usuario já está cadastrado, gostaria de pesquisar o mesmo?", Config.lAlert, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { tabControl1.SelectedTab = tabPage2; } } else { if (txtName.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Name = txtName.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "NOME" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } lEmployee.State = txtState.Text; lEmployee.City = txtCity.Text; lEmployee.Street = txtStreet.Text; lEmployee.District = txtDistrict.Text; lEmployee.CivilState = txtCivilState.Text; lEmployee.BirthDate = txtBirthDate.Text; lEmployee.Telephone = txtFone.Text; lEmployee.Number = txtNumber.Text; if (txtCellphone.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.CellPhone = txtCellphone.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CELULAR" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtEmail.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Email = txtEmail.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "E-MAIL" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtUsername.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Username = txtUsername.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "LOGIN" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtPassword.Text != string.Empty) { if (txtPassword.Text.Length >= 8) { lEmployee.Password = txtPassword.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show("A senha deve conter pelo menos 8 caracteres", Config.lAlert); } } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "SENHA" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtRole.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Role = txtRole.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CARGO" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtCPF.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Document = txtCPF.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "CPF" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtStatus.Text == "Ativo" && txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Status = "A"; } else if (txtStatus.Text != string.Empty) { lEmployee.Status = "I"; } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lFied + "STATUS" + Config.lRequired, Config.lAlert); } if (txtName.Text != string.Empty && txtCep.Text != string.Empty && txtStreet.Text != string.Empty && txtCity.Text != string.Empty && txtState.Text != string.Empty && txtCellphone.Text != string.Empty && txtEmail.Text != string.Empty && txtUsername.Text != string.Empty && txtPassword.Text != string.Empty && txtRole.Text != string.Empty && txtCPF.Text != string.Empty && txtStatus.Text != string.Empty && txtPassword.Text.Length >= 8) { da.Add(lEmployee); MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lSucess); } else { MessageBox.Show(Config.lErrorRegister, MessageBoxResult.lError); } try { MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(Connection.lConnection); conn.Open(); string consulta1 = "SELECT empName,empEmail FROM employee WHERE empEmail = @empEmail"; MySqlCommand cmd1 = new MySqlCommand(consulta1, conn); //Passo o parametro cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@empEmail", txtEmail.Text); MySqlDataReader reader = cmd1.ExecuteReader(); string lEmail = string.Empty; string lName = string.Empty; while (reader.Read()) { lName = reader["empName"].ToString(); lEmail = reader["empEmail"].ToString(); } Email = new MailMessage(); Email.To.Add(new MailAddress(lEmail)); Email.From = (new MailAddress(Credentials.lAdress)); Email.Subject = "Bem Vindo a Farmalife"; Email.IsBodyHtml = true; Email.Body = "Ceo:Giovanni Nascimento Santos <br/> FarmaLife Enterprise 2018 ® </br> <b>Bem vindo a nossa equipe senhor(a)," + lName + " seu cadastro foi concluído perfeitamente e o senhor(a) já pode utilizar nosso sistema.</br> </b> </br> <i> Não responder esse e-mail</i></br>"; SmtpClient employee = new SmtpClient(Credentials.lSmtpLive, Credentials.lSmtpLivePort); using (employee) { employee.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(Credentials.lAdress, Credentials.lPassword); employee.EnableSsl = true; employee.Send(Email); } conn.Close(); CleanMethod(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, MessageBoxResult.lEmailError); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lEmailError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "Cadastro Funcionario"); } } } }
public void CleanRows() { bool lVerify; lVerify = VerifyPassword(); if (lVerify == true) { switch (lTable) { case "Cliente": try { con.Open(); string deletar = "DELETE FROM cadastro_cliente"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(deletar, con); MySqlDataReader myreader; myreader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); MessageBox.Show(Config.lDelete, Config.lAlert); con.Close(); dataGridView1.Columns.Clear(); dataGridView1.Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lDeleteError + ex.Message); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lDeleteError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "ApagarDB"); con.Close(); } break; case "Produto": try { con.Open(); string deletar = "DELETE FROM cadastro_remedios"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(deletar, con); MySqlDataReader myreader; myreader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); MessageBox.Show(Config.lDelete, Config.lAlert); con.Close(); dataGridView1.Columns.Clear(); dataGridView1.Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lDeleteError + ex.Message); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lDeleteError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "ApagarDB"); con.Close(); } break; case "Venda": try { con.Open(); string deletar = "DELETE FROM venda"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(deletar, con); MySqlDataReader myreader; myreader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); MessageBox.Show(Config.lDelete, Config.lAlert); con.Close(); dataGridView1.Columns.Clear(); dataGridView1.Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lDeleteError + ex.Message); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lDeleteError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "ApagarDB"); con.Close(); } break; case "Item Venda": try { con.Open(); string deletar = "DELETE FROM item_venda"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(deletar, con); MySqlDataReader myreader; myreader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); MessageBox.Show(Config.lDelete, Config.lAlert); con.Close(); dataGridView1.Columns.Clear(); dataGridView1.Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lDeleteError + ex.Message); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lDeleteError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "ApagarDB"); con.Close(); } break; case "Funcionario": try { con.Open(); string deletar = "DELETE FROM employee"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(deletar, con); MySqlDataReader myreader; myreader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); MessageBox.Show(Config.lDelete, Config.lAlert); con.Close(); dataGridView1.Columns.Clear(); dataGridView1.Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lDeleteError + ex.Message); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lDeleteError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "ApagarDB"); con.Close(); } break; case "Erros": try { con.Open(); string deletar = "DELETE FROM systemerrors"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(deletar, con); MySqlDataReader myreader; myreader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); MessageBox.Show(Config.lDelete, Config.lAlert); con.Close(); dataGridView1.Columns.Clear(); dataGridView1.Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxResult.lDeleteError + ex.Message); errorQuery lerrorQuery = new errorQuery(); lerrorQuery.AddError(Principal.lUser, MessageBoxResult.lDeleteError, ex.Message.Replace("'", ""), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), "ApagarDB"); con.Close(); } break; } panel1.Visible = false; txtPassword.Visible = false; btnConfirm.Visible = false; label1.Visible = false; txtPassword.Text = string.Empty; } else { MessageBox.Show("Senha Incorreta", Config.lAlert); panel1.Visible = false; txtPassword.Visible = false; btnConfirm.Visible = false; label1.Visible = false; } }