private bool attachProfiler(int pid, string fileName)
            if (isProfilerLoaded(pid))
                throw new Exception("CLRProfiler is already loaded in the target process.");

            ProfConfig config = new ProfConfig();

            config.usage              = OmvUsage.OmvUsageNone;
            config.bOldFormat         = 0;
            config.szFileName         = fileName;
            config.bDynamic           = 0;
            config.bStack             = 0;
            config.dwSkipObjects      = 0;
            config.szClassToMonitor   = String.Empty;
            config.dwInitialSetting   = 0;
            config.dwDefaultTimeoutMs = maxWaitingTimeInMiliseconds;

            uint result = AttachProfiler(pid, "v4.", getProfilerFullPath(), ref config, noUI);

            profiledProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(pid);
            if (WaitForProcessToConnect(GetLogDir(), "Waiting for application to load the CLRProfiler", true, result) > 0)
 private static extern uint AttachProfiler(int pid, string targetVersion,
                                           string profilerPath, [In] ref ProfConfig profConfig, bool fConsoleMode);
        private bool attachProfiler(int pid, string fileName)
            if (isProfilerLoaded(pid))
                throw new Exception("CLRProfiler is already loaded in the target process.");

            ProfConfig config = new ProfConfig();
            config.usage = OmvUsage.OmvUsageNone;
            config.bOldFormat = 0;
            config.szFileName = fileName;
            config.bDynamic = 0;
            config.bStack = 0;
            config.dwSkipObjects = 0;
            config.szClassToMonitor = String.Empty;
            config.dwInitialSetting = 0;
            config.dwDefaultTimeoutMs = maxWaitingTimeInMiliseconds;

            uint result = AttachProfiler(pid, "v4.", getProfilerFullPath(), ref config, noUI);

            profiledProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(pid);
            if (WaitForProcessToConnect(GetLogDir(), "Waiting for application to load the CLRProfiler", true, result) > 0)
                return true;
                return false;