/// <inheritoc/> protected internal override void Initialize(int layoutIndex) { if (property.Type == SerializableProperty.FieldType.Vector3) { guiField = new GUIVector3Field(new GUIContent(title)); guiField.OnComponentChanged += OnFieldValueChanged; guiField.OnConfirm += x => { OnFieldValueConfirm(); StartUndo(x.ToString()); }; guiField.OnComponentFocusChanged += (focus, comp) => { if (focus) { StartUndo(comp.ToString()); } else { OnFieldValueConfirm(); } }; layout.AddElement(layoutIndex, guiField); } }
/// <inheritoc/> protected internal override void Initialize(int layoutIndex) { if (property.Type == SerializableProperty.FieldType.Vector3) { guiField = new GUIVector3Field(new GUIContent(title)); guiField.OnChanged += OnFieldValueChanged; guiField.OnConfirmed += OnFieldValueConfirm; guiField.OnFocusLost += OnFieldValueConfirm; layout.AddElement(layoutIndex, guiField); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new material parameter GUI. /// </summary> /// <param name="shaderParam">Shader parameter to create the GUI for. Must be of 3D vector type.</param> /// <param name="material">Material the parameter is a part of.</param> /// <param name="layout">Layout to append the GUI elements to.</param> internal MaterialParamVec3GUI(ShaderParameter shaderParam, Material material, GUILayout layout) : base(shaderParam) { LocString title = new LocEdString(shaderParam.name); guiElem = new GUIVector3Field(title); guiElem.OnValueChanged += (x) => { material.SetVector3(shaderParam.name, x); EditorApplication.SetDirty(material); }; layout.AddElement(guiElem); }
/// <summary> /// Destroys all inspector GUI elements. /// </summary> internal void Clear() { for (int i = 0; i < inspectorComponents.Count; i++) { inspectorComponents[i].foldout.Destroy(); inspectorComponents[i].removeBtn.Destroy(); inspectorComponents[i].inspector.Destroy(); } inspectorComponents.Clear(); if (inspectorResource != null) { inspectorResource.inspector.Destroy(); inspectorResource = null; } if (inspectorScrollArea != null) { inspectorScrollArea.Destroy(); inspectorScrollArea = null; } if (scrollAreaHighlight != null) { scrollAreaHighlight.Destroy(); scrollAreaHighlight = null; } if (highlightPanel != null) { highlightPanel.Destroy(); highlightPanel = null; } activeSO = null; soNameInput = null; soActiveToggle = null; soMobility = null; soPrefabLayout = null; soHasPrefab = false; soPos = null; soRot = null; soScale = null; dropAreas = new Rect2I[0]; activeResourcePath = null; currentType = InspectorType.None; }
/// <inheritoc/> protected internal override void Initialize(int layoutIndex) { if (property.Type == SerializableProperty.FieldType.Quaternion) { guiField = new GUIVector3Field(new GUIContent(title)); guiField.Value = quatValue.ToEuler(); guiField.OnValueChanged += OnFieldValueChanged; guiField.OnConfirm += x => OnFieldValueConfirm(); guiField.OnFocusLost += OnFieldValueConfirm; guiField.OnFocusGained += RecordStateForUndoRequested; layout.AddElement(layoutIndex, guiField); } }
/// <inheritoc/> protected internal override void Initialize(int layoutIndex) { GUILayoutX boundsLayout = new GUILayoutX(); centerField = new GUIVector3Field(new LocEdString("Center"), 50); sizeField = new GUIVector3Field(new LocEdString("Size"), 50); layout.AddElement(layoutIndex, boundsLayout); boundsLayout.AddElement(new GUILabel(new LocEdString(title), GUIOption.FixedWidth(100))); GUILayoutY boundsContent = boundsLayout.AddLayoutY(); boundsContent.AddElement(centerField); boundsContent.AddElement(sizeField); centerField.OnValueChanged += x => { AABox bounds = property.GetValue <AABox>(); Vector3 min = x - bounds.Size * 0.5f; Vector3 max = x + bounds.Size * 0.5f; RecordStateForUndoIfNeeded(); property.SetValue(new AABox(min, max)); state |= InspectableState.ModifyInProgress; }; centerField.OnConfirm += x => OnFieldValueConfirm(); centerField.OnFocusLost += OnFieldValueConfirm; centerField.OnFocusGained += RecordStateForUndoRequested; sizeField.OnValueChanged += x => { AABox bounds = property.GetValue <AABox>(); Vector3 min = bounds.Center - x * 0.5f; Vector3 max = bounds.Center + x * 0.5f; RecordStateForUndoIfNeeded(); property.SetValue(new AABox(min, max)); state |= InspectableState.ModifyInProgress; }; sizeField.OnConfirm += x => OnFieldValueConfirm(); sizeField.OnFocusLost += OnFieldValueConfirm; sizeField.OnFocusGained += RecordStateForUndoRequested; }
/// <summary> /// Creates GUI elements required for displaying <see cref="SceneObject"/> fields like name, prefab data and /// transform (position, rotation, scale). Assumes that necessary inspector scroll area layout has already been /// created. /// </summary> private void CreateSceneObjectFields() { GUIPanel sceneObjectPanel = inspectorLayout.AddPanel(); sceneObjectPanel.SetHeight(GetTitleBounds().height); GUILayoutY sceneObjectLayout = sceneObjectPanel.AddLayoutY(); sceneObjectLayout.SetPosition(PADDING, PADDING); GUIPanel sceneObjectBgPanel = sceneObjectPanel.AddPanel(1); GUILayoutX nameLayout = sceneObjectLayout.AddLayoutX(); soActiveToggle = new GUIToggle(""); soActiveToggle.OnToggled += OnSceneObjectActiveStateToggled; GUILabel nameLbl = new GUILabel(new LocEdString("Name"), GUIOption.FixedWidth(50)); soNameInput = new GUITextBox(false, GUIOption.FlexibleWidth(180)); soNameInput.Text = activeSO.Name; soNameInput.OnChanged += OnSceneObjectRename; soNameInput.OnConfirmed += OnModifyConfirm; soNameInput.OnFocusLost += OnModifyConfirm; nameLayout.AddElement(soActiveToggle); nameLayout.AddSpace(3); nameLayout.AddElement(nameLbl); nameLayout.AddElement(soNameInput); nameLayout.AddFlexibleSpace(); GUILayoutX mobilityLayout = sceneObjectLayout.AddLayoutX(); GUILabel mobilityLbl = new GUILabel(new LocEdString("Mobility"), GUIOption.FixedWidth(50)); soMobility = new GUIEnumField(typeof(ObjectMobility), "", 0, GUIOption.FixedWidth(85)); soMobility.Value = (ulong)activeSO.Mobility; soMobility.OnSelectionChanged += value => activeSO.Mobility = (ObjectMobility)value; mobilityLayout.AddElement(mobilityLbl); mobilityLayout.AddElement(soMobility); soPrefabLayout = sceneObjectLayout.AddLayoutX(); soPos = new GUIVector3Field(new LocEdString("Position"), 50); sceneObjectLayout.AddElement(soPos); soPos.OnChanged += OnPositionChanged; soPos.OnConfirmed += OnModifyConfirm; soPos.OnFocusLost += OnModifyConfirm; soRot = new GUIVector3Field(new LocEdString("Rotation"), 50); sceneObjectLayout.AddElement(soRot); soRot.OnChanged += OnRotationChanged; soRot.OnConfirmed += OnModifyConfirm; soRot.OnFocusLost += OnModifyConfirm; soScale = new GUIVector3Field(new LocEdString("Scale"), 50); sceneObjectLayout.AddElement(soScale); soScale.OnChanged += OnScaleChanged; soScale.OnConfirmed += OnModifyConfirm; soScale.OnFocusLost += OnModifyConfirm; sceneObjectLayout.AddFlexibleSpace(); GUITexture titleBg = new GUITexture(null, EditorStylesInternal.InspectorTitleBg); sceneObjectBgPanel.AddElement(titleBg); }
/// <inheritoc/> protected internal override void Initialize(int layoutIndex) { GUILayoutX boundsLayout = new GUILayoutX(); centerField = new GUIVector3Field(new LocEdString("Center"), 50); sizeField = new GUIVector3Field(new LocEdString("Size"), 50); layout.AddElement(layoutIndex, boundsLayout); boundsLayout.AddElement(new GUILabel(new LocEdString(title), GUIOption.FixedWidth(100))); GUILayoutY boundsContent = boundsLayout.AddLayoutY(); boundsContent.AddElement(centerField); boundsContent.AddElement(sizeField); centerField.OnValueChanged += x => { AABox bounds = property.GetValue <AABox>(); Vector3 min = x - bounds.Size * 0.5f; Vector3 max = x + bounds.Size * 0.5f; property.SetValue(new AABox(min, max)); state |= InspectableState.ModifyInProgress; }; centerField.OnConfirm += x => { OnFieldValueConfirm(); StartUndo("center." + x.ToString()); }; centerField.OnComponentFocusChanged += (focus, comp) => { if (focus) { StartUndo("center." + comp.ToString()); } else { OnFieldValueConfirm(); } }; sizeField.OnValueChanged += x => { AABox bounds = property.GetValue <AABox>(); Vector3 min = bounds.Center - x * 0.5f; Vector3 max = bounds.Center + x * 0.5f; property.SetValue(new AABox(min, max)); state |= InspectableState.ModifyInProgress; }; sizeField.OnConfirm += x => { OnFieldValueConfirm(); StartUndo("size." + x.ToString()); }; sizeField.OnComponentFocusChanged += (focus, comp) => { if (focus) { StartUndo("size." + comp.ToString()); } else { OnFieldValueConfirm(); } }; }
private static extern void Internal_create3(GUIVector3Field managedInstance, string style);
private static extern void Internal_create2(GUIVector3Field managedInstance, LocString labelText, string style);
private static extern void Internal_create0(GUIVector3Field managedInstance, ref GUIContent labelContent, string style);
private static extern void Internal_CreateInstance(GUIVector3Field instance, ref GUIContent title, int titleWidth, string style, GUIOption[] options, bool withTitle);
/// <summary> /// Creates GUI elements for fields common to all joints. /// </summary> protected virtual void BuildGUI(Joint joint, bool showOffsets) { this.showOffsets = showOffsets; targetField = new GUIGameObjectField(typeof(Rigidbody), new LocEdString("Target")); anchorField = new GUIGameObjectField(typeof(Rigidbody), new LocEdString("Anchor")); if (showOffsets) { targetOffsetField = new GUIVector3Field(new LocEdString("Target offset")); anchorOffsetField = new GUIVector3Field(new LocEdString("Anchor offset")); } breakForceField = new GUIFloatField(new LocEdString("Break force")); breakTorqueField = new GUIFloatField(new LocEdString("Break torque")); collisionField = new GUIToggleField(new LocEdString("Enable collision")); targetField.OnChanged += x => { joint.SetBody(JointBody.Target, (Rigidbody)x); MarkAsModified(); ConfirmModify(); }; anchorField.OnChanged += x => { joint.SetBody(JointBody.Anchor, (Rigidbody)x); MarkAsModified(); ConfirmModify(); }; if (showOffsets) { targetOffsetField.OnValueChanged += x => { joint.SetTransform(JointBody.Target, x, joint.GetRotation(JointBody.Target)); MarkAsModified(); }; targetOffsetField.OnFocusLost += ConfirmModify; targetOffsetField.OnConfirm += x => ConfirmModify(); anchorOffsetField.OnValueChanged += x => { joint.SetTransform(JointBody.Anchor, x, joint.GetRotation(JointBody.Anchor)); MarkAsModified(); }; anchorOffsetField.OnFocusLost += ConfirmModify; anchorOffsetField.OnConfirm += x => ConfirmModify(); } breakForceField.OnChanged += x => { joint.BreakForce = x; MarkAsModified(); }; breakForceField.OnFocusLost += ConfirmModify; breakForceField.OnConfirmed += ConfirmModify; breakTorqueField.OnChanged += x => { joint.BreakTorque = x; MarkAsModified(); }; breakTorqueField.OnFocusLost += ConfirmModify; breakTorqueField.OnConfirmed += ConfirmModify; collisionField.OnChanged += x => { joint.EnableCollision = x; MarkAsModified(); ConfirmModify(); }; Layout.AddElement(targetField); if (showOffsets) { Layout.AddElement(targetOffsetField); } Layout.AddElement(anchorField); if (showOffsets) { Layout.AddElement(anchorOffsetField); } Layout.AddElement(breakForceField); Layout.AddElement(breakTorqueField); Layout.AddElement(collisionField); }