Exemple #1
        private void AddIncomeToBasket(SpareInSpareIncomeView income)
            int SpareID = income.SpareID.Value;

            // если такой товар в корзине есть
            if (BasketItems.Where(x => x.SpareID == SpareID).Count() > 0)
                if ((decimal)SpareContainer.Instance.Remains.FirstOrDefault(i => i.id == SpareID).QRest.Value >
                                                    BasketItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SpareID == SpareID).Q)
                    BasketItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SpareID == SpareID).Q++;
                // если такого товара в корзине нет
                BasketView item = new BasketView();
                item.ID = BasketItems.Count + 1;

                // [CreatedOn]
                item.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;

                // [SpareID]
                item.SpareID = SpareID;

                // [Q]
                item.Q = 1;

                // [OfferingID] = income
                //item.OfferingInID = (dgIncomes.SelectedItem as SpareInSpareIncomeView).id;
                // [OfferingID] = outgo
                //TODO item.OfferingOutID
                decimal POutBasic = income.POutBasic.Value;
                DataAccess db = new DataAccess();

                spare_outgo outgo = db.SpareOutgoOpened();
                if (outgo == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Сначала укажите текущую открытую накладную!");
                if (outgo.currency == null)
                if (outgo.currency.code == CurrencyHelper.BasicCurrencyCode)
                    POutBasic = income.POut.Value;

                // [Pusd]
                item.Pusd = CurrencyHelper.GetPrice("USD", POutBasic);

                // [Peur]
                item.Peur = CurrencyHelper.GetPrice("EUR", POutBasic);

                // [Pbyr]
                item.Pbyr = CurrencyHelper.GetPrice("BYR", POutBasic);

                // [Prur]
                item.Prur = CurrencyHelper.GetPrice("RUR", POutBasic);

                // [SpareName]
                item.SpareName = income.SpareName;

                // [UnitID]
                item.UnitID = 1;

                // [SpareCode]
                item.SpareCode = income.SpareCode;

                // [SpareCodeShatem]
                item.SpareCodeShatem = income.SpareCodeShatem;

            // обновим грид
 private void OfferingAdd(int SpareID, decimal Q, decimal Pusd, string GroupName, string ParentGroupName)
     SpareInSpareIncomeView sisi = new SpareInSpareIncomeView();
     if (Income.currency == null)
     sisi.num = offerings.Count + 1;
     sisi.CurrencyID = Income.currency.id;
     sisi.description = "";
     sisi.Markup = 0;
     sisi.PIn = Pusd;
     sisi.PInBasic = Pusd;
     sisi.POut = Pusd;
     sisi.POutBasic = Pusd;
     sisi.QIn = Q;
     sisi.QRest = Q;
     sisi.S = Q * Pusd;
     sisi.SBasic = sisi.S;
     sisi.GroupName = GroupName;
     sisi.ParentGroupName = ParentGroupName;
     DataAccess db = new DataAccess();
     sisi.SpareID = SpareID;
     SpareView sv = db.GetSpareView(SpareID);
     sisi.SpareName = sv.name;
     sisi.SpareCode = sv.code;
     sisi.SpareCodeShatem = sv.codeShatem;
     sisi.BrandName = sv.BrandName;
     sisi.SpareIncomeID = Income.id;
     sisi.VatRateName = "0%";
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new SpareInSpareIncomeView object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="qIn">Initial value of the QIn property.</param>
 /// <param name="markup">Initial value of the Markup property.</param>
 /// <param name="id">Initial value of the id property.</param>
 public static SpareInSpareIncomeView CreateSpareInSpareIncomeView(global::System.Decimal qIn, global::System.Decimal markup, global::System.Int32 id)
     SpareInSpareIncomeView spareInSpareIncomeView = new SpareInSpareIncomeView();
     spareInSpareIncomeView.QIn = qIn;
     spareInSpareIncomeView.Markup = markup;
     spareInSpareIncomeView.id = id;
     return spareInSpareIncomeView;
 private void OfferingAdd(int SpareID)
     SpareInSpareIncomeView sisi = new SpareInSpareIncomeView();
     if (Income.currency == null)
     sisi.num = offerings.Count + 1;
     sisi.CurrencyID = Income.currency.id;
     sisi.description = "";
     sisi.Markup = 0;
     sisi.PIn = 1;
     sisi.PInBasic = 1;
     sisi.POut = 1;
     sisi.POutBasic = 1;
     sisi.QIn = 1;
     sisi.QRest = 1;
     sisi.S = 1;
     sisi.SBasic = 1;
     DataAccess db = new DataAccess();
     sisi.SpareID = SpareID;
     SpareView sv = db.GetSpareView(SpareID);
     sisi.SpareName = sv.name;
     sisi.SpareCode = sv.code;
     sisi.SpareCodeShatem = sv.codeShatem;
     sisi.BrandName = sv.BrandName;
     sisi.SpareIncomeID = Income.id;
     sisi.VatRateName = "0%";
     sisi.GroupName = db.GetSpareGroup(sv.GroupID).name;
     sisi.ParentGroupName = db.GetSpareGroup(sv.spare_group1_id.Value).name;
 /// <summary>
 /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the SpareInSpareIncomeViews EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet&lt;T&gt; property instead.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddToSpareInSpareIncomeViews(SpareInSpareIncomeView spareInSpareIncomeView)
     base.AddObject("SpareInSpareIncomeViews", spareInSpareIncomeView);